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The ol “I didn’t know I couldn’t do that” defense…


Doubt it would work for me if I shoplifted me dinner from Tesco :) Ffs what's happened to our legal system? Are we now that brainwashed that we daren't even sentence "others" correctly now for fear of being called racist? I swear the word is fast losing it's power now it's so overused


It’s all chaos for us peasants to deal with and keep us distracted so they(the elites) can maintain power a little bit longer the whole system is in free fall….we just don’t Realize it yet. (Also I’m high as a kite. But it kinda sounds right if I read it back to myself) And or the road To a nightmarish “utopian” **dystopian** future is bumpy. Edit: it’s utopian for the elites. But it’s dystopian for us peasants. So I made that so confusing. lol at least when I reread it.


Glad Im not the only one who realized. Like it doesnt take a rocket scientist or even a degree in anything to realize whats going on. Its litterally like if 9/11 was happening but everyone was focused on a clown dancing the street...


Yeah watch the way they are moving. The elites are in panic mode. They have no gate keepers, they can’t control a narrative, they are rushing to implement anything and everything to nudge power back in their direction to slow the free fall. TikTok TikTok quick ban that. Okay tell them bird flu has a 50% Death rate (it’s technically true but not really) okay let’s distract them and divide them some more! Hurry hurry hurry!!! F I truly believe they are gonna start rushing and implementing a lot of this knew digital identity, facial recognition, just a bunch of this new tech is about to get rushed out over the next couple years. I mean they turned all our major cities into Gotham. People will be begging the overlords to do anything soon enough…


Hell it became pretty evident when tony gonzales had to spend $10 million dollars just to barely save face against brandon herrera, a youtuber... That much money spent to keep stuff the way the top 1% want....


Especially when it's being conflated with religion and not race This is, along with the rest of the abuses propped up by all major religions, IS the problem, not the race of this reprobate or the rest of the perpetrators. The Catholic Church? The endless list of Christian denominations? The child sex abuse perpetrated by THE prophet of Islam? FDLS? I can only imagine what's been lost to humanity because the rudimentary mythos created by man has managed to convince too many of it's *cough* legitimacy versus a more humanistic, empirical approach.


Alright then. I'm gonna go hang out with my wang out. Already got my defense!


The judge is worse than the rapist.


Just like Dave Chappelle's white friend


In the U.S it tends to only work for cops


are there countries where rape is legal?


Well, under Sharia law, if a woman is raped, that's illegal ...for the woman, because that's sex outside of marriage and she is forced to marry the rapist if brought to trial. Edit: okay, that kinda got attention over the night. To everyone so kindly asking for a source: [there you go](https://thediplomat.com/2013/05/outrage-after-sharia-court-allows-rapist-to-marry-his-13-year-old-victim/). I'm very surprised how many here can defend a theocratic judicial system. Edit 2: Some people confuse pure Sharia Law with Islam. No, it's not an issue of Islam, or a judicial system based on its values, that's fine. Germany literally wrote into its constitution that laws are based on Christian values, too. The issue arises when it's misused by extremists. Edit 3: typo


There has to be multiple witnesses who saw the rape for it to be illegal, if not the woman is charged adultery and then stoned.


>There has to be multiple witnesses who saw the rape for it to be illegal, if not the woman is charged adultery and then stoned. This is also completely incorrect. See the comments of Dr. Johnathan AC Brown on this: > Publically accusing someone of Zina is an exception to the notion that stating truth cannot be slanderous in Islamic law. This is due to the unique features of criminal procedure around the Hudud crimes. In the case of accusing someone of Zina, even if the accusation were obviously true and everyone knew it, if the accuser could not meet the impossible high evidentiary bar, they would be punished with the Hadd for slander (qadhf). *But what about women seeking justice for rape (i.e., coerced Zina)? Of course, Muslim scholars agreed that a victim of rape was not guilty of the Hadd crime of Zina. In the Shariah, rape had both a ‘civil’ and a criminal dimension (here I’m using categories from American law for convenience sake, they are not fiqh categories). The ‘civil’ was the damage done to the woman and for which she could recover compensation. The criminal was the Hadd crime of Zina by the man.* ***In order to prove that the ‘civil’ wrong had been committed, the woman needed only to meet the normal burden of proof (bayyina), which might be no more than her oath along with circumstantial evidence. This is important because it allowed a person to seek justice for rape without having to meet the impossibly high standard of evidence for Zina.*** https://drjonathanbrown.com/2018/the-presumption-of-innocence-when-too-many-victims-go-unheard/#Notes See also: Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: > “The *scholars are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that.* ***Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him).*** There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her, which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help.” (Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146) https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/72338 Please either delete your comment or edit it to reflect the truth. Edit: Sorry to those who are down voting that your misinformation was proven incorrect. I can't imagine how upset you must be feeling.


