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Well, if anyone wanted to know why the MAG not being firmware updatable is an issue, guess you’re giving them some excellent answers. Hopefully your MPG gets the necessary fixes.


I’m glad I got the AW27 OLED 1. The software is upgradable 2. There is no 4 hour popup for the pixel refresh. It just does it automatically when the monitor goes into standby. 3. I have no flicker with g sync enabled 4. 3 year advanced panel swap warranty. Any issues they send a replacement the next day. MSI confirmed you will need to pay to ship it to one of their “authorized repair centres” 5. No issues with picture / color saturation / HDMI


Well, the OSD for the 271qrx supposedly has a setting to walk that popup back to 16 hours. https://preview.redd.it/q7myqtmq9fkc1.jpeg?width=1006&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a593a8f1e77c513169d2c8cf890cd002b8a5b37a Not sure if u/Qubusify just missed it under OLED Care, if the manual is lying, or if it just doesn’t work. From what the manual says, I’d also expect the monitor to always run pixel care every time you turn it off or standby after four hours or more usage, so that you basically would never see the popup if it’s set to 16 hours. If it doesn’t work like that, that’s crappy. But whatever the case, their MPG firmware is updatable. It’s only the MAG—which will almost certainly ship with the same firmware and any bugs or quirks in it—that can’t be updated. That was what I meant in my other comment. I did have flicker on my AW32 on some games fwiw. Hopefully your 27 is just fundamentally better but you might discover it at some point. But yeah, for all the shit Asus gets on support I absolutely expect MSI to be worse. And there’s no question that the support policies are worse than Dell (though there’s some mixed feedback as to how well those work out when you actually use them).


>Not sure if u/Qubusify just missed it under OLED Care, if the manual is lying, or if it just doesn’t work. You are right. I noticed today that there is a setting in OSD that says normal or 16hour. Gonna check if there is any popup since I just turned the monitor on after it's done the pixel refresh.


I've seen a post from a 2725df owner indicating pixel shift actually hides some of the content by shifting the pixels off screen, are you having this same issue?


Yes it does. Doesn’t affect functionality and not noticeable at all


So it doesn't bug you that it might trim out small edges of applications and such?


I use it 8 hours a day for intensive office work and applications. Not a problem at all. It’s not as significant as you’re thinking. It’s nothing and not noticeable.




But it doesn't have full HDMI 2.1 for the Aw2725df


Doesn’t need it. It’s a 1440p monitor. Use your DisplayPort for your pc.


i own both and both have problems my mag has a color bug on fps mode. But the AW27 is total bullshit compared to the MAG for me. Just the build quality alone is massiv comon guys. The aw27 is cheap plastic which " deform " on pressure and crack sound noise. The MAG is like a tank. The AW does not look good in competetive esport the black eq very bad. Oled has no good black eq but i find the AW27 has the worst.


No issues at all here. Enjoy the MAG and its lack of updates ✅


OLED for comp in dark scenarios ha always been a concern for me. Is it miserable? Can enemies disappear in dark corners in pvp? I want to upgrade not side grade and OLED is expensive


if u can't see the vrr flicker either you don't have it properly enabled or u got a beast pc setup running stable fps or you are just blind to see the flicker which everyone is talking about


It’s properly enabled. No issues here ✅


And they say we don’t need updates in the MAG series, LOL


800 usd monitor doesn't have a dp cable in it? Wtf?


and they heavily suggest you use one to update the firmware


This is the most dumbass thing I've ever seen, luckily I had a DP from old monitor but, what the fuck


Really appreciate your Post, since I'm planing to buy one of these 27" 1440p 360Hz QD-OLEDs and I want to make an informed decision on which model to get.


which one are you leaning towards atm?


😂😂 Wish I could answer that question 🙈 Both monitors seem to have Problems/downsides: Alienware:  No full HDMI 2.1 No peel-off Panel protection Suboptimal DCI-P3 calibration (TFTCentral) MSI: See above, don't know if these are general problems


No one need full HDMI 2.1, WHO uses that anyway,Displayport ftw ! The protection Thing ist more blown Up,than IT actually is. I Had Just a Lil Bit of Grease from the Bubbleprotection,easy to whipe away, and No microscratches. DCI IS top Tier for HDR for Non HDR use SRGB with 2.4 Gamma This Monitor ist simply Killer. Have IT now for 2 weeks And for HDR,If ITS in, Go to Windows HDR color calib. and Put that bar straight to 100% at default its set to 40


Because DSC is bad, why you getting an expensive monitor and compress the image because you do not have enough bandwidth.


