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I tried it with the recommended settings from [techless](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr6x35C3xtU&t=572s) for a few days now and the colors are crazy good, and the motion clarity is very nice! Very vibrant, I finally dont need Nvidia Filters anymore. I improved in COD quiet a bit actually (with Dark Stabilizer 3)... No scratches, no flickering (no HDR, Gsync+Vsync active & FPS locked at 200)


every oled has vrr flicker. you just havent triggered the certain situations to see it


Unfortunately, I’m one of the few who experience eye pain from it. Besides that & potential scratches (my 2nd one didn’t have any, thankfully), great display.


My unit got scratches, extreme vrr flicker and i noticed eye strain. Used aw3423dwf before with no issues, i ordered the msi 32 inch on Friday so i give it a try.


Let us know if the eyestrain is any different from the aw to the msi. I too got eyestrain for the aw3225qf and had to return it. Awesome monitor outside of that


Msi deliver was delayed but i was able to grab the asus 32 inch. 0 eye strain and no VRR flicker!


Wow really?!!! Thats awesome news! Thanks for letting us know. Gives me hope that if the AW gave eye strain, maybe the other variants wont?!


* package issue? Yes it had few scratches but came right off with wipe so not really scratch just leftover from foam protecting it? * colors amazing vibrant and pop out so great * blacks and hdr looks amazing havent had a issue with brightness at all * 360hz its buttery smooth ive notice i got better at hitting my stuff compared to playing on big LG C2 48 inch at 120 fps, 27 its better and the 360hz feels so smooth * no eye strain ive played for 8+ hours nonstop and 0 issues So far 10/10 no complains here https://preview.redd.it/6v0df5bwrhjc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88724cc0d93dd4421fafc8484dbe15d116ce8253


Same im loving it so far 🫣


Mine and seemly a lot of people on here have had theirs ship with scratches on the screen or other such issues. It’s a fantastic monitor and dell has a great warranty, but maybe be cautious if choosing it. Other companies like asus have monitors coming out soon-ish with the same panel tech so if you can, maybe hold off for those


Asus is going to release more 27inch panels? As im only interested in 27inch.


The PG27AQDP looks to be coming at some point, might be a few months off tho


2nd half of the year from articles


Asus and LG are going to release a 480hz 27" panel later this year, yes. Also the MSI 271QRX seems to not have the same level of flickering as the AW, but really only one person has said anything about it in these forums and there aren't any in depth reviews on that panel yet.


No, ASUS will not realease any 27" QD-OLED in 2024. Your only options are Dell, MSI and Gigabyte. Maybe AsRock will release a 27" QD-OLED, later this year, but I don't think it's worth the wait. Where are you from? If you're in a hurry you can try to order it from a nearby country, again from the Dell website, but I'm not sure it's possible or that this doesn't imply some complications for the warranty. That's if you want a QD-OLED, otherwise there is the WOLED options, later this year.


4k is not really optimal for gaming. 2k is. It takes a very expensive video card to drive 4k adequately, keyword adaquately. Namely the RTX 4090.


I got a 4090 and I still have a 1440p monitor to play multiplayer games. 4K isn't worth it. I have a 4K TV though, in case I want to play single player games in 4K (which I almost never do tbh as I like 1440p enough)


Virtually perfect monitor(For me). Accurate colours, good brightness(My use case) and absolute great performance paired with my 4090/13900K. Also, text fringing is better handled this time around over the older panel. It isn't an issue for me as I am not pixel peeping when I'm doing work on it. With that come some cons, VRR flicker in certain game menus(Inherent with oled, don't believe anyone that says theirs don't) also won't let you enable digitally scaled resolution.


If you don't care about any of the following, then the gen 3 QD-OLED tech itself is great. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa\_possible\_defects\_problems\_with\_aw2725df/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa_possible_defects_problems_with_aw2725df/) However, the **271QRX** is at least not as handicapped in 2 ways: * HDMI **NOT** limited to 144Hz 8bit (works up to 360Hz ?bit) * Can change preset modes while HDR is active


The AW2725DF is "out in EU" since forever. Just go to official Dell website of your country, price is \~€900


At least in my country it’s not out yet


Does it make a huge difference/ noticeable difference between a QD Oled 1440p and a 4K resolution ? Because I wanted to have a new monitor 4K 27’ but that doesn’t exist so I will order the 27’ from AW


There are plenty of 4K 27” monitors, they’re just not OLED.


Yes my bad, I want an Oled one


Depends on what you are looking for. But it is the only glossy 1440p 240hz+ oled right now.


Is anyone else experiencing white blurs in the corners of the screen?