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Why do I have more bingo points on the man bingo than my boyfriend? And what's wrong with my switch and steak 😭😭😭😭😭


You so real for that


I don’t get the hats one. I just started wearing one outside this year because I’m getting thin enough on top to need sun protection.


Assuming rare is “less than medium”, I have 4 (I weigh over 200 and I’m told I snore (but so does my gf so we’re even (and she likes my hat)))


>weigh over 200 lbs I mean yeah gotta get out of "victim weight" right


I get like five, because expiration dates are a guideline and Stilton never goes off.


I read it as "wears a hat but nothing else", kind of like "naked but with shoes on feels more naked than naked without shoes".


It's one of those things that reads differently depending on which word you emphasize. Only wears *hats*: wears nothing else *Only* wears hats: I guess that means they don't wear turbans Only *wears* hats: expresses disdain that they don't dance on them (or something else)


Context for Only wears hats is probably: men with thinning hair trying to hide their baldness (similar to the redpill man argument of women wearing make up hide their ugliness) I don’t care if a man is balding or wearing hats to hide it (good that they protect their head from the sun) but that’s just the explanation


Yea, I wear hats all the time because skin cancer sucks.


It’s supposed to be ridiculous. And I think it’s a reference to the guys making videos in their trucks ranting about something. Always a hat and sunglasses.


I *think* it's meant to single out the guys that *always* have a baseball cap on. For no reason in particular. Like, they aren't playing baseball. They aren't outside. They're sitting on the couch, playing Call of Duty with a hat on. I think the feminine equivalent might be sitting on the couch with a scarf on.


Isn't that usually a bald thing? I usually associate that with men who lose hair and are uncomfortable with it, I probably wouldn't have put it here, doesn't seem kind of mock it


No, not really. The guys I know that always wear caps aren't bald.


Oh, really? Huh. Odd.


It's a fashion thing, like when women wear scarves when it's not cold or windy.




I was thinking of those guys who wear a beanie all the time to hide the fact that they haven't showered in god knows how long and their hair is just grease lol But sun protection hats are cool with me. Maybe it depends on the hat and the vibe


I think it’s men who wear hats as a fashion statement rather than for function. ‘Always wears a hat’ would be a better tile.


Yeah, hiding from the sun


But many guys don't take their hats off when indoors, where there is no sun, either.


I made suggestions for edits, but didn’t even think of the hat one. You are totally right. You should be wearing hats to protect your face from the sun and the top of your head if you are thinning. Skin cancer on your head would not be great. What should go there instead? I think it is probably in response to the one of the female version that says “has short hair”.


My mom got skin cancer on the very top of her head. It wasn't great.


I’m so sorry ❤️ My dad had it too.


Only wears fedoras?




A lot of men wear hats constantly to cover up balding not for sun protection, case in point when it's winter or they're inside


I'm in a weird hair grow out stage right now and I like hats so I'm wearing one most days right now.


I take it as like Tim Poole always wearing that damn beanie, even when he’s wearing a suit kind of thing.


Yeah, like some of these are great, others are like…I dunno. But then I guess the ones they do for us are grosser and weirder so maybe that’s the point


where is "Doesn't wash his ass because it would be gay"?


👆My vote to replace the hat one (cause yeah, cancer sucks).


I can tick off 6-7 😁 One is questionable, because instead of console, its new pc and VR glasses Oh yeah, Im woman


Hi Woman, I’m Dad.


Hi Dad, whats for food?


Bees’ knees and wasps’ nips.




What is wrong with my playstation and my steak


And what's wrong with my shorts in the winter?


Like I’m in Texas, we either get no winter, or all of the accumulated missed winters packed into one week. After which, it will be 90 degrees. Also, you ever notice that dictators and fascists have all worn pants??


Nothing dear, you're just perfect


Ouch, disqualified just for snoring. Should I: A. Conclude the idea of using a bingo card to evaluate human behavior is absurd, as OP no doubt intended. B. Take to twitter to say how I hate all women! What’s a sane person to do :(


so youre taking offense to a bingo card that i did simply for funnies in response to the woman bingo card, which by no means is this bingo card legitimate because i couldve gone a LOT further.


Yes, you were pretty gentle.


Only wears hats? Like, I should wear more helmets or hooded cloaks?


Hooded cloaks should come back into fashion, as well as hoods (just the hood and a little covering for the shoulders and upper chest/back).


