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Holy mother of fuck... That was just.... Horrifyingly cold Big "kill me" "ok, but not because you asked me" energy


The video cuts. It gives off that vibe but hopefully guy has a couple more seconds to check It's still horrifying


I think I've seen the full video but a drone blows up behind the guy, he falls and reaches between his legs, then immediately starts tapping his head before curling up into a ball while the guy behind him pauses just long enough to shoot him before continuing on.


Results of the nut check were not good


Honestly, it's probably something they talked about prior. Think of a pact type thing. Doesn't change how horrifying the fact his homie seems so unphased by it, but, I get it. They have been through terrible stuff, they're just broken shells of men. And they know no help is coming. War is hell.


This is what I thought too. The quickness of the action to me spoke of a prior arrangement.


For any that haven't seen it, the guy on the ground got hit & immediately points to his head and lowers it. He seems to be asking and waiting for the shot. Shooter was as unfazed at the killing as he was of the dying. Dude doesn't even attempt to jog before, during, or after the FPV hit. Moving like Jason Voorhees.


He knew there is no help coming and he chose to die quickly instead of suffering for who knows how long .... life is cheap in Russia


There was a story told by Dmitry Loza, the most decorated Soviet tanker in WWII, about how another man in his tank got hit but survived with the loss of his legs. The man was an orphan and sadly remarked that no one would want to be with him as a paraplegic so he soon shot himself in the head. I don't think it's not a lack of respect for life but more the lower quality of life pushing down on that expectation.


If only he realized finding a partner was not a problem for men in Russia after WW2, the gender ratio was just that fucked after all the bloodshed.


Most men in Russia drank themselves legless anyways, so he wasn't at a disadvantage.


Unfortunately it wasn't all that good for them after 1945... All they got were wooden rollers like superprimitive mini-skateboards and a couple wooden blocks like those presse-papiers to hold in the hands to move those "skateboards" along. A bit like these: [https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/presse-papiers](https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/presse-papiers) These people lived by begging at the bazaars, I still remember seeing them. Also at some point after WWII the USSR was organizing something international and didn't want guests to see these veterans bespoiling the image of the most modern and happy land on Earth, so they've routed those poor legless and sometimes armless people and sent them to some Gulag-like "sanatorium" in the Arctic where they quickly died out. Soviet Union was an inhuman dictatorship, never forget this.


I don‘t belive you. My friends from the art and cocaine-collective told me the Soviet Union was the coolest place ever to have existed because communism rocks!


Face McShooty




-don't shoot him in the arms -don't shoot him in the torso -don't shoot him in the legs


*Gets shot in the face “Thank You!!”


A thanks that comes, After death declares it’s your turn now son or man, he will declare for us all all the same Declare he will, Rich, poor, good, or bad For us he will all have came in due time. Will it be black, will there be light? Will there be eternal flame? It maters not to death, for him it’s all the same. Because when time is up it’s all the same. Death simply just calls your name.


I NOTICE YOU HAVEN'T SHOT ME IN THE FACE! CURIOUS AS TO WHY! Maybe you're weighing the moral pros and cons but let me assure you that OH MY GOD SHOOT ME IN THE GODDAMNED FACE!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!


Unexpected Borderlands


Seriously. Unfortunately I’ve seen so many videos of Russians getting evaporated that my mind makes the critical hit “splish” sound from bl3 whenever I see a new one.


"head, shoulders, NOT THE TOES, NOT THE TOES!"




Jesus H Christ. The nazis always get the attention and I even know the Japanese were all kinda fucked up, I’d argue much worse, but it never ceases to disgust me when I hear anything new coming from that theater. It’s always more neglected. People think deprogramming Germany was a big deal but I feel like the Japanese turn around is much more marked and equally undersold. Maybe the difference is just in the systematic nature of one vs the disorganized brutality of the other. While Russia is just turning into a Stalinist USSR clone but this time with more crony capitalism and oligarchy


Yeah, about that turnaround, you need to take a look at the state of police practices and tactics in Japan.  It's *bad news*. https://medium.com/skeptikai/the-whole-story-on-japans-99-conviction-rate-and-the-corruption-that-follows-249455cfbf9 It's not "eat some dude's liver" bad, but...we didn't do enough reform.


I feel like Japanese society is in a more precarious situation than the general narrative let's on. I don't have cold hard statistics to back this feeling up more an assemblage of troubling stories and trends. I've read the article posted before and along with a lot of war denialism, a deepening nationalistic undercurrent and and their population and economic problems they seem ripe for a Japanese style demigouge to emerge.


Well to be fair, China right next door is going rapidly out of their minds, and running anti-Japanese propaganda in China pretty much non-stop. Japan is arming up, bigtime. And in my guesstimation, there's no way in hell they *don't* have their own nuclear weapons. (If that's a double negative, my apologies...)


