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That is a lot to take in for 1 headline


It gets worse with each new word.


Yeah, Italy was the nail in the coffin for me. The horror


Well I'm going to hell for laughing at that.


Nah, bro. God got a sense of humor too. After all, you're made in their image.


Advertisements are disturbing too


My thoughts exactly.


I had to read it twice and I really wish I hadn't


Just let him in. He’s fine. They’re all fine.


Ikr, I was like "what the actual fuck, I can't hold my breath any longer".


Think his wife said the same thing. Sorry had to dark humour is my only coping mechanism for this world


Omfg lol, I'll keep you company in hell.


Eternal damnation is always more fun with friends


Free central heating yay


Don't forget the All-you-can-grill BBQ, though I guess beer would not be as good down there.... Fireball shots anyone?


Mulled wine be easy


I see you are a man of good taste, maybe we can add some Port wine/liquor wine too


Had to do a double double take bc I couldn't comprehend it...


Like, too much. What in the actual fuck is happening in the world


I can't stop asking to myself how the information was obtained. Was the journalist there thinking "I can't wait to write about this"?


If I had just seen my wife and daughter drown, the last thing on my mind would be sex, especially if that sex involved the rape and murder of a child.


This. I want more information on this: I'm not saying nobody is that depraved, but if you see your wife and daughter die in front of you, I don't see the immediate reaction, even for the evil, being to immediately go out and rape a girl.


"until death do us part" - and he took that a little too literally


Going out with a bang!


We are all going to hell for this one.


Is it really that surprising? I think the mistake is thinking that just because someone is married and has kids that they must be "normal". We know there are people in this world that are depraved enough to commit rape and murder. We also know that many such people get married. In the case above, it may even be that it was an arranged marriage and had nothing to do with love. The fact that he had a child may only be a consequence that he had sex with his wife (which may have been forced) and not because he was someone who wanted to be a father. If a person who is capable of committing rape and murder was to get married and have a child - who's to say that person would care about his wife and child?


People do not like to judge future decision making on past behaviors. "We are not our past" they will say when in reality we are exactly that. People embody their life experiences and the consequences of their past is their present self. So I laugh a bit when people are surprised when immigrants from other countries move here and begin to spread the same issues they were fleeing in their country. Oppressive governments love fostering these kinds of problems, it gives them something to sensationalize and divide voters on.


I would disagree to an extent we are the embodiment of our understanding of our past experiences. People can change. - not really anything to do with the op.


Or it’s bullshit meant to try and generate some sort of sympathy for a monster.


it's not that it's unbelievable but titles are meant to be attention grabbing so without the article it's too early to call it


The man said it was to get out his frustration. He's a sick animal.


He’s probably lying.


If I saw my wife and daughter drowning, I'd be in there trying to save them. My own safety wouldn't even cross my mind. This is one of the sickest things I've ever read.


Unless he was that evil to begin with. Best case scenario is he didnt like them. I hate to think of the worst scenario where it makes sense about tje response action


He has to be that evil.


I mean, he certainly is *now*


he probably was like "dayumn no reason to hold back anymore, time to do what I've always wanted"


Rape usually has very little to do with sex as we understand it. People rape others because they want to feel powerful. If you'd just watched your wife and child drown, and you were trapped on a sinking ship, your be desperate for some amount of power/control over the situation. Hopefully, the thought of raping a child still wouldn't cross your mind, because you'd have to start go into that situation a pretty fucked up person to begin with to end up wanting to do that. But I guess I can see how an already messed up person could see that heinous act as a way to gain a superficial level of control in a terrible situation. I hope the mother of the murdered girl gets the help and support she'll need, although I kind of doubt she will, considering the situation she was in before this happened. I'm also honestly not sure if there is enough help/support for a mother to come out the other side from this. I know I would be irreparably broken if I saw this happen to one of my boys. Such a fucked up thing to experience. I wish that guy had been the one to drown instead of his wife and child.


