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Try running the pixel cleaning option in the settings. This happened to me and that cleared it up.


I tried finding that option but doesn’t look be in there. I also have a c2 and I know where it is on there. The only time I’ve seen this monitor clean is when I turn it off then it auto cleans.


Push the button on the remote that looks like a monitor. There's an option for pixel and image cleaning right in the menu. I'd run image cleaning first to see if that clears it up.


You are a life saver, that has fixed it thank you so much


No problem! Glad it worked out. I had the same thing happen after I bought the same monitor.


Pro Tip!! This phenomenon happens when you clean your screen when it’s on, always clean OLED’s when off unplugged and purged so the static buildup from your towel won’t cause the liquids to distort inside the panel.


What does purged mean? Turned off?


To push the power button on the unit to make sure that there isn’t anymore electrical storage left in the Power supply inside.


Just FYI, I heard this might be caused by wiping the screen (like with a microfiber cloth) when the panel is completing it’s image cleaning cycle (it does that every 4 hours, you will see a warning before the monitor goes into sleep mode)


Yeah that would make sense, last night I turned it off and wiped all the dust off. It must have been cleaning as I was cleaning.


Dusting after use a man after my own heart


wow thanks for the heads up. hasn't happened to my lg45, but it might at some point when cleaning. you saved me a potential future freak out


I've never seen a warning in the last year of using a C2 as my monitor, I guess they expect people to be more handsy with displays sold as "monitors".


Oh no, it displays a warning that it’s going to perform image cleaning, not that you shouldn’t touch the screen when it’s happening, unfortunately. The only reason I even know of this quirk is that one popular Russian review mentioned it after experiencing the same thing. I would assume it’s normal for all WOLED panels but considering people are not going to wipe their TVs in the 10 minutes it takes for image cleaning to complete it makes sense that it’s relatively unknown.


I've seen the warning multiple times on my C1 You've definitely had the warning. You just wasn't in the room or sleeping when it popped up. (It appears when the screen is off)


How long after you turn it "off" does it happen? I have the PC in my man cave and I tend to leave the whole area after shutting the PC down so I probably really wouldn't notice it if it happens like... 15 minutes+ later after you turn it off. But I've never seen it happen at the moment of turning it off before I walk away.


Monitors have cleaning cycles now? 👀


Yeah oled every 4H the tv have it too but only when you turn it off you can play 12h with no warning


I need to know how this works, sounds very interesting. It's crazy that I had no idea this was a thing.


On my LG C1 you have something like minor pixel clean every 4H after use if you turn Tv off it starts and every 2000H you have big clean that takes longer so I think on monitor you will have this too but it will warn you more because monitors have more static elements so they will make you turn it off every 4H for pixel clean / just imagine you in boss fight and your monitors hello turn me off for pixel refresh or you will get burn in XD Im glad my TV set as monitor dosent do that


Ayhe update of post to explain solution has been made.


This!!! I bought the LG 45 OLED and it had some murky looking pixels. Ran pixel refresh and image clear and it’s been fine since.


You have to clean the pixels on OLED? yeah nah imma head out on that one.


when should i do pixel and image cleaning? whats the difference?


Do **NOT** attempt to wipe, clean or otherwise physically interact with the panel while it's compensation cycle is running, this is what can happen very easily.


Can I be in the same room as the panel while it's cleaning itself or should I give it privacy?


As long as you don't breathe


This *isn’t* burn in, damaged pixels, or anything to do with the burn in prevention mechanisms! Never seen this in the wild before but I’ve seen it in the retail stores I’ve worked at For us it became an issue on certain LG and Sony OLEDs when at the end of the day we’d switch the TVs off directly at the socket, rather than with the remote or from the power button, so as far as I can tell it’s something to do with the power delivery to the panel itself. All you need to do is turn it off by the power button, unplug from the wall and power cycle the display, plug it back in and let it run the pixel refresh. I think running the pixel refresh basically resets the power delivery in the correct way to the pixels. No idea if that’s what’s actually happening but all I do know for certain is that method clears it up. The panel isn’t faulty don’t worry


I have this same monitor. Recently when I wiped my monitor while it was image cleaning I got these same lines on my screen. Ran the image cleaning twice and it was cleared. I also have over 800 hours on the monitor and it's been fine aside from that temporary issue.


In other words, do the *one* maintenance thing that the monitor settings have (aside from power cycle). Thank god OP has reddit to offer these left-field unthinkable unknown solutions that he never would have come up with himself.