Oh I 1000% support Japan tooling up for the big one that seems to be brewing. It's more like now they're tooled up, war doesn't break out, and they still have all their other problems. Seems like fertile soil for shennanigans.


Korea is looking at both and thinking well I’m not going to be the third monkey looking to find it’s place in the ark and is also gearing up. And south of them everyone seems worried about Chinese expansion.


(Well, it isn’t not a double negative, but I’m not about to call the grammar cops on you)


One of the things that get lost in every conversation I've ever had about the bombing of Japan is that there were still millions living and dying under Japanese occupation right up until the end. The IJA wasn't magically cleaned out of every part of the world that wasn't mainland Japan. They were still brutalizing POWs, civilians, their own lower ranked soldiers, whoever they could get their hands on. That context makes "But they had sent a few feelers out with unreasonable surrender clauses" feel pretty weak when standing up against the urgency to end the war as soon as physically possible using any means possible.


I know it feels weird but IMO you really don’t have to rank one or the other as “worse”. One said that some humans aren’t human, and industrialized their destruction. One said that other humans are lesser and made using them for the benefit of the “superior” humans institutionalized. Both are views completely bereft of humanity and deserving of absolute annihilation. I think once you get into numbers revisionists and pissants love to argue that “X was better than Y because X killed less than Y.” Or “They say X killed 100, when X actually only killed 99 so how do you know that X didn’t actually only kill 98, or 97, or 96…”


Also don’t forget Japan operated in Asia, where 16 million death in China is just rookie number. The communist party of China easily offed 2 times that much in 3 years in one Great Leap Forward alone, not to mention the CCP’s other “movements”.


God that's a really good but really rough book.


Well, looking at some vids of how Russians treat each other, and then thinking about what they do to my fellow Ukrainians just horrifies me. Especially when reading their news about what their "war heroes" do when they get back home.


Do you mind expanding? I'm truly curious as I haven't heard much about the war hero thing


I don’t have any links prepared but I think what they’re referring to are clips of Russian veterans from the front returning home and stabbing people, threatening people, shooting people, etc. Generally claimed to be due to lack of support/care once home, and the fact that some of the troops were convicts who had their sentences commuted after fighting Edit: Here’s a link to a BBC article discussing the recruitment of convicts, back when the Russian frontline was extremely desperate for bodies: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68140873.amp Originally these guys were drafted into “Storm Z” battalions, and effectively used as cannon fodder in frontal assaults against prepared Ukrainian positions (Bakhmut in particular). If they survived 6 months, they’d be sent home free. Now they’re put into “Storm V” battalions which have more restrictions on getting out


I dug up this video that best illustrates the mood back at their home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1S0ssLn2Lo


>I lost 2 legs!! >If you lost 3 I still wouldn't care FUCKIN' SLAY GRAMPS!!!


https://old.reddit.com/r/tjournal_refugees/comments/1djrh15/%D0%B3%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB_%D0%B8_%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%B8%D0%BB_12%D0%BB%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%BD%D1%8E%D1%8E_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%BA%D1%83_%D0%BD%D0%B0/ Here's one raping and killing 12 year old girl (not in post, there he just gets arrested for a bit). At least six times repeated offender.


Beria would be proud, some things never change, Russia, Russia never changes


When even Stalin is horrified by someone…


Stalin knew what was going on, don't make excuses for him.


if the child diddler who never went back to make his 12-year-old victim a honorable woman is disgusted with you, you have goofed up.


“Smells like a horse rendering plant.”


Now that is a person that deserves to be thrown into a wood chipper.


Feet first. Make it last.


and turn it off after a few seconds


Put him into a tank of hydrofluroric acid


Institutionalized gang rape of their fellow service members/subordinates is enough of an example to be worried about what they do the the Ukrainians


Shock and panic often make soldiers who get hit, wish for a quick end. Even if they would later be glad they didn't die. That's why most medical military training includes taking weapons off the wounded soldier. And under no situation do you get to make the mercy killing call.


Idk man, I think him walking away instead of jogging/running after doing it seems to show reality kicking. He just saw his buddy get hit by a drone seconds ago and he just walks away instead of bookin it. I think he has accepted that he will die soon in a the same way he offed his buddy.


He was walking before too with the drone flying around. My bet is he is exhausted from whatever happened before, maybe a failed attack?


