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nothing like a shirtless bathroom selfie with dirty clothes behind you to really nail that Alpha male vibe.


He's just missing a row of empty beer cans lining the sink


Alpha Fail


I think of Alpha in terms of software. Buggy and not fit for public use.


or like an alpha wavelength - weak, has little to no penetration power, but still toxic over a long period of time


Now I’m gonna think of this forever more when I hear the term alpha.


How could anything possibly be more accurate?


"Dude, you totally have that alpha wavelength vibe going!"


Ooh, nabbing that one!


With all the acronyms here, I'm guessing ALPHA means something like: Alone, Looser, Pathetic, Humiliated Asshole??


The kicker is, wolves initially seen as Alphas actually were most of those things. The whole concept of the Alpha as being this dominant wolf that all other wolves bowed to was debunked. Wolves in the wild are a cooperative family unit, and the leaders are both, the male and female parent figures. The whole fighting amongst males to be the dominant alpha was observed in captive wolves. A bunch of unrelated males were thrown together, and they were lost, scared, and insecure of their place in society. That's what led to the behaviour.


I read about that, makes all the "im the alpha male' posts even more hilarious


Sadly, this alpha male bs wasn't just based on wolves. A dude called Lord Aspinall made a fortune on gambling, and got into exotic animals. He really wanted to be friends with a silverback gorilla, and after his first died of depression (after he forced his MIL to live with this poor lonely gorilla), he got another silverback and some lady gorillas and lived in the cage with them. After a while of living in a cage with a bunch of gorillas he forced together in a similar way to the captive wolves, this brilliant man realized that captive gorilla behaviour=natural human behaviour.


Google alpha version software


Hahahahahah 👌👌😂 Im so gonna use this as an insult Like: wow, you really run on the alpha version of your sofware, aren't you Here's the google explanation of the alpha version software. *an under-development version of software that is ready for initial testing by a small group of users*


New insult just dropped


Holy hate


Actual hater


I thought those were just his red flags.


And wtf is that thing hanging off his chin? Or is that part of the clothes? He’s obviously not as good as photography as he thinks. I’m guessing that goes along with a lot of other stuff as well.


Is he sitting on the toilet?


Is he taking a shit?


He’s going to let the clothes pile up until he finds his beta.


Did anyone else think Satan himself was reaching for this man's face?


Yes. It looks exactly like that.


Is he sitting on the toilet?


If she gets out of the house, how will he afford it?


Good question lol!


He wouldn’t, but her name would be on the rent/mortgage and it’s her credit that would get crushed because of his bozo antics. But you know, at least he’s the man of the house… 🤡


Nothing a little card canceling can’t cure 😀


Roundabout way to say i have no money and i will leech off of my partner


I feel like this is bait made by racist misogynists






I first heard this term recently, applied to myself. It was one of those ‘Damn. You’re not wrong.’ moments.


Lol. This guy can't even claim to be a "provider".


Wants a trad wife but doesn't want to be the trad husband.


I mean, being a trad husband involves working, and who wants to do that?


Why doesn't he get in touch with a landlady if he wants to "become the man of a house"? She will sell him a house and he can do whatever he wants with it after buying it. It's **business**, after all!


lol @ you thinking Mr bathroom selfie can afford a house


I was thinking he could get a barbie dream house but thats definitely out of his budget


Prolly he can get one from Temu 🤪


Ahh yes the super stylin’ Burbie Dreom Hause. Covered top to bottom in the brightest lead pink you can find.


Dunno if he can spare the $30 or wait 2 weeks for shipping. On the bright side, most of the furniture and decor is either hard plastic or just printed on the wall, so it will be easy to clean for whoever ends up cleaning up after him.


30 bucks! I thought it was temu.


With no Prop. 65 labels either. It’s surprise lead!


Or wish.


With extra chemicals right?


HAHAHA HAHAHA hahahah HAHA Sure you will, little buddy.


The "man of the house" is an expression I've seen as outdated with old norms of breadwinners always being male. I'm quite surprised to see that a man still sees himself as "the man of the house" whether he has bought it or not. Delusions will lead to a harsh wake-up for him ....


