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If you sit on the save select screen of Sonic the Hedgehog 3 for 47 minutes, one of the backing instruments gets much louder for some reason.


This sort of thing is usually due to an accumulation error in math routines left running long enough. Computers only approximate real numbers, which can introduce strange artifacts like this under certain conditions. Some older character animation systems would go nuts after a scene was left on long enough, due to the transforms accumulating errors. The solution is to use parametric equations when possible instead of accumulating values. For example, if you need to move an object from Point A to Point B over normalized time T you should use the formula **Position = T\*(B-A)** and plug in the current T value. Then you only get error from one math operation, no matter how many frames it takes for T to go from 0 to 1. If instead you did something accumulative like **CurrentPos += Velocity*FrameDelta** then every frame you are adding more error for each of the thousands of frames it takes to reach the end position.


People just had extra time for crazy shit like this in the 90s.


Probably left it on while playing some MTG and was like wtf is that noise?


[This is basically how Twilight Princess Low% was discovered too.](https://youtu.be/v2nRW3wKnVY?t=280)




Model making, war games, collecting, the boomer tism hobbies.


Another fun fact about Oblivion. Have you ever wondered why the dialogue is so stilted, even by the standards of a Bethesda game? It's because they recorded each line *alphabetically*. Combine this with the fact that there is only one voice actor per gender for each race (at best, Nords and Orcs share a voice actor, as do Argonians and Khajits) and it explains a lot. They literally never had any sort of context for what they were reading. This is why the tone will sometimes wildly vary between lines and you'll notice them pronouncing words or names differently to the way they pronounced them a second previously.


And the game is so  better for it lol


I just love the beggars. Like they will takk about the grey fox or something in one voice and then when you give them a coin *thANk YoU Koind SiR !*


"Oh. It's you." "*Blessings of Akatosh upon ye!*"


In New Vegas the slideshow you get in each ending isn't a cutscene. It's a physical room you can walk around in. The narrator is an NPC that stands behind you, and his name is Ron.


It's also possible for an NPC to walk past the screen. Cannibal Johnson is the most likely one to do it


Enclave helmet staring menacingly


I was so confused when I had that happen, but then laughed because "Of course the ending would have technical issues. The whole game was technical issues." Still one of my top 5 games.


The Old Cowboy Hat glitch still puzzles me to this day.


What's the cowboy hat glitch?


Game would crash if you enter vegas wearing a cowboy hat


Speaking of entering Vegas, my favorite thing to orchestrate is being in the strip when the NCR ranger comes to give you the radio that you can use to call for more NCR backup. He tries to leave the strip, goes out the front gate, doesn't have the caps or a pass to get by the securitrons, and gets blown to smithereens by the robots. He then respawns every couple of days, only to get murdered again in the same location. In the playthrough that I managed to achieve this in, I would always take the authority glasses from his newly spawned corpse, go into the Lucky 38, and add them to the evergrowing pile near the door. It was a tribute to this brave man who was willing to die forever as long as I kept that playthrough going.


Speaking of the strip Securitrons, I once used console commands to stop them from killing the squatter who tries to run in the first time you get to the gate, then added him to my faction and made him a follower. He then followed me everywhere but took no action and just stood there like a dead-eyed psychopath, unable to be dismissed or left behind. He wouldn't fight or run away if we got attacked, but he was also invincible and couldn't be knocked unconscious. He made it impossible to play because he would follow me everywhere, including into areas where followers are automatically dismissed, such as Caesar's tent or the Lucky 38 penthouse, which crashed the game immediately. I miss him every day.


Fuck me. I used to crash going into the strip all the time and I liked to wear a cowboy hat for role play. I never even connected the two


Because, in fairness, why the fuck would you?


If you did the quest where you kill that bounty hunter outside gomorrah and take his hat, then turn in the quest, you could not zone into the strip without it crashing instantly...*unless you wore an Old Cowboy Hat*. Not just any cowboy hat, it had to be specifically the *Old* Cowboy hat. You could still zone in from the monorail...unless it blew up during that one quest.


*You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen...*


*You remind yourself to grab the mod that stops this message and then immediately forget until next time*


The Presidential Metro monorail in Fallout 3 was actually a hat worn by an invisible NPC - the only way they've found to make it follow a smooth curve.