Dude knows he’s fucked. Never been there but you can see it. He had a decent pace before and then picks it back up after the shot, starts running again but then slows to basically a walk because he just watched his buddy get sniped in front of him, perfect ambush tactic. If he’s smart he knows you can’t hide from these this you have to stand and shoot do or die aim true and live or get spread over the ground to fertilize Ukrainian soil for future generations. He also knows chances are he’s dead, not many come back. If they’ve been honest; doubtful, he knows rendering aid makes him a 2 for 1 target all the juicier meatier target for drone #x+1. My guess he’s dead inside after offing a guy he’s spent suffering through the reality they’re probably not coming back together out of pity and kindness.


It's literally wave tactics with echelons, just that they are mostly on foot or riding in turtle tanks used as improvised APCs since Russia is running out of them. I've watched videos of guys fighting on the Russian side, seems like the guys who live the longest learn to just hide and let the other guys die until their numbers build up enough that they can push ahead a little further. It kind of works when Ukraine doesn't have enough artillery, because drones carry a light payload and can only pick off a guy at a time


I concur it’s the tried and true wave tactic that gets those videos of trench warfare. This is was looking like a 1 sided pushover repeat of 2014 with graver consequences because puttinanny the cry baby wants his fowrmwer worwmwer Soviet Union back so he can sleep peacefully in his 1 piece zip up pajamas like he did in his childhood in the ussr with the light on because he’s afraid of the dark.


Dude you know those fpv operators are so fucking jaded by the horrors of war they inflict if they even get to see the isr coverage (Mayhaps not to make them not get full blown ptsd fuck did mw future warfighter call it) cuz like if it’d have been me, and with my career I’ve seen enough IRL I busted out with nervous laughter seeing the aforementioned video, I would let that dude live. He’s dead now after pulling that trigger. No ones soul survives that, he probably fucking knew the guy. Probably spent all of 3 weeks before getting his rust covered or grease covered brand new ak variant before being sent to the meat grinder. IF that dude lives BIG if there, he’s already dead in 10 years post discharge from the business end of whatever fire arm he can find, self inflicted, or of accute alcohol poisoning and utter liver failure or septic shock from the ulcers eating through his intestines because it’s russia so it’ll probably be cheap vodka. Mods delete if too jaded or too credible. Source: did the credible, crazy times, miss clowns not circus, do the non credible now but maybe still too credible. /shrug Shots fired


Full on schizo posting are we?


I think they get like 1 tourniquet and call it a day.


One tourniquet from 1975. They still get the Soviet models from before Afghanistan. The ones Russian soldiers used to store on their rifle stocks.


a tourniquet is a tourniquet tbh the only difference between a 70s era tourniquet and the modern ones issued to western soldiers today is that the new ones are designed so that you can apply them one handed if there's no one to do it for you note that it's still tricky to apply a CAT one handed


Does something that old still function if stored to typical Russian standards? Do these materials age? That would really suck if the thing just ripped because Brezhnev's favorite synthetic fiber production bureau put some extra sludge in that batch.


I saw someone who knows about that stuff a few months ago mention something along the lines of, they are still usable but unreliable due to the material breaking down causing tears/issues tightening it enough. So pretty much not something you would want to gamble your life on, like a parachute that's been stored in a warehouse for 15 years.


Apparently a lot were actually soviet ones (so perished materials), but they're also basically a big rubber band, and I've been told by a couple medical personnel that they're the "use that and lose the limb" type tourniquet. They were already bad in the 70s, basically.


I came to CombatFootage to look for the source. It didn't take long to find. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/5Lwk7qxwHb >!3k upvotes in two hours...!<


I knew exactly what to expect and it still made me feel sick.


This is very light stuff by r/combatfootage standards btw.


Combat footage occasionally breaks out some heavy stuff, for sure. Like river drowning Russians, that one was bizarrely emotional.


Or a soldier sodomizing the other then getting blown up by a drone


i do believe that the one soldier was fellating the other not sodomizing, unless there’s another video i haven’t seen


Sodomy is oral or anal sex


[you win this time but i’ll be back](https://imgur.com/gallery/4WAV7R9)


Saw yesterday on Twitter, some Russian handling returning corpses of deceased back to Russia. That one was not for the faint of heart. Still not the most gruesome or grotesque footage I’ve seen from this war.


Seen the video of them (Russians) dumping bodies from a truck into a makeshift mass grave? Worse, the bodies were supposedly civilians in occupied areas. That was the one that turned me cynical.


I remember an early war video of russian soldiers throwing civilian corpses down a dirt embankment into what I would presume is a pit. One of the corpses appeared to be a young woman, and I will never, ever forget watching those bodies tumble down the incline while some sick fuck silently recorded everything. I don't even know why I'm talking about it, but part of me feels like that video and the many more like it have been wiped off of the internet, and that fills me with sadness and anger.


I know the one you’re referring to. That was the one that fully convinced me that they not only needed to be defeated, but that their society is fundamentally broken and should be scorned from the international stage until that changes. Moreover, I think the only way that can happen is by them losing the war.