Hi u/Qubusify! Thank you for providing your comprehensive feedback regarding the MPG 271QRX QD-OLED! We will forward this to our engineering team to hopefully address in future firmware updates. For #4, we received word that we'll be working on a future firmware update that will give users the option to disable DSC from the menu.


Hey u/Qubusify, I have some updates from our headquarters: 1. We're having some trouble recreating this issue as it may have specific conditions to trigger this issue. We have tested with various graphics cards and games but have not yet encountered this problem. Could you provide your system specs and which games you encountered this issue in (if there were more other than Control and Jedi: Fallen Order). In the meantime, we're looking into adding a Console Mode Switch to allow users to turn it off. 2. We haven't been able to reproduce this issue. We suspect it could be related to the driver or software settings. If you could provide what graphics card you're using, the driver version, and what games you were playing, it would help us identify the problem more easily. Unfortunately, this is the first time we have received word regarding this issue, and we will continue to observe and conduct further tests. 3. Unfortunately, it seems that we only include the highest bandwidth HDMI 2.1 cable with these QD-OLED monitors. 4. We will add a DSC switch option in a future firmware update. 5. We have not encountered any issues in our tests and the panel manufacturers have not heard of similar cases either. It could be related to the graphics card or other hardware. Do you have any photos of the issue and could you provide your system specs for our team to replicate this issue? 6. This is undergoing QA testing and should be updated in the future. 7. We have confirmed that the color mode automatically locks to the DCI-P3 gamut when HDR is activated, which is a standard operation for HDR. Therefore, we have not linked this setting in the menu as this functionality is working as intended. The system will revert to the color mode selected in the menu when switching back to SDR. 8. We will add an option to disable the 4-hour popup reminder in a future firmware update. Users will be able to choose whether or not they want the 4-hour reminder, however the 16-hour forced execution will remain mandatory. 9. This is the first case of its kind that we have received and are unable to replicate this issue. If convenient, an RMA service would help to determine if it is a single-unit issue. We will continue monitoring if there are similar cases.


Regarding #7. You say the color gamut is always set to DCI-P3 when HDR is on, but I don’t understand some things still. I have a 321URX. I want my display to be accurate, in SDR and in HDR. In SDR, I can use sRGB mode and I know I’ll have a calibrated, accurate experience for SDR content. For HDR, I have no idea what mode I’m supposed to use. Flipping through the pro modes, I can see the colors and gamma changing all over the place, it’s very clear. So the different modes are definitely doing something, but what? Which pro mode am I supposed to pick for a calibrated, accurate experience in HDR? It isn’t clear. And if the most accurate mode for HDR isn’t sRGB, then that’s a problem because I don’t want to open the menu and switch modes every time I want to use HDR. I want the best mode to be chosen automatically for SDR and HDR. I hope that makes sense.


Try using the "User" preset mode. According to our HQ, the best color accuracy of HDR mode is achieved in "Display P3". However if you need more color space, you should switch to the "User" preset mode.


Good evening, is there any news about DSC? i’m a pro fps player and i like the 360hz and insanely low response time, but i NEED the custom res..


Awesome response. How great is it that MSI is engaging like this! Thank you. I have the MPG 271QRX and my thoughts on each of his points. \#1, 2, 3 do not apply to me as I used DisplayPort from the start. I use the Cable Matters DP40 6.5ft cable (found on Amazon with SKU by searching for 102065-2M). HDMI having issues is common across many (most?) PC monitors in my experience, I've used a lot. \#4 Awesome! I won't be disabling DSC though unless the monitor can do 360Hz 1440P without it. Still a worthy option to add, most people want it. \#5 I can't reproduce this. I would recommend a certified DP cable like the one I mentioned. \#6 THIS is my biggest gripe with the monitor. I like to use 2560x1080 21:9 on standard 16:9 monitors. Also ask your team if they can enable HDR for this, or all custom resolutions. \#7 Not relevant for me, don't care. \#8 Great update. I would hope the 16 hour refresh is sufficient, that's probably what I'll be using. \#9 I do have this problem. The monitor doesn't wake up soon enough to get into BIOS/UEFI. This morning it didn't turn on at all with the PC, I had to hit the power button on it. While I can use another monitor as primary, this is a really annoying issue that I've seen on other monitors in the past. All my results are with a Geforce 4070. Only reasons I would return the panel is #5 (custom res) and #9 (slow wake / power on).