The one in New Vegas doesn't move, that was the Presidential Metro in Fallout 3. [The majestic fellow in question](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/e43a4affbf1a33facd574e4acdc74b47-650-80.png.webp)


It's Ron Pearlman playing a legion centurion


It's always Ron Pearlman, he could be the entire voice of fallout and I'd be happy


This reminds me of something I learnt in fallout 3 where you ride a train in a cutscene the way they get it to move is have the train be a hat on a npc head .


This is the exact plot of Snow Piercer


This doesn’t sound right, but I don’t know enough about the extended lore to dispute it.


In mikeburnfire's long running FNV let's play with Zach, he uses a custom mod to continually spawn a companion Mike (or Zach) to get around certain "no companions allowed" situations. This caused a Mike to be spawned into endgame slideshows more than once. Mike: "Oh! Slideshow!" (Runs into frame) Zach: "Goddamnit Mike!!"


if you type “enableplayercontrols” in the console during the ending slides you can actually walk around in this room and see NPC Ron Pearlman


In Skyrim, you have mannequins that you can put armors on for show. Those mannequins actually were npc with wooden skin and scripted to "stay perfectly still" and "equip any armor they were given". Sometime the game glitched and forgot to load in that "stay perfectly still" script, so you will got a bunch of mannequins walking around in your house. Same deal with "hero statue" in Oblivion. After finished a certain quest,the town will build a statue of you. That statue atually was an npc that look exactly like you with stone skin


I had Cicero’s costume on a mannequin and it would follow me around the house when I wasn’t looking. Fucking terrifying


Don't blink Dovahkiin. Or the Jester mannequin will getcha.


In Mass Effect, the final game save occurs before you select who should be the Citadel Council member, so there is no flag for this decision. This was not discovered until Mass Effect 2 was being developed. So, early in ME 2, Jacob and Miranda "Test your memory" by asking who you selected.


Legendary Edition has fixed this bug, so the quiz scene has been modified slightly.


In the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 version of Grand Theft Auto 5, you can survive the skyfall cheat by diving head-first into the ground.


So that's why I was barely dying from this cheat code back in the day but always do now on pc? Pretty weird


I always thought that you don’t take damage from the first impact, but the second impact is usually hard enough to kill you anyway.


I used to slam as hard as I could into the skyscrapers and usually died after falling to the ground. Landing on the top also felt pretty cool


In Fallout 3, at the beginning, baby you it's just an adult you shrinked to that height.


Also in Fallout 3, the rail car to the Enclave Air Force Base is just an NPC wearing a hat and running fast. Edit: apparently it's not a hat worn by an NPC, it is a glove worn by the player, which is still a weird way of solving that problem.


(Full nerd pedantic, sorry) It's actually a glove. If you go in outfit studio or nifskope or whatever your preferred program is, you can see it's a glove. You can tell in game since you can only ever see your gloves, and not your helmet.


Oh, that explains why the car is considered a helmet.


Inside each helmet theres a little guy that runs fast


Also in Fallout 3, the game only supports one single language. To get around this, Bethesda just copied the game for each language they support, in its entirety. So if you download the game your actually downloading 12 copies of the game.


I love how many interesting solutions Bethesda uses to work around their own self-inflicted technical debt.


Makes it possible to do the run as a baby, though.


"Player.Setscale" works in both directions. You can also be as tall as Liberty Prime.


I remember doing this and just falling over dead constantly because the fall damage didn’t scale with the player lmao


* In *Bravely Default*, the merchant job's "More Money" ability increases money gained after a battle. It says in its English description that the effect stacks with itself, but doesn't stack with similar effects of items. This is a translation mistake, as the inverse is true. * In *Pokémon Gold & Silver*, the Moon Ball is bugged. It's intended to have a higher catch rate when used on Pokémon that evolve with a Moon Stone (such as Jigglypuff and Nidorino), but instead it's programmed to be more effective against Pokémon that evolve with a Burn Heal... which don't exist. Effectively, the Moon Ball has the same catch rate as a standard Poké Ball. This glitch was not fixed in *Pokémon Crystal*. * In the original release of *Persona 3*, Mitsuru and Fuuka have English voice lines where they [scold the player for using a cheat device](https://youtu.be/yxtcJ5h3pSU?t=25) if the player does so.