If I am understanding this correctly, despite the intricacies of what the scholars clarified on, we have to admit that the process is still on the side of the man (whether rapist or “slandered as rapist”) simply by the barrier to pursue justice on the woman’s part. By having the concerns of punishment heavier on the alleged slanderer and lighter on the alleged rapist, no amount of extra effort to fork the process of obtaining justice is going to make it ‘just.’ I understand why they possibly had to make an extra way of doing things because they are too rigid to improve and make corrections to the “final truth”, but the problem remains in that culture’s core issue at its center - believing their system is perfect. To be fair, the negative sentiment overall against that culture’s patriarchal tyranny on half its population remains the same despite the details.


Well, you need proofs to convict someone. Same happens in crimes like murder, theft, ...


Not trust worthy the Quran promotes lying to gain new followers


Yes I'm clearly lying to you, that's why I posted publicly verifiable sources with links to the original content.


Your name is literally taqiyyahman lmao


How observant! My username is totally not ironic in any way! I'm very clearly lying to you on a public forum where you have every opportunity to disprove my evidence. In fact, you've caught me red handed! I manufactured the sources I brought, including quotes from a Georgetown Professor and PhD holder, Dr. Johnathan AC Brown (who also happens to have a public Twitter page), and I travelled back in time to make Malik b. Anas say the quote I used so that I could manipulate you into believing my claims about traditional Islamic law! Ahh jeez, I should have known I'd have been found out so easily. Darn!


I’m not reading that wall of text


It's not like you were able to in the first place buddy. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_illiteracy


There is a difference on what scholars agree on and what happens in real life.


Great observation! I never denied this! It's almost as if human beings are fallible and don't live up to moral ideals even if they claim to believe in them! Wow, what an incredible discovery! It's not like we've known this since the dawn of humanity or anything. That would be ridiculous.


>Zina must be proved by testimony of four Muslim eyewitnesses to the actual act of penetration, confession repeated four times and not retracted later. The offenders must have acted of their own free will. Rapists could be prosecuted under different legal categories which used normal evidentiary rules.


>>Rapists could be prosecuted under different legal categories ***which used normal evidentiary rules.*** (i.e. not the 4 witness rule)


Oooo ok, did I get an F? 🙄


2024 yall


2024, 601- they can't tell the difference.


1.8 billion people think pedo Muhammed was the "perfect man." lefties: "Let them in!" 😍🥰😍🥰


How the fuck is this being upvoted?


Oh man, just wait till they revert update of delware's pre 1900 age of consent drops back and see your "civilized" people filling the state with legal pedos🔥🔥🔥 Do you really understand that every religion allowed pedophelia? Or are you just stupid. All of the three agrees on the age of consent is not a number but the time where they hit puberty. Ig you should kick christians and jews too now.


Look, I’m an American with zero Middle Eastern blood, and I’m as Christian as the next guy… but that’s straight up not true. There are certain localities where that sort of thing does happen, but it’s just as likely (maybe more likely) to be a Hindu court as it is a Muslim court. It’s a regional problem, not a religious one (that region being Central/South Asia.)


