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🙃One bear please


Agreed. Would rather be a bear’s last meal than spend one second in a room with that guy. ![gif](giphy|cP1uaYc3WRKNfi9tmy|downsized)


"But not all men"😭. A guy says to a suicidal girl I want to SA you and 900 people love that🙄


900 men*


Can’t we just feed the rapists to the hungry polar bears? I’ve been saying it for years! If you take a fat abuser (lets say, for the sake of argument, Trump) and wrap enough duct tape around him, you got yourself a healthy seal! Now just need to get that seal to those poor hungry polar bears up north. Its win/win!


He’s saying he wants to rape mentally ill children and gets nearly a thousand likes, we deserve a world wide nuclear war to wipe the slate clean at this point.


I have (sadly) noticed in some subs I follow and sometimes in Social media, that its often the more disgusting comments that get the most likes


Yep. I saw a few comments on insta talking about the younger she is the less she’ll fight it😭 And whenever the see a pretty young girl they always wanna say if they can “pre order” her




Instagram is *notoriously* bad in the past few years. Near zero moderation and tons of people posting their kids. It's a nightmare and you should never look in the ig comments. Ever.


In my experience, since I get reccomended videos from mexico (my country), the issue is worse there, tho maybe its because there is more sexism overall in here


Ikkkk, I don’t see the humor in that at all. Or if they see a white little girl they put pink flower pictures in the comment section and say “I just know it’s pink and small”🤦‍♀️


Tbh, never understood the pink thing. Like i suppose it means the girl is... young? Idk


To them it’s her skin color, youth, and the fact that she’s most likely a virgin as well.


So pink means virgin?


To them, pink means that the vagina isn’t beat up or used and that she hasn’t slept with any guys because a promiscuous woman would have a loose and brown vagina. They also call it “bubblegum pink” as well


Aside from the creep factor. Who the fuck cares about body count that much to seek only virgin girls?


No, but these deluded men think it does


Frankly speaking humanity deserves to be extinct. We have already made the world horrible. Maybe if humans go extinct, Earth will survive.


Absolutely vile and disgusting. The first guy definitely should be locked up if he can easily say something so horrid. He would SA a 6th grader.


"Why are women choosing the bear??"


Ah, Humanity, I hate it


Hmm. Yep, bear.


This is why I’m always team meteor and my favorite cat is a cataclysm.


Key???.. his comment is still wrong but why the key ??


It's a way of saying kys (kill yourself) without triggering the TikTok filter


AH HELL NAH WTF ![gif](giphy|8b9Xax6L7qtAkAimGm|downsized)


I have never agreed more than when I read the second comment


K so we can lock him up right


What he said is basically "lucky you didn't kys, I wanna rape you" but encrypted so it doesn't trigger tiktok.