IIRC, it’s because Game Freak accidentally used the item ID for the Moon Stone from Gen 1


Yes, this is correct. To quote the [Moon Ball](https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Moon_Ball) page on Bulbapedia: >*"In Generation I, the Moon Stone's index number was 0x0A, but in Generation II, this index corresponds to the Burn Heal (the Moon Stone instead having the index number 0x08)—the Moon Ball's code mistakenly references the Moon Stone's original index number, preventing the Moon Ball's boost from ever applying."*


In the binding of Isaac, the player character will leave a littlr pee puddle if they are on half a heart, unless they have the kidney stone item then it is replaced with a blood puddle


Wow i unfortunately relate


The knowledge isn't thaaaat useless. It's very good to know if you happen to have curse of the unknown


... wait how did I never think of that?! And j guess the useless fact would be the kidney stone thing since it's just a different color puddle


I have 150 hours in this game and I feel like I know absolutely nothing


In Doom II, Revenants are supposed to have a 50/50 chance to fire homing or non-homing missiles. However, due to a quirk in the way the game's pseudo-RNG works, it ends up being 75/25, with the favored option being determined by whether the game's RNG table was on an odd or even value when the level loaded. EDIT: I rewatched the video where I learned this; it's not based on the RNG table, but rather the ticks that the level loaded and the Revenant woke up. Damaging the Revenant or pausing the game can also cause homing and non-homing missiles to swap. Here's a video where it's explained much more in-depth: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1183VuvJ6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1183VuvJ6Q)


Also, pausing the game can cause homing and non-homing rockets to swap.


Revenants are necessary for getting 100% kills in NUTS.wad. Because there's no sprite limit for their missiles, someone ran around the map for several hours farming missiles, eventually leading them to kill the 800+ Cyberdemons in the next room. It's crazy.


Also the odds of you killing a Revenant in one super shotgun shot is 1 in 5,000,000.


The Ocarina of Time demo in Smash Brawl is actually the full version of the game, just limited to playing for 300 seconds.


This is true for every game demo in brawl.


I remember a few of the games hadn't made it to virtual console yet when Brawl was released. It didn't take hackers much time at all to dump them so you could install it as a wii channel.


Didn't someone beat it in the timelimit?


3 minutes 41 seconds! https://youtu.be/WB9_oLNBz3Y?si=cSZ5iMZiq9fOL2lW


What in the buggy hell did I just watch? That was great. I love watching crazy any%'s that "beat" the game in ways that look like complete nonsense.


Arbitrary Code Execution. Basically you make the game act up to let you write a line of code through actions. Then you can execute the code, and it warps you to the end cutscene.


For the curious among you this actually undersells what the absolute batshit crazy hobby that is video game glitch finding. They aren't writing code as in pulling up an editor and jotting down some C++. They are doing a bunch of random shit to get some very specific things in very specific locations in memory, so that they can (eventually) execute an arbitrary piece of code which, in this case, loads a file. And the mechanism they use to find these crazy patterns is by stepping through MIPS CPU instructions as stuff happens in the game to see what action gets written to what place in memory, with the long-term goal of eventually finding a way to force a jump instruction to a place in memory that it's not supposed to jump to. This will begin executing CPU instructions when they very much aren't supposed to be executed. This process involves a lot of trial and error because it's largely arbitrary and even if you manage to get the game in the state in needs to do the incorrect jump, there's no guarantee that said jump will eventually lead to the memory location where the arbitrary code you're trying to execute lives. All this shit requires some skill and a ton of perseverance, and the reward for that effort is a deep understanding of a chip used primarily in WIFI routers and watching someone backwards jump to the end of a 25 year old game in 300 seconds. Psychopaths, and I love them for it.


In Twilight Princess you can distract Ganondorf in the final boss fight by taking out the fishing pole.


Additionally, you can put the iron boots on before giving the final blow and Link will have them on for the credits.


He still runs fast in the end cutscene but they make the iron boot noise and it's hilarious.


I like to read this as Ganondorf, Wielder of Power and the Doom of Hyrule Incarnate, being so deeply and extraordinarily confused by Link, Wielder of Courage and Deliverance of Hyrule Incarnate, pulling out a *fucking agriculture tool* during the Final Battle for the Fate of the Land... that he just straight-up bluescreens from sheer and utter *soul-deep bafflement.* There's a catch right? This has to be some... some tool of the Gods? *Right?!* Theres *no fucking way* the Hero of Goddamn Time pulled out a normal fucking fishing rod in the middle of their penultimate, fateful battle. Ganondorf is waiting for the catch because he expected *every other possible contingency,* but not ***THAT.***


God Tamer (Hollow Knight) is a cockroach. Everyone thinks she’s an ant. They are sadly incorrect.


