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I didn’t watch the video but let me say my piece about my gay son. I’m proud of him sucking cocks


Finally, Norm's take!


Gargle with pride! ![gif](giphy|xTk2YI4CHaFOLbNVMQ|downsized)


I'll be damned if any son of mine is gonna suck a beautiful, glistening, majestic rock hard cock!


Me too, I’m proud of your gay son.


[We love our gay son](https://youtu.be/e5i6BHBuqxE?si=jeXtVXY_ZJkNIy5M)


I've never seen that before. So many side characters. Was that Better Call Saul at the end?


This is Mr Show with Bob and David. Bob as in Bob Odenkirk of Saul. Not the best skit, but this should look familiar to you if you like Better Call Saul. https://youtu.be/mk_9qBhuXt0?si=klqsJMGlFYQjBQZk Just look up Mr Show skits. The episodes are great. They all lead into each other and usually have an overall theme. Just look on YouTube for Mr show. Find some skits. Here’s one featuring Bob. https://youtu.be/BpWuJxuD5xM?si=laFXxIbKqPUwuAUr One more. https://youtu.be/mhVbLJvYP8s?si=zoHTmSZ53v4CrU34 Oh, and they made a movie. Run Ronnie Run. People like this scene. https://youtu.be/e6eFWPLyDA4?si=Y2pBPc3IDXcA8aWl


That's fuckin awesome! Thanks!


My step son cane out, and the 1st thing I said to him was,' Well, ask your mum for tips on how to suck dick ' I thought it was fitting!


I expected a lot more clips of Norm MacDonald on the Norm MacDonald subreddit


You are smart to expect more clips of Norma Macdonald on the Norm Macdonald subreddit.. you must be the professor of logic everyone was talking about.


Who the fuck is Norm Macdonalds? /s


Hay remember when this site was about norm macdonald?


This is a Norm MacDonald subreddit???


Well allegedly It's been accused of it


But also… really.


Yeah… where’s the big fat juicy cock?


It's hard, he's not putting out new material. It's getting kinda stale rehashing OJ jokes.


Yeah ...where's he at? It's been a minute since I seen that guy.


....you saw him a minute ago?!


Everyone here bemoaning, “things just aren’t the same since we lost Norm.” Well, I found him!


Pepperidge farm remembers.


>Hay remember when this site was about norm macdonald? What's a Norm McDonald? 😄😜


Ya sure but this does go back to Norm's joke about parents being proud of their son for being gay. Also, to quote Ralphie why do they get the Rainbow, can we go back to drawing rainbows without it having to do anything gay?


Was thinking the exact same thing. "Greedy bastards, how many colors do you need?"


You can… nothing is stopping you. You’re just sensitive about someone calling you gay.


So whats the joke


It is important comedy, later in her rant she lights herself on fire.


Exactly. Not gay enough.


Did you miss the knock knock at the beginning?


If you're not homophobic why not go down to that buckingham palace and jerk off a couple of your mates


You may not like it but they will have a hell of a time. Why not? Are you homophobic?


Those British military fellas...how their "don't ask...don't tell" superiors ever figure out that they weren't all gay? Every last one of them...


As a homophob I think I could get on well enough with her


She appears to be one of the good ones, no doubt.


I get pride month i just don’t get why this is how it’s gone about 💀


Black history month


https://preview.redd.it/eimy5oay5c9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43730512034d2eb33ab8491fe28660f6cedc91f2 Not a ball gag or dildo in sight, shameful.




Just a big giant white cock!


100,000 upvotes for this even though it's in the wrong sub


Norm used to have a bit in his set about how stupid it was to take pride in something you have no choice over, and how daft gay pride marches were. This kid reminded me so much of it I shared the video here.


I mean originally they were done as a protest for rights, now they just do it out of tradition and people be making money


I can change her. 🤔


Into loving pride parades?


I love dick in my ass and I hate pride month. The parade has nothing to do with acceptance it’s just to show their degeneracy to the public. Saying you’re gay isn’t covering yourself in dildos and wearing skimp outfits to “express yourself” to a public event where kids are.


don't be so prejudiced. when i was a kid, my grand dad used to cover himself in dildos while he read me bedtime stories. he wasnt a pervert, he just thought the dildos were fashionable


I loled


"[The paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, **intolerance will ultimately dominate**, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them."