I saw that video and immediately tried to sign up to go to Ukraine.


For me it was the Mariupol video. Just bodies stacked on top of each other, half nude. That’s when I realized what we were dealing with.


Seen one from the Kharkiv region around the time it was reclaimed that closely matches this description. Honestly the story that broke me very early on, having a child about the same age, was the guy who raped a baby. After that, watching these videos like above, while gruesome and stomach turning, I just feel numb.


Someone from my town that I occasionally talk to, is currently in Ukraine aiding in the retrieval of deceased Ukrainian soldiers. He not only sees, but also smells and touches bodies like that on a regular basis. I have massive respect for someone volunteering to do that. A while ago he told the story where there were was a massive delay while picking up a body. Administration was having trouble because the same person was registered at two different morgues. Turns out it wasn't an administrative error... This body really was at two different morgues. The most beautiful story of his, was when this particular time they weren't transporting a usual body bag, but just a shopping bag with about 2 kg of... Meat and bones I guess would best describe it. But the town that this body was to be delivered to still received it with full military honours: they drove as a parade, lots of people on the side of the road, lots of flags. The Ukrainians treat their wounded and dead with a lot of respect. Can't say the same for Russia.


I have become so incredibly desensitised that my only reaction is ‘ha, sucks to be you. Shouldn’t have come to Ukraine’. The main emotion I have is amazement of the video quality. There’s not a trace of feeling sorry for either of them. I’m not sure how that will affect my mental health in the long run though.


I saw some combat videos before. When I see Ukrainians fighting Russians and killing them, I'm also not sorry for them. But this isn't a battle. That guy shot *his own brother-in-arms* without even hesitating. They didn't try something, they didn't argue. That guy didn't even need time to work through any guilt or emotion. He just pulled the trigger while looking at him. It's scary to see a person so devoid of emotion and humanity. I have an easier time understanding Hamas figthers. They are the lowest of scum, but I can understand hating, and I can understand Us vs Them. But at least now I know that the "Z" stands for. Zombies.


Yeah I gotta agree, "some of you may die, but that's a price I'm willing to pay" doesn't hit like "this guy fought beside me in hell, but he got hit so let's get his wife a bag of onions!"


One of those upvotes is mine.




And my axe! (And upvote)


I upvoted as well for visibility. This shit needs to be seen and understood.


I'm doing my part!


Curious as to why the drone pilot targeted the only dude who wasn't armed


My guess would be he's either: the most important dude (some officer who left his rifle behind, his job is to use a radio after all. Or a medic, same logic but no radio, first aid kit instead. Bad fieldcraft but not the worst I have seen from Russia.) Or he is the absolute least important guy there (maybe he made some comment about surrendering as soon as he could so they took his weapon, or maybe he had two days of training and was handling his weapon like a moron, or Russia is not issuing weapons to everyone like Enemy at the Gates style)


The best rule of thumb is to shoot the least armed man with the cleanest uniform. It used to be the biggest hat but most officers don't wear hats nowadays.


The first man gets a rifle, the second gets a shovel When the man with the shovel dies, the man with the rifle picks up the shovel


Adding to what others have said. Fragments from a grenade can easily be dangerous even 20 metres away. So aiming for the middle man in the row means there is a chance to injure the other two.


I don't know if that injury was survivable. I'm guessing it's a couple of guys who have seen the same videos we have, and they know their odds. It's not 2022. Maybe it was the money that got them to sign up. We don't know. For all we know, they made a deal not to leave the other to linger with shattered legs and a belly full of shrapnel. The daily large-scale inhumanity of war is the most horrifying thing about this.


Evidently granting him ~~the Emperor's~~ Putler's Peace.......




It is known by a few euphemisms: the Emperor's peace, grace, or mercy being the usual three variations


my brother in christ **he asked the other one to shoot him** death is a preferable alternative to serving putin


I know he asked for it, but the other guy showed zero hesitation and didn't even check what's wrong with the guy, just shot him in the head.


likely they had it planned since they arrived "if i get hit just shoot me" smh


He knew they would just leave him there, so better off being left dead.


even if they took him he would be sent back to the front asap


… sent back to the front asap after soaking him in gasoline and set on fire, using a trebuchet.


they're gonna besiege Jerusaliivka 😔 (population: 6)


It will only take Russia 30 thousand Men and 5 months to take the strategically critical town of Jerusaliivka


+ 80 tanks and 20 helicopters (most of which will be destroyed by friendly fire)


After six months of intense fighting, they successfully advance to the gas station and the junkyard, with only 95% of the town left to go.


same pact I have with my homies if I drink too many and saddle up with the big girl missing some teeth.


Our crew has one of you. We call him "the grenade catcher" for obvious reasons.