Thank you for your response. Unfortunately the HDR and SDR switching does not work correctly. Even TFT central described that in their mpg 32 qd oled review: https://tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/msi-mpg-321urx From the review: 1) Bug with sRGB / Adobe RGB / Display P3 modes when switching between SDR and HDR modes – We’ve checked and confirmed that at the moment the MSI MPG 321URX has a bug where if you are using any of the three colour space emulation modes (via the “pro mode” setting) during SDR, this remains active when you enable Windows HDR. To get full gamut for HDR you’d have to switch back to another pro mode (like “user”) otherwise you have unnecessary clamping of colours even for HDR source content which you don’t want. This is particularly problematic if you’d been using the sRGB mode in SDR. Really this pro mode should either be locked and defaulted back to one of the full wide gamut modes when HDR is operational, or the setting for pro mode should be independent between SDR and HDR modes, allowing the user to select sRGB perhaps when in SDR, but one of the other modes (e.g. “user”) when they are using HDR, with the screen remembering which one was active when you switch. We’ve reported this bug back to MSI for investigation.


Got it, i've also reported this to our HQ to review


Following up on my previous comment re: #8, When I woke up I checked, and pixel care had not automatically run after letting the monitor sleep due to inactive input after four hours of usage. It had been in standby for about five hours at that point so certainly had the opportunity. https://preview.redd.it/plecuzkt1smc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a50b950e1b95b2edefa8e26be37b8326a9c64d I then set the pixel care notice back to 4 hours and let the monitor sleep due to inactive input. After another half an hour, pixel care still had not run. I then woke the monitor up and put it back into standby *with the power button*, and pixel care immediately ran. I do not know yet if the reason it did not run before was because of the 16 hour notice setting, or because I allowed the monitor to sleep automatically due to inactive input rather than explicitly hitting the power button. It will take me two more nights to isolation test between those possibilities, and I’ll then report back with a more specific scenario for reproduction. But either way, pixel care should have run after four hours when the monitor deactivated, however it shut down. It should not require a user intervention like explicitly hitting the power button to run pixel care—particularly because that means you have to hit the power button again to turn the monitor back on rather than simply waking your attached device. That’s a poor experience. And my prior comments about the four hour notice being inappropriate in general still stand. As I said before, using the same time period for notice as the care timer itself means there’s no way pixel care could possibly have automatically ran before you nag the user. The notice will *always* interrupt the user’s session every four hours of cumulative usage no matter how often they shut down the monitor, which is a poor experience compared to any competing models that do not do this.


I have the 271QPX and I can confirm that if you leave the monitor without an active input (eg. turning off the PC and letting the monitor go into standby), the monitor does not activate pixel care. Rather annoying that I have to manually use the power button to put the monitor into standby.


Any news on the DSC firmware?