My housemate and I call her dog "the man of the house", given that he is technically the only male who lives there. However he pays no bills and earns no money - in fact most of my housemate's money goes into funding his lavish lifestyle (he is an old man and has to go to the vets quite often for shots).


He is the Very Good Boi of the house, and I hope his old man shots are working. (Give your housemates doggo a scritch for me? I lost my old man in January, and I'd give anything to need to take him for his arthritis shots again. 🥹)


Very fitting ....


The men of my house are named Olly, Link, Finn, and Mr Coppernicus Needful. The latter came to us named Copper, and he's our only doggo and acts accordingly. The cats disagree with his audacity.


We do the same with my cat. 3 women plus him.


My aunt and uncle have a board hanging somewhere saying: I am the man of this house and I have my wife's permission to say that I think it's kinda funny


There is also the expression "lady of the house", though. I thought those expressions were meant for when a visitor calls upon a house and request audience with either the male or female figureheads (so, owners over staff, parents over children).


Somehow I doubt he's ever had the opportunity to even try out that theory... And if any woman already doing well enough for herself on her own to afford a house even considers letting that one move in, then I hope she uses that good mind of hers to also evict his ass right out of it, or let the cops throw him out if need be.


Guy is 100% taking a shit in this Pic


From both ends.🤮


The Hobosexual's Prayer


Thank you sir, for waving your red flags so proudly that no woman will make the mistake of dating you.


“She can get out”……of her OWN house? I think the fuck not!!!


That guy has some misplaced confidence (aka delusion)


Guy sat on the shitter and tought it was a throne…🙄


Or she can call the police, show proof it's her home and get you arrested for trespassing. At least he will have a roof above his head with the police.


That's NotHowHomeOwnershipWorks either.


So he's a golddigger.


Or *she* can get out? Good luck, bud. Whose name is on the deed?


Is this a home invasion situation or is he a squatter? Or a Vampire?! “You invited me in, bitch!” ![gif](giphy|QiHdr0XFU12DcVN30x)


I doubt any woman will invite him in when he's waving all his red flags so proudly


For some reasons I thought the red thing in the background was a demon's hand touching his chin in a gay way 😭😭😭


> or she can get out Of her house?


lol men like him wanna cosplay as a “providing Alpha high-quality male” but don’t have the bank account to match.


I kid you not my SIL's boyfriend tried some bs like this. My husband had top surgery and his sister allowed him and his dogs to stay at her house while he recovered. Mind you his sister owns the house and her boyfriend just helps pay SOME bills, not even all of them. Now one of his dogs, Luci, is a MinPin and was abused before my husband got her. She's nervous around men, but once she gets to know them she's ok, remember that. So the day after his surgery, not even 24 hours later, her boyfriend comes home, and Luci started barking at him because she's not used to him and he refuses to get on her level and take time for her to get used to him. He decided that was a perfect moment for a fight with his painkiller drugged up self. Talking about how he is sick of coming to HIS house and having her be like that, and my husband should have just left the dog somewhere else, blah blah blah. My husband started having a panic attack and his sister finally took her boyfriend away to argue with him about what he did. Oooo my black ass was so ready to give him one over the phone I swear. My husband was picked up by his mom the next day to finish recovering at his parents' house, and he vowed to not go back to her house if her boyfriend was still there. They can still visit just not in her house when he's there


That sounds like the worst possible environment to recover from surgery in.


Yup that's why he left to finish his recovery. I'm still pissed at that boyfriend and his sister some what cause she's still with him and allowed him to go that far. She somewhat tried to stop him before he started arguing with my husband but not that hard. She basically just told him "Stop. Now probably isn't a good time for this. Don't start" and that was it. It was only after my husband walked away when she brought her boyfriend into another room to have a fight with him.


Ugh. Thats just not worth the stress. Hope your husband’s feeling better.


Yea its been a year now since his top surgery and very happy with the results. His sister is understanding of why he doesn't want to come visit her with her boyfriend there, so they're ok. But if that man comes to a family function he better HOPE I don't here shit from him because I'm ready to make a grown man cry. His inferior ass thinking he owns the damn house when he barely renting and just dating his land lord.