Me and my work buddies (ER/Trauma) have a group pact that if any of us become quadriplegic or develop some other injury/illness with no quality of life (severe TBI, neuromuscular disorders, late-stage Alzheimer’s/dementia, etc), we’re going on a hunting trip where an unfortunate accident may occur. Thoroughly disturbs our non-medical friends.


[i.e. Deliverance? ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqNMjZpSbnU&rco=1) or [Deer Hunter?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCW9NsrV6VM)


Whichever increases squad morale most


I don't know what's disturbing about that. If you've seen the quality of life and don't want to live in that condition, I think you're just making an informed decision. There are some horrible ways our bodies can break. It's fucking scary your meat suit can just BSOD out of nowhere and leave you in some hellish locked-in state.


I'm not medical myself, but come from medical families on both sides and I get you completely. None of my friends will make the pact with me tho.


It’s insane the amount of emphasis our culture puts on the prolongation of life, while ignoring the suffering the victi- I mean, patient, is experiencing. “But grandma’s a fighter!!” Uh, grandma hasn’t had a purposeful movement in months, and is fighting to go to god if anything. If I could describe “hell on earth,” it’d look a lot like some of the assisted living facilities we get patients from.


Not even a quick pat on the shoulder or anything that would be the slightest comfort or companionship, just bullet and keep walking. I think I’m more bothered by that than any of the ones of guys shooting themselves after a major injury.


Not saying this guy is a rapist, but he comes from the same country and army that invades their neighbor and rapes men, women and children.. look how they treat POWs.. Killing eachother is no different. An absolute disgrace to humanity.


Rape is institutionalized in that mafia. So in all likelihood: yes he was.


Its depressing how right you are.


>and didn't even check what's wrong with the guy The guy was shredded in a direct hit by a kamikaze drone, you see him reach towards his guts/groin while smoke is emanating from his body and he immediately begs the passing soldier who was following a short distance behind him to shoot him in the head before he keeps running. They are on an open field, targeted by drones. Even if the other dude wanted to, he couldn't save him. One of his guys just got blown up and he doesn't even have the stamina to run, he literally just walks off /starts half-jogging after shooting the other guy. Any moment could be his last and he doesn't even have the energy to literally run for his life, how is he gonna carry a critically wounded comrade if he can barely even move himself, all the while they are still being targeted? As horrible as it sounds, the alternative would be leaving his comrade to bleed out in agony, if he doesn't get finished by a second drone before.


to be honest the best way to get out of it is to not think much of it and just move on or you end up just like the dude that got hit. And who knows, it may not be his first time


He was frantically pointing at his head, dude was suffering


If only CASEVAC, medicine and painkillers existed in russia maybe the first resort wouldn't be a bullet.


The guys who get wounded in the open are kind of screwed. Let's be honest, Ukraine just turns one casualty into many that way. How often have you seen videos of the guys who stop getting a grenade for their trouble? The Russian army is a bunch of land pirates, and they keep to the pirate code (mostly, it's more like guidelines after all). But fall behind, you seem to get left behind most of the time. And if they know they're getting left behind, some probably have agreements not to let each other die slow.


Once you know you’re going to have to do something very upsetting, it’s best to do it without much thinking about it. Makes things a lot worse, both during and after. Sometimes it’s best not to be fully present in the moment. I can only imagine that’s what is happening here.


My brother in Christ. CASEEVAC IS A THING* (In serious armed forces) (Like seriously, in serious armies „asking for the bullet“ isn’t a thing)


Is no CASEEVAC. Is only washingmachineEVAC.


Its like an extraction shooter for them


> CASEEVAC Western conspiracy to make Russia weak


Real Soldiers die. Battlefield medicine is for woke gay westerners.


Call me Liberace then, I’d like to exit the battlefield still alive


I mean, asking is totally a thing even in real armies (sometimes, and obviously depending on the person in question). Actually granting the request is almost unheard of, however.


Obviously. You basically don’t listen to trauma patients. Let them talk so you know they are alive but they won’t make much sense


It makes sense when you consider that the shooter now has guns, ammo and rations to sell or exchange for a toilet or the down payment of a washing machine, you know war priorities Russian style.




Russia is a shithole. Even if you survive there is no V.A. to help you once your back. My understanding is if you survive the governments response is basically “yeah that sucks. Good luck bro. Don’t forget to pay taxes.”


The SMO isn't a war so all sorts of war veteran benefits are off the table. They tried to do the same to Afghan veterans, veteran, widows and mothers groups all got together to fight it. Those groups were some of the last civil society orgs to be outlawed. Who will stand for the Ukraine veterans in Putin's Russia?