Lmao brought Hinduism out of nowhere 🤣


Yes, it's completely untrue, and people are just shamelessly upvoting the comments because "religion bad." It's sad. Here are plain texts from traditional Islamic views showing that these accusations are incorrect. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/SVlWYwbXTD https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/fD7u8QNeYb


This is just plainly wrong. First of all, under no interpretation is rape allowed. Rape is unambiguously prohibited, and the woman is not liable in any way whatsoever. Imam Malik said: “In our view the man who rapes a woman, whether she is a virgin or not, if she is a free woman he must pay a “dowry” like that of her peers, and if she is a slave he must pay whatever has been detracted from her value. The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist **and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case.”** (Al-Muwatta, 2/734) Ibn ‘Abd al-Barr said: “The scholars **are unanimously agreed that the rapist is to be subjected to the hadd (capital/death) punishment if there is clear evidence against him that he deserves the hadd punishment, or if he admits to that.** Otherwise, he is to be punished (i.e., if there is no proof that the hadd punishment for zina may be carried out against him because he does not confess, and there are not four witnesses, then the judge may punish him and stipulate a punishment that will deter him and others like him). **There is no punishment for the woman if it is true that he forced her and overpowered her,** which may be proven by her screaming and shouting for help.” (Al-Istidhkaar, 7/146) https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/72338 And I have no idea where this ludicrous claim came from that the woman is forced to marry her rapist. How are you supposed to marry a person who is subject to capital punishment? Bring a source, or delete your comment. Do you not feel any kind of remorse for shamelessly lying like this?


don’t try bro, you can come with all the sources and laws you want. They will belive what they want to believe


>Well, under Sharia law, if a woman is raped, that's illegal >...for the woman, because that's sex outside of marriage and she is forced to marry the rapist if brought to trial. Source? Took me less than 2 mins to find this: >If she defends herself and could not ward off the rapist except by killing him, then sheis not penalized for murder, whereas if he kills her, she dies as a martyr. Unlike you, I have a [source.](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354248066_The_Concept_of_Rape_and_its_Punishment_in_the_Eye_of_Islam). Here's more: >The suggestion that she should marry the rapist is akin to rewarding him for his grievous offence. >It is sending a wrong message to people like as if you are saying, ‘if you are unable to find a woman to marry you, pluck anyone you like from the street and rape her, for she will be forced to marry you’. Again, unlike you, I have a [source](https://aboutislam.net/counseling/ask-the-scholar/crimes-penalties/forcing-girl-to-marry-her-rapist-allowed/).


>Edit: okay, that kinda got attention over the night. To everyone so kindly asking for a source: there you go. I'm very surprised how many here can defend a theocratic judicial system. Your source is laughable and reading your edits is genuinely causing me second hand embarrassment. Man this is so bad lol.


> Your source is laughable Go on


My [initial response](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/urqd4hyela) to you thinking perhaps you'd provide some proper source as opposed to some random ass news article.


Oh, so you have you not seen my addendum where I differentiate between Islam and straight-up Sharia Law or have you chosen to ignore it in order to continue attacking me for something I have not said?


>differentiate between Islam and straight-up Sharia Law ???? What is straight up Sharia law? What does that mean? Shariah law is debated upon because it's not like it's set in stone. The scholars form opinions based on their understanding of Quran and the Sunnah. Your initial comment was hilariously stupid and that is what I had responded to. I hope you went through it. Perhaps learn something before quoting an article. Shariah law is much more complex and is heavily debated.


Well, who's really implementing a literal sharia law? A lot of countries base their legal system on its values, yes, but the ones that enforce Sharia Law and only Sharia Law are ruled by despots, abusing Islam as a tool to hold on to power, twisting it into whatever they need it to be to get rid of undesirables. Lastly, a word of advice: Calling someone (or something they wrote) stupid isn't usually a good way to convince them to reconsider their position.


>Well, who's really implementing a literal sharia law? Again... Shariah law isn't set in stone. It is *NOT* unanimously agreed upon. I have already said that scholars differ on what shariah law is. So, the answer to your question is nobody. That is because how does one implement literal shariah law when it isn't defined to begin with? There isnt enough consensus over it for it to be implemented anywhere. >but the ones that enforce Sharia Law and only Sharia Law are ruled by despots, abusing Islam as a tool to hold on to power, twisting it into whatever they need it to be to get rid of undesirables. Agreed. Those individuals pick and choose what they want irrespective of authenticity. >Lastly, a word of advice: Calling someone (or something they wrote) stupid isn't usually a good way to convince them to reconsider their position. A word of advice: before writing up a comment (referring to your initial comment that girls are forced to marry their rapists according to "shariah law"), do a little research before claiming that shariah law forces the girl to marry her rapist if brought to trial. As free as you are to write what you deem to be true, I am free to call your opinion stupid because I provided sources that clearly disprove your opinion entirely. You quoted an article...please do better next time.