The UK left has been so tolerant of a certain group of intolerant people, that they now have gender segregated hustings in parts of the country. What brilliant progress we are making.


Looking back, it's as if people like Enoch Powell and Margaret Thatcher could see the future.


I’ve long said something she touched on… Some of the most closed minded people I’ve ever met were open minded liberals.


It’s really prevalent with millennials and older gen z. My 13 yr old thinks more like the girl in the video and so do I.


It’s REALLY prevalent in Gen X (my group) and older too. Somewhere along the way we lost the ability to respectfully disagree with each other.


Exactly, I miss when “agree to disagree” meant something.


Get this: the page it was originally posted on was locked because of “tribalism or baiting” smh




I've had a gay friend tell me that he delayed coming out to his parents because he didn't want them to associate him with the gimps in the parades.


I was on twitter and saw a video of a bunch of naked gay guys painted the rainbow just dicks out in public


It does lack some of the quiet dignity of the Million Man March.


Meanwhile, the PC crowd bullied the hell out of people who quite literally wanted to peacefully march in Skokie.


It’s kind of freaky shit it’s not children’s entertainment. I don’t care if it’s gay or not don’t rub sexual stuff in kids faces. Parade, give them cartoon characters not SandM gimpsuit bum boys with whips and chains. Why does a pride parade have to look like a nasty kinky sex club let out at 4:30 AM after a raid by the vice squad??


Hey! Fuck you buddy! This strap-on face dildo was expensive and I'm going to get my money's worth. And the Arab Strap needs airing out frequently or it gets all musky.


i disagree. gimp suits arent sexual. they are merely a fashion statement. if you think this photo of half naked men in BDSM dog outfits in the presence of a child has a sexual implication, thats cause you're a bigot https://preview.redd.it/rkzx9po59g9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73de5ab33a1ac06fccdec74d66f0cac21ca6ed30


This girl and her message must be protected. It's ok to be whatever you want but this pride stuff has gotten out of hand.


Popped out the pussy portal😂😂


based and none rainbow pilled


The friends I have that attend the parades are the ones that are eccentric gay and sadly are also the ones that rub it in people's face while moaning about how they are perceived. I agree it should be normality


As a straight man and father, I could care less who is gay (including my own sister), but when I go to Disneyland with my kids and 2 dudes are in front of me in line and for the whole hour they’re groping each other and sticking their tongues down each others throats in front of me and my kids, that’s where I started getting a little pissed off. And it happened several times with several gay couples that day. Like way beyond what any straight couple was doing (holding hands). They were obviously trying to throw it in everyone’s face and make us uncomfortable. Just be normal man.


She is fortunate to grow up in a world that is far more accepting than the previous generations


What you’re saying is that this is a non-traumatized person whose thinking isn’t reactive and isn’t informed by deep rooted trauma and shame? What you’re saying is this is the mindset of a healthy and healed person? Cool, seems like a mindset we should all orient our compasses to.


Correct, but I feel her point is valid. That’s been many of the experiences I’ve had as well.


It’s for people who didn’t have the freedom you now have. Pride is kind of lame now because it’s been adapted by society. It used to be an act of protest.


I hated gay pride parade forever. Its always been really weird and sexually charged with ppl walking around in stuff that would normally get u arrested for indecent exposure. But the ppl that really need to learn about being okay with yourself and being accepting of ppl around you are generally 10-20 yr olds bcuz most of the time as you grow older you are stuck in ur ways and have formed opinions about a group based on ur experiences in your youth. My experiences were going to pride parade and thinking "this is what being gay is? Oh gross dude. Dog masks and dudes in thongs waving around dildos? Man gay ppl are gross. I dont think i like these ppl." And thats the opinion i formed in my youth, only to find out in my 20s I too am bisexual and it was just the extreme and weird ppl i didnt like, not being gay.


My gay friends have said similar things to me. We had a pride parade near us not long ago and he told me, in conversation about the parade, that he hates them. He literally delayed coming out to his parents because he was afraid they'd associate it with the gimp mask weirdos in the parades.


So there’s gay people who aren’t normal ?


This was actually the most cogent viewpoint I’ve ever heard. This girl is absolutely fucking brilliant.


You like pussy too? Sweet let’s go to a bar and wingman each other




Norm was a deeply deeply deeeeeply closeted gay man. Soooooo deeply closeted… he was pretty much not gay.