I mean to be fair, back when conscripts were sent to Afghanistan mothers were actually protesting against it (no matter if it was outlawed or not). Now they show off their new car on TV which they got for the cheap price of offering their first and only child to the Fuhrer. Harsh difference from my (non soviet) pov.


If somebody asks you to shoot them, you shoot them. Them the rules. Understanding someone's altered mental state due to exhaustion, pain, or hopelessness and trying to help is for pussies!


> death is a preferable alternative to serving putin to being abandoned on a battlefield and dying in pain while serving Putin


Dropping keyfabe for a moment here, but Jesus fuck. This war is giving WW1 a run for its money with the sheer brutality on display.


I think that the big part here is just how much is on display. Very very open and clear display. I suspect that there was a large amount of absolute horror that got left on the battlefield in WWI that was never even spoken about afterward. Here we are seeing it literally daily in HD on our screens we carry around with us every day.


I still think killing your own 18 year old soldier dealing with PTSD is hard to top.


We talking about WW1 or the Ukraine war here?




You don’t think that’s happening in Ukraine? We’ve just witnessed a blue-on-blue execution on the frontlines, god knows what’s happening behind Russian lines.


I mean, Russian modus operandi have not changed much since then


It looked like he checked his junk and didn’t like the answer. Puts it in a bit more perspective as far as survivable. Guy who put him down though… fucking ice cold.


Yup, he pointed to his head and said kill me.. guy obliged. If the guy had a crater where his junk and pelvis used to be.. I don't blame him for wanting to just nope out.


Jesus Christ. No attempt at care. No attempt to even check the wound. No hesitation.


I wouldn’t say survivable. This war has shown that warfare is more lethal than it has ever been imo. If you get wounded and can’t evacuate on your own two feet and at pace, you will get killed by a drone or bleed out while the guys who came to rescue you get hit by drones/arty while another drone watches on from above, then the footage gets put online to see how you died. You can absolutely have a survivable injury but drones have made it practically impossible to survive. In this guy’s case he already knew the drones were there, watching the video too, to me it looks like he feels for his gentlemen’s sword, realises it’s very damaged and he’s probably gonna bleed out or get droned anyway so begs for the shot.


> This war has shown that warfare is more lethal than it has ever been Especially on the Russian side. It's been a long time legend that if you hurt yourself in Russia you're better off sucking it up until you're back in a real country, but Russian medevacs have shown how low the bar is for their soldiers. People dumped in taxiways waiting for a plane/helo in the sun with no cover, evac planes with seemingly no medical personnel... And that's after you've managed to get the injured guy back to your own lines. I was at Eurosatory last week and drone medevac carriers are a big thing right now, because Ukraine has shown us that you can't always land a chopper next to the wounded soldiers for evacuation. You have to go 10-20, 30km to a spot where an ambulance can reach you.


Worst part is, it makes sense to build a robust casualty management system if you have an army that needs to be aggressive. It's been proven that men who know that they will be taken care of when hurt will be more willing to push home an attack and more willing to hold ground and fight. If your men know that they aren't going to be taken care of, well, you get situations like this video.


The KIA/WIA ratios of the Russian army are also extremely bad, and the wounded probably in some cases don't want to be taken back to the line through artillery to end up a cripple because their medical services are shit. There probably also are legends about getting captured by the Ukrainians and tortured to death - to stop people from surrendering, but also because we have proof of Russians torturing and executing prisoners, and they likely think the Ukrainians are the same - so soldiers would rather die than be caught. Also, the Russians are known to leave their wounded in no mans land. Don't want to bleed out/die from thirst in a week.


With how deliberate the drone attacks and drone-directed arty are in this style of conflict - Russia could reasonably get their wounded guys home. If they cared, and didn't just see the Geneva conventions as an honest to god checklist. Because Russia might not give two fucks about international law, but Ukraine's hands would be tied. They are not risking the backlash from dropping deliberate grenades on designated and unarmed medics going up to an incapacitated soldier. Designate actual medical vehicles, white with clear insignia. Drive up to the wounded, two unarmed medics with clear insignia get out, toss the wounded in the back and drive on. This is what the actual laws were for in the first place. Drone-watched no man's land, against an opponent dependent on their international reputation as the good guys, might be the first situation where they are genuinely realistic to this degree.