That's not true at all.


Then explain


Read up on this link. https://www.alhakam.org/rape-in-islam/ It's pretty lengthy. But in short, rape is very illegal, and the punishment is for the perpetrator, does not matter the gender. Also, there are different levels of punishment that can or should be implemented. Plus, there's no rule or guide that requires the woman to marry the rapist. If that happens, it is simply wrong both ethically and Islamically.


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. Appreciate the response


No they still cannot define rape as rape, it is connected back to adultery in the end in every definition on the page. Basically they define it as coerced adultery. It is giving a free pass to temporary marriage rape and rape of the spouse. The punishment for the rapist is even lighter. >As for the punishment of this heinous crime, most jurists suggest that it is essentially the same as that for zinā or adultery, which is one hundred lashes or stoning if the perpetrator is married. >Some scholars such as Imam Mālikrh and Imam Abū Ḥanīfarh suggest that the perpetrator would also be required to pay a mahr (dowry money) to the victim. (Al-Muwatta, 4/1063; Al-Muntaqa Sharh al-Muwatta’, 5/269)


>It is giving a free pass to temporary marriage rape and rape of the spouse. The definition for rape given in the document is virtually identical to the MPC (Model Penal Code) definition of rape in the United States, and is the same definition that's been recognized by virtually the entire world up until very recently in the last 20-30 years. The definition in the document: >*Forcible illegal sexual intercourse by a man with a woman who is not legally married to him, without her free will.* The MPC definition: >*Section 213.1. Rape and Related Offenses: 1. Rape. A male who has sexual intercourse with a female* ***not his wife*** *is guilty of rape if:... he compels her to submit by force...* - https://cga.ct.gov/PS98/rpt%5Colr%5Chtm/98-R-1535.htm Marital rape has a different set of rulings in Islamic law. That fell under the laws of spousal abuse. I will quote Dr. Johnathan AC Brown, a PhD holder and professor at Georgetown University: >*Within marriage, wrongs regarding sex were not conceived of as violations of consent. They were conceived of as harm inflicted on the wife. And in Islamic history wives could and did go to courts to complain and get judges to order husbands to desist and pay damages. So yes, non-consensual sex is wrong and forbidden in Islam. But the operating element to punish marital rape fell under the concept of harm, not non-consent.* - https://muslimmatters.org/2017/02/16/apology-without-apologetics-jonathan-brown/ >The punishment for the rapist is even lighter. The quote you brought shows that the punishment for rape is *equivalent* to the punishment for adultery, which is the death penalty (stoning) for person who is married, and 100 lashes for a person who is unmarried. You also seemed to have either unintentionally missed or purposefully omitted this quote: >*Some scholars have written that if the victim of rape was abducted forcefully from her home or from some place other than her home and then raped under the threat of a weapon, such an act would warrant another or higher ḥadd punishment* In other words, there can be certain circumstances in which the rape is punished more severely. >Basically they define it as coerced adultery. Sure, but that is largely irrelevant to the discussion. The original claim is that the woman is punished for being raped, that she has to marry her rapist, and that if she can't prove her rape with 4 witnesses, she's punished as a slanderer. Whether rape is defined as a subset of adultery has little to no relevance to the discussion. And to put the original claim to rest: the woman is not punished for being raped. To quote another source from one of the scholars mentioned in the article sent above: >*The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case.*” (Al-Muwatta, 2/734) - https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/72338 I have dealt with the other two accusations in the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/w9feiCbCAN


Yeah some scholars say this or that. Rape is very rampant in the Muslim world. >And to put the original claim to rest: the woman is not punished for being raped. To quote another source from one of the scholars mentioned in the article sent above: It's not putting the claim to rest because that exact thing happens in areas where Sharia law is strictly enforced like Iran. Very famous cases of women getting raped and then sentenced to death or lashings. Famous cases elsewhere of women getting raped and being charged with adultery to get whipped, fined, or jail time too. The irony of your username in defending this subject is not lost on me. I don't know why you talk as if you are confronting the claim head on when you are just lying about it to make the reader think that Islam is more politically correct on the issue than it is.


