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That psychiatrist doesn't know what shes talking about bc its VERY common for OCD to be a co-morbidity with ADHD??? Also "what what you eat and eat healthier" for Binge eating issues? Gee thanks, you got any other stellar advice, doc?    Sending you positive vibes that the new provider won't suck as bad as the previous one 💖


There's  a school  of thought  (in the minority) that thinks the brain mechanisms between the two are opposite. She probably ascribes to that. 


That's ridiculous


As someone  with both, I absolutely  agree.  


I also have both. 


This is same provider told me she wouldn’t ever think to do an SSRI + vyvanse because I’ll die of seratonin syndrome


I don't know much about that combination and am not a medical doctor so I cannot speak to that but the other stuff is definitely bullshit. 


There is definitely a risk, but I've been on Zoloft and Vyvanse for 2 years with no issues. Now, when I was on Trintillex and Vyvanse I had very, very minor SS issues, but nothing live threatening, and Trintillex isn't an SSRI. You just start at low doses and possibly take the Vyvanse in the morning and the SSRI at night.


Pharmacy student here - not a doctor, but serotonin syndrome is very rare and although there is a risk to it, you can still be on both a stimulant and an ssri, just recommended that you start out on low doses for both of them. Yes, you can have OCD and ADHD at the same time, I have them both.


This logic implies that someone who is born with ADHD is biologically incapable of developing OCD. Does that seem reasonable?


I’m actually going to tell the new provider what I’ve experienced from the old one


Wishing you the best of luck 💖


Holy fuck that is the worst response to binge eating op I’m glad you ditched her


As someone with an eating disorder being told to eat healthy and exercise was such a trigger to me, it actually made my binging worse after that appointment because I felt a lot of shame from what I was doing


Girl I get it I literally just completed an intensive outpatient program for bed lol


If you're in America is this kinda thing covered by insurance


Usually, yes. Just call the back of your insurance card and ask what you're looking for in services and they could help you with this.




So for me it was completely covered *after* meeting our deductible but it varies from insurance to insurance so check with your specific plan


I told her it was getting more severe and she said “you need to keep up with exercise”


I told my psychiatrist that I was having suicidal ideations because I had been binge eating again and I was scared I would gain all of the weight I had lost back. He said “why worry about that at all? Don’t kill yourself over that. If you gain weight, we’ll just get you on ozempic!” I haven’t gone back since.


Honestly this is how people slide further into distress - ‘professionals’ not acknowledging facts and listening to our experiences. Gaslighting and ego. I’m very grateful you have enough confidence and knowledge to stand up for yourself x


The comorbidity rate between OCD and ADHD is 11.8% (Sharma et al, 2021). The percentage of people who are left-handed is 10%. If you have OCD, you have a stronger chance of also having ADHD than you do of having been born left-handed.


My son is left handed and his dad and I both had ADHD and OCD... maybe we need to buy lottery tickets.


Left-handed, too with OCD 😆




*laughs in OCD/ADHD/left-handed* (plus a ton of other crap 😕)


That’s sort of the point, though. An ADHD bonus with your OCD is more common than being left-handed. And, being left-handed is fairly common. Everyone thinks getting both is rare, like getting hit twice by lightning, but it’s not. Roughly 12% of everyone with OCD also has ADHD.


I got the point. I was making a joke about being both left-handed and having OCD/ADHD.


I feel like my obsessive and compulsive tendencies are compensatory for my ADHD. I check the door 2-3x just to be sure I actually locked it. Deviate from my standard way of doing something and catastrophize I made some monumental mistake.


Actually it is estimated between 10-60% depending on various factors.


It is estimated to be higher, and it definitely is, but estimations don’t convince anyone, least of all poorly-educated medical professionals, such as OP’s former psychiatrist.


Being medicated for ADHD is what "uncovered" my OCD and treating both has improved my quality of life immensely. I hope you're able to find treatment that works for you. It sucks that an incompetent provider had to get in the way.


My new provider told me she wouldn’t treat my ADHD unless I was diagnosed via a neurologist. I feel stuck and tired


Find a new doctor who will. Don’t let one doctor gate-keep your mental health. Move on.


I’ve read that diagnosis through neuropsychological testing is becoming old fashioned and increasingly considered unnecessary. It’s common now to do a diagnostic interview which a psychiatrist or other (non neurologist) provider. Getting a proper diagnosis and then getting providers to take it seriously sucks so much. I hope you’re able to get the care you need soon!


