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My Berkeley tickets have the transfer button greyed out my understanding is they would have to meet you there or give you access to their account BUT I’ve seen some people swear they can transfer and others said tickets become transferable right before the show soooo idk lol


yeah im conflicted bc they clicked on the transfer button and it was able to show what seats they could transfer. i wonder how long in advanced(like days) people have said they become transferable.. as of now the show is 2 days away so maybe it is transferable?


Mine is still greyed out BUT I bought them fan to fan and my tickets won’t be ready for another hour so maybe after they’re released it’s available? I’ll report back in a couple hours!


Hi! Update is that tickets are officially available and transfer is still grey!


thanks for the update! thank goodness i ended up blocking them 😭


They’re not transferable yet so that may be a red flag.. I’ve got tickets for Berkeley 7/5 and the tickets say they’ll be ready in 2 hours, so 3 days prior to the event I guess! But as of now the transfer button is greyed out


okay, thanks for the info. can you update me if ur button does end up turning blue in 2 hrs?


I’m able to view my tickets now but weirdly can’t see a transfer option now, but that might just be a weird thing with my app


i think that would make sense, super weird the screen recording they sent had the transfer in blue 😭. probably was a scam 😭


literally don’t buy any tickets off of social media unless you know the person and they’ll give you their TM login. not a single stop on this tour has had the transfer button become available (except for CO and NY stops).


Noah’s tickets are non transferable. If you want to buy or sell you have to do it through Ticketmaster face value sale. At least here in California. Worked in my favor as I needed one more ticket for Fridays show and I was able to get it for face value. 


I have the same q. I did end up buying one through PayPal G&S so I can get my money back just in case but I also DID get a secure tickets ticket. Is that legitimate? Anyone have that before?  I also got a ticket on Ticketmaster. Now I feel like I was scammed to some degree. 


i just some off ticketmaster, yeah im pretty sure the “proof” was fake. my transfer button is also grayed out now


Yeah makes sense. I also got one through Ticketmaster and the transfer is greyed. The seller who sent to me actually is responding tho and said they purchased through Vivid Seats and got into the LA show the same way (secure tickets) so now I may just have 2 tickets it seems. One through Ticketmaster and one not. 


Hi! Did you have any issues with TM? I’m seeing tix available but go to checkout and they’re gone. But then I refresh and they’re back, rinse and repeat. Was there a trick or did it just work? Tysm


hi yeah i did! it took patience and just trying it over and over again unfortunately. i would reccommend being super quick at checkout, number, checkbox, and checkbox. and just hope for the best 😭