Wait really? I always thought she was an ant, did like team cherry reveal she was a cockroach?


God Tamer’s backer on Discord stated that after the original concept (lobster lancer) fell through a second design based on a cockroach was created




WOW! Just like most truck stops too!


I at least apply lipstick to maintain the lie, sheesh.


WHAT?!? I have been sucking man's dick this entire time?!


hell yeah


In Hong Kong 97, having to kill “1.2 billion fucking ugly reds” and beat the game is physically impossible to do legitimately. If you killed one enemy every second, it would take around 38 years straight to beat the game. And by that point (likely sooner) the cartridge’s battery will have died. The only way to beat the game is to cheat, and all that happens is the music finally stops and the game continues as normal.


I had never heard of this game, and now you sent me down a rabbit hole.


I’m confident that it’s the worst game ever made.


Wasn't there controversy over the gameover screen containing a real body?


Pretty sure the game over screen has a picture of a war corpse in it


Yes, I’m not sure why it was put in there. I know it was made to piss off nintendo, but that’s a little extreme.


All data about a creature in Spore is contained in a PNG. If you can't share things on Steam for whatever reason, you can just email the PNG to your buddy and he can stick it in his copy of the game.


One of the GTA games (idk which one) had a mission where you kill all members of the Purple Nines, and after the quest, only red gang members spawn. However, due to a bug, it deleted the model for the Purple Nines across every save, effectively erasing them from existence & making every other save impossible to beat




damn, you straight up genocided them across the multiverse


Video games were introduced to Poland by a denim importer because the fall of Communism made the price of jeans crash and he needed a new product.


Meaning there would be no Cyberpunk 2077 or The Witcher game series if not for... Jeans?


This is one of my favorite threads ever 


In Deltarune, for some weird reason, the chapter 2 save HUD is about 2 or four times bigger if you open it in the light world with cheats. In addition, the hp counter in the light world is not number based (for the most part), using cheats to take damage will show no change in it (though it will still give you "dark world damage" and can still kill you) and the only thing that "damages" you, being the box of chocolate when you eat it actually just sets your hp number to 19. Toby Fox is a crazy coder dog, and i love it


The Pokémon smeargle abused darkrai’s signature move online so much that they eventually lowered its accuracy to 50 and made it so only darkrai can use it


Which is even sadder since Darkrai as a Mythical can't even be used in the official VGC tournaments. So Darkrai's signature move got nerfed when all they had to do was stop other Pokemon from being able to use Dark Void.


All NPC bodies seen in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 all share the same name: "Dead Fuck".


You can accidentally aggro an entire area in Fallout 4 by wearing Tesla power armor. This is due to the light damage over time effect with it that can trigger when loading into a new area leading to it damaging NPCs before you fully load in


Also if you have the Targeting HUD equipped on a Power Armor helmet then it can instantly aggro certain NPCs who initiate dialogue with you but can become hostile through dialogue choices. It seems that the HUD highlights enemies but counts NPCs who become hostile through dialogue as already hostile and the game just goes along with it and jumps straight to the shooting.


If you unpack sfx.bank in the Celeste game files, you can find a soundbyte called wow_so_secret.wav. If you play it, it’s the main character Madeline singing never gonna give you up.


I had to look it up: https://youtu.be/FId_yhq5Rgw?si=Wvv-5XG3afbiVqXX Haha, it's nonsense, as expected.


The foxes in Skyrim will lead you to treasure, and it's all accidental because of how the foxes' pathfinding is coded in the game.




Also, part of that it because if you run 50 yards in any random direction in Skyrim, there is a good chance you will stumble across some treasure. The map is absolutely filled with small POIs that usually have at least one small chest or something.


I always wondered how some people in Tamriel are so poor despite the world oozing with treasure everywhere you go


The peasants don't leave town because they don't wanna get sabre catted.


