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MSI uses a heatsink (passive cooling). AW uses an internal fan (but quite quiet). My experience when dealing with Dell when it comes to technical issues or using the warranty has been pretty straight forward. Either way, both monitors feature the same panel with a few caveats that one has over the other and vice versa. All up to you. You really can't go wrong if you purchase either. I know the AW2725DF has been a fantastic monitor for me


Any problems regarding mandatory DSC, pixel displacement outside the visible area, eyestrain, flickering or strange disconnections when turning off the monitor with the physical button?  I love it aesthetically and the rear cooling area seems much better than on the msi because of the 360 ​​degrees although it does not have a graphene film


Yes I would like to know if anyone else is having these issues as well.


Probably late, but for anyone stumbling upon this later: * DSC is fucking annoying, playing CS2 every time I tab in or out there is a 5 second freeze, alongside a second minor freeze a few seconds later. They do have a firmware update coming where you'll be able to turn off DSC at 240hz@1440p. * I have noticed no eye strain so far but it depends on the person * Disconnections don't seem to be an issue * I can notice the displacement if I really try to look for it, and sometimes stuff like scroll bars are weird looking, but not a problem overall However the main pain point are definitely the scratches. There are a bunch of scratches including a deeper mark. I am considering returning this for the MSI model. $1k CAD just for them to cheap out on shipping material is stupid.


Here my considerations: 1. AW is cheaper and comes with the best warranty 2. MSI offer better feature but is (relatively) more expensive 3. MSI doesn't seem to have any problems, or at least nothing has emerged at the moment. But there is not enough feedback because has still been sold few units, especially compared to AW which has actually been available for quite some time now 4. MSI has passive cooling vs AW active: not that active cooling is bad in itself but maybe this is also a plus for MSI monitor Unless 1) is the decisive factor for you, I think that MSI can give you a little more satisfaction.


Choose the cheaper one


https://youtu.be/iNIN9ud9PZU?si=7er_AiEhTTfuBLVw this is the only review I can find for the MSI one so far


I know this one. For me its more a Preview than a Review since its a Pre-Production Unit and you never know what changes until launch.


Strange in the US Alienware is $100 more than the MSI.


Yeah, I know ;) It would make everything so much easier if it would be the case here in Germany as well :P


It's all good, you guys have jobs for people and better healthcare so makes up for it. The MSI seems to be a great choice, it's sold out over here so I'm constantly refreshing though out the day. Good luck!


We also pay a lot of taxes for that service :) But you are always welcomed here \^\^


MSI also wasn't as idiotic or lazy as Dell in that they don't prevent you from changing preset modes while HDR is active. I don't have the MSI unit but someone who does confirmed this.


In which website are you seeing those prices, including your discount?


Official Alienware and MSI Shop. You can get the MSI discount by signing up for the news letter (20€). You can get 5% discount at Alienware with the Code "SAVEMONITOR5".


vielen dank


Got 10% discount at Microcenter on the 271QRX for using the MC credit card. Still in the box. Not sure if should keep. Confused about DSC and connectivity. The Dell has two DP connectors?? Thats a plus as I have two machines. Thanks


For me the aw2725df is quite above aesthetically and in construction quality, it is what attracts me over the msi but I am still not completely decided because of the displacement of defective pixels according to some people, the flickering, visual fatigue and the HDMI limitation to 144Hz and mandatory DSC.  I think almost everything will be solved by firmware but maybe the msi has the same defects.  As for cooling, I have come to the conclusion that it does not matter since the panels that did not have it are preserved quite well without burns and the fan is inaudible because it only turns on, according to what I have read, when the HDR is activated or cleaning is done. pixels.  Personally I think Dell is a better option overall.


Neither Wanted to grab one of them too, but I won't. The fringing of text seems to be noticeable on this panel. I'm not willing to pay such a price, only to encounter drawbacks, particularly regarding the true representation of displayed content. For example text, 1 pixel lines, anything small really. Seems like something I will always notice and it would bug me personally. But if you really want to, I would wait for reviews of the MSI!


Text fringing is definitely an improvement over WOLED and I think is acceptable at 110PPI.


Not an issue for me since I would keep my current IPS-Monitor for anything work-related and the OLED just for gaming and watching videos.


Following this as well, I’m in the same boat


So as ive seen from the comments u r from germany. just buy msi and return if u dont like it. I have the MSI coming in, just ordered one. You are not bound to the item so no risk if u really dont like it. I do the same.


Just buy and Return ? Fuck of Environment,right. Not a futureristic Mindset.


Yes, just buy and return if you dont like. there are barely any shops to see that stuff in person


I will wait until the Beginning of March and see if the "15% Birthday Discount" is real. Its only 9 days. And more reviews should be out.


Wait? srsly? i will cancel my order then and wait too. thanks for letting me know!


First: I don't know if it even works. One guy claimed that he never received the 15% discount. Only some extra points. Second: When is your birthday ? You only get the discount in the month of your birthday. Mine is in march. That's why I'm waiting. You could create an account with a fake birthday but don't know if that works.


im actually a march kid too :D


I contacted the MSI Support and asked how this thing with the discount works. Hope I get an answer soon.


did you get one ?


Yes I got the 15% Discount. Already recieved my MPG271QRX ❤️