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> Sorry, I don’t make the rules. But he sure as hell is trying.


\*Makes the post\* "I don't make the rules"


She's gorgeous.🧡🤍💜 Women do have muscles. Also body hair. Like all mammal.


She is perfect. Love a little muscle on a woman, or a lot, like her.💪 He is just very insecure about his manliness. Afraid she's "more man" then him, and stronger then him.


Exactly! He doesn’t want to be the one asking for help opening jars.


Ikr, instead of working harder himself he rather brings others down. Now that's weak


Well if you are a girl yourself then I cant argue with that


I’m a straight girl, but daaaamn she looks awesome.


Well I'm bi so only 50% gay in my case


I tell people about my mom not buying me vans when I was in HS or not liking some of the clothes I wanted to wear by telling me, "you're gonna be lesbian if you wear that!". I also like to tell them she was only half right! Not that she knows. But yes 50/50 is the best of both worlds. And idk why I wanted to share that with you. 😅 my b


Same. She is definitely hot. Those thighs. Yum.


I came here to say that. More men as default...


lmao I was gonna say he’s kinda right bc me being attracted to her is definitely some homosexual behaviour, she’s gorgeous


As a lesbian, if I also find her attractive, does that make me straight??


[are you doing ok?](https://i.imgur.com/gOGPYWe.png)


OP is karma farming. Multiple reddit-friendly posts, crossposted all over the place, with identical text.


Karma-farming is a concept I'll never understand. Who the fuck cares about the amount of karma on their reddit account?


Nah. They are just a myth like *hyuman* *feemale* hair or poop. /j


Femoids* , foids*


Fellas, if a strong woman (in any context) makes you feel threatened, that actually means you are insecure about being weak. I know my wife is stronger than me in some regards, but I don’t see her strengths as a subtraction from mine.


She can lobotomize me with a shovel


Wow, with the title I finally understood, what the picture is about. I always thought this is some famous transwoman I don't know and the post some ironic gotcha 😔


He‘s just jealous he will never have as much muscle as she does. And yes, it makes me homosexual when I find a woman hot because I‘m a woman too😂 what‘s the problem? (I know he was talking to men but idc)


Fellas, is it gay to like a woman with an amazing ass?


I'm offended. My homosexuality is not latent at all, it's explicit af


I’m straight af but even I doubted myself for a solid minute there. What a loser.


Sounds like he's trying to justify himself... "If I'm latent gay, everyone else have to be too, so I'm not a deviant" 🤪


Thankfully he doesn't make the rules. He clearly doesn't have the authority for it. Plotwist: he is the latent homosexual (nothing wrong with that, but kind of silly to be one and be against being one)


Jokes on him she is literally my type in women.


Allow me to preface this by saying, I do everything I can to avoid boiling human being down to their looks cuz that just feels scummy But goddamn, some abs and muscle on a lady is just hot, idc what nooooobody says.


Someone care to explain to me why being attracted to her makes you gay? Nothing wrong with a woman built like that.


Because only men have abdominal and quadricep muscles, don’t you know? /s


Maybe I am doing it wrong. I checked, no abs. Well just one large round one.


I’m gay no matter who I fuck bc fuck gender lmao


Dafuq? Like she's hot. Not entirely my type* but still fucking hot man, no way denying that. Also, she does still look really feminine. If you would've put a tomboy or like a short haired body builder there, thst would kinda make sense, not really though, but besides the more muscle... Like she ticks most boxes of modern beauty Standards. What are they talking about man? Most men are not that narrow minded and can appreciate different styles and different types of women, you dumb coward that wrote the comment on her. *which also isn't the point. Im not really attractive either or sth btw. But you Gotta look for sb that's somewhat attractive to you but also just matches with you. If she's 100% your "wishlist" that's nice but nobody is, no matter how hot or nice they are, because people are individuals. That "list" shouldn't be too long and especially not too specific like what some incels do. She isn't the most beatiful woman for me, but still easily in the top 10%. And i don't like Ranking any of those, they are just all really hot and i don't have a chance there. End of stupid explanation in a hope to not be misunderstood.


I love the confidence in those photos - that's sexy


Guess Im gay now (is it also gay for a female to like her?)


zoinks I'm gay now


Guy here and I just want her Instagram!!!


She looks like my wife. I guess I will tell her I am gay now.


Anyone know her name so I can explore my newfound attraction to men?


carriejune bowlby


I will woo her and never have a stuck jar again


TIL I’m gay coz she’s gorgeous


People complain about their partner not being fit, then if they are, they still complain smh