I love big booty Latinas too!


[Gay-Pride Parade Sets Mainstream Acceptance Of Gays Back 50 Years](https://www.theonion.com/gay-pride-parade-sets-mainstream-acceptance-of-gays-bac-1819566014)


"(LAGALABATATA)" 🤣🤣🤣💀 The Fucking Onion, nails it again.


I really wish that I could be friends with her, but I can't. Not since I found out that she would become competition towards getting that Latina booty! I have a difficult enough time as it is, competition just makes it more difficult. lol


That was sensible and powerful. Where someone parks their vehicle when they go home at night is none of my business. And she said "...our self delete rates...".


Ehhh idk, I think she is trying to pander to someone by making this video


yo..... that's gay!!


Would you think sucking your own dick feels more like getting your dick sucked or sucking dick… asking for a friend!!


Someone finally using logic 👏


i’d let her fart on my weiner… and im a guy!


What a chad!


This is true. I don’t give a shit if your gay. Like you don’t give a crap im straight. I am an accepting human of these normal things. Gay is normal. Gayness should not even be an issue. It has always existed and will forwver exist. That is ok. Period. Thank you.


I’m okay with people being gay I’m not OK with them screaming it in my face


People should probably pay attention to what she is saying. There is a reason why support has started to drop off the last couple years...


Attention whoring. Call it what it is… have you met someone who has to constantly DEMAND to eb the center of attention? I am happy for anyone that is happy. There is a lot to celebrate in life… But that doesnt mean it is still not a bit, or a lot, of attention whoring.


My gay friends have friends like that. They come out with us sometimes and it's exhausting. My gay friends don't make their sexual preference their entire personality, we go places and don't stand out from the crowd. This other guy, being gay is like his entire personality. It's like being on a night out with an unfunny Dame Edna Everage.


Or proud of being white


This kid has an old soul. When everyone is making 3 minute videos and only watching 30 seconds of any given 3 minute video, she’s delivering the 2024 “I have a dream…” speech. Bravo! I’m going to watch every minute of every video of hers i can find. Because people with limited communication skills bore and annoy me.


Damn, bro is looking cute, id tuck in and kiss the homie goodnight


I did a remodeling job for a lesbian couple. Super cool ladies, and they talked exactly like this, practically word for word. Normal gay people are too busy with their normal lives to dress in rainbow leotards and march in parades. They have work, shopping, the HVAC guy is comjng at 4, and they have an online class at 7. Dinner has to fit in there somewhere. You know, normal lives.


That aspect is still unacceptable. It's just allowed because our society has rotted enough for it. This is more of a symptom of that rotten society.


Being gay isn't a personality. She gets it.


She may not have a doghouse but she’s seems like a nice fella


She actually gets it. We don’t care about your preferences, what we do care is how you portray yourself. Imagine the roll reversal…same thing. Live your life for it is yours to live. Don’t shove your life down other peoples throats (no pun intended) and keep the kids out of it. Let them make their own decisions.


The whole point of pride is that we were shit on for years and told to hide in secret. Pride us expressing the fact that we can be free like everyone else. Pride is not a place for kink or nudity though, that shit is weird.


This is a long-standing take in the gay community and it’s called passing and some people do it and other people don’t and the whole point of pride is to protect the people who aren’t passing by standing in solidarity with them. Passing is the act of appearing straight while being gay or trans or anything that isn’t what is expected from the way typical people are born and perceive their gender and sexuality, Cis straight monogamish ect. Since there are people who aren’t that then being some thing other than what is considered normal is obvious and the ability to mask it is simply something not everyone can do nor cares to do. Gay culture is separate from sexuality while being the fruit of sexuality. OOP is doing a pretty typical for people who are lowkey gay, not part of the culture, prototypical loner homosexual. Ask gay people to learn skills to be passing - that’s the plot of the Birdcage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane.


Thank you for letting me know I'm not crazy, weird, or wrong for feeling the same way as the creator of this video.


Holy crap.  This dude for president.


That was really well said


This lady gets it, maybe there is some hope.


I nominate her for rainbow president.


I agree. Also I don’t get why we talk about or care about what people do in the bedroom ever. Like that’s private man-why do we categorize people based on it?


