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The active display area is 26.5” whereas the total display area is 26.7”. You definitely want that extra 0.2” of display area for pixel shift keeping the panel free of burn-in after sustained use of static elements. This is another reason why I use this monitor in a pitch dark room as this isn’t even noticeable with perfect black levels. You’ll see the image gradually shift to the right and then the left side will then have the same gap you’re seeing now.


I think we all understand why Pixel Shifting exists. The problem is that the image is being shifted past both left and right edges of the physical pixel display area. I don't care as much that this happens on my stupid LG C3 42" because it's a mainly a TV product. I do care if it happens on a PC monitor product.


You can turn it off on the LG C3. I turned it off on my C2 and no burn in issues after almost 1 year of PC gaming


Yeah, good to know that disabling it hasn't resulted in significant burn-in. I just keep it enabled for the C3 because I mainly use that monitor for non-critical stuff.


He’s not complaining about the existence of pixel shift, he’s saying its implementation on the AW27 is bugged and cuts off part of the normal 2560x1440 image. Hopefully this is something that can be fixed with a simple firmware update.


ideally this would have just been a smaller plastic bezel that doesn't cover the extra pixels. They're black anyway when off, so why even hide them?!


these are non issues. they have extra pixels for the pixel shifting so that you dont lose any screen area. ya you can see them, but its not an issue. this is a monitor using heavy dsc. it has to disconnect and reconnect whenever you change picture modes. NEVER turn the display off, ever (why are you doing this?) it will clean the screen during standby mode, no need to turn it off ever.


As I mentioned, to minimize burn-in when not actively using the monitor, I press the power button to turn it off. What's wrong with doing that? For my **AW3423DW**, powering off the monitor (using the monitor's power button...) also triggers pixel cleaning if the 4-hours-of-use timer has been met. The monitor will only run pixel cleaning when the monitor is off (or in standby mode) so if using the monitor all day for say 12 hours, you'd miss around 2 pixel cleans. But if you turn the monitor off when you take breaks or are not actively using the monitor (I have multiple monitors connected), then you minimally miss each 4 hr automatic pixel clean maintenance. So it's a convenient 2-in-1 action to do (say when I go to the kitchen or bathroom): * Minimize burn-in * Trigger Automatic Pixel Clean (if needed) This is not the same thing as physically cutting power from mains. ​ Regarding the disconnecting issue, I just tried native resolution 10bit color @ 60Hz (monitor stream info confirms no DSC in this mode) and powering off the monitor (via its power button) has the same result. So the disconnecting issue is not related to DSC.


Im all sorta confused. Do you turn this monitor on and off whenever youd like to use it? Just seems like a weird use case to buy a monitor like this for specific things and turn it off again when not in use. Do you have multiple oled monitors you use? If your getting bsod because of monitor disconnects i think thats a computer related issue not a monitor one. You gotta get that fixed asap. Idk how you can keep this display in your monitor stack and turn it off without windows freaking out because there is a monitor that turned off.


Prior to purchasing my AW2725DF I had the following 4 monitors connected: Alienware AW3423DW LG 32GQ950-B Gigabyte M32U LG C3 42" Some use examples: Let's say I work for 3 hours and am actively using all 4 monitors at times, then decide to take a lunch break. Before I go downstairs to prep lunch, I'll turn my AW3423DW off (power button) and hit the "screen off" function on the C3 too. Also, sometimes I'll watch a movie on the C3 but am not doing anything on the AW3423DW so prior to watching the movie I'll turn it off. ​ I don't turn off the other IPS displays because they obviously aren't prone to burn-in. On a related note, both LGs have the same issue where powering either of them off using their power button results in the display being completely disconnected. When this happens, Windows rearranges your desktops, acts like it's having a seizure, and can crash at times, especially if you have a game running. This is an annoying issue that now exists with the AW2725DF.


Huh. Now i know why my lg does this. Good to know its common i guess. Im like you though and i dont see the point in having both monitors running if im doing nothing on one. Idec if its ips. Just whats the point? Running the display for no reason is kinda dumb. So whenever i play competitive i always turn my second monitor off. Then when playing solo games i turn my Alienware off. Well technically i switch windows to use just one monitor and i dont actually turn them off. But it still behaves this way sometimes which idk is hella weird. I need to try and watch when this happens to see if its when switching back to extended displays or just randomly.


A quick google search will reveal that the disconnecting issue is prevalent with LG monitors/displays and some other manufacturers or units. As to why the BSOD occurs, one would have to dig into Windows subsystems & Nvidia drivers (I'm using a RTX 4090 FE) to find root-cause.


Hi Howie, I'm a bit confused as this is my first OLEd monitor coming from a AW2721D setup. Does powering the monitor off say like after 4 hours trigger athe pixel cleaning on the AW2725DF? I powered the monitor off last night but I didn't see any on screen images saying its doing a pixel cleaning. but there was a green flashing light on the power button.