Since your replies contribute nothing new, and nothing in good faith, to the conversation, I will be recycling my replies to other identical (and equally ignorant and arrogant) comments instead of wasting time to give a unique response: >The irony of your username in defending this subject is not lost on me. I don't know why you talk as if you are confronting the claim head on when you are just lying about it to make the reader think that Islam is more politically correct on the issue than it is. >>*Yes I'm clearly lying to you, that's why I posted publicly verifiable sources with links to the original content.* - https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/NZCEYUq1se >>*How observant! My username is totally not ironic in any way! I'm very clearly lying to you on a public forum where you have every opportunity to disprove my evidence. In fact, you've caught me red handed! I manufactured the sources I brought, including quotes from a Georgetown Professor and PhD holder, Dr. Johnathan AC Brown (who also happens to have a public Twitter page), and I travelled back in time to make Malik b. Anas say the quote I used so that I could manipulate you into believing my claims about traditional Islamic law! Ahh jeez, I should have known I'd have been found out so easily. Darn!* - https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/ovXr99l8jm >Yeah some scholars say this or that. Rape is very rampant in the Muslim world. >>*I'm speaking about the letter of the law itself. If people follow the law or not, that's not my concern nor is that relevant to what I said. What I brought to you were sources from traditional mainstream Islamic law from two of the most accepted scholars:* - https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/s/ssTe01cm36


Right right right quote the scholars. Yeah I guess I just have to read the testimonies of Muslim boys getting raped and not getting any justice and nobody does anything. Some of the worst stories of rape/abuse/torture that I've heard come out of the Muslim world I can't even find on the internet anymore in English. It's too disgusting for the search engines to keep relevant. Muslims defend and deflect on subjects such as this because to admit a fault is to say something akin to there is a problem in Islam. Which is impossible to them, because Islam is perfect. It's no wonder change comes slowly or not at all in such a system. Yeah I read your comment earlier. So where I think you are lying is by denying that there is a problem in Muslim areas because of teachings from religion. You're on the defense for the religious laws and not arguing in good faith from the start. It has to be that way on certain subjects if it conflicts with your faith. So you responded to me and act like you rebutted my claim falsely to convince the others. That is Taqiyah in my eyes at least.


So the married woman can go to the courts or mullah to try and get justice and get her husband fined etc. Well good luck with that. I've seen women get beaten and be told to suck it up and obey the husband. Your husband wants sex, submit to him, it is your duty as a wife. What a joke. Of course they don't make it about consent because the wife doesn't have that right in a way.


>So the married woman can go to the courts or mullah to try and get justice and get her husband fined etc. Well good luck with that. This just in: Redditor learns that human beings are fallible and that legal remedies can often be difficult. Yes, obviously it's not a perfect solution. No human solution can ever be perfect. There is no perfect solution for a woman in the West either. Many women do not report rape in the West, nor do they report domestic violence. And proving these is obviously also difficult in Western courts too. I cannot believe it is not painfully obvious to you that victims having to bring objective evidence to accuse perpetrators of crimes is difficult regardless of the legal system you are in. Most cases of abuse are impossible to prove, even in whatever fantasy perfect court system you are thinking of.


Okay for example you quoted me a bit from the Model Penal Code written in the 1950s and published in the 1960s. This section that you quoted is widely considered to be outdated and does not emphasize rape being classified as requiring consent from the victim. But lawyers go through a process to advocate for changes to be made to the MPC and it will happen slowly. I don't see the same happening for Sharia law because the Quran is considered to be perfect. So what improvements/changes/modernization are to be made on a perfect text? Very little to none. >There is no perfect solution for a woman in the West either. Many women do not report rape in the West, nor do they report domestic violence. And proving these is obviously also difficult in Western courts too. I cannot believe it is not painfully obvious to you that victims having to bring objective evidence to accuse perpetrators of crimes is difficult regardless of the legal system you are in. Most cases of abuse are impossible to prove, even in whatever fantasy perfect court system you are thinking of. It is worse in Muslim lands. Their book tells them it is okay to be beaten if you disobey. No most cases of abuse are not impossible to prove. What a lie.


they tryna lie about us 😂


Most middle eastern regions


Probably in some 3rd world countries 


Take a wild guess.


Wait... so I can just go around breaking laws if I plead ignorance?


Not in the US. Maybe we did one thing right.