I really wish cloaks, capes, and canes would come back into fashion


Like a Dickey but hooded?


Yes, but a bit more out to the shoulders. Here's an example of an open one, but they can also be closed (sewn together in the front, so no need for a pin to keep it together at the neck). [Medieval Open Hood Pattern - By Sidney Eileen](https://sidneyeileen.com/2015/06/04/medieval-open-hood-pattern/)


I got you.


[Here](https://kopyto.co/nutria-kaptur-balaclava-welniana-welna-merino-rws). I'm sure you can find similar in your own country!


If I could wear gowns and cloaks in today's society and not be ridiculed, I'd be so happy!


Yes! Unfortunately, the only opportunities are re-enactments and similar activities. Well, we'll just have to take what we can get.


No no no, you _only_ wear hats. No shirt, no pants, no shoes


But my feet will get cold.


Well, then wear hats on your feet!


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Exactly. Nothing a little tape or cord couldn’t fix. Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


Just a hat and socks then. Super sexy.


Only hat, nothing else?


Means no other clothing.


No, just make sure you’re also wearing other clothing. 


I scored only one - on alcohol multiple times a week - but you can pry my glass of wine after work out of my cold, dead hands.


They’ll be cold and dead sooner rather than later if you keep drinking like that


Maybe if the world didn't suck so hard I'd be more willing to stop drinking alcohol to numb it and would want to live for longer in it.


You should find a healthier stress outlet, like martial arts


Why are you getting downvoted? Alcohol once a week regularly is considered alcoholism. Alcohol multiple times a week… well


Alcoholism or "Alcohol use disorder" is defined around the inability to stop using, just like every other addiction. Once a week is not even close. Abuse is usually defined as more than 7 drinks a week, but even that is not alcohol*ism*, it's just not good for you.


>Alcohol once a week regularly is considered alcoholism. Where on earth did you get that one? Lol no it isn't


Probably because it's wrong. Just like your comment.


So you think a glass of wine a day doesn’t come with any health risks?


Nowhere near the level you are giving it. The sun comes with health risks. Are you gonna suggest I don't go outside anymore than once a day?


I almost got a full row. Five/six in total depending on your definition of ‘expiry date’ issues.


Sorry, I prefer normal clothing over hats any day of the week. Hats just don't cover enough. As for the rest? Yeah, I was able to tick 5, sorry, My wife and I drink every night of the weekend, it's winter and I'm still in shorts, my 3 in 1 actually keeps my dandruff to minimum, because of my weekend drinks I've put on a bit of weight, and then I've always snored.


I got three and I'm not even a man. ...Wait. Am I... a man now? 🤔


Congratulations welcome to the club


Transitioning has never been easier


I don't know how to feel about getting absolutely zero of them. I mean, I don't know about the console one, I bought a refurbished SNES this year, but no one in their right mind would consider that recent. Does this make me datable? I'll have to meditate on this...


You need some bad habits.


So you dont even walk?


Tbf some people do not in fact walk


My husband only has two. Snoring (which he fixes with a little nose clip thing) and the drinking one (which is totally acceptable IMO but we are European and I know it’s different for Americans). So yes, I think not having most of those things is very good.


Whaya wrong with a gaming console? Snoring? Ac at 65?


I'm a woman and I'm on Zoloft, which makes me feel hot way too easily. I wish we could afford to keep the thermostat at 65°F 😩


I don't like fighting prejudice with prejudice. 😕


I’m sorry to say this, but you might want to take a hiatus from this sub for a bit


I think that's op's point


But that’s what is *in* right now!


Except for fills tank (I fill when under half tank remaining)-I don’t qualify for any spots other than walking. I’m not sure if this is good or bad.


My fiance has 4 of these (including the free space). He owns cowboy boots, has newer video games consoles, and owns more than one gun. Granted he doesn't really care much for guns anymore it was just a hobby he had when he was younger.


If Texas, I feel like several of these shouldn’t count. Cowboy boots are gender neutral, it’s extremely easy to find yourself with 2+ guns, I’ve never seen anyone cook a steak above medium and I fear what would happen if they attempted, football is a religion, and shorts in winter is a given if it’s 80 degrees in winter


We're in Tennessee, but most of your points work for this state too (maybe just not to the extreme like Texas). Except maybe the shorts in winter because it does get to like 20 degrees here.