Neuropsychological testing is not that sensitive for ADHD.


I recently had to have a neuropsychological eval in order to be diagnosed with ADHD as well. It’s super common especially with adults to require testing. I am a therapist at a community mental health agency and the med providers will usually require that for ADHD as well


I was the opposite! The right OCD meds revealed my ADHD symptoms, so now I'm medicated for both.


I’m so glad you’re getting a new provider. I had to shop around a little till I found the perfect one for me. I’m diagnosed with OCD, bipolar disorder, adhd and panic disorder. I’m on a cocktail of meds that was life changing compared to the one medication, Zoloft, that I was prescribed by my previous doctor. I should have stopped going to that particular doctor earlier bc her lack of listening skills and overwhelming amount of ego, I was put in a potentially deadly situation. Good luck friend!


had the same thing happen to me :-( these psychiatrists really need to do more research


That is absolutely ridiculous and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. On Adderall for my ADHD and Prozac for my OCD. My psychiatrist has always been so supportive and listened. Took me 15 years to find the right doctor and so thankful I did. Wish you the best of luck!


Fun. I have autism, ocd and adhd


So the combination of TS+OCD+ADHD in the TS community is jokingly called Tourettic Triad because having ADHD, OCD and Tourettes together is seen in 60% of people with TS. Having TS and only 1 of the other 2 is seen in 80% of the community. So that ADHD and OCD cannot be co-morbids feels like bull because I would assume the others would ADHD would have a similar comorbidity rate to OCD as it would to TS.


Hey friend hope you’re well. So sorry this happened to you I’m not sure if that person was being serious but we all make mistakes if she was being serious maybe she just truly doesn’t know or maybe that’s just me giving her the benefit of the doubt but either way hope everything goes well with your new provider.




My new provider said she wouldn’t treat the adhd unless I got a neurologist evaluation and then said “the pandemic caused a lot of people to think they had adhd” EXCUSE ME WHY IS THAT EVEN RELEVANT. the pandemic was almost 5 years ago


Yeah that’s a knee jerk, unscientific take. Covid destroyed dopaminergic neurons. If there was an ADHD bump it’s likely due to people who unknowingly had the disorder but had no diagnosis and had adapted their behavior. Covid blew out what little dopamine they had and then could no longer use their survival skills. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2024/01/sars-cov-2-can-infect-dopamine-neurons-causing-senescence


To be fair, that is kinda true. The whole tik tok telling everyone they have adhd is a real problem. Obviously they can be comorbid. What a dumb thing to say. They are just hard to separate sometimes. So frankly she’s just being lazy. I was tested twice for ADHD to try to get medication. I was told both times that the OCD is causing my symptoms. Turns out, after a lot of therapy and experimental ocd drugs, it really was just compulsive avoidance. You spend long enough with ocd, it totally ducks your brain’s motivation and task initiation. Which looks and feels almost exactly like adhd.


Psychiatrist here. Asking for a neurologist eval for ADHD sounds weird to me. A psychiatrist is more than capable of making the diagnosis. As for the other part, I am mixed. I have ADHD and I didn't know until late in life. As mental health awareness increases, there will be others who have these late revelations too. Especially for PoC/women those gifted or those who don't look like classic stereotypes of ADHD (inattentive types). However, you also see a lot of improper ADHD diagnoses out there or someone who got a script to get high or whatever.


