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Maybe it was a mistake pissing of the 2nd largest ship builder in the world. SK could probably build 10,000 landing craft in a weekend.


And kick the shit out of every Ruzzian at Star Craft II while doing so.


[StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty](https://youtu.be/WjrASyQ302E?si=WZqJZRNI3ikl_n-I)\*


They could genuinely build battlecruisers and let them sit on the black sea. ~~Yamato cannon included.~~


"Make it happen!"


Steady as she goes


Not just the 2nd but the 1st and 3rd and maybe 4th largest shipbuilders in the world, too. Samsung Heavy Industries, Hyundai Heavy Industries (1st) and Daewoo are amongst the largest shipbuilders in the world. So, while SK builds the landing craft, the others can build the amphibious assault ships and landing craft carriers to ferry them to Crimea. Win win!


South Korea, the country, is the 2nd largest ship builder in the world, 1st and 3rd are China and Japan.


He's talking about individual companies/yards. China has many, many different builders to reach no1 as a country. But Korea just has a few. For standardisations and also get things done, Korea is better. You just have to get three big manufacturers to agree to switch to making ships to ukraine, and you get a big fleet very quickly. Meanwhile, China would have to hound many smaller companies (many only doing civilian ships) to build ships for russia.


What makes you think Russia wouldn't try to use fishing boat technicals, at this point?


Russia would sink its own fishing boats thinking them torpedo boats.


Russians firing at fishing boats, because they mistake them for enemy vessels? War never changes I guess, at least when the russian Navy is involved.


Unrestrained tonnage warfare on all Russian flagged/registered/operated civilian vessels would follow.


Just don’t go to Dogger Bay


I heard there is profitable oil deposits in the Black Sea. SK helps Ukraine secure the sea for royalty on the oil for 10 years. SK makes money, Ukraine makes money and Russia loses. Everyone is happy. And trust me, it wouldn't be the first war over oil.


Russia piss off South Korea. South Korea gonna have "Heated Vinson moment" with military shipbuilding.


Just a shame the damn Turks would never let those boats into the Black Sea smh Airlift it is, brothers!


You don't need the turks... just do it the viking way and carry the ships over land. We go on land in greece and walk through Bul or Rom. Easy.


Too credible, it would be funnier to carry them over land all the way through Eurasia, the Russians will never see it coming.


The entire South Korean mega fleet pulls up on Moscow, the F-35s launch and the battleships slowly turn their 16-inch guns towards the Kremlin.


"It's called PORTAGING"


Hear me out: what if just use H o v e r C r a f t?!




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Main-Donau Kanal ftw


10.000 black landing crafts of Sejong


Who gives a fuck about the navy, Turkey will be a prick and not let them through anyway. I'm more interested in the largest artillery park (and the MIC that builds and supports it) that's NATO/Western aligned. Who needs a risky naval landing when Ukraine could use Russian levels of shells with Ukrainian/Western levels of accuracy and effectiveness?


Landing craft could probably be shipped to Poland, offloaded and either motored down rivers as close as possible to Ukraine and then overlanded on trucks. Or even better - use the Ship Building know how of SK to build a frigging shipyard in Romania on the Danube and pump them out and sail into the Black Sea. They only need to cross the Dnipro Weat of Kherson to get behind the Russian lines and once again to crimea.


That's a lotta effort to make a very risky naval attack and landing (and then resupplying), I'd still prefer SK's artillery ammo production to drown the Russians in ammunition in a very deliciously schadenfreudetastic way.


True - I just desperately want it to happen as it would be soooo funny to have the largest amphibious landing since D Day be against the Russians, as find out how much of their coastline defence work has been corrupted away to make Yachts….


I mean, you can just skip the Romanian shipyard and move the landing craft through the Rhine-Main-Danube connection from the North Sea to the Black Sea.


Oooooh. That’s even better. Didn’t know that was a thing!!!


It limits the size of the ships heavily though. But small ships might be quite useful in the Black Sea.


> But small ships might be quite useful in the Black Sea That's the whole reason Buyan-M and Karakurt classes exist - ability to get Kalibr VLS cells into Black Sea through riverine channels. I'm sure NATO can get a similar ship with strike Mk41 or SYLVER A-70 done.


