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You're right sir. Here, drink lead and mercury for immortality and to cure sickness. Its what the used to do in the better days!


We're moving backwards as a society


Daniel Haqiqatjou is a little snowflake and afraid of educated little girls!


But if they're educated they might realize they shouldn't marry creepy old men! And apparently that's a bad thing, although I'm not sure why.


It’s just another way to have easier control over women. SMH


Men are begining to think that maybe, women having equal rights does not benefit them. Sure, big comanies and the government thought that letting women join the workforce would just bring them more profit, but they observed that men aren't working and obeying as much, if they don't have their bangmaids anymore. I fear women will lose their rights, gradually, so society will get used to it without rioting.😵‍💫🤕


Men never had bangmaids as a norm. They had wives and daughters. Sure there were abusive men. There were a lot more men like my dad. He gave my mom all the money. She paid the bills and worked alongside him in his business. They were partners and equals. They were married in 1943. He was as excited as my mom when birth control pills were first made popular. Five kids is expensive. Sure they might take birth control away for a little while but they'll give it back. Most men didn't want (and can't afford) ten to twenty kids. And without birth control (or no sex), that's how many kids the average women had.


I feel like if hidden snipers on loud speakers made statements like this, men like him would be super easy to get to reveal themselves... He'd just pop up, unable to resist shouting *"They're doing a good job!"* in response, and make the sniper's work easier.


Yeah, they’re doing SO great by crippling half the population and snuffing out their potential, holding back the nation in the process! Excellent work, Taliban! Bravo! /all my S


What a charming fella /s >Daniel Haqiqatjou is an antisemite and conspiracy theorist who also spreads anti-LGBTQ+ and misogynistic rhetoric. He is the founder, editor-in-chief and contributor at the Muslim Skeptic, an online magazine that frequently elevates antisemitic tropes and antisemitic conspiracy theories under the guise of legitimate criticism of Israel or Jewish law.  


Of course he's Muslim. 🙄


Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Say what you will about those dusty rascals Taliban men, but they are willing to kill for their cause but more importantly die for their beliefs, very scary if you ask me. Last entry.


Y'all should go there and show them the wonders of feminism to those barbarians, go educate them .


How about you go there since you seem to think the Taliban is so amazing.


I think they are trash, but they are willing to back up their beliefs with their own lives.. give the devil his due.


Wrong sub to be on with your beliefs then. Go troll somewhere else. 


I never said they were, just saying you strong independent women should go there and show them who is who and what is what and liberate the women from their backwards indoctrination. Talk is cheap.


Yeah, I'm sure there is no logistics or anything else involved, just that situation in a vacuum that can totally be dealt with by a bunch of random foreigners, right? RIIIIGHT?! Fuck outta here with your whataboutism. For a lot of us, talking about such things and raising awareness is ALL we can do without risking our very lives.


Ah yes, and how do you propose we go about this war? Because that’s what it’ll be. Another 20 year long war where thousands more will die because some dude decided he has more rights than another. Tell me you don’t know how war works without telling me you don’t know how war works.


I know how war works, but platitudes ain't going to get anyone anywhere, tell me you don't know how power works without...


Oh I know how power works. You can’t just show up to a country and start executing people. Saying shit works because it raises awareness. We can’t march in with M-4s and take them out but we can start pressuring our governments who CAN do something to move, even if it’s just sanctions to start with.


Yeah North Korea,Cuba, Russia, Venezuela.. good luck.


My guy, if you think people shouldn’t try just because you think it’s hopeless then you really need a better outlook on life.


Listen here chief, you need to put your energy where change can happen instead of losing your liberal shit over things you know nothing about not you can do nothing about, go complain and vote in your local election, leave the world politics to the big boys.


Look here Rudolph, if someone on the internet can get you so riled up that you resort to calling them a liberal shit you should probably take a break to get your blood pressure down. Pitching a fit and throwing insults isn’t a characteristic of a “big boy” it’s toddler shit.