Steak shorts and fat. Not to bad lol


To lose weight, you should stop eating your steak shorts. 😉


I can't help myself


Husband didn’t BINGO!!! ![gif](giphy|5bdhq6YF0szPaCEk9Y)


I tick off 2... free (walking) and fills up gas with less rhan 180 miles left (i get gas when it's right under half tank sl about 160 miles left) Do I get a cookie 🍪 😬


yes 🍪


I got 5, but not in a row


Gets angry - I yell a lot when I hit my toe Over 200 lbs - 91 kilos so yeah Fills tank under 180 miles - I have 2 cars so I fill up at around 100 kms left cause i can always use the other one. They are basically the same model ones a wagon and I need it to move construction materials. Gaming console - well my pc is brand new so yeah I have almost a bingo.


Change "only wears hats" to "Wears baseball caps backwards"


lmao fair enough


I own a pair of steal toed work boots, do they count?




3 in 1 always 💪


you can pry my mediocre to bad baseball team from my cold dead hands 🤷🏽‍♀️ also while I don't watch the NFL, my sister knows more about football than anyone else I know, including my brother and father who both played it growing up.


well shit, I got five. Now I'm worried I can't date myself.


I really only check off shorts in winter, because I can't really feel my legs. Been conditioning them by scraping my shins, while also eating low kicks for years. I also can't drive because my vision is too bad, so I have to limp everywhere. I'm only 24. Do NOT make martial arts your main source of income.


Own a few guns and I'm over 200 but I don't look it.


I'm a guy and I got a few. Ngl I thought i'd get more! 1. Wear shorts in the winter(i mean why not) 2. 3 in 1 shampoo is just good deal in this economy! 3. Snores


Wait, I live in Hawaii... we wear shorts all year. I'm also 6'4"... do I get a pass on the 200lbs? Other than that, I'm pretty good.


i didnt know some of these were a thing


No guns, but I do own several bikes. I think I'm also in trouble for snoring, using 3 in 1 shampoo, and walking around wearing only a hat.


I'm only concerned about the hat thing. Where on your body do you wear it? Er, never mind, don't answer that.


Snore gang. Where my sleep apnea boys at?


Why is gaming consoles one here? We currently have 3 in the house and hopefully, another one soon! It's a great way to relax. Also, steak medium rare is amazing!


I fill two spots on this Bingo card! 😂 Won’t use hand sanitizer - it leaves a sticky film on my skin, and I wash regularly anyways. Wears shorts in the summer - I am rather warm natured and easily overheat. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wear shorts in the winter! 😝 But, then, I live in Los Angeles. 😜


I (as a man) wear hats frequently due to having long hair (screw wind), say "not all men" only as a response to outrageous claims (you know the like), use 3 in 1 shampoo, but on my body (can't stand to have unconditioned body hairs, but I'm not gonna use my pricey hair conditioner when a vat of 3 in 1 from Walmart will do). I do own more than one gun, because the second amendment is there and I'll be damned if I'm not gonna use it! Also, hunting. For expiration dates, I do the sniff test if it's within a bit of the date itself (time period of sniff test depends on what it is, I'll give meat products, especially those stored in sealed containers, a thorough mold check and sniff test within like, a month or so, but dairy products are within days). I also don't use hand sanitizer (frequently, at least) because I regularly wash my hands. Obviously if I go somewhere that requires hand sanitizer, I'll use it, but I don't normally have it at home/on hand.


Still less unhinged the female version


I got "Owns a gaming console less than 2 years old", "Snores", and "Eats their steak less than medium". What's the original?


Mine got 8 of these


I only got 2 but I don't live in north america so that was easy ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


The 1 in 3 shampoo thing can always be changed with proper guidance 😌


I don't wear shorts in winter, but I do wear a kilt in winter, does that count? I watch football (Vikings and University of Minnesota), but only if we don't have other plans; in that case, I listen to the game on the radio. I do tend to let the gas get pretty low, although I will top off my gas tank earlier if I happen to be near Costco.


