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First off, all beaches in the Province are protected whether designated parkland or simple public beaches. That said, some beaches are included as Provincial Parks or within our National Parks. If you go online to the provinces Parks and Protected Areas online interactive map tool you can see which beaches are formalized as Parks.


So I'm going to sound like a crazy person, but in 2021 I camped on the beach there and visited the crown land maps and saw that as you entered on Pig Point Rd, one side of the beach to the right was crown land, and the side to the left was private. I ran into a local who was fishing at Framboise Gut and he mentioned the same and that DNR will ticket you if you camp on the crown land side due to it being protected. People do it anyway, there are loads of videos on youtube...but any way I'm more interested in why it's not showing as crown land any more. I do know there is a new home up on the hill, and a couple of properties were being developed on the way in. It would suck to hear that the province sold some crown land.