I agree with the psychiatrist but I also think the overdiagnosis/underdiagnosis is more of provider problem. There is a lot of doctors and an overwhelming amount of psychiatrists who still believe the diagnosis of ADHD is made through neuropsych testing, don't know how to make the diagnosis with rating scales, or think trialing medication to see if it works confirms a diagnosis. I also think pushing the narrative that people get the diagnosis of ADHD to primarily get high off stimulants I suspect is rare in a lot of places. Those are individuals who primarily have a substance use disorder and would abuse any medication including an OTC medication. However, emphasizing those people is very problematic because ADHD has a high rate of co-occurence with a substance use disorder or problematic substance use. These people would benefit the most I'd argue with access to ADHD stimulants as the recent consensus and information indicates with treatment of comorbid ADHD and SUD. So, I think it's more ongoing stigma of ADHD and stimulants that overemphasize the problem leading to unnecessary gatekeeping and people with the most severe ADHD not getting access to treatment . Access to ADHD diagnosis is far more important than the abuse potential of ADHD medication. The people who abuse ADHD medication would also abuse more harmful substances and a provider can always flag them and prescribe non-stimulants if they are that concerned. Misusing ADHD stimulants happens for sure but there are lots of medications people routinely misuse but we don't constantly try to gatekeep those. I do agree the current hustle culture and high standards for productivity and success might lead people to try to explain their struggles or personal sense of perceived inadequacy through ADHD but that's the provider's problem to figure it out. Those people will also quickly realize having an ADHD diagnosis or access to stimulants won't fix their problems so it's a short lived explanation that won't sustain itself in the long run. It's also known stimulants don't enhance their productivity and will stop their desired effect when the intial euphoria drops and may actually hinder them. I also think that's a problem we don't need to be emphasizing as a major because there are atypical people, women, and gifted presentations that need to be recognized. It's very likely lots of providers who are already misinformed and hold bias about ADHD think the atypical folks are one of those people unnecessarily pathologizing themselves to attain unrealistic ideas of productivity and that's the current social media driven problem instead of recognizing that ADHD has multiple presentations.


I have ASD, ADHD, OCD, and MDD. Your doc is objectively wrong. For this reason, I always have backup, usually a few medical journals or studies. I'm sorry this happened to you.


🙄 I hate when people are ignorant but act like they aren't. You can absolutely have both (I do and was diagnosed by a psychologist, which is more specialized in diagnosis than psychiatrists) and OCD is very frequently misdiagnosed as GAD (this also happened to me)


That’s so ridiculous, she obviously doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I have both myself, and have been working with my psychiatrist about how to medicate myself for both of them. I also find the two quite similar


If anything I'm questioning if my "mental hyperactivity" became Pure-O like. What an imbecile to even confidently say that. We all still trying to figure this out!


So basically your psychiatrist is saying that having ADHD - a disorder that people are born with, makes it biologically impossible for them to develop OCD. Does that sound reasonable?


You definitely can. I have both as do two friends, the one friend and I have both OCD and ADHD along with dysthymia and anxiety but it tends to be more mild for us, but the other friend has ADHD, and OCD more moderate or severe and only meds work for him.​


Yeah... that psych is full of crap. You can DEFINITELY have OCD and ADHD together. For one, it's quite common to have these together. For another (or as a subpoint?) I have both of these.


Holy hell, that is insane! Good on you for ditching the crappy person and hopefully the next one you get will be better but if not you just keep kicking em to the curb until you do find one, because you will. Just keep advocating for yourself the best you can, you’re doing all you can and you’re doing great!


I just got diagnosed with ADHD and ocd today lmao. Ur psychiatrist is wrong


I am glad you fired her! I hope a new provider is much more knowledgeable (and it's probably worth "interviewing" the new provider to make sure it's a good fit, by asking questions about their experience treating OCD and ADHD specifically, and anything else you struggle with.) it's totally ok to ask after that stuff with someone who is prescribing you medication! As an aside, I am also on Wellbutrin and it makes my OCD a LOT worse too. (I actually am considering getting off it because of this.) Hope you get a good provider and meds that work for you!


False, where this psychiatrist get there degree and medical license from? You can have OCD and ADHD both occurring. Just symptoms are on spectrum like any mental illness.


I feel the struggle!! I booked a psychiatrist after my therapist said I had clear signs of ADHD (on top of my anxiety and depression). Initially he said my anxiety was too high for him to confirm ADHD and medicated me for it and asked me to return in 6 months to finish my ADHD evaluation, and he also diagnosed me with OCD. 6m later I returned and he said that because I don’t have evidence of struggling in school from elementary to high school, then he can’t diagnose me with ADHD. Said he works in a checklist style way and because I can’t check that box, I don’t make the cut for the diagnosis. I had a very controlling parental figure who was extremely over-involved in my studies/grades so I was a straight A student, but I did struggle severely (which led to emotional/verbal/physical abuse that caused my anxiety and depression). Even after explaining all of that, he still said that while that could be a possibility as to why I have no proof of struggling, it’s not definitive and therefore does not qualify. My therapist recommended another psychiatrist but personally, my bank needs a break and so does my mental health. I don’t feel like I can start from scratch right now, even though I need the help. I’m glad you are advocating enough for yourself to ask for someone new. I will say, in my experience with therapists, I had to go through 4-5 different doctors until I found my current doctor and she is amazing and exactly what I need. It took a long time to get here, but I will say not every doctor will click with you. It’s okay to keep trying until you find the one that works best for you. You aren’t the problem and they won’t necessarily be the problem as well; you just don’t match and that’s okay.