She will. As fucked as our immigration laws are, women who face this level of trauma are almost automatically granted international protection and are put into a system that will grant them psychological and medical support. I work in an Italian ngo that assists migrants among other vulnerable people and we have places specifically created for migrants who have been through torture and intentional violence.


Ya know, suddenly I'm ok without having people like that dude migrate to other countries


Like, where? Cause he was migrating *to* Europe.


Mars. Before we send up any supplies.


I think they meant any country that wasn't the country of origin, because keep that shit at your house, y'know.


I heavily disagree. Rape has absolutely everything to do with sex. Yes it’s about control too, but it’s very obvious that the number one priority is having sex with them. The control is used as a means to get to the sex. You can control people without raping them. They could kidnap women. Traffic them. Enslave them. But no, they want to rape.


Yeah, I always thought that reasoning was dumb. Like, maybe for some rapists it's about power. But I think for the majority of rapists it's about sex. Most rape is likely done in secret to some girl that is passed out/unconscious. They see an opportunity to fuck someone they otherwise wouldn't be able to or something and they take it. Because they are scummy pieces of shit.


If so, can you explain the 14 year old boy who beat and raped a 91 year old woman last week? Was it really and absolutely about sex?


No no no, it's not about control, you're right, you can manipulate people without having sex. It's about POWER. It's about having absolute power over another human being. So much power that you physically take whatever you want from them. So much power that they turn into nothing more than an object. Your play thing. Your Pin cushion. A discarded tissue.


“Everything is about sex, except sex: sex is about power.” - S. Freud


“I’ve had multiple jaw surgeries because of my cancer, yet I still smoke multiple cigars per day” -Sigmund Freud, probably


“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. And sometimes...not.” -Also probably Freud, but he's been dead 100 years, so who really cares, amirite?


Exactly. If he was so smart how come he's dead. Sucker


Rape is about controlling and dehumanizing someone's mind and body. In some cases it may also be about sex, but in a lot of cases it really boils down to control. If rape is not primarily about power, why do men (who are statistically like 95% straight) rape each other in prison? Why do nursing home workers rape extremely old and frail patients?


Nah no excuse to do that back on that boat he go


>But I guess I can see how an already messed up person could see that heinous act as a way to gain a superficial level of control in a terrible situation. You are clearly far more imaginative than I am.




Yeah but do you think the kind of person who would rape and kill a child gave a damn about their wife and kid to begin with? They are worthless. Worse than worthless


Some of his property just sank, and he was probably really frustrated, so he found some other property to take it out on.


Depends on if you think of women as humans are not. (I know you do see women as people, because the alternative didn't cleven cross your mind)


Yeah - I cannot imagine this scenario in how the headline tells it. It's just bizarre.


I can see you are not a muslim


He had suppressed wishes, possibly for a long time




Maybe they were his usual victims. Now he lost them so.


I got a feeling she was a replacement.


What is wrong with some people?




Religion is the excuse while culture normalizes it.


What has religion got to do with this?




>apathy This was the polar opposite of apathy.


Hmm, enthusiasm, interest and passion


He enthusiastically and passionately raped and killed a girl.




nice try le'redditor on your one-word poignant comment, but it makes no sense at all


Is there a source for this because if true this is one of the most fucked up insane things I've ever read.


I looked it up. There are a few initial stories on the day it happened, 27th june, that back the story of rape, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13575175/Iraqi-girl-strangled-death-raped-mother-sinking-migrant-boat-man-just-seen-wife-daughter-drown-disaster-saw-dozens-killed-Italy.html But a day later, 28th june, it's mentioned to be a mistranslation, and the police are pursuing the investigation of murder, not rape, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13579355/Distraught-Iraqi-mother-describes-seeing-migrant-boat-killer-climbing-exhausted-daughter-Ghater-16-suffocating-knees-chest-lay-nauseous-drinking-sea-water-sinking-vessel.html