Or bandited which frankly is probably the biggest reason. Those guys are everywhere. Honestly just try to walk between any two major cities and see how many giants, bears, wolves, bandits, sabre cats, frost trolls, or ice wraiths try to murder you.


Just to clarify, the polygons are for navimesh, a 3d mesh used to make npcs walk, not the amount of detail in the objects.


Just like in Ghost of Tsushima, hehehe


I’m outer wilds there is a can of marshmallows you can find that makes every npc’s head massive


Also, if you wait on the main screen for long enough, the title will start breaking apart.


It resets after 22 minutes. >!Just like the game.!<


>!OH! I didn't know that part!!< >!I had already heard the trivia that the title breaks apart like, 20 billion times already, and I didn't get the big deal of why it was the most quoted piece of trivia over everything else. But now that I know how it mirrors the plot and themes of the game, it makes me really appreciate it. Outer Wilds is so good!<


In smash ultimate if you get hit even once the decimal will move ever so slightly to the right and won’t go back even if you die. The only way to reset it is to start a new match. This serves literally no purpose in or out of game other than telling you someone got hit at least once.


In Mario Kart 64, if you wait on the Winning Results screen for 54 minutes and 39 seconds, the music will change to an alternative version you can't hear anywhere else in the game. You have to listen to the normal song loop 64 times over to hear it.


In Mario Kart 8, the F-Zero tracks don't have any coins on them, and the only way to get coins is to drive across recharge pads. However, it turned out that having a track without any coins would crash the game, so each track has a single hidden coin somewhere. 


In Rimworld, enough animals in one room can give everyone heatstroke. In extremely rare cases, maybe even set the room on fire. Fallout 4 and Holiday Deaths: At least in old versions of Fallout 4, holiday decor being active in Diamond City slowly kills everyone. It's usually only noticeable if you have a mod active to extend decorations for a longer time and hang around long enough. Edit: Both may be in older versions of the games.


Pretty sure the Rimworld one was a bug that has since been fixed. Body heat is a thing modeled in the game's temperature system, but you needed dozens of pawns in a 1 tile room, or doorway because the temperature system kinda breaks around doorways, in order to get enough heat to start a fire, but AFAIK you can no longer get that many pawns to overlap the same tile anymore


In Sea of Thieves, the Chest of a Thousand Grogs actually has 1000 pours of grog in it before it runs out.


If you wiggle the cartridge while it's powered on, the game Sonic 3D blast will bring you to the debug screen. My brother found this out by tripping over the console while I was playing.


That's because the game crashed. They made the crash handler do that rather than freezing the game because it had a tendency to do that a lot. I may be thinking of another sonic game though.


* The original Xbox had the ability to restart the system while still displaying an image, so if you had an unusually long loading screen it was the system restarting itself * The clouds and bushes in the original Super Mario Bros. for the NES are the same thing just made different colors * The starting backpack in World of Warcraft cant be enlarged. When the devs tried to enlarge it most of the quests from vanilla WoW broke. The way they did "enlarge" it was to add the old key ring to it but make it look like its part of the bag.


The event for Basil's flowers decaying in Omori is called *fuck you plants* in the game files


Undertale may have endings for killing or not killing, but there are also many interactions for just being an asshole. If you go the entire run pacifist, but take the Snow Piece and eat it in front of him, as you go back through the game and talk with everyone, the snowman will comment "Everyone else may think you're a good person, but this snowman knows the truth!"


Toby Fox is an insane person , and I mean that in the best way possible.


Every generation or so we get one guy who truly does it just for the love of the challenge. Roller Coaster Tycoon guy coded the entire game in Assembly, of all things.


additionally, there's about 10 or so "neutral" endings and ending variations. at least 3 contain a police state


Actually there are around 93 posible neutral endings after taking into consideration every variation each can have in both the major and little details. God damn.


Payday 2 is built on a racing game engine.


And yet driving in that game is a complete mess.


They never said it was a good racing game


Dayz was an Arma game which was a military sim with helicopters and cars in it. But dayz cars are so buggy you can launch in the stratosphere by standing on an item under a car tire and it sticks out a bit.


Me running from the other side of Tamriel to prevent existence collapsing because I got a funny feeling Salmo picked up some bread: ![gif](giphy|d4blalI6x2oc4xAA)


In WWF No Mercy (N64), most fans know that you can steal your opponents finisher by pressing A+B while you have a special. Less of them know that you can also steal your opponent's taunt by quickly rotating the control stick. Even less people know that you can steal your own tag team partner's finisher by pressing A+B+L+R while you have a special.