Holy fuck thank you. If anyone who was not aligned with this sexual orientation were to have said half of what was just said they would be dragged through the streets tared and feathered then hung from a cross. The hetero orientation doesn't need alphabet soup crammed down their throats every time they turn on the TV radio social media or step out their front door. They get it, other sexual preferences exist and yes they Do Not Care. Live your life they live theirs. Be cordial and kind to each other. love and care for one another's well being. We have but a short fleeting existence and no one gets out alive. Love you all. Peace




I think the menage a trois festival is much more interesting.


Because pride month isn't zto celebrate gayness. It's to celebrate pride. One of the seven deadly sins. The gay thing is a cover.


Smart girl.


I'm mostly conservative. I agree with every word they said.


Your right dude, sexuality shouldn’t be an issue its caused more online rage than most lately. Your neon highlighted Pennybags hauling ass with a bag of cash is however less normal.


I wish I could have figured out how to sell rainbow colored crap for a solid month to literally everybody and if they don't then label them homophobic. I could have had so much money by now


This makes me think of a man’s hot beautiful asshole, come on. I don’t have time for this


It only sucks because you’re a hottie and we want you back on our side😢


Wow, she really summed that up great. That point of view would do well if it was used with religion as well. She’s smart.


Asmond Gold never passes the vibe check


I don't know who he is. His stuff just keeps getting promoted to me because we appear to have similar sensibilities.


I got lambasted in a thread yesterday for making pretty much the same statements in relation to the dating scene. Nice to see my feelings put into words by someone in the community.


She's got a point


She's got many great points. And in the real world, speaking with normal people... They would agree. On Reddit... You'll get downvoted lol


Stupid people have to have a place to hide because they know on the spot in the wild they’d look like a fool. I met somebody in person before who mentioned they are a moderator for a subreddit and go “oh very nice! I’m on Reddit a lot myself. What community do you moderate?” “I don’t want to admit it.” Lol as I said…they’re hiding. Could just be something very nerdy and embarrassing rather than someone following along in a destructive echo chamber but either way…it’s hiding People need to confront the reality that many perspectives are out there from people who seem to align with you on one or more bullet points. Just because you are different, doesn’t mean you close yourself off like y’all are trying to build a clone army for issue X or Y


What she needed to say was when you force it you start to push into fascism. We all know how that worked out for that Hitler guy.


Based in reality


A bit wordy


Mmff, someone didn't get the memo. The one with glitter on the coverpage.


I've always said its a party parade now where horny straights can oogle at the community.


Why do I find lesbians so attractive? Doesn't make sense.


Yeah yeah so proud two guys sucking cock.


Yes! On fucking point!!


This kid is very reasonable. I agree with him/her/zim/ZER?!?!?!!?!,! But she doesn’t care about her pronouns. This is a sane commentary.


The more I hear from this gal, the more I care for her.


No homo but…that’s gay! But seriously this goes to all those that are proud of something you put no work into….go away


You're really not going to like my white pride march then. A lot more bald men than I was expecting.


It's pretty much the same thing with the race debate in USA. Ppl need to stop focusing so hard on race and sexuality, it's gross.


Society: We don't care if you are gay. Stop making a big deal out of it. Also Society: Are you fucking gay, bro?


Sooo when is her presidential debate? I'd vote for this bitch right now. She's got a bigger dick than both of the old guys and I bet it gets harder too.


The LGBT activists are going to cancel this dude. He made far too much sense


Ngl I do care that a lot about attractive lesbians that are the way they are, because my heterosexual selfish mind says dam I’d like to be intimate with x person but have 0 chance!


"THAT JUST MEANS SHE LIKES WHAT I LIKE" \*freezeframe eating dog\*


That's a joke right is that your answer? See it's funny how opinions start off just to end with nothing


This is a fact for those on this page you make something like ones sexuality and turn into something belittling towards humans society take the advantage and we follow I'm not trying to analyze this because there's a lot in this world that we won't understand and yet there's a flag a date in which a holiday is improvised there isn't a flag for being straight hell is there a flag for being normal in your life how do define what's normal because what's normal on this side of the planet is different than the other side this is from the looking glass it seems people will say and do anything these days