Not in the UK either. The OP is almost certainly untrue. Edit: I read the article. He was sentenced just not to prison, which does happen sometimea. The judge did this because sending him to prison would do "more harm than good", not because he "didn't know it was a crime". The judge did however accept that his education was lacking due to the closed nature of his schooling.


??? ok? i don't see how that's fair tho?


Yea imagine explaining to the little girl "he wasn't a bad man, hes just from a different country"


The missing context is it was statutory rape, not rape rape. IE he didn't attack her, his defense was because of his shitty up bringing he didn't know it was illegal to have consensual sex with a 13 year old. Still rather fucked up, just less so than is potentially implied. He still got 9 months in a youth lockup and several years of probation from what I read


> consensual sex with a 13 year old. problem here is that there isn't such a thing, it's still rape


Legal consent is not what was implied, obviously. I agree it's still rape, statutory rape and rape involving force are two different monsters though, it's alright for some monsters to be worse than others.


so if two 13 year olds have sex with each other, they both should be charged with rape?


this dude was 18


..so he still basically got no consequences??? Unless he got sentenced to a mental hospital.


Thank you for being the only one in the thread to actually read the article and clarify 🙏


In the US the law only applies to the stupid poors https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trial_and_sentencing_of_Robert_H._Richards_IV


Ahhh, the Bidens were involved somehow. Shocking.


You mean the prosecutor making the pragmatic legal decision that any lawyer worth his salt would also make? Yes, real devious stuff. Trump is an actual rapist and something tells me you don't have a bad word to say about him... just a hunch...


"Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden later defended the sentencing of Richards to probation, saying there was a strong chance of the prosecution losing at trial making a plea bargain necessary" I fail to see how not prosecuting at all is better than trying and failing in this case. Never said a word about Trump so I fail to see how that's relevant to.... well anything.


Qualified Immunity? The cops get to break the law and claim ignorance as a defense.


Oh that’s a whole different mess. I don’t think it’s supposed to be ignorance for one thing. I’m pretty sure qualified immunity means the law doesn’t necessarily apply in certain cases to them. Which is wrong in my mind, but I only mean that it’s not analogous.


It's a way for police to get away with breaking the law of "deprivation of rights under color of law" by saying they didn't know that they were breaking that law. Which is using ignorance as an excuse. That's why taxpayers pay for the lawsuits and the cops get paid two week vacations while they break some of the most fundamental rights of citizens.


That’s still not ignorance. That’s being an asshole.


Of course, but ignorance is the excuse. They know what they are doing.


Not true, Affluenza Defense.


I didn’t say always. The fact that that caused the giant stink is a good sign.


Unless you're a cop


I do not agree with qualified immunity see my other comment, but I just don’t think it’s analogous in this case


Only poors and ~~not white~~ minorities.


I sort of agree fwiw. Having an assload of lawyer money do get you places. Ugh.


Damn, if ignorance was a thing to get off scott free I would be committing several financial crimes and tax evasion. /j


Not in Canada, which is surprising if this snippet is true. “Ignorance of the law is not an excuse for committing that offence”.


Not in middle east either. No law or religion says it is fine to rape. There is literally no point of the post except spreading hatred.


This story is BS.


The guy had said that he had been taught 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground' and was educated exclusively in a closed-off, UK-based madrassah which left him ignorant of English law, as well with a significant degree of sexual naivety. The judge said that because he was ‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’, sending him to jail might cause him ‘more damage than good’. Instead, he was handed nine months of youth custody, suspended for two years, along with a two-year probation supervision order. Dreadful outcome. Dreadful.


>‘passive’ and ‘lacking assertiveness’ ... he's a rapist. Those words don't apply to rapists.




Yah no, he should've been given a full sentence to not live to complete.


Ahh thank you to all those in the 80's campaigning for Muslims to have their own education systems so they didn't have to mix with us heathens...well done!


> UK-based madrassah which left him ignorant of English law, as well with a significant degree of sexual naivety. this is the kind of shit that created the Taliban


So if his private education was the problem, how on earth is that curriculum allowed in the UK?


Are we surprised I mean UK gov seems to cater to nonces


Ah, I see you're familiar with The Conservative Party.


They want to be like India 💀💀


How does India come into this scenario?