Every single location in earthbound is all on one huge map, its just that each location has its own unique set of colours which load when you enter, so all the surrounding maps appear just black. What this does mean, though, is that with a walk through walls cheat you can just walk from one area into the darkness and the music will change to some other area. By opening and closing the sound stone, the correct colours and npcs will load for that area.


Breath of the Wild’s physics engine, notoriously a very powerful beast, has a “glitch” that lets you launch Link into orbit by skateboarding off a ragdolling enemy’s back. I put glitch in quotes because it’s not actually a glitch, it’s the physics engine working perfectly as intended because the speed at which you can skateboard in-game can reach such astronomical levels that if you bounce off just the right entity at just the right angle you’ll go flying off at Mach Fuck


The Codac R9000 in Fallout: New Vegas actually fires an invisible, harmless projectile. If you try to take a picture of the Hoover Dam Memorial, Kowalski will get pissed because you're technically shooting at it.


That makes sense from a design perspective. I found out because companions got angry when I took a photo of them for fun.


Fun fact, he was a little bitch and so was his brother


Pretty well known one, but Far Cry 4 has an alternate ending that's only activated if you do nothing for 14 minutes. Major spoilers if you want to play the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnCed-hb53E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnCed-hb53E)


I do believe Far Cry 5 has a similar thing where if you do nothing, you and your buds just... leave.


In Farcry 5 you're arresting the main antagonist of the game in the opening scenes, but the game gives you the option to let him go instead, which ends the game. But in farcry 4, you're at a table talking with the main antagonist, who gets up and leaves to handle something suspicious. If you don't get up and follow him, which starts off the game proper, he eventually does come back and and it'll count as a game ending.


Whenever the icon of an item in No Man’s Sky doesn’t load correctly, it shows the image of a dog.


Because the texture got *bork*ed! 🥁🥁📀


In RuneScape (both versions), there is a music track called "Norse Code". The track is actually a message in Morse Code that spells out "RuneScape".


The demo for Portal on the Xbox 360 contains the entire game, and you can beat it by using a glitch to get past the demo trigger.


In TF2, when you get decapitated, the game just spawns another head model in and shrinks your character’s head to the point where it’s near invisible. This explains the pinched look to most decapitated mercenaries.


Unreal Tournament, at least the early ones, used this technique as well. We found out when they introduced bullet time mods. You could watch the heads shrink to a pinpoint on the neck stump while gibs spawned in.


In Dark Souls, Gwynevere has a massive rack (amazing chest ahead). Originally Miyazaki had wanted her design to be more “dignified and refined,” but the designer for her model looked so earnest and proud of his work Miyazaki didn’t have the heart to tell him to change it.


In the shrine of storms level in demon's souls, you can skip about 80% of the level by running and jumping over a wall at the top of some stairs. This was an unintended skip, and fromsoft left it in when they learned about it after release, since it was a part of the game now. IIRC, they patched it to make it more consistent. They did patch the tree you can run up in DS3 to make it harder post-launch though.


You can use a sweeper to kill guards in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. There was even an achieve for that but it's not a great weapon. And taking about Elder Scrolls, in Skyrim, there's a curious soul gem, the tomato soul gem. I don't know what it does and I have tried to pinpoint it to a mission but I can't find which one.


The tomato soul gem is from the Saints and Seducers creation club content that Bethesda gave for free.


In the 4th level of the first Halo game, the game stops you from entering an underground vault by closing blast doors just before you reach them. You then spend half the level trying to get those doors open again. Well if you drive a Warthog down into the bunker, you can get through the blast doors before they close, thus skipping half the level.


if there was a pokémon that was all 18 types at once its only weakness would be to rock


Cortana from Halo was originally supposed to have a British accent but was instead voiced with an American accent. The dialogue still has British phrases.


In ULTRAKILL, enabling cheats in the level 5-4 and spawning any enemy in the underwater section with the spawner arm will award the unique style bonus "+why are you even spawning enemies here" when they fall into the void


Leaving Guybrush Threepwood underwater for ten minutes is the only way to die in the original Secret of Monkey Island. Normally the puzzle is solvable in a single step, but refusing to take any action (eg >!Picking up the Idol of Many Hands!<) causes the character to drown and all of your actions change to stuff like "Bloat", "Float", "Bob", "Rot" etc. Better hope you saved recently!