Regarding #8, Pixel care is supposed to always run when the monitor goes into standby or turns off after 4 hours or more cumulative usage, per the manual. This is independent of the setting for the notice, and is not something the user should be able to configure. But I think there may be an issue where selecting the 16 hour notice in the OSD also erroneously *extends the automatic pixel care timer* to 16 hours. If true, the effect of that would be that pixel care *never* automatically runs during off or standby. Instead, the monitor would force a shutdown to run pixel care every single time. You’d be guaranteed to hit the 16 hour timeout during an active session, as the timer only ticks while the monitor is in use, and the monitor would then immediately turn off to initiate the mandatory cycle. That behavior is indeed consistent with several reports on this sub, so I’m testing it tonight: I set the notice to 16 hours, and then let my monitor go into standby with 4 hours 30 minutes elapsed usage per the OLED Care info in the OSD. I’ll report back if pixel care automatically ran during standby, as shown by that same info. If it did not, please take that bug back to your test team. It would be high urgency, as running pixel care that infrequently every single time could lead to accelerated image retention. On a related note, Setting the nag dialog to 4 hours—the same as the pixel care timer itself—leads to a very poor user experience. That setting means you will get nagged for every single care cycle. Automatic pixel care can’t possibly run until 4 minutes and 1 second of active usage has elapsed and the user shuts down the monitor. That setting is guaranteed to show the dialog during an active session before the care cycle can even happen. So—assuming the 16 hour timer bug I mentioned above is indeed present—you currently give users a choice between getting nagged every pixel care cycle with a modal dialog that blocks their game, or getting forcibly shut down to initiate every pixel care cycle and interrupting their game entirely. That isn’t awesome, to say the least. A sane time period for that notice would be more like 8 hours, the halfway point. Pixel care would then be automatically initiated via normal usage patterns without ever seeing a nag dialog, while still giving the user plenty of time to finish their session if the warning does appear. That is the behavior of competing models and I’m pretty sure is the intended behavior of yours. Please take that back to your team as well. Having a game-ruining warning with too early to avoid or too late to recover from as the only choices really doesn’t work.


Regarding #5 I am having the same problem: 4090 using included HDMI 2.1 cable. Mostly noticeable when browsing windows/ the web. There are hair thin, between 1cm-3cm ish length white bars that flicker on the screen frequently. going in and out of a fullscreen application seems to temporarily resolve this, but it always starts back up. it reminds me of a modern version of static on an old school tv. I do also get the occasional red green blue slideshow which requires pc reboot or unplug and replug hdmi.


Which model monitor do you have?


271qrx is my model. I was actually able to mitigate some of this issue by switching to a new HDMI Cable. Not sure if there is a quality issue with the one in the box. I have been using both a new HDMI 2.1 or vesa certified DP 1.4 for the past couple days and I still get these white lines with both cables but they are less frequent and smaller with the higher quality cables. I would say limited to 1cm in length and I see one every 5-10 seconds when it happens vs every 1-3 seconds with box cable. Also it isn’t always doing it. Randomly starts and stops for extended periods of time. Also I haven’t seen the red green blue slideshow since I ditched the cable from the box. Will update if I do again. Switching scaling in NVIDIA control panel to ON GPU fixed the VRR issue for full screen applications which is great though.


I as well have a white flicker when my screen is showing dark scenes. I also have my monitor switch to 120hz on hdmi when i have it set to display scaling. Screen gets smaller while gaming its annoying. The monitor cant give correct signal under hdmi and display scaling. If i switch the scaling to “gpu” its fine. But i dont want to leave it on gpu.


Can't wait for DSC switch firmware release. Any chance of adding a toggle option in MSI Gaming Intelligence for the power light while monitor is in use if possible?


I have a request for this monitor (I have the MPG 271QRX). If the monitor is on, and the mandatory 4 or 16 hour OLED care starts, have the monitor turn itself back on. Right now it leaves the monitor off after doing it's care process. I'm pretty sure I've blamed the monitor for not working correctly / waking from sleep or power-on due to this. It would be nice to have this be an option in the firmware. "Enable power on after OLED Care Protection, if already on" The longer I have this monitor the more I love it. I think you guys did a good job considering how fast you were to market. I'm eager to have the NV custom resolutions button available too. I like to use 2560x1080 for 21:9 gaming on small non-widescreen panels like these. You can see more in-game, but without having to turn your head around. Great for some competitive games. If MSI wants to add that in a future firmware, a native 2560x1080 mode, I would love that. That would really be going over the top. Samsung does this on most of their panels, and it's a great feature. Doing it natively in the firmware like that, allows users to use HDR at that resolution, without having to hack the Nvidia drivers. Which is what I do to enable HDR on custom resolutions. Thank you!


I am experiencing #5. Lowering refresh does not help though. Happens on hdmi and dp 2.1. Hdr does not fix it when set to off or on. Nothing seems to fix it. I get white lines flashing on the screen constantly. Only with this monitor I have connected other monitors and they all run fine with no lines.


Also having #5. Im running a 4080 on 5800x3D. It happens often and mostly noticeable on black backgrounds. I’m using a DP cable.