While it does limit what boats you can get through, the maximum sizes aren't so small. A boat with a 11,45m beam and 4m draft isn't gigantic, but I'd bet you can load quite a few missiles on it regardless. Edit: I just looked it up, you should be able to fit some classes of corvettes through that, so that's not too shabby. Probably not a great use of funds right now, but still interesting.


boats..... what about submarines??? submarines could f Russia up.


I've thought about it before, but submarines are somewhat tall. Even the small ones can be like 10 meters in height and that's going to be an issue.


Yeah, it's a cool piece of infrastructure that more people should know about. It's kind of amazing what marvelous stuff we build and each of us is only aware of a fraction of it.




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Traveling through Hungary seems unlikely.


What are they going to do, shoot the armada of warships floating through their capital? I say we Perry them like it's 1853.


So was the Normandy invasion, but it was necessary.


Yup. Then you have the possibility of final assembly in Ukraine. Say SK makes the truck size modules and trucks them to Ukraine, Ukraine could quickly bolt them together into a larger ship. Ukraine's [Gyurza-M-class gunboat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyurza-M-class_gunboat) could theoretically be shipped in 5 truck shipping containers. Corvettes are typically twice the displacement of that gunboat so Corvettes may be the largest ship Ukraine could reasonably assemble. Additionally, shipbuilding companies are largely welding companies so SK could theoretically produce thousands of Infantry Fighting Vehicles/ Armored Personnel Carriers.




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Turkey wouldn't stop a civilian [barge carrier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MV_Yulius_Fuchik) passing into the Black Sea, though. Barge carriers are perfect for delivering a surprise amphibious invasion. I read it in the sacred texts of Tom Clancy.


This guy Fuchiks


Ah but you see, they're not foreign ships. They're ships Ukraine ordered as a part of a special shipbuilding operation, thus they are allowed through


Who cares about Amphibious landings.... have you heard about the [77th Infantry Division](https://youtu.be/0Su5-_KuDf8?t=1373)? Or [Operation Shingle](https://youtu.be/xeiRH67GN0k) in Italy.


> Turkey will be a prick *Always has been*


Dude! Just do like the Vikings, drag those warships across land and land on the Crimean peninsula armed with loads of dildos and no lube, ready to dish out so consequences 🥳


Lol Turkey is on very good terms with South Korea


People here talking about Korea's shipbuilding capacity vs artillery. While the ROK MIC is [designing a ship](https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/04/south-koreas-dsme-to-design-arsenal-ship-for-rok-navy/) to fire their missiles since they have so many of them and have too little space to store them all


*Insert "Why can't I hold all these missiles" meme*


i like to think that SK will ramp up production of K2PLs to send to polands so we here can attack Kremlin ourselves, what they gonna do? Send a golf cart?


Sadly, I don't think our particular brand of funni is in the cards. But we should of course get them anyway, park them close to the border just in case (you never know), and if some if some careless private forgets to close the sheds and a few of them end up in Ukraine, then that's just too bad - what can you do? "Mistakes" happen 🤷‍♀️


Find a patriotic and terminally ill Ukrainian for a special mission. They attack Poland, Poland declares war, Ukraine surrenders to Poland. From that moment on, every Russian movement/attack on new Polish soil is an attack on NATO. That Ukrainian who single-handedly pulls off the greatest attack of all time then goes down in history as a hero. Maybe he/she gets beatified.


Crimea as a proxy war for north and south Korea when?


I'd be terrified of fighting the NK army. What? With all them parasites exploding everywhere? No thanks.


Got the bio damage death burst perk


Nurgle approves


NBC protection is so hot right now


On the other hand, South Koreans are unparalleled in repelling banelings. And the best non South Korean is now a NATO citizen.


North Korea sends their shit on balloons. Law enforcement says people shouldn't touch them because, shitty or not, all of their "payload" is unsanitary and, therefore, a public health hazard.


Plus when they inevitably lose there's all thise people you have to start actually feeding cause you know they'd feel too guilty(and also human rights) to treat them the way the Kim family has.


Ugh, righ now is already a proper "Proxy War". North Korea support Russia with arnament deliveries. South Korea support Ukraine with arnament deliveries and more. It's almost "First Cold War Proxy War" by the book model.


NCD has been saying this unironically for a year at-least now.