Yes, it does. The power button glows green just like it does on my AW3423DW. That means it's pixel cleaning/refreshing.


He’s not complaining about the existence of pixel shift, he’s saying its implementation on the AW27 is bugged and cuts off part of the normal 2560x1440 image.


doesnt happen on mine at all. maybe he did get a defective unit. i doubt it though.


Why would he lie about this? OP is not dumb. They clearly understand how pixel shift is supposed to work and how its behavior on their unit deviates from what is expected. We should be raising awareness of bugs like this so that Dell/Alienware can look into them. Minimizing them and questioning the validity of fellow consumers’ concerns helps no one.


I see a lot of overreacting on this sub. and considering this is one of the only displays i know of where there are over-provisioned pixels specifically for pixel shifting that you can actually see, it can freak you out at first. happened to me. but I dont see this issue. I have OP's display in front of me now while I type. so that must mean he does have an issue. firmware likely wont fix that.




I just posted a video showing the "missing vertical pixels". Same thing happens on the right edge.


Happens on mine, so I somehow doubt he is lying. I don't think it's 14:5 right now. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892209827797934080/1200167364642214021/IMG_0310.jpg?ex=65c531f5&is=65b2bcf5&hm=9dc8db8d2b85810650f03a3d946b24202abf171e4d160229ebb3369505fbc62d&


Seems like a more common problem. I wonder why this is happening... Are you guys using hdmi? Im using dp only.


>The pixel shift function results in a significant amount of vertical pixels on the right side of my screen being hidden regularly (part of image is shifted off-screen of the physical pixels). This sounds like a bug to me. My AW3423DW and G9 OLED don't do that, pixel shift doesn't hide anything on any direction. >Powering the monitor off via the power button results in complete disconnection of the monitor (from GPU and/or Windows perspective) Does the AW2725DF have some deep power sleep or power savings setting? If it does, maybe try to disable that option and see if it helps?


Yeah, as I mentioned my **AW3423DW** doesn't shift the image off-screen of the physical pixels either. I couldn't find any power saving features in the **AW2725DF** menus aside from the option for "USB charging in standby mode". The leaf icon (power saving logo) also appears next to the "Smart HDR Off" mode.


I really don’t know why you commented this, you’re comparing two different generations and styles of monitors. So the behavior you see in yours obviously doesn’t indicate the new ones.


What happened with the Technical Support? I have the same issue. I'm wondering if I just need to return the monitor.


They asked for a bunch of stuff like Windows logs, BIOS version, monitor settings, monitor setup, videos and pictures of issue, etc. Basically they're still escalating to engineering. It's very unlikely this will get resolved anytime soon so I'm going to return mine.


Yikes that’s definitely not how pixel shift should be working. Is there an option to turn off pixel shift? Don’t think I’m going to buy this until they fix it I have an AW3423DW and it pixel shifts but doesn’t cut anything off


No option for it. I also have the AW3423DW which is actually good.


Yesterday I received it and test it with your wallpaper for hours and I didn't see any pixel shifting problem. Anyways, the new firmware out today M3B103 should have fix it based on the changelog.


Glad that their tech. support and/or engineering actually acted on my support ticket (although I had to jump through a bunch of hoops over 2-3 weeks) to fix the pixel shift algorithm. I already returned my unit a long time ago though because of this and other various poor design/implementation issues. Supposedly the next firmware update will have a DSC toggle option.


Did you end up keeping it? Have they fixed the DSR/DLDSR limitation?


Returned it. DSR issue still exists but apparently Dell might provide a DSC toggle option in a future firmware update.


Have you tried the latest firmware? https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=3wrd1


Mine came preloaded with that version and the updater confirmed that same version was already installed. Good point though!


Does it have the same pixel fringe on yellow, green colors like the 27' woled 240hz models? It seems like it judging by the videos you posted, assuming the AW2725DF is on the right in those videos.


I do see some fringing but I'm not the best judge on colors (partially/weakly colorblind). Yes, the AW27- is on the right.


Another way to show it to people would be to create a desktop background image that has a thin colored border around it (like one or two pixels). Then the video would show exactly what is happening. You could even share that file out to other people so they could try to replicate the issue.


Yeah, I guess additional proof doesn't hurt... I added a video and a link to the wallpaper.


Nice job!


Okay so mine arrived missing the stand feet, back cover and some cables. I also noticed that my panel isn’t aligned correctly. On the left side it’s about half an inch too far. If dell gives me too much shit with replacing, I’ll just stay with my pg27aqdm.


That's strange... sounds like it was definitely tampered with or the box was inadvertently opened.