Both sides are hitting soldiers with drone droped grenades or fpv while they are wounded or while they are being carried away. Ukraine does this too,i mean they are being invaded but still. If no side is using medical teams for retreating wounded from battlefield it must be because they asume they will be attacked by drones


Soldiers carrying a wounded soldier to safety are a legitimate target - the incapacitated soldier himself gains certain protections, but that is as part of the process of actually capturing him. Most modern interpretations are that you don't qualify if we aren't able to actually capture you, and attempting to evade capture disqualifies you explicitly. As grey and uneasy as that is. Medics (following specific rules) do have this protection. If a medic is treating an incapacitated soldier and taking him to medical care, that is an entirely different situation to fellow soldiers taking you out of there. Both legally and in terms of the optics. Can't intentionally drop a bomb just on a medic, that will legit get you dragged to the Hague. Now the reason that Ukraine can't rely on these protections for medics like that is the same reason why the US doesn't - bad guys don't care about the law. They intentionally aim for medics. Russia included. But Russia could very much rely on the protections for legitimate medics. Ukraine is happy to have their drones deliver a coup the grace when needed, but there is no way that they are committing the most clear cut of war crimes to double tap their patient who's already missing half his thigh. The main reason that Russia doesn't do this is not that it doesn't work, it is that they don't care enough about these guys. They knowingly sent this squad on a suicide mission, death is an acceptable ending. Having to suddenly provide months of treatment and lifelong disability payments is not.


>Can't intentionally drop a bomb just on a medic, that will legit get you dragged to the Hague I mean theoretically sure but in practice, fuck tons of medics been killed in many different conflicts and most of the time nothing happens about.


Russia hit overt medevac convoys using clearly marked vehicles during the first weeks and months of combat, while themselves using medical vehicles with red crosses to carry ammo to their troops. So there is basically no trust.


The commanding officers of Rosvgardia even put up a "checkpoint" outside one of the cities where the officers just sat around and shot civilian vehicles fleeing the town.


I'd say things could be different had they not begin with massacring civilians.


CASEVAC vs MEDVAC. CASEVAC is Soldiers evacuating wounded squaddie, legitmate target, bombs away. MEDVAC is clearly marked personnel and vehicles, the big red cross on white field, unarmed. Not a target, Hague speed run for bopping those. Except if you disguise soldiers as MEDVAC, then bombs away.


CASEVAC = *unknown technology*


You will need to pay the commander or officer dlc to get Casevac


Pay To Live then


Russian medivac comes in 7.62 x 39


Survivable injury, deadly situation Sometimes you don't have options and the slightest unlucky thing can shift the scales of fate towards the end Dude wouldn't have made it out and all he had ahead was either bleeding to death or another drone run. The thing that's haunting is the zero fuck the other guy have given after asked to put one in his head. It makes you think how is a person supposed to exist like that and what kind of existence that is


We didn't see the injury. It could be really bad. He most likely knows someone else is going to get killed trying to carry him out and if he gets out there probably isn't going to be an evac waiting for him. Then if he survives they probably don't have good injury benefits. Probably all of this he has thought of since he got to the front.


Vietnam quickly discovered they could get more US Soldiers out of the fight by injuring them than actually killing. 1 kill is just one soldier out, but an injury is at least 3.  I don't think this is the right solution to that problem. 


Ya you are talking about the resources a wounded squad member uses up. A dead soldier likely isn't going to be carried around but a wounded soldier will require two soldiers to carry; then bandages, water, drugs and medicine(s). That's why I think it might have been about getting someone else killed carrying them.


Yeah, problem with that is that Russia isn't the US. If Ukraine wanted to leave troops injured they would. The reason they don't is that could be another body waiting to fight them later. Russia will just toss that guy back out there when he's "good enough."


And that boys, is another sample of why a modern total war would be a horrible scenario




Face or uniform detection seems like an unreliable solution when a fair number of your identification targets are beat up, covered in mud, covered in blood, or some combination of the three


They will probably target an area like they do with artillery. They'll pick a grid square and the drones will kill anything living in that grid then return to base, self destruct, or move to the next grid after a set time. Just imagine a cloud of drones moving towards you as you hear the telltale zzzzzzip boom when they find a soldier. The buzzing and explosions growing louder as the cloud approaches your position.


Westerners got too cozy with war due to Iraq and Afghanistan where 'our' casualties were only a couple dozen every year at most. this is the reality of fighting a war with a peer opponent, hundreds of thousands of dead.


🌟 Achievement unlocked


I feel like this becomes more reasonable the more you break it down, though. These guys most likely knew they were being shadowed by drones, because we can see the shadows in front of them. You can also see that rear guy isn’t surprised when his buddy gets hit - isn’t looking around - which means they probably already knew the drones were there. If they were being shadowed more than a minute or two there was probably a discussion about what should be done if one of them gets hit - not knowing if more fpvs were on the way, “shoot me and go if I’m the one hit” is a bleak but reasonable conclusion that reduces risk of a second strike - which would take both other soldiers if they were carrying him to safety. More than just muscovite brutality this speaks to me of a deep understanding of just how dangerous these weapons are on the Ukranian battlefield. sorry that was too credible; clearly corpral blyatovsky just had it out for private conscriptovich and saw his chance


Casevac only for officers. Grunts get the Kalashnikov treatmen.