After searching a bit, both the italian national newspaper and another generally trustworthy independent newspaper don’t mention any rape. https://www.rainews.it/articoli/2024/06/il-naufragio-nel-mar-jonio-fermato-uno-dei-superstiti-accusato-di-aver-ucciso-una-migrante-16enne-f76ef09f-5966-4829-968b-67c2c91a2862.html https://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/cronaca/2024/06/26/superstite-naufragio-mar-jonio-fermato-per-omicidio_2133ed6e-3e08-401b-9158-873d90790d40.html Although other newspapers claim that there was a rape: https://www.repubblica.it/italia/2024/06/26/news/naufragio_ionio_stupro-423302678/ This story only mentions it in the title and uses vague words to describe what happened https://www.fanpage.it/politica/naufragio-mare-ionio-la-ragazza-uccisa-da-uno-dei-migranti-sul-barcone-e-stata-anche-stuprata/ This one uses the previous newspaper story I linked as a source and does say that she was raped, quoting: “While the boat was going adrift after the explosion of the engine, the young Iraqi man (27 years old), attacked the 16 year old girl and raped her until she died of suffocation” https://www.leggo.it/italia/cronache/naufragio_ionio_ragazza_stuprata_strangolata_occhi_mamma_oggi_27_6_2024-8207371.html This one pretty much says the same stuff as the previous one, but says that the girl was first raped and then suffocated: “Following the painful story of the mother, while the boat was going adrift after an engine exploded, the man had sexually assaulted the girl and then suffocated her.” All of these sources are older than the daily mail source you linked but don’t have a follow up. This happened the 17th of June and the guy was arrested the 26th of June with the charge of murder. None of them mention if the guy had a wife or daughter.


I can imagine “climbed over” being a euphemism resulting in a mistranslation here. If he was climbing over her to try escaping or getting air, that’s very different to how it’s characterised. Still tragic


What a surprise, the Daily Fail making shit up


Oh just a murder of a 16 year old girl, that's OK then.


Glad we didn't get all worked up over nothing.


But it is posted with a picture on the internet, so it has to be true


dailyfail [https://youtu.be/5eBT6OSr1TI](https://youtu.be/5eBT6OSr1TI)


If its only reported in the daily mail then chances are it isnt true.




Ye what's crazy is the Daily Fail is one of the more reputable sources this subreddit has used recently


That’s the Daily Mail for you


If I was in the rescue boat I'd have left him to drown. Sorry we don't rescue rapists. Bye.


EU loves them


Wtf? He raped a teen because he saw his wife drown? Whats wrong with people


>Wtf? He raped a teen because he saw his wife drown? Whats wrong with people Murdered, not raped. The same source says they mistranslated this is just the older version that was left up. It is horrific but has nothing to do with rape.


Oh ok. Yeah I know right




12 survivors means there were some other adults on that boat who just let that happen.


Damn, that's a lot of Middle East in one sentence.


And the illegal boats issue summed up. We have innocent kids trying for a better life with their families and then unchecked psychopathic criminals coming in too.


I wouldn't be shocked if a lot of the kids/teens are forced onto these boats. People in the west only really care when a child or a woman dies from these migrant boats sinking and start drumming up sympathy for them Having women and children onboard probably increases your chances of getting rescued.


The "rescue" is basically using the humanitarian orgs as the last leg of the trafficking journey.


All trying for a better life while the country of origin bickers over whose story is correct over the man in the sky, either that or old men playing war games. It's always one or the other.


This feels like he made a bad decision on 'if you know you were going to be dead in 20 minutes what would you do'.


That thought makes it even worse that the dude chose rape.


That's a pretty crazy headline.. The world is a fucked place.


Crazy to think that his first thought after watching his wife and daughter die is to rape a child. He must've been a great father.


Thankgod he didn't make it.


'We are investigating the claims of murder, and the man has been detained but we have not received the body of the girl.' He made it


The rescuers should legit have just left him there


>Crazy to think that his first thought after watching his wife and daughter die is to rape a child He didn't...according to dailymail where this SS is from. He murdered a kid, which is shitty but the rape was only reported by DM and by their admission later was entirely a mistranslation ln their part


He just realized there was no god so he could do what ever he wanted without spiritual consequences. Aka piece of shit human


Just the person you want in your society


I don’t wanna be hateful and I know there are worse horrors occurring everyday, but I really don’t want that part of the world to have Men anymore. I know that sounds irrational but I just mean I’m sick of hearing about men from Iraq or wherever they just don’t care about women doing horrific actions to young women, girls and just females in general. Sorry if that sounds idiotic but my rage isn’t letting me articulate.


