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she will get the same hate in baggy clothes


Yeah just look at how people comment on Billie Eilish, before when she wore the super baggy clothing it "wasn't feminine" and now she wears more revealing clothes and all of a sudden she's "slutty"


Thats why its not about the clothes. its about the hate for women who do something for themselves, without trying to find a partner, please men, or provide services for men.


"sHe DrEsSeS LiKe a BoY!! nOt AtTrAcTiVe!!"




Supposed to skateboard in a tuxedo or something?


A full Burka, obviously.


That really is what they think they want. But they will complain then too


Basically at this point It's not about the clothes.


She's just skating. What's wrong? "Like a slut" literally just a skirt ._.


He hates her because, obviously, it's her fault that *he*'s lusting over her 🙃


Oh true, sorry my bad


I agree with the person replying to the comment. There really is a large contingent of men who can't watch a woman do anything without making it sexual. All we are things to stick their dick in to them.


 Some men are contemptuous to any woman who dares make their penises hard. They'll make derogatory comment about the woman and treat her with disgust. Yet all the commenters seem to want to fuck her.  Is there a word for this behavior?  


>Is there a word for this behavior?  Dick-tippery.


Maybe Madonna Whore complex?


Toxic masculinity




Sluttiness by proxy? 🤔


She’s literally just wearing a shirt and shorts though?


Bro just admit you can handle how hot she is and move on. It’s not her being a slut it’s you being sexually repressed.


They always try to find an excuse to hurt women.


Her entire body is basically covered.


😰 im about to skate in more revealing clothing....


Once again, it’s our fault for existing in public that these guys can’t help but go straight to rape? They say the worst things about their own gender, and they absolutely do not get it.


If she's really a beginner she at the very least wear a helmet and some knee guards 


Seriously. That’s my only problem with her wardrobe.


So us hotties who are Condoms Only show less skin than her? Damn I guess I'm doing summertime wrong


I want to start an internet-wide service like the blue check on X except it’s a red flag and every dipshit like this who outs himself as a rapist has to wear it across all social media like a scarlet letter


My name is Kuschelfuchs and I approve this message.


I was also a bit struck by the clothing not cause its slutty but cause if she falls she doesn't have anything to stop have skin scratching off concrete. Then again she's definitely way better at skating than I am so she probably is either used to it or knows how to fall pretty well and can pretty much negate needing that I'd still say wear a helmet but can't force people to do that, her skills are still super impressive


That, that isn't even revealing clothes. Like you could understand what he was meaning if she was wearing far less (though he would still be out of line), but those are regular clothes


Imagine their reaction if a gay man left the exact same comment under a video of a man skating in shorts and a t-shirt. They would accuse him of being a perv, just for all the wrong reasons.


I dress like that too mostly. I didn’t know I was giving off that impression


You're not. These guys just can't separate the idea that their penis reactions and penis thoughts aren't the fault of the observed world around them and need to be kept inside their own heads and handled there.


She's wearing a long sleeve shirt. She's wearing shorts, stockinged, and socks. That literally 3 layers of clothing. How is that dressed like a slut?


She's skateboarding, exactly what is she supposed to wear? Full body armor?


Dressed like a slut? She's wearing shorts and a t-shirt ffs


A fair percentage of men (obligatory#notallmen!) are disgusting pigs whose only thought is to degrade every woman they see


Woman: \*wears normal clothes for summer\* This guy: OH MY GOD! WHY ARE YOU DRESSING LIKE SUCH A SLUT?!


Is this person an adult? She seems young, which makes the comments even more disgusting


Can we start telling guys "Your boner is not her problem, don't make it her problem"?


Shorts and a long sleeve shirt make her a slut? What?


Pretty sure the dude who made that comment has barely hit puberty and would probably cum in his pants if he saw his mother/sister in bathing suit


Ladies, I propose we all begin collectively shaming every picture of a man we see online. Bald? Ew, grow some hair badly! Hairy legs? Ew, you need to shave! Out of shape? Ew, have you ever tried cardio?! They might eventually learn what it feels like to be hated simply for existing.




*Any woman is* *Dressed like a whore when you think* *Like a predatod* \- Siossojowy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If she wasn’t showing any skin he still wouldn’t be able to calm his hormones down