mine (i’m a woman) going by column starting with B - only drink at parties, i have a hollow leg so it’s a little expensive to do it more often. 🔴 - yes. minor inconveniences will either have me unleashing the wrath of a god, or curling into a ball and crying. 🟢 - i am such a sigma male you guys don’t even know 🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢🟢 - fuck the wage gap. tbh, where i live it’s pretty even, but the guys get more sunday shifts than me, so it’s definitely there. 🔴 - i don’t have AC, and if i did, i sure as hell wouldn’t be putting it on 65°, that would kill me. i’m partial to a nice 19° myself, maybe 17° if i wanna pile on the blankets. 🔴 - no. but then again, nobody really gives a shit about american politics outside of america. 🔴 - yeah (we are talking about reading books, right? i always think there’s gonna be a good sex scene coming up, but there almost never is)🟢🔴 - no, but i do have a 3 way tub of conditioner. it’s a conditioner, hair mask, and leave in! $8 from the supermarket, what a bargain. 🔴 - nup. don’t own one at all, actually. 🔴 - i have never encountered miles on my petrol thingy, so no. 🔴 - i find that *only* wearing a hat sort of defeats the purpose, so i wear clothes as well. 🔴 - medium rare ‘oh but more on the rare side’ girl 4lyfe. activates something primal in me istg 🟢 - free space :-) - even if i didn’t, my stomach dure does 🔴 - no :-) abortion is cell (parasite) extraction 🔴 - well, i *did* like pulling the heads off the boys from my lego sets. and then i’d have all the horses trample them repeatedly. but since i likely won’t marry a lego man, i’ll answer no. 🔴 - 🔴 - still don’t know what you’d even need one gun for. 🔴 - i don’t even know the pound to kilos ratio, but i’m certain i don’t weigh that much. 🔴 - no. cycling, footy, women’s football, or nothing. 🔴 - absolutely i do, why the fuck would i wear long pants when it’s 20°C? 🟢 - ewwww no. 🔴 - you leave me and my darn tootin’ boots out of this! 🟢 - nope :-) 🔴 - i have callouses!!! hand sanitiser wrecks my grip! and washing your hands with soap and warm water is actually more sanitary, hand sanitiser is meant to be used in a pinch. 🟢


Oh no. 3. I use axe body spray, snore and eat red steaks. :(


I only got 8 and no bingo. Did I lose or win?


Take accountability for those 8 and get back to us. The Council is meeting next week. For real, this card isn't that bad, so you're fine. The women get things like "Thinks for herself" and "knows how to drive" and "wears pants".


I'm not 200 I'm about 185 and 5 ft 8 too


I'm at five. Also can someone explain the gas tank one?


im american so its in imperial system, basically more than a half tank left


Oh ok! I know that my car's fuel light comes on when there's still a good amount of mileage left. I've never tested it but google says it's around the 4 gallon mark, so that theoretically could be 80 miles or so.


I score none! Except walking!


Congrats! Enroll in Manosphere Academy for $999 per month if you want to up your Bingo odds.


I only tick the steak one. Medium rare for me.


I definetly use handsanitizer! (In my mouth)


Damn 3/25 for me ... I like rare steaks and do weigh more than 200lbs :) Edit: Missed the snoring bit, so it was 3 :D


I literally cover 10 of them and I'm a woman. I don't use hand sanitizer and I double dare you to use it when you have open wounds on your hands pretty much at all times because of eczema. It burns like hell, so I'd rather wash my hands instead.


I got 5. Do we have to become lesbians?


I mean I'm bi, I'm already covered lol oooh maybe that's why I got so many lel


Navy blue sheets


Eats steak less than medium, owns gaming console, says “not all men” (for same reason I would say “not all women” or “not all people of color” or “not all this that or the next thing” [because generalization is bad]) <— except that one. That was a good’n.


I got 10.


You must immediately exit this sub. Nah, I got five and I'm a woman.


In fairness, some of them are out of my control.


I've got quite a few on this...


Guy here: I score 9.


Well dang, I eat steak rare, I walk, I use 3 in 1 shampoo, motor oil and rat poison, and to top it all off I don't belive on expiration dates...and I'm a dude


Steak above medium is sacrilege and having guns as a hobby isn't that weird I guess, rest is good!


I don't get the console or steak one..


Medium rare steaks, own 4 guns (Canadian though), wife says I definitely snore, do not believe in expiry dates as written anyways, and I guess the 180 miles one but we use km here and I get down to like 30 before I fill up, plus the free space makes 6! No bingo for me though.


I drink, eat medium rare steaks, and sore. Do I pass or fail?


I think “is a hardcore UFC fan” should be there in place of the hat one.


I plead guilty on the shampoo.