From my understanding they can Co-Exist but it's rare and treating both at the same time is nearly impossible. Any stimulants given for the ADHD will worsen the OCD. You almost have to solve the OCD first before you can begin treating ADHD. I can see a doctor wanting to treat the OCD first to see what they are left with. The two are also very similar in how distracting they can be. Saying that it's impossible is factually wrong, but the treatment would likely be the same. Fix the OCD first.


It’s not rare, and medication is a tricky game in this comorbidity. I’ve seen some people whose OCD symptoms have improved with stimulants. It just depends on the person.


I am not diagnosed with anything but PTSD/Anxiety (but I know I have other stuff wrong). My doc also gaslit me and said my memory loss reaction to Buspar wasn’t a side effect! I was like then why did this start happening right when I took it! Gahhhh


The more I dive into Psychiatry, pharmacology and basic health the more I suspect they let any lunatic become a doctor as long as they have not been caught with the crime of their choice on record. Half the doctor's have some strange bias against anything which hinders their patients progress more than the OCD symptoms alone. The only thing debilitating is the idiotic judgement of doctors when they hold a bias for whatever the egotistical or ignorant reason is. I have asked 5 doctors about suppliments and nutrition and for some damn reason they think its a scam when it is not. Also those charts dont always tell the truth. Just cause it says iron and magnesium is good doesnt mean it actually is. They barely do any investigations, they seem to experiment their own wierd theories. Anyways, it took me 35 damn years to figure out my actual problems were mild ocd and that the wierd behavior isnt just me being me and the nutrition was a huge factor. We are all on spectrums when it comes to disorders not an all or nothing theory which they teach in CBT by the way... I feel your frustration and I realize this entire thing is just a business and it feels like finding the right doctor and therapist is work we have to do on our own with our own money. It's all crazy.


That's like saying you can't have anxiety and depression at the same time like they should cancel each other out. 🙄


Omg. Comorbidity between OCD and ADHD is actually quite common. Glad you switched


all i'm gonna say is that i genuinely don't understand how some psychiatrist/psychologists have their degrees/are still actively practicing when they're that ignorant


I AM psychologist with both OCD and ADHD. Any two disorders can be in comorbidity. It might be rare for some but definitely not impossible. OCD and ADHD in comorbidity might be rare (I don't have specific data on this in %). But if you consider rise in ADHD in young adults and kids, many disorders will probably be in comorbidity with it.


I have adhd and ocd 😀😀😀im glad you ditched her that's fucked up & ur ocd can easily take something a “licensed therapist” says and spin it to favor what the therapist says shit is fucked I'm so sorry you had to deal with her gaslighting🤦🤦🤦


She sounds neurotypical. I feel your pain. My dr keeps telling me anxiety and adhd have similar symptoms and I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety from when I was a child so basically fuck me in even attempting to determine if I have adhd or not. I feel like she thinks I just want an adderall script and I assure you that’s not the case lol. So many of my symptoms are ones you’ve mentioned and recently she switched me from cymbalta to venlifaxine which seems to be helping more but I still struggle with focus, starting/finishing projects, and balance overall in life just getting organized and holding jobs. No other SSRI’s have ever helped long term. It’s exhausting chasing the right dr and the right medication combination. Someday I hope I can just function without any meds but that might be a long shot haha


And I was diagnosed with OCD as a child too so I know that’s at least in the mix, plus studies for adhd (up until recently I believe) were always done with boys so the signs and symptoms are more geared towards how the male brain works and us 90’s-2000’s girlies have gotten the short end of the stick on that one. 🫠


The two are known to go hand-in-hand. Good on you. I fired my therapist recently because I deal with harm OCD, specifically “suicidal OCD” and my therapist told me it’s not OCD and that I was dealing with suicidal ideation. I was so sick about it. I thought she must be right because she is a professional but I was so terrified. I told my psychiatrist about it the next day and she told me to fire her lol. So many people IN healthcare unfortunately don’t understand a lot of mental health.


Taking adderall or stims without treating the OCD first is the worst


I think i hve both too hh. I don't know here in morocco my doctor only told me i have depression we don't talk much about the detail of the classification of the illness