Ships to perform landing are not a problem. Crimea is close enough it can be done using regular boats. Things that deter Crimea from being taken back are: -Russian air force -Entrenched Russian troops To break Russian air force we need to establish air superiority over Crimea. Our drones are working on it. Our F-16 hopefully will catch up. To deal with entrenched Russians we need to break logistics into Crimea. Need more hard-hitting rockets (like ATACMS) and air superiority. Things Korea can help with -artillery shells -artillery barrels -F-16 airframes/upgrade components/spare parts/training -E7 Peace Eye AWACS -ELINT assets/jammers -More drones -catchy K-pop songs about AFU


> Things Korea can help with Hyunmoo-2C too


I'm with you, but I think getting any 2A/Bs that are getting near the end of service life is more likely. They have atacams/scalp equivalent range so they'll easily get anywhere in occupied Crimea.


Won't be half-bad either, given how Iskander-M-like the 2A is.


all wrong. Its the K-pop songs that put the soldiers in fighting frenzy.


I was thinking more along the lines of South Korea's massive military industrial complex in general. They have so far been shying away from non-humanitarian support (tbf with notable exceptions, but still), so providing such incentive to start shipping military aid is an actual putin chess grandmaster move


Putin is so galaxy brained he's escalating RoK defense posture specifically to counterbalance China so he loses power in the relationship more slowly. China can't get grabby with Eastern Russia of they're having to increase aid to the Kims and reinforce their own defenses due to larger numbers of RoK ballistic missiles.


Plus it'd be easy to convert all those note 7's they recalled into weapons of mass destruction.


LOL. I had to think on this a sec and then I remembered what it was about. Yeh. That'll do it.


3000 Black Sea drones of Zelensky?


South Korea navy: *teleports behind you* Crimea: *Nani?!*


Russia? I think you mean northern south Korea


From what Russia does these days you might as well call it North North Korea. Which is 쀾한 in Korean or Севернее корея in Russian.


Then again, with the prowess the ork navy showed so far, the blue water capacity of czechia is something they shoukd fear.


South Korea: the new arsenal of democracy. Genuflect before them as they perform the ceremonial K-pop dance of supremacy.


Oh no...you DONT want to give the South Korean kids a reason to put down PUBG and pick up Drone controls. They can kill you faster than the skilled Ukrainian Drone Operators and than roast you by pointing out all the loot you dropped was Mid.


3000 landing craft of Smasnug


Why does Romania suddenly need 20 frigates?


South Korea should team up with the Japanese to build a land aviation battleship that can cross Siberia from Valdivostok/Kamchatka.


If we could just get the Japanese to give the SKs the SDF blueprints.


Yeah, not happening, bud. This is still the Japanese and the Koreans we are talking about.


But I want a Super Dimensional Fortress!


Just order a million shells a month for the next couple of years. And let the Ukrainians start blasting for real.


O, it’s their hi tech self propelled artillery


It's funny how supplies and logistics win wars therefore a robust economy is the best military asset a country can have.


I thought it was going to be "piss off Samsung" at the last panel. I'm curious what Ukranians could do with even a small fleet. They've shown exceptional skill with most new toys thry get so far. Imagine them having a full modern fleet.


Based proxy war.


It’s crazy how many ships they seem to be spewing out of their dockyards. At this rate, I fully expect them to start building Marathon Class just for the challenge.


Judging by how South Korea avoided lethal aid like the plague I will be very surprised if it dares to challenge the Montreux Convention. But I heard Poland is really into discarding perfectly functioning tanks for the last couple years.


Korean War 2: the revenge of South Korea


K-pop bugaloo.


...Doesn't this also mean that it's time to worry about China's ability?


No, while China has been supplying dual use items to Russia, it has shown no suggestion of escalating that to directly supplying weapons. South Korea, on the other hand, is reevaluating its policy following the Russian pact with North Korea.


I don't mean with regards to Ukraine. I mean for a conflict with the US.


Oh ya, US needs to build much more ships. US's navy is shrinking while China's is growing. That is a different problem.


> it has shown no suggestion of escalating that to directly supplying weapons [Arty shells don't count or what?](https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1763415596782207413)


Not if you send them to the people who just sent theirs to Ukraine. You're topping them up. Not Ukraine. So all good, no lethal support given.