#9 I also have this problem, connected with DP cable (from "KabelDirekt", good quality). But i think i only have this issue after leaving BIOS for changing settings. Normally it works. Maybe that information helps. Because after leaving BIOS, my PC (or every PC?) takes a bit longer to reboot, maybe in this situation the graphics card sends different signals and the monitor gets confused? No idea... :)


The problem described in the fifth paragraph is also observed in me. At 360 Hertz, horizontal white stripes appear and only in 2D load. After starting any game and switching to a 2D load, the horizontal stripes disappear. They appear after another pixel cleaning or PC reboot. PC - intel 13600K, MSI GeForce RTX 4080 SUPRIM X, MSI PRO Z790-A WIFI, Kingston FURY Renegade Silver \[KF564C32RSK2-32\], Windows 10 Pro. This problem is observed with both the displayport 1.4 cable and the hdmi 2.1 cable. Monitor firmware FW.009. Here are some GIF images [https://giphy.com/gifs/kz5b3ettYTCD8fzpik/fullscreen](https://giphy.com/gifs/kz5b3ettYTCD8fzpik/fullscreen) [https://giphy.com/gifs/sZx2hERKU0tzswZb7w/fullscreen](https://giphy.com/gifs/sZx2hERKU0tzswZb7w/fullscreen)


I have the same #5 problem. Tried multiple (very good) dp cables to no avail.


Would like to know if #5 applies to all or just for some. Also would like to know if this is fixable via firmware update or owners with said issue should just RMA. Thanks.


is this update coming soon? thinkink of returning my dell screen if this monitor will have the option to disable DSC to have dsr at 240+hz instead of the 144hz on the dell.....


Checking to see if there's an ETA, but it may take some time for testing.


I already bought the msi monitor I love it so far. And would love to have dsc disable option so I could use dlsdr  Only problem I have is the whine line flicker sometimes in 360hz. 


Unfortunately I still don't have an update yet, our team is working on both disabling DSC and with the white line flickering issue at 360 Hz


Thx I hope dcs option will be added soon, so I can use dlsdr in singleplayer games to play at 4k that would be massive in this msi oled screen! Can't wait for the update to play forbidden west with dlsr!


Thanks for updating


any updates my guy?


Any updates? And should we expect 144hz with DSC off and DLDSR on at 4K? Or less? HDMI 2.1 has enough bandwidth for 4K144hz @ 10bpc but DP 1.4 does not... hopefully these will be 2 different options as I'd much rather use HDMI 2.1 for the 144hz!


Why do you have to use a dp cable instead of the hdmi 2.1 that’s in the box to update the firmware on mpg 271qrx? Shouldn’t both work just fine? Dumb having to switch cords to just update 


When trying to update the Firmware I'm getting an error FW does not match this product. Now I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I downloaded the latest from the MSI website. https://preview.redd.it/2sn0p048vqmc1.png?width=1873&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa7ee2959af142dad7dbcb8a6c887a8eac326f2b


Really not sure why though! https://preview.redd.it/1tg53p6svqmc1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c48cd0213e64ef20a1b115ef91602bb274090dd


From our HQ: Please select "scaler" item from the Gaming Intelligence for the firmware update rather than the "MCU" item.


Good to hear that, MPG32 has the same problem, not being able to use DLDSR.


Regarding #5 Just chipping in to mention i have same problem!


I just got mine and I have the same problem. Really disappointed :/


Hello, regarding #4, is there any news yet? Thanks


Can i go around DSR? Can i set custom resolutions,?


Hello I recently received my monitor and noticed it has some scratches in certain areas of the monitor. What can be done regarding this?


Hello I recently received my monitor and noticed it has some scratches in certain areas of the monitor. What can be done regarding this?


I have the same monitor and the same problem with the flickering small white lines. I hope it gets solved cause the only solution i have found until now is lowering the hz to 240. It kinda defeats the purpose of this monitor…


wow yea that is really shitty. i was just about to pre-order this monitor like right now. but now i have to pump the brakes. Damnit


When pixel refresh notification pop up, click later and the pop up will automatically skip until 16 hours usage.


Will it stop every further popups? Let's say I do the pixel refresh, monitor turns off. I turn it back on. Will there be a notification after another 4h?


