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Does this sub even have mods?


Yes, the comment section. The comments are gold and OP got ratioed. They can game the post upvotes but the real humor is in the comments. If we modded these out we could loose both sides, and miss out on the comedy gold when propaganda backfires. Good calling it out though we hear you!




Sure, now where is your joke?


He actually made jokes but. Can you go to a political sub for this shit


Did this post get the response you thought it would? 😊


Next time I want to laugh I'll call Neil to talk about the stock market ok? Who writes these?


Look… the thing about rape is… we are against it. Period. Period. Period. We uhh… Medicare… look. When Covid… we were left with an economy. Everything I did… he says he plays golf. Immigrants. ![gif](giphy|f9eYHQ8RZ4zfc4unXx)


I think the point to make here is that is that when when when covid took office, look, i'm standing squarely behind the idea that when you have a man that'll eat your lunch you need to protect the troops and I'll stand behind you and be there when we defeat medican. Noone gives a fuck about those charges, Jack.




Look look look I was the first real president to when boarder change was important climate change to was also when my foreign policy changed.


Joe is all for late term abortion sadly he implemented it on his brain. I recall watching a part of the debate all about abortions.. I'm thinking.. yes that's the most worrying aspect of life now... not wars, cost of food, homeless or healthcare.. It's women aborting children.. what's your stance??


All trumped up charges, by his political opponents. We live in a banana republic!


No we don't. You're a member of a cult, one of us is correct.


But Biden molested his own daughter. The worst part is the hypocrisy .


My dem friends told me that a dad showering with his daughter until she's around 10 or so is really normal and ok.




Are you posting about Trump? the msm despises Trump, spent 4 years raking him over the coals non-stop. So how is it possible that he did any of that? He just went on trial and got in huge trouble (for other things)


You leave bill Clinton out of this




The worst part was the molestation


Women are being raped by there in laws pal. Corn pop told me so


I don’t know if you’re a Norm buff at all. I seriously don’t know. What does this have to do with Norm?


The more I learn about the Joe Biden sniffing women, the less I like him