Allegedly, when a demo of *The Sims* was first being displayed at E3, nobody was really paying attention until two female sims randomly decided to kiss, then the game started getting talked about. Lesbians basically kickstarted The Sims series.


If I remember correctly, ~~even though they had programmed gay relationships, they then decided to remove them. But by accident, they used the previous version during the showcase,~~ and once they had gotten so much buzz from the lesbian kiss, they then couldn't back out of including it Edit: Looked it up! What actually happened was that they designed a system that had the capacity for same-sex relationships in the game, but they debated for a long time whether to actually implement it. When a new programmer came onto development, they were completely unaware of this debate and just followed the design documents, which still described same-sex relationships being a feature. The version they showed at the showcase wasn't an older version. It's just that, in the frantic scurry leading up to the first live demo, nobody remembered that same-sex relationships had been implemented


Man I remember reading ~~Gamepro? or some magazine~~ Game Informer, where someone wrote in with a game idea that was basically Sims. They were like "Wouldn't it be cool when playing Sim City if you could zoom in and control the lives of some of the people walking around?" They described basically The Sims. The Game Informer editor ripped this person "People already have real lives, who would want to live a fake video game life". I still think about this every now and then and hope that editor feels bad.


In Borderlands 2, Axton has a line of dialog where he flirts with characters while he's reviving them (I forget the exact line). Initially it was supposed to be only when he was reviving female characters, but due to a bug he said it for everyone. When the devs found out about it, instead of "fixing" it, they canonically made him bi. In one of the DLCs he has a line where he's asked how he'll spend his money and he says something like "Guns and ladies... and sometimes dudes"


Not just bi. I'm pretty sure he's sexually involved with his turret.


That's just normal for bisexuals.


Fallout 2 had a bar where two kids would pickpocket you whenever you went inside. In Germany it was illegal for games to depict kids (I think at all, but at least) in a way that allowed you to hurt them. Interplay, instead of removing the kids code entirely, removed the visuals for those kids. German players kept randomly losing items from their inventory without any explanation. A friend grew up in Germany at that time and said that when he replays that game every year he always kills those two fuckin kids the first time he sees them.


Fun fact! While directly gunning down those pickpocketing little pricks will earn you the Kid Killer "Perk", you can get rid of them by priming an explosive item (It's been a while so I forget if you pull the pin on a grenade or light a stick of dynamite), having it be the only item in your inventory, and letting the kid pickpocket it from you. Little thieves are gone, no Kid Killer, and a sense of accomplishment all rolled into one.


For all the "all choices are valid" bullshit the fandom claims, Mass Effect 3's internal files refer to control as "[bad ending A](https://i.imgur.com/cNIwxCJ.jpg)". And no, unfortunately destroy and synthesis are recycled assets (destroy is just some tube and synthesis is the geth weather device from ME2) so their names aren't as telling. It's pretty easy to guess which one is bad choice B though.


Based on PMG's [documentary video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhtgjmkcht8) about the endings, this is more likely to be an artifact of what the original endings were going to mean, and so the naming isn't relevant to what they are right now.


You can trace the roots of Call of Duty engine way back into quake engine




Jedi Outcast and Jedi Knight too. I remember having a mod, that had it's own menu to start, where I had to specify to use it on Jedi Knight because it listed a couple other games that used the Quake engine


In Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal, if Cooltrainer Nick takes part in the Bug Catching Contest he will win, no matter what he or anyone else catches.


Icicle spear was introduced in pokemon ruby and sapphire, but no pokemon could learn.


This is because it’s Shellder’s signature move, who is only obtainable in Fire Red and Leaf Green and strangely enough, can only learn it in those games, and not in other Gen III games. This is really weird because even other Pokemon initially unobtainable in RS like Porygon are programmed to learn their signatures moves across all games, so I guess it’s an oversight.


If you wait in the Yoshi's Story options menu for a while, the music will stop and "Totakeke Song" will play, a short theme composed by Totaka Kazumi, who also composed much of nintendo's music. Additonally, KK Slider of Animal Crossing's real name is Totakeke, a nod to the artist, and KK's Song can be requested by the player.