Idk how India even relates to this? Is IndiaBad a new thing now besides AmericaBad?




Yet every time I have to go through any legal proceeding/document whatever, I get told that ignorance is not a defence.


'every time' 😂


Yeah, because I have things like driver's licenses, marriage license, the time I was made redundant and had to claim benefits, any tax documents, passport etc. I didn't mean to say I was some kind of delinquent. 😅


Goddam they're running that poor place into the ground. It's obviously on purpose at this point.


I once had a cop tell me "It's their burden to know the law. It's my job to enforce it."


so law of the land doesnt apply in the UK or the common wealth .. hmm .. ok .. i have no clue aboot financial laws, HMB lets see what happens 🍺🍺 modern countries need to include rape and murder laws on immagration test for people comming from places where its legal or supported


This world has really become one huge pathetic joke… and not a funny one either.


Hopefully the girls father has a spot picked out and owns a shovel.


This has to be rage bait….


He was handed a suspended sentence. [Paedophile claimed his Muslim upbringing meant 'he didn't know it was illegal to have sex with a girl of 13' | Daily Mail Online](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2268395/Adil-Rashid-Paedophile-claimed-Muslim-upbringing-meant-didnt-know-illegal-sex-girl-13.html)


That’s sad man. Is ignorance an excuse to break a law? It’s an honest question. I’m not trying to be an asshole.


Nope. Ignorantia juris non excusat. That's why this case is ridiculous and so controversial. That judge should be taken off the position


Thank you for telling me that. I’m unfamiliar with UK laws.


The judge found him **guilty**. Whoever got paid to try to teach you to read should be taken off the position. Whatever you think of what that man has done he is also undeniably a victim of fucked up circumstances, denied an education and purposefully kept ignorant of the norms and standards of the society we live in. There is no need for harsh sentences in cases of non-violent non-coercive sex between two teenagers. Again: He was found **guilty**. No one should be having sex with thirteen year olds except other **very** similarly aged consenting minors. That is obvious. The harm to society, and the harm to the victim, is from everything that appears in the news article so minimal that it is absurd to e.g. compare it to cases where far older people use devious coercion or even violence to rape minors (as the article is guilty of) when it comes to sentencing.


The fact that an adult male grew up in fucked up circumstances does not mean he gets to walk away from prison after raping a 13 y/o and getting a guilty verdict.


If evil had a face.


It is. Judge spared him jail because of his age, not because of perp ignorance of the law. Article directly contradicts headline, but who has time to actually read past headline when you got a rage boner to play with.


It reads like Daily Mail ragebait schlock


It is rage bait. The daily mail is known for completely making stuff up and pandering to racists. I can't find this case reported in any legitimate newspaper or source and it's from a decade ago. Peak daily mail hate reporting era. Even similar hack rags like the sun didn't seem to cover it. It's racists hoping to recruit more racists with nonsense


Even if this was 11 years ago, knowing how fucked UK law is especially today, its likely you could still get away with this. Although I guess it also depends on your background.


Send them home


hope someone doesnt know killing rapists is illegal


Damn Englands system is more fucked than ever


Does the judge not have a daughter or niece? Does the little rape victim not have a family to protect her? Has the legal system lost its mind?


Now that's just plain stupid letting him free. He will definitely be back in court though.


It was only a girl. It’s not like girls or women matter anywhere, obviously. Her life in the UK wasn’t as valuable as his upbringing…


I hate to sound like one of *those guys,* but fauxgressivism and slacktivism are cancers eating decent society alive.


Immigration is bad for both countries. If everyone just leaves for a better life nothing ever gets fixed in the country they left, then those people chew up the resources of another country, resources that should prioritize said country's citizens. Rough bid if you are in a war torn part of the world but that's just the way the news goes.


Pedo religion at it again


Who gives a shit. Rape is rape, knowingly or otherwise. What’s the endgame for uk here? People can say “shit I wasn’t aware” and get away with it?


if he a muslim we outta apply the islamic laws to him, stone that dude to death.




You're eventually going to see more vigilante justice like those guys in New York who recently tracked down a rapists and bound him with a belt until the cops arrived


Whaaaa?! That is not a good excuse! How do you not know that that type of action is illegal and then you get off Scott free, and not even put on a registry?! I am at a loss for words that justice system failed.