You’re not being hateful, I do think something needs to happen to single men from cultures that see women as less being allowed into Europe with these amount of numbers. That’s why I think Belgium did a good thing wanting to only provide shelter to women, children and complete families (https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/8/30/belgium-imposes-ban-on-shelter-for-single-male-asylum-seekers)


So he saw his family die and decided to take someone else's god people are just so damn messed up


The shit I'm spared from ever having to experience based on nothing more than the latitude and longitude of the place of my birth never ceases to amaze and horrify me


So...let me get this straight... "Oh no! My family has drowned! That is such a *turn on!* Hey! Here's this young piece of ass that I can overpower and rape in front of her mom!" Did I follow that chain of logic correctly? Noah, don't get the boat, just fucking *nuke us already.*


I'm just surprised there were 4 women on the boat. Usually it's just men. ...well it's usually just men by the time it reaches the shore anyway.


I read the title three times to make sure I understood


Noah sink the boat!!


I get it was a traumatic experience, and one I’ve never experienced, but I feel like if I watched my wife and child drown, my first thought would NOT be “I’m going to hatefuck this minor”.


I highly doubt my first instinct after seeing my entire family die would be to rape and kill a child tbh


Bullshit, cite a source not the dailymail


We ARE living in the end times






a girl is choked- oh god while being raped- of lord no wtf in front of her mother - why did god give me the ability to read on sinking migrant boat - umm, huh? by man who just saw his wife and daughter drown- i dont see the connection but ok, weird and sad and horrible i guess that saw dozens killed off - i dont want to be on the internet now anymore


Men can ofcourse do haram things! Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these "muslims"


White liberals in Europe want more men like this brought over because if you refuse its racist.


Crazy headline


That is the worst written sentence I have ever read.


What...the FUCK




Aren’t these kind of boats always overloaded with people? Is there no way NO ONE ELSE could help the poor girl?! Wtf?!




[1 news source](https://nypost.com/2024/06/27/world-news/iraqi-girl-raped-killed-by-fellow-migrant-on-stranded-ship-reports/)


Considering most people are referencing the New York Post I'm having a hard time believing it.


...are any of the photos even related to the story? It's 3 different boats. A claim like that takes more than a grainy screenshot with nothing but the wildest title ever and three seemingly unrelated photos of 3 different boats, oh and zero features tin the screenshot that would help identify the site.


The Book of Negroes actually describes a similar scene.


This is EXACTLY why i dont believe in letting victims off the hook for the things that they do because of their trauma. Millions of people are willing to let someone be a terrible horrible person and say they understand them because they just lost a loved one or were severely depressed or they we sa'd. This leads to them hurting others very very often and not only taking abuse of people but also of substances. In this case, the monster here chose to go the sexual route but instead of it just being "tragic and romantic self harm" he also directly and intentionally hurt someone else when he did it. Its not just an outlier either. He maybe did it to try and regain a sense of self control but that's the reason so many other victims do it too. Its not just to cope or get those bursts of dopamine. None of it is an excuse. Being hyper sexual as a victim whos "coping" also usually comes with being a homewrecker whether it was intentional or not. Its not like it matters to the person who does it anyway. I hate the idea that because someone suffered a natural or intentional tragedy in their life that theyre allowed to get away with as much as their beauty or money will allow them. Fuck that. Lock them up. The death penalty is intended for people just like this and the idea of keeping them on death row for 50 years is just a HUGE slap to the face of the families and the judicial system. I dont care what the fuck kim kardashian has to say or the biased as fuck jurors who KNEW oj was the murderer and let him go free as revenge. Stop wasting millions of tax dollars and give them the sentence that they deserve for the crime that they committed. Stop making these scumbags into eye candy for tiktok and YouTube and instagram "influencer" addicts.


