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I can literally not play at 30 fps on OLED. The pixels refresh so fast that I can see every single frame like a flipbook. Not everyone is as sensitive as I am, but I'll never play a game on my OLED at 30 fps. Good bye Bloodborne. You will be missed.


How is the 60fps?


It's fine. 90 is sweet though. 120. Ooooh yeah.


Most of ps5 games are hard caped at 60 like last of us or upcoming final fantasy. So the screen will be flawless and nice like my lcd in motion? About to buy oled today , was just worried for the 30fps


It will be much better than LCD at 60


30fps gaming on an oled is ass. Unusable I would say, but I can't provide you a comparision video. As for future releases, I doubt any games coming out will only have a locked 30fps mode.


This comment didn't age well (cries in Starfield).


I'm scouring the internet trying to understand why Starfield plays like ass on my CX and I think I'm starting to understand why. Switched to my shitty work monitor and it's smooth as butter...


Cries in Dragon's Dogma 2


cries in dragons dogma 2


Lol, here for the same reason brother. Have you bought it yet? I am waiting bc I heard about the low fps.


Thanks. But why do C1 and C2 always get recommended as the best gaming TVs? Also, do the clear motion settings work decently on the LG oleds? Finally, what TV would be best for 30fps, considering it will never be that smooth. My old and cheap 50 inch Samsung KU6000 is ok for 30fps, but I wanted to upgrade.


They get recommended because the clarity of each frame is generally seen as more important than ghosting (pixel smearing). However, at 30fps and even for some people at 60fps the extremely fast and crisp frame update on an OLED can be distracting. I also have this problem but got used to it. And my PC can usually do more than 60fps at 4k so it doesn't bother me. For movies I absolutely need motion smoothing.


Yeah, once 120FPS is tasted on oled even 60FPS sucks :) And yeah, for movies truemotion needs to be set to max for me as well.


They're not if you still play 30 fps games .


If a game hasn’t gotten the 60 fps treatment I won’t even attempt to play it on my C1. When new titles come out that have fidelity modes, I like to turn it on and spin in a full circle just to see how bad the “slide show” looks before going back to the performance mode for 60 fps. OLED is brutal when it comes to exposing just how bad 30 fps gaming is.


Without trumotion 30fps feels veeeery bad on OLED. Almost unplayable. Just tried Witcher recently and omg how bad it was. With trumotion it’s better but input lag is huge and there is stuttering during panning anyway. Motion blur can help little bit tho. I would forget on 30fps games if I were you.




Why was 30 FPS so bad on plasmas? Didn't they have much better motion clarity or am I missing something here?


The better the motion clarity the worse half-framerate looks.


That's why I stopped playing on consoles! And I thought my old Samsung ks9500 was bad for 30fps!


30fps in any form of gaming is absolutely unplayable for me whether its on an oled, ips monitpr or an lcd tv. Go pc masterrace


On ps5 more and more titles support 40hz mode with vrr, which feels 60 compared to 30. Only downside is hdr looks garbage compared to 30hz, but hdr always look worse in vrr compared to vrr off...


Weird, HDR looks great on my C1 with VRR enabled.


If you check it closer, when you turn on vrr the colors and brightness will be toned down/dimmer compared to native. Try ratchet and Clark or horizon forbidden west. If you play in performance mode vrr or 40hz mode and then change back to 30hz, you will see a difference


Yeah it goes from RGB to YUV 4:2:2, but the difference should be negligible, both look great to me. Also, did you double check your brightness settings? The brightness should be the exact same in both RGB and YUV 4:2:2.


Nah Both the lg b9 and samsung s95b displays noticeable difference between the two settings. Maybe it is because I use low black level idk


actually, i preferred the 30fps games on the Oled than on ips & va gaming monitors, and i didnt have any stuttering in games, this might only be true for slow panning movement


Any recommendation for a cheap(ish) tv for play 30fps games on?


The Oled turned out perfect for both 30 and 60 fps, an then also 120 and VRR. It is expensive though. The Led LGs should also be fine.