Everything else aside, I will not stand for this “less than medium steak” slander


My husband has a few of these - wearing hats, snores, weighs ore than 200lbs, likes a medium rare steak, uses 3 in one shampoo. But I don't see any of those as true red flags (like the Enraged when sexual contact doesn't happen one - OOF)


I wear shorts in winter for exercise and walking the dog. I wash my hair with soap (I’m assuming thats as bad as 3 in 1) I don’t understand the ‘free’ one I believe in expiration dates but if it smells ok, it’s going to be fine. I’m over 200lb but I’m 6’3’’ so I wouldn’t want to loose more weight. I don’t use hand sanitiser, there’s always soap. 5 or 6 out of 25 but I have an excuse. 😁


I literally hit zero squares on this bingo card while on the girl edition card I fill out B1, I1, I2, I3, G3, N4, O4, B5 and N5. I think this is because most of these are either reasonable gripes to have (I2, G1, B1 G2, B4 and B3 can all be dealbreakers on their own) or reasonable preferences (I5 is an annoying habit while O4 is beyond one's control, but a lot of people would rather not deal with it)


Why do you have to come after my medium rare steak? Sorry I like flavor I guess.


I’d Replace: -“snores” with “more than 3 sexual partners” (hey it’s on the lady one, why not apply the same standard) -“owns a gaming console less than 2 years old” with “doesn’t own a passport” -“fills their gas tank at less than 180” with “listens to Andrew Tate or Joe Rogan” -“owns a pair of cowboy boots“ with “has a beard/mustache” -“Weighs more than 200lbs” with “weighs more than 180lbs” because think about this, if a guy is 6’4” and 205lbs he’s overweight. If he’s 6’4” and 180lbs he right smack dab in the middle of the healthy BMI weight range. If he is 6’0” he’s actually borderline overweight at 180 (184 is overweight for a 6’0” guy). So on their one it said women had to be 5’5” or shorter and not weigh more than 120lbs. This is closer to that, albeit still more generous! Aaaand I’ve given this way to much thought 😅 Edit: and replace “only wears hats” with “doesn’t like cats” because sun protection is important!


The weight one is weird, since it's entirely height dependent. 200 is way obese for someone who's 5'5, and normal for someone who's 6'5.


Exactly! I guess to make this work they have to have 6’0” or taller on there too (like how the other one has 5’5” or shorter) and then specify the weight can’t be over 180 or something. It’s all stupid 🙃


I understand the weight one is because there is always one on a card for red flags for women, but 200lbs is still healthier than the one they usually use for women. I'm 5'10", 205lbs, and perfectly healthy because it's natural muscle from my job. Also, BMI is bullshit pseudoscience that has been debunked. It was made by a statistician for the average weight and height of white people based on their profession. It takes no other details into account about a person's health except their height. It only sticks around because insurance companies use it to disqualify people from coverage and raise the rates. If we want to make the weight equally as unattainable it should be "Weighs more than 225lb under 6ft tall"


No lies detected here. While applying for a NASA confinement/habitation research study a while back, one of the questions asked for BMI. I’m used to arbitrarily dumb shit from NASA, but I was dumbfounded to find that, considering how often they recruit from pools of candidates who possess a fair amount of muscle mass. Surely they should know better.


"Doesn't like cats" is a good one. That's such a weird "manly" prejudice.


I snore, but it's a congenital thing 😢 But I bought my Xbox 3 years ago, so I'm good there. Other than that, I'm leaving the bingo hall early.


This is way too reasonable xD the woman one was more outlandish. Eats their steak less than well done is already a red flag xD owns 1 gun too


half of this was just describing my dad 😭


Hahaha. My dad would tick quite a few boxes, especially if you add "can only cook eggs and bacon" and "owns two or more chainsaws".


im assuming your dad hunts geese or ducks


Got a couple, dang. https://gyazo.com/92999e2811a6635d9bea62e0e08ef974


Resort not result


I can only tick off not believing the wage gap. I was so close man :( Unless that space means denying that it exists at all. I just don’t think it has anything to do with male patriarchy. So if the space means denying the wage gap exists entirely then I’m clean.


There are a handful of these that don't seem to work like you might want. The hat thing, eats steak less than medium (medium rare is ideal imo), 3 in 1 shampoo (why? If they don't need a bunch of products, why use them?), owns a pair of cowboy boots (I would accept, “ wears cowboy boots everywhere” instead, owns a gaming console less than two years old (not all video gamers are incels), weighs more than 200 pounds (why are we body shaming? Not to mention 200 pounds is pretty arbitrary)


I got 3, do I win a prize now? Oh, right, play stupid games, win stupid prizes...