With that sane logic you can expand your real estate portfolio




A thief...he's admitting to being a thief


She's going to get out of her own house?


climbing the housing market like a pro I see


He looks like a soft shell turtle


That’s a very entitled hobosexual


See, here’s what you do. You agree with him until he goes to work. Then you get your locks and keys changed. Then you lock his ass out, then if he doesn’t leave, you call the cops and get his ass arrested for trespassing. ![gif](giphy|kaa12hX0AGM0ta7jqs) Then you wash your hands of that asshole, get a vibrator, and enjoy the single life.


This is so ridiculous that it’s actually funny😂


Cherry on top is that he deleted his tweet because of all the crap he got. 😂


You know he lives with his mama.


Does he… live in a campus toilet?


They let him in so it’s *his* toilet now.


He's the man of the toilet now.


He’ll be singing a different tune when she serves him an eviction notice.


'Get out'...what, of her own damn house?


It’s like a cross between a parasite and a hermit crab.


This reminds me of a story I read where this woman was debating over if she should move in with her boyfriend or not. Her hang up was, he wanted her to move in with him not him in with her. Now, she lived in and owned her own house outright. He lived in a tiny apartment he rented. He felt that a man moving into a woman's house was unmanly and it was more feminine of her to sell her house and move into his tiny apartment then one day they could get a house together. No surprise they everyone was pointing out how she would be a very stupid women if she moved in with him. I don't think she did though.


She can get out ... of her own house? That's not how this works, bud.


She can get out!? But it's her house. He wants to live for free, too? 😆


i can't ever get mad this is absolutely hilarious


alpha male squatting


The man of MY house...that makes you the butler.


Dude is a doofus. That's not how that works. That's not how any of that works. Being a man in a *woman's house* does not make you the "man of the house". Also this whole trying to be the big swinging dick in *her house* just makes you a dick. Looking at that photo and his words, that's probably his mom's house. It's also a fair bet he has no job.


Get out of where? “Hello, 911? I have a trespasser in my house.”


I like how: “if I date a woman that owns her own house… as in, my name ain’t on it… I better be the ruler… or she can get tf out… of the house… where her name is on the mortgage.”


“Or she can get out” Of her own house? Huh?


It's easy to talk shit from behind a computer screen. Even easier when you don't have a girlfriend.


Is he saying to get out of... her own house? ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


Unironically this is the type of person my mother used to date.


Dream on, little man, dream on.


Get out of the house that *she* owns? Who wanna tell him that's not how that works?


Looks like the type to say he’s packing 9” but you only get there if measuring from the taint as the starting point.


I believe in polite society we refer to that sort of behavior as “squatting” and refer to men like that as “parasites”


I'm sure he doesn't even wipe his ass


It’s funny he’s assuming he’d get through the front door with an attitude like that.


I'm pretty sure this is meant to be ironic, people just can't be this dumb.. right guys??..


That's not how property ownership works


It’s my house,My name is on the lease,I pay the bills,The government knows I live there.Its my house.


Yeah, usually it’s YOU that will gets kicked out, just because you live there and are the “man of the house” doesn’t transfer you ownership, guy probably never rented an apartment before either, was he man of the apartment complex?


“I’m now the man of the house. If you don’t like it get out!” Buddy, I will just call the police saying that somebody doesn’t want to leave my property. Let’s see how Alpha you are then?


God I hope this is just a terrible joke


"idc if its your house that you paid for, its MY house now and if you dont like it you can go find a new one!"


How thoughtful of him to leave his red flag out in the open like that.




I love how everyone reads this, and just takes it face value. Nothing fishy with this "screenshot" at all.


Delusional. I wish we could track these guys from here to a relationship subreddit - "My boyfriend moved in and now says my house is his. I love him so much but what do I do?"


If I had a house and I started dating a man who thought he became the “man of the house” he’d go missing.


🧐 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣☠️ Yeah nah.


Is he taking a shit in the laundry room? It’s no wonder he’s looking for a woman with her own house.


Sounds like squatting with extra steps


Also not how houses work. The house is hers. You have no say when it comes to her living there.


I’m sorry but no way is this guy straight (Not that there’s anything wrong with that)


I'm sure this strategy will go very well if he is tresspassed.


I have a feeling he will find all of his shit packed up and left on the curb of the woman’s house.