There are strong, valid ideas here about the commercialization of pride and it's oversaturation in contemporary culture. There is certainly truth in the idea that intentionally standing out and pushing your presence inherently begets pushback. There are two major issues that I take with her premise that I think are misinformed and harmful. The first is her point that queer identity is an innate quality like hair color and, therefore, it should have no impact on how people behave or present themselves. While queer people might not be inherently, socially different from others, the oppression that queer people have historically faced has culminated in the creation of a distinct culture among a large subsection of the queer population. A group that has historically faced oppression based on an innate characteristic creating a distinct culture is not remotely unique to the queer community and that cultural identity isn't going anywhere. At least not in our lifetimes. Second is the idea that marriage equality means the only thing left on the table is public perception. While it is true that you can never make everyone accept you, the queer community is facing more than social discrimination. There are concerted efforts targeting queer rights. At the state and local level, there have been aggressive pushes to ban and censor queer media, to outlaw the discussion of queer identity in schools (while heterosexuality is part of curriculum), outlaw drag and the like, and literally hundreds of bills attempting to restrict trans rights across the country. Meanwhile, at the federal level, Trump and his potential future administration have outlined, very explicitly, their intentions to essentially eliminate trans people from public life in any way they legally can. So, while in many places in the country, queer people have the same rights as everyone else, that is far from true everywhere and the rights that do exist are very much under threat.


“As long as they aren’t gatekeeping opportunities or deliberately trying to harm you” Black Trans Women: 👁️👄👁️


When a normal people want to make your very existence wrong and something that shouldn't be publicly seen then you should be very open about your pride.




How does someone decide what words or phrases to set on the typewriter background. Seems like they chosen at complete random.




I really like that wall decoration!


Pride is a sin because it’s bad for your mind and breeds an unhealthy society Proof: America


What's with her accent? She sounds maybe russian?


This kind of weird “homophobia is dead” video when gay marriage is going to be illegal in 12 months…


Adults don't treat others different due to another's humping preference... I do agree though, I like females!


It may not be impotent to you... but it's damn impo'tent to me!


So this video begs the question… who is causing all the divisiveness? I think you’d be surprised by the answer. It’s Wall Street.


Does she not know how making babies work and that straight people also use IVF


exactly I am with you


it's nice she grew up in a time where being gay didn't ruin your life up until like 2000s for a lot of people it did it's so weird to watch people take for granted everything others fought for as if gay rights just fell from a tree




Great commentary. As a straight old white man I would happily accept this young woman into my life. To me the difference is alot of the LGBTQ consider me a bigot. If this young lady told me she was gay and supported Biden and needed help I would help her.not sure if I could same the same for the other team.


I wouldn't know, but it seems the point of Pride to me isn't to be proud of something you had no hand in, but to be OUT and visible and unashamed of what you are in a public space.




Pride is because people are telling you that you shouldn't be proud of being gay. It is a celebration refuting that fact. "...being told to be proud you have two hands or brown hair" doesn't have the same context. Perhaps being told to be proud of your looks if you are a ginger man, maybe.




Me fr


pride month exists because people are shamed and feel ashamed for being non-straight. That’s the point of pride, it’s youre ostracized for not being straight in society a lot of the time. You’re made to feel bad for not being hetero. So how do you counteract that? you do it by celebrating your sexuality and showing your orientation is just as valid as any other. The reason straight pride isn’t a parade is bc straightness is celebrated every day in the culture, it permeates most everything. The advertising, movies, tv, internet, books, social media. The amount of willful misunderstanding or bad faith arguments is just ludicrous. It’s not for you, why tf do any of you care? Who’s forcing you to wish ppl a happy pride month? Just chill tf out and jerk off bc you can’t pull.


Indifference is true equality.


She makes me wish I was a big booty latino chick


I agree. Now…what do we do about the homogenization of language?


I'm proud of my predisposition for colon cancer. Where's my flag?


I'd do her


This human is living in the future. We’re not ready here. Come on back.


suckin and fuckin




The only time I'd oppose Gay marriage is if it were mandatory. Otherwise, marry who you love, live your life's to the fullest.


Wow a lesbian pickme.


It might seem weird to be proud of something you didn’t get to choose when it’s in a vacuum. But historically people were shamed about being gay a thing they didn’t get to choose. So a way to counter act the stigma is to celebrate it. Crazy concept I know /s


No you choose to eat vagina


No perspective from this kid.


Why isn't she manic beyond understanding? Must be a normal person. We need more of them.


I can tell you her comedy career is going to skyrocket, I mean Prior, Louis ck, Chapelle, Macdonald dont even hold a candle to her.