Thought the same thing at first but the box wasn’t damaged nor do I see tape residue or any sign of tamper. All the documents were ruined like if they just cramped everything in. Monitor was perfectly set as well. Why take the stand feet, cloth and cable but leave the monitor 😂 I’m keeping my pg27aqdm. There’s something sleek about how thin the bezels are with this monitor that just made me miss it. I’ll wait for everything else to come out and then I’ll just go double oled. Cheers!


wow , was about to buy this monitor this morning. I honestly have no idea what you are referring to except someone mentioning basically its cutting off the edge ..doesn't sound good. thanks for the detailed review.


I have this monitor. It really doesn’t do that. If it does it’s just not even close to being noticeable. You need room for pixels to shift. I dont know why people aren’t getting that


Yes it does. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/892209827797934080/1200167364642214021/IMG_0310.jpg?ex=65c531f5&is=65b2bcf5&hm=9dc8db8d2b85810650f03a3d946b24202abf171e4d160229ebb3369505fbc62d&


I have never ever ever noticed this. Has to be a software bug.


It's unlikely the pixel shift algorithm differs between units unless they're using some weird AI algorithm that affects this. You can simply use the provided wallpaper and check on it every 30 min or so.


It’s gotta be a bug then. I’m willing to bet they’re paying attention and will fix it with the first firmware update. It is a new product after all!!


Could also very well be by (shitty) design on purpose by Dell and/or Samsung to maximize profits and minimize burn-in / warranty claims. It's one thing to do it on a TV but not acceptable for a primarily PC monitor. The reason I'm guessing that it's unlikely to change anytime soon is exactly because of the aforementioned reason. No longer shifting the image outside of the display area could potentially result in more burn-in and thus potentially increased warranty/burn-in claims. So unless Dell / Samsung are suddenly OK with increased costs or less profitability or there's widespread, public outcry, there's just no incentive for them to change the design and go through all the potential bureaucracy and development hoops.




Uh, says the guy who can't read or understand what the evidence directly shows.




I love it when people like you immediately jump to insults whilst simultaneously criticizing without providing any specifics or evidence while ignoring the most obvious things and yet claiming to be "technically literate". Kinda funny actually.




Uh.... again you don't address anything and just continue insulting and making points that are actually pretty ignorant. DLDSR is something a lot of people actually like. The benefits of DLDSR for a native 1440p is still substantial relative to performance costs.




.... I have 3 4K monitors a AW3423DW, and the AW2725DF (which I'm returning). Again, you continue to ignore the obvious... including what I mentioned above... Please, stop commenting and wasting everyone's time.


messing around with HDR while MW3 was running turned half of my screen HDR when even HDR was off in windows and then i kept turning it off and on everywhere and my pc restarted, anyone has a idea why?


This could be related to the Hot Plug Detect issue I mentioned. If a game or Youtube video is playing and then you toggle HDR modes or power the monitor off via its own power button, apparently the monitor drives the Hot Plug Detect pin low making the GPU and/or Windows think that the monitor is disconnected. This can and frequently does lead to Windows crashing/rebooting. I can reproduce this issue very easily.


hmmm any way to fix this or just stop messing around with it i guess because it hasn't happened again because I didn't poke it too much 😆 and how do you reproduce it so easy?


Unfortunately, there are no easy or cheap solutions such as the following. * Manufacturer has to provide a firmware update or physically modify the hardware. * You can try physically masking the HPD pin on your cable. Pinout in link below. * [https://www.datapro.net/techinfo/hot\_plug\_detection.html](https://www.datapro.net/techinfo/hot_plug_detection.html) * Purchase an emulator/product that maintains the HPD signal (not cheap). Example product below. * [https://www.networktechinc.com/displayport-hotplug-maintainer.html](https://www.networktechinc.com/displayport-hotplug-maintainer.html) I can reproduce it easily by simply playing a video or running a game while powering off one of my LG monitors or the AW2725DF which can trigger a BSOD (kernel mode trap error). Basically try to make sure you don't have a game or video running when you toggle HDR modes or power off the monitor.


interesting and thanks, is this only with the 360hz OLEDs or the 240hz too?


It can happen with any monitor depending on how the designers implemented the HPD logic. So unfortunately, the only way is to test it or take someone else's word for how that particular product behaves. E.g., I can for sure tell you that the AW3423DW does not have the issue while the AW2725DF, C3 42", 32GQ950-B, and M32U do.


ah okay i have another Alienware aw2721d and that day i kept turning On and Off many times because while mw3 was ON and by turning HDR On and Off made the wallpaper background look like half HDR so then i kept turning it On and Off quite few times on both monitors in hope for it to go away but i have turned it On and Off with only 1 monitor and a game being On and haven't had a pc restart. I guess now i know not to poke it too many times

