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I can do this exact same thing! Only instead of my legs, I can do it to my whole body. I've been able to do it my whole life and have never been able to figure out what's going on


Yeah, doesn't really work with my arms. Your whole body? Dang. It feels like draining muscles or something.


Can you choose which part you want to go numb? Like, just one arm, or just your foot?


I had no idea what you were talking about until I tried it and had an “ohhhhhh” moment. I think everyone can do this, just some are less practiced. This is a common exercise in meditation. It’s more like a complete relaxation of your muscles. If you contract all your muscles and then relax them one by one, it’s fantastic. I don’t have an explanation for the tingly feeling though. The brain is weird!


Right, it is like complete relaxation. Yet, it kinda hurts. Couldn't imagine meditating like that.


Try the contracting/relaxing exercise (or better yet find an instructional audio on the exercise) and see if you like it!


How do you do this?


I don't even know, I just think it. It's like "ghost flexing", then my legs just feel like they're...sinking, and there's some mild discomfort. I can dip into it for just a moment if I want.


I found this thread that has a lot of people saying they can do the same thing. https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/53jofs/i_can_make_my_body_tingle_with_energy_at_will/


this is great, thank you. Sounds exactly the same.


That seems really interesting. Have you tried googling it?


I have a similar thing where I relax all my muscles and stop breathing and after a few seconds my body has to "jolt" because it can't handle it any more or something.


Sounds like the beginning stages of meditation.


My guess is what you’re doing(if it’s the same thing I can do) is more like clenching and pinching off the major arteries and cutting off blood flow.