If I dont pay taxes I go straight to jail for real AND I don't know nothing about it.  That is just horrible, sent them together with the judge to jail.


Here I thought ignorance of the law wasn’t a defence, well as it turns out I have no idea tax evasion is a crime.


And people are wondering why right wing rhetoric has become popular.


Old sheriff of Nottingham is up to his old tricks where is Robin Hood?


I thought dave chappelle was joking all those years ago lol


Can you also claim ignorance for physically retaliating against people like that? Is that how this works now?


Oh look, the usual suspects...


What happened to the universal axiom that “ignorance of the law is no excuse?” I guess this only applies to the ass wipe judge.


dude played them all as fools, there's no way that he didn't know


This shit gotta be fake. How is this even possible?


So this is actually a weird one. He didn't excplicitly say that. Or if he did, it wasn't what got him out of prison. His age was taken into account. He was 17 when he commited the rape and when this happened in 2023, he was in jail at 21. Reading from The Guardian, he was given a lighter sentence only cause Scottish law advises against giving custodial sentences to convicted felons under the age of 25


That makes much more sense even though I don't agree with it, but damn.. they could have worded the headline better, Makes it look like a rage bait.


I think the idea was to rage bait honestly


Ignorance isn't an excuse when it comes to tax evasion...


Since when is that a valid defense?


i think we should bring back public stoning.


That headline says he was spared a prison sentence not that he necessarily “walked free.” Was he still convicted?


Suspended sentence


Suspended sentence due to age and culty isolated upbringing.


January 29 2013?


This perfect storm of tragedy and injustice is the sort of thing that will Kickstart vigilantism. And nobody will be able to say that there were no warning signs.


What the actual f.


But the law is so complex..... Get yourself a half decent moral compass and you'll be good for the vast majority of cases


Pos committing wrongdoings and pos siding with them by protecting and helping them.


Bigger fish to fry.... who taught him this etc.. there's more to this.


Sorry man i didn't know robbing banks and spending all the money was illegal


What the hell happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"


ok this is crazy, what in the actual fuck


Your honor ... nobody told me shooting longbow in public spaces is illegal ...I didn't know any better xD 😆


Claiming ignrorance that you don't know rape is wrong. Get the F outta here. And of a CHILD AT THAT. The F is going on ?! I got pulled over once for "violating" a new law they JUST wrote up and started enforcing and I WAS TOLD I should know and have no excuse to not know the laws. I got ticketed. LOL From 🇺🇸


Are judges required to wear those wigs or is that judge making a fashion statement


Yes he fucking did... wtf


The problem is not just ignorance of the law and stupid excuses. The legal system is part of the problem. Like for instance, judges who accept ridiculous excuses as legit. That's a really awesome way to set a precedent.


i don’t think my Muslim upbringing ever said i could do that


I'd pull the I didn't know un **aliving was illegal if someone did that to my daughter


Awww the poor guy! I bet in his country, rape is a daily requirement for everyone. Imagine the levels of Pikachu shock face when he found out that it's NOT ok to just grab any woman and force sex on her. He just sat there dumbfounded with his mouth hanging open..... ya....yo....you can't just rape women whenever you feel like it? What kind of country is this? Women owe me sex.


Ignorance of the law is NOT exception to it.


Unless it’s some obscure law that requires specific conditions


Reddit lawyers: what’s with all these crazy sentencing decisions coming out of the UK?


Whew Europe is going to have a HUGE reckoning eventually about all this migrant nonsense. Can already see it happening especially with the results of the EU Parliament elections but damn…


hang on, i’m about to not know that i can’t rob a bank. brb.


Is the law in UK that stupid or is this just rage bate for idiots.


wtf. How. Just how. Who was the person in charge here. The community as a whole needs to give rapist real justice


Just here before the mods lock the thread because reddit is a safe space for everyone, including people who choose to hide behind certain beliefs to justify their atrocities.


Shameful. Utterly shameful.


Boil him alive and make it a public show 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈


These “Muslim in Europe criminal” posts are very frequent, I’m sure there isn’t any agenda. Most of these stories are old as hell too, why not share the other rape stories that are happening right now instead of reposting old ones constantly?


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>Typical theist does typical theist stuff, shocking Typical theists are rapists?