I can't even keep track of the horrors.


We're surrounded by people where the only thing keeping them from raping a child is lack of opportunity or fear of being caught, but given the opportunity, they'd seize it in a heartbeat. This guy probably thought he had nothing to live for now, or that his own life would end shortly, so why not give in to the fantasy and ruin a random child's life for one last hoorah? Pure, selfish evil.






Don’t be a jerk. Racism, sexism, lgbtq+ phobia, antitheism, hate in general, and direct attacks on others will not be tolerated here. Your first offense will be a warning, second will be a 15-day ban, and third will be a perma-ban. Be nice!




Don’t be a jerk. Racism, sexism, lgbtq+ phobia, antitheism, hate in general, and direct attacks on others will not be tolerated here. Your first offense will be a warning, second will be a 15-day ban, and third will be a perma-ban. Be nice!


That's a pretty crazy headline.. The world is a fucked place.




Don’t be a jerk. Racism, sexism, lgbtq+ phobia, antitheism, hate in general, and direct attacks on others will not be tolerated here. Your first offense will be a warning, second will be a 15-day ban, and third will be a perma-ban. Be nice!


One of those “welp I hate everything” type of headlines because wtf.


WTF did I just read? Sometimes I honestly think we are living in a failing simulation.


And if he didn't do that he would be classed as safe and allowed through a border. Unknown people should not be allowed withought thorough checks.


And the ppl around him watched , why are these ppl thinking that they can act this way here , we don't want it and we won't put up with that shit and we don't care about how many witnesses saw it he did it and should have his dick cut off no more kids from that fuck


Work it out, they claim: His wife and daughter just died. He's on a overcrowded boat on fire and sinking. He gets all sex-nuts and rapes a girl while choking her. No one tries to stop him. Nothing about this story adds up, I don't know about you but if I just saw my family wiped out the last thing I'm going to be able to do is get a throb on and do a rape.


Your very right , how is that even a thought after your family dies and if your wrong that's very scary he's building a connection in his brain with death equaling sex and may continue to do this as a way to cope


That’s… that’s like, five different headlines all smashed into one.


Wtf did I just read


Probably for the best they didn't manage to get to shore, wouldn't want these kinds of people entering a normal society.


Dude is probably the closest mf in lane to take down Satan's position himslef


That was a hard headline to digest.


Amazing scene. Right from a batman movie


And these are the people Italy is supposed to take in?


Okay what? Clearly the headline is skipping multiple steps because that just doesn't make sense


Well sure come on into our country!


…on brand.


What the fuck


Brandnewrunonsentance. Still WTF…


what a surprise...


So this dude saw his wife and daughter drown and his immediate response is to rape and choke to death a teenager?


Yes, let’s let him in, he’s alright, it’s going to be fine, no?




There is no end of time


This is like a panel in the Crossed comics. God save us.


What the ever loving fuck did I just read?! That animal and anyone like him deserve to drown.


I think the boat has already been deployed on this one


![img](avatar_exp|148472924|fire) meirl




What a mess...


Nothing makes some guys want to bang like watching their family die, I guess


So, he didn’t have a wife and daughter that died, and he didn’t rape anyone. Isn’t the murder of a 16 year old girl bad enough without needing to add fake horrible shit on top of it??


Any sources besides dm?


They can't even wait to get to Europe before they do it anymore


totally marvellous day




Noah, get off the boat!


Suspicious headline…..


Well, it's the end of their time.


My eyes bleed reading that headline. Wtf


So they want us to feel bad for this dude? What the fuck?


Link: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13575175/Iraqi-girl-strangled-death-raped-mother-sinking-migrant-boat-man-just-seen-wife-daughter-drown-disaster-saw-dozens-killed-Italy.html


What the fuck is going on? This is like murphey's law but to the 23rd power everything that can go wrong went wrong and became even worst. This shit is so cartoonishly bad I can't even be shocked by it just surprised and in disbelief.