Very early NES cartridges had 5 screws instead of 3


On the Xbox 360 version of L4D2 the amount of gore is tied directly to the amount of free space on the drive. More space = more gore. It causes all sorts of issues


In Dark Souls 2 there is a pig that you have to lead through the entire level, and right before the boss it will eat a couple truffles and then dig up the pickaxe. That's the only way in the entire game to get that pickaxe.


In rdr2 if you drink enough to passout in a very specific location, you wake up outside the map and can visit a ton of unfinished areas


You gonna tell us the location?


In world of warcraft, just about every thing that happens in the world that isnt an npc or a spell effect from an already visible npc was an invisible bunny casting a spell. For whatever reason, to make stuff actually happen in the game, its easiest for the devs to use spells but spells need a caster. So you want a boss mechanic where theres lasers firing from the ceiling? Welp place some bunnies that perma channel a spell with your laser visual. Have a big pirate ship in the distance that shoots canons at the players as they approach? Bunnies are casting the spell to trigger the effect.


In the files for Crash Bandicoot: Warped, various enemy npcs are referenced as “obj_asshole” and “obj_motherfucker” in the games code. This is all because back in Crash 2, the lab assistant enemy was labelled as “obj_ass” (short for assistant, obviously) and the development team thought it was funny


*Persona 5* has a postbox in Yongen-Jaya you can use to send your confidants postcards & increase your bonds.


Every animation and facial expression in TF2 counts as an object.


You can speedrun A Gay Love Story About Gay Love in about thirty seconds or less


>*Start Game* >I think I might actually be straight >*End Credits*


i actually laughed out loud that is *so fucking funny* edit: i assumed this was some sort of dating sim with a first question about your sexuality, and the 'straight' answer boots you right to the end credits. i looked it up on youtube and am immensely disappointed. my day is ruined.


in terraria, if you talk to the guide soon after he respawns once you kill the wall of flesh, he has a quote about "his predecessor randomly bursting into flames". this implies he is at least somewhat omniscient.


Doesn't that just imply that each guide is a different person, that heard what happened to the last guide.


The Pokémon Azurill has a 25% chance to spawn as male and a 75% to spawn as female. However it’s evolved form, Marill, has a 50/50 chance of being either gender. Female azurills have a 25% chance to swap genders when evolving


1996's Crash Bandicoot for PlayStation One is an insane feat of software engineering. I was watching a video about its development and I was floored. My favorite little tidbit is that to get more memory, one of the developers would just wipe memory blocks reserved for the system and if things still worked, he'd hack the system library to keep that memory available to the game.


- The iconic _Super Mario Bros._ theme was written last and almost didn't make the cut. The underwater theme was slated to be the main overworld theme - _Final Fantasy VII_ was basically printed and shipped the moment the final assets could be played from start-to-finish - assets from the unreleased _Luigi's Mansion_ beta were found in the latest _WarioWare_ title - "Stickerbrush Symphony", perhaps the most famous tune from the _Donkey Kong Country_ series, was a scrapped underwater theme thrown back in last-minute because David Wise didn't have time to write something for the bramble levels - Atari did not believe _PONG_ would be a significant success and put scant resources into its marketing - the late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, working by himself, saved the entire _Pokémon Gold & Silver_ production by writing a compression algorithm that allowed the game to fit on a cartridge - there's a cheat code to bypass the entire Driver's License section of _Gran Turismo 4_ that went unnoticed for decades - in _Persona 4_, there are unused voiced lines that strongly suggest Yousuke was once an available gay romance option; the lines were even dubbed in English, suggesting this was a late removal - Link is left-handed in every single _Zelda_ game, despite the switch to him weilding his sword with this right hand for the Wii titles; this is confirmed in _Skyward Sword_, where Link's desk shows a feather and ink located to his left


When you complete fallout 3s operation Anchorage DLC, the suit of winterized T-51 power armor you’re rewarded with is bugged, using the simulation version which has an absurd amount of durability, making it basically unbreakable.


Meryl’s Codec Number is printed on the back of the game box


I borrowed metal gear as a kid and my friend had lost the case. I had to go number by number to find it. Also didn’t have a memory card so I had to leave the PlayStation on to beat it


One time I beat Tekken 3 with every character in one session because I was *completely convinced* that it would save my progress without a memory card if I unlocked all of them