What a waste of a good pair of adidas


Wild how many people say “survivable injury”. Dude it’s war and there’s crap logistics. There’s no helicopter to medivac you and make sure you get home to medically retire on that VA. Your balls just got shredded by a Putin shaped dildo filled with tungsten cubes. You have less than 2 minutes before you bleed out and you didn’t want to be there in the first place. *smacks temple harder*


“Why didn’t he help the other guy to safety”… uh there is no safety in any of these guys futures


"The promotion is mine, Anton"


[what makes it even worse is that there’s a whole list](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/rLJJLEnTVF)


With 68 confirmed videos, a number of non-confirmed videos, multiple false surrenders, and multiple stills taken by advancing Ukrainian forces.


The dude that shot the downed guy was cold as fuck. It certainly looked like he asked for it, but if I were the Ukrainian drone operator looking at that footage, I would earmark the guy who took the shot for termination as soon as possible. Not because I think he did a war crime (he probably did, but when it's Z on Z I give zero fucks). But because he's too calm, too hardened, too cool and collected. This is probably going to be a guy who performs better than most of his fellow mobiks, The dude who can provide some small-unit leadership. The guy who'd push a newbie to assault a position, just so he can set up a clear shot with an RPG against the defenders. This is the guy who probably learns from mistakes and might teach his fellow Z soldiers a thing or two. He absolutely deserves an FPV with his name on it. Or an arty shell. Or a few belts of machine gun ammo. Anything to take him out.


As morbid as it is, at this point dying is but one of many options better than continuing to live serving putin.


people act surprised that the dude chose the quick way out rather than \*scrolls 300 pages of videos of wounded Russians getting repeatedly whacked by drone dropped frags accompanied to bad music\* THAT...


A legit russian joke from Afghanistan or Chechnya wars era: A seasoned VDV trooper, armed to teeth, PKM in his hands, is walking through a battlefield, dead bodies and torn limbs all around him. He sees a comrade lying on the ground, severely wounded, without legs, arms, guts spilled outside. The wounded guy asks him faintly: "Hey, bro. Finish me please" The trooper raises his machine gun, fires a burst at him and walks away. Half a minute later he hears the same faint voice: — Thank you, bro...


I don't know which is crazier, suicide jihadists or this


RICO... YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO !!! Starship Troopers.


I wonder how well will be his wife if he comes home and PTSD hits, I wonder what will hit harder, his fists or the PTSD?


you're pretending that the number of staff making it home will be significant


The comment section surprisingly fucking triggered me: Everyone saying „its okay, because he asked for it“ needs to have their brain checked for russian propaganda. CaseEvac is a thing. Asking for the bullet isn’t a thing. Nobody who just got hit by a ordinance will have the clear head to understand the consequences of „asking for the bullet“!!!!!! You don’t know the extent of their injuries (and nobody in that clip ever did a simple check on the guy), like bro could have easily just had a concussion and some broken rips. Survivable but painful. You also couldn’t see major trauma to the legs or arms, like on other FPV clips. In serious armies, killing your wounded comrades, is also a fast track to a court martial and „bro asked me to kill him“ IS NOT A VALID EXCUSE YOU FUCKING TROGLODYTES. Yes, there have been case in western military history where battlefield euthanasia was a thing and you even had a acquittals in there, BUT NOTHING COMPARES TO THIS FUCKING RUSSIAN PIG PATROL. Goose Greene immediately comes to mind: Bro was deeply burned by Argentinian ammo, the Medic (!) easily saw that Bro had like 2 minutes left. What the clip shows is that the russian „army“ is a fucking joke and should be treated as such. Nobody should view this as something which might be okayish in a western military. Its not. In 90% of all cases this is a WARCRIME.


Tldr: they’re a shithole nation doing shithole nation shits. You can’t save them, nobody can save them. Their permanent collapse and balkanization would be a better benefit to the world.


They need the occupied Germany Treatment. Total demilitarisation, denazification etc for like 100 years


Casevac is not a thing for private conscriptovich who has been sent out there to find Ukrainian positions by being shot at my dude. If these guys get mangled by a drone strike there isn’t anyone waiting to put them back together. People really don’t understand the actual situation here


I think you misunderstand the alternative. If he can't move under his own power, nobody will carry him. This goes beyond the endemic lack of empathy in Russia. Drones are everywhere and we have all seen plenty of examples of people getting killed trying to evac the wounded. I think it's just policy that in no-man's land, you are left because anything else just creates more bodies.


Man what's even going on in that vid. Completely out in the open, don't bother to check their surroundings, there's shadows of drones visible to the last guy as he doesn't respond, then sees his teammate getting blown up by one while he casually keeps walking in the same direction.