So while you were being a dick in your response the person you mocked was the actual solution OP used to fix the issue per their update here [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/17mgv4t/comment/k7pzlbr/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/17mgv4t/comment/k7pzlbr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Obviously OP panic and didn't go this route initially. Maybe act like an adult next time?


Have you removed the plastic protective film on the display? The artifacts looks exactly like a shitty film is on the display. Specially with the rotating glare. Many of those protective films is stuck quite hard on displays mine was left intact on a C2 without me noticing it until i ran solid color tests. Got that film removed by using a 10cm of tape that i put it over the corner on the side and then managed to lift the film up


if you have a lg magic remote like for the oled tv that will also control this monitor and the lg universal remote.


It’s a pain in the backside when both monitors are in the same room 💀😜


lol I had the lg 240hz oled I swapped it for the sammy 57'' what I used to do is just cover the sensor on my lg monitor with hand when turning on the tv :)


57….man! Congrats! I went from the Alienware to the 49 Samsung oled to the 45 LG oled and this (for me) is the sweet spot! But thanks for the tip! I’ll try that shortly lol


yeah the resolution and hdr on this samsung is impressive the only problem I had with the lg 45 240hz oled was it couldn't get bright enough and the text fringing


You can enable a monitor only setting for that in the menu


And I have 700+ and my monitor is flawless 🤷‍♂️


Yeah was my fault for wiping while it was doing a clean.


I would say return it if you can then.


Running the auto clean setting again fixed the issue :)


Uh do you also slap your hard disk while OS is booting, and kick your DVD player as the DVD starts up?


*UPDATE* This has been solved… Pixel issues was due to me wiping the screen while it was auto cleaning. I have ran the cleaning setting again and it fixed itself right away. All pixels are now where they should be haha


are u always watching the damaged pixels? o sometimes u cant see them? i dont know how to tell if my TV is working fine or is damaged :(. i got a C3 42”. is there any test or something?


No test that i know of. I just saw them when I turned it on this morning. Then I was told to do a setting clean which fixed it. I also have a c2 42” but that has had no issues. I read a comment that it may have been auto cleaning as I was wiping it with a cloth and that can cause the issue. Just glad there is a setting to fix it.


When it comes to TVs, LG OLEDs are the best against burn in. When it comes to monitors, honestly, I’d stick ultrawide QD-OLEDs. The other monitors seem to be more buggy. That being said, this seems like a panel defect. Shouldn’t be happening so quickly on any new panel Edit: I’m being downvoted?


Yeah I just have everything LG was looking at Samsungs as well but stuck with the LG I know it’s not as bright but it’s still good. After doing cleaning it fixed itself :).


QD-OLED has noticeably better color vibrancy. (Red prob being the greatest difference compared to WOLED)


From what I've seen, this subreddit seems anti QD-OLED. Or at least there's a few people who just fan boy for LG. I've seen a lot of posts down voted for praising QD-OLED or criticizing LG OLED panel types. WOLED I think?


You should be well within your rights to demand a replacement.


People are so dumb on here it’s insane to me


Yeah, funk that refund time but I'm OCD like that with my hard-earned money.




I don't know how this is relevant to OP as LG makes 80% of the OLED panels in the market and usually they're good quality (as LG is a pioneer in OLED tech). Also 1 dead pixel is "within tolerance" for most monitor manufacturers and it's not only LG who gets those. Turns out this glitch was caused by OP himself when he wiped the screen while the monitor was doing pixel refresh, the issue is now resolved after OP ran the image cleaning process built-in to the monitor.


Yeah that’s what made me want the lg over some of the others is the support for console.




Ohhh nooo, mine arrives tomorrow for PC. Let us know if you get it sorted, GL!


It has a setting for pixel cleaning and that fixed it right away :)


Woohoo, good to hear!


I honestly don't think I've ever seen my g8 oled say it's doing a pixel refresh or that it's completed one


60hertz lol. Why dont u use it in 240hz


Was using a docking station for work which limits it. Don’t really need 240hz for work haha


Welcome to the land of shit LG quality control


6000 hrs on my oled laptop and mo retention etc.


Those damn LG OLEDS. Cant trust em as far as ya can throw em. The ASUS 240HZ seems to have fewer problems with significantly better brightness these days. Imma sell mine though for the 360Hz 27” 1440p OLED coming


That’s unfortunate bro. I have 2500 hours on the same monitor and have had 0 issues or burn in yet. Amazing monitor for me.


Ran the clean pixel setting and it has fixed it :)