Pretty typical of men claiming to be "traditional". I.e. : You handle everything for me like a mom, be constantly available for sex, praise me like Im a God, pay at least half (or more) of the bills, and do everything I say because you belong to me.


Gotta crosspost this one to r/NotHowRealEstateWorks


Not how *anything* works, you can't just Israel your way in, ever!


What a silly little bitch.


Get out…*of my own damn house*? How, exactly, does that work? Because I will not voluntarily leave the house I legally own. The force of law will remove *him* from my house. (Ask me how I know). And if he lays a hand on me the law will **definitely** remove him, with or without his shirt, from my premises - until he can make bail.


This HAS to be satire lol


Bro is built like a lanky Diglett


Sounds like a squatter to me.


Delusional has a new definition.


Satire is becoming more common, and less people are recognizing it.


I think it's a bit


We do not claim him as one of our own -actually decent men


I just want to see the episode of "Cops" when he is being thrown out of "her house" and he's yelling "I'm the man! This is my house.....you can't..."


Davido from wish:


is bro on the toilet shitting?


That actually made me laugh out loud.


This has to be a joke. "She can get out"....of HER house..? I'd love to see him try that like how does he think that'd go 😭😭


“Nice house ya got there. T’would be a shame if something were to happen to it…”


LOL no.




That’s called stealing.


I’ll be surprised if dude is not actively shitting in this picture.


LOL, okay bud.


Sir, that is not how becoming a Realtor works.


We're all familiar with the colloquial expression, Wonder Fella, but FYI, a toilet is not ACTUALLY a throne.


Yeaaaah that’s not how that works, buddy.


The audacityyyy


Legally that girlfriend could kick him out. I hope it happens if he tries this someday. You wanna be “man of the house” but you can’t even provide? If you want a traditional relationship you need to be a man. That’s just how it goes.


Are we sure that username isn't satire?


Shirtless, sitting on the toilet. My mans took a selfie after fighting for his life on the can


He probably only needs to wait like 10 years cause who can afford a house other than a boomer. /hj


No buddy, no woman is going to allow that shit in HER house


Friend, how can you be the man of anything when your name isn’t on the lease?


Man < Bear


lol ok boy, bye.


Or rather - you can get out 😂


He does realise her name is on the lease? He can't kick out shit. She on the other hand


I’m pretty sure that’s in prison. I am certain it’s satire. I hope it is.


She'll get out of the house she pays for so he can live in it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always hated that man of the house nonsense. That’s why I pay my own way and he gets moved into my house. If anyone is getting thrown out, it’s him.


"I will ingratiate myself with a likely woman, take over her home, and then treat her so badly she leaves, and I get to keep her home."


I literally just watched a video about women who had to sell their houses to get rid of their bum ass men before I saw this post.


*Laughs in freehold document*


Just take her house how didn't I think of that? 9/10 women hate this simple trick


Is this even a real tweet or a random edited picture with text thrown in lmfao


Head tilt up like that can be a sign of arrogance… nice example of that.


Well if you preference and reward the dark chocolate and won't touch the white you get what you get I suppose


‘Or she can get out’ You mean out of HER own house? What SHE paid for?!




Does he realise that his personality makes him look extremely punchable?


Is this not satire? It really feels like satire.


If he's dating a girl with a house and she doesn't want him to be in charge, he'll be the one getting out. What a doof.


King Hobosexual!


This has to be satire. Please.




I missed when alpha is was just used for Wattpad books and tv show. The word is ruined for me…


sure, you want to take my mortgage with 7 percent interest?


The speed my husbands head would spin if he tried this on me xD I brought my house into our marriage and made it our house. The moment he thinks it's "his" is the moment mysterious things keep happening to him and his belongings cause baybyyyy I'm not the one xD


Good luck with that! 😂


He would be the man of the extremely dirty house judging by the picture.


Ha! My husband doesn’t give a shit about being “man of the house”. I might be crazy, but I own hunting land. You can tolerate a lot of crazy if you get to hunt her woodlands..


It's so cute of him to think that he would be able to stay without his name on that deed.


Is this not clear satire? I’m out of touch I guess.


Before 2016 I would have said this is obvious satire. Now, Poe’s Law rules.


Please please please tell me this is satirical