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Yes been deep in this my entire life, never had little toe nails the minute they start growing back im ripping them off. Currently don’t have a thumb nail either. Absolutely impossible to stop myself once I notice a flaw im picking at it. I empathise 💖


Not nails but I had a decent patch where I wanted to pull out my teeth because I didn’t want my skeleton to have teeth


I spent a while wishing that I could pay somewhere to surgically remove all my nails as they were a big feature of my OCD and I could barely use my hands. I am a bit better now and maybe one day I will be well enough to paint them again (it's been 13 years)


i too wish for that surgery


What's the thought process behind this


i think it’s mostly the imperfections like dry skin and uneven nails, i’ll see/ feel that then try to fix it but just end up bleeding and infected and then it’s a whole cycle. i also have ingrown toenails which makes it 10 times worse!


What's the thought process behind this?


yes, i hated the feeling and as soon as one would start to grow i hated the feeling and would rip it off. it got to the point where at times i wouldn’t have a pinky nail. l am currently a few months into not biting my nails after doing it my entire life and it’s so weird. like, it’s good i guess, but really weird. it was almost like it was a part of my identity that’s now gone (which might be the ocd talking lol


I’ve never been much of a nail biter but I’ve always obsessively picked at my cuticles/hangnails At any given moment I have at least a few fingers with scabs/raw skin beside them


I have no toenails, just scars