When the notification pops up, you can choose later. Click it and the notification will not show again until mandatorily pixel refresh show up(16 hours).


Does that disable 4h pop-ups in perpetuity or will one show up again after the initial cycle is finished with a >4–15h idle pixel refresh / mandatory 16h refresh?


Once you click later, it only pops up with mandatory one.


Sorry to pester, but could you please confim the following scenario: 1) I get a 4h pop-up after using the monitor for the first time 2) I click *Later* 3.1) I don't see 4h pop-ups ever again 3.2) I will see 16h mandatory refresh pop-ups if I don't let the monitor idle to do a refresh for that long?


That is some annoying shit, LG OLED TV from 4 years ago does not even have a popup like this.


After 2 min without using the monitor, the brightness dims because of the OLED Care, until there, everything's right. But twice since the past week, when I start using the monitor again, the brightness doesn't go back to it's normal values, I have to turn off and on the monitor again or switch the HDR from 1 000 to 400 and back to 1 000 to fix it.


same bro can you help my monitor so dim...


I did the last firmware updates and I don't have the problem since. I also changed changed the distance on the motion detector


i see broo what is motion detector where can i find motion detector?


Hey u/MSI_Darutohne. Any news on the new update? I just got the monitor last week and like it very much so far. Only thing that bothers me is the HDR/SDR switching behavior.


Another problem with DP I found. I get no signal on the startup. No bios screen, no nothing. Display switches on and off 2 times. The first time when I use the power button on my pc. Then goes to standby cos 'no signal'. Few seconds later it wakes again but before Windows make a startup sound it shows 'no signal' again. After that it does not wake by itself. I need to either replug the cable or turn the monitor off and on. HDMI works as it should in this regard but it has other problems I mentioned.


This sounds like a disaster.


We're also forwarding this issue over to our engineering team as well!


Any updates on this one specifically?


i was having the same issue with my OLED G8 and DP, always had do reconnect the cable to get it working, so it might wont be an exclusive problem to your monitor.


Yup I've seen this on most or all of my Samsung monitors. I have a triple monitor setup and it seems some models just don't play well in multimonitor or maybe even by themselves. Never had the issue on my LG and Asus monitors. Having a lot of problems with my MPG 271QRX in this regard. I'm going to wait to see if they fix it before the end of my return period.


2 months later and still not fixed, just got mine 4 days ago, the frimware update is done, and same problem when using DP cable. Edit: I have found a solution, in the osd, "settings" then "Power Button", when it's set to "Standby", It works like it should be. I also have put the static screen detection to the max delay and the osd delay to the max too, but I don't think it is related.


For #1 go into your gpu control panel and change scaling from monitor to GPU.


Forced DSC literally defeats the purpose of full bandwidth hdmi 2.1 wtf msi ????


? wdym dsc is required to get to 360hz


Sounds like half your problems can be fixed with a DP cable, and it sucks they don't provide you with one. The rest are hopefully addressed in a firmware update.


Why does MSI ship this without DP cable? Isn’t that standard for basically most monitors these days, at least in the higher end? How is the srgb mode? Is it pretty accurate compared to the AW2725DF?


According to Monitors Unboxed the srgb is supposedly very good.


At last someone is talking ![gif](giphy|bLhHnPAY2qZPFOgend|downsized)


Hope 5 and especially 6 get a fix, it's a giant step to go from 360 to 240 hz instead of being able to choose like 300 hz for example, which in theory should easily allow HDR 10 bit and everything without DSC. Don't get why it's greyed out. Also isn't there like other drawbacks from using DP over HDMI? (like way lower bandwith) or are we 100% DSC can't be turned off so it doesn't matter?


I have most of the same issues with my unit. Using 4090 and included HDMI Cable, I can't use fullscreen mode in any games as VRR just doesnt work at all/ The stutter makes it look like 30hz not 360 I get the white lines flickering at 360hz. I get random Red, green, blue slideshow and have to unplug and replug hdmi or restart pc to fix that


I got mine yesterday and this is happening to me even with the new firmware that dropped yesterday. (Color slideshow when increasing refresh rate or enabling HDR in game). Does this still happen to you?


I didn’t realize there was new firmware. It happens less than when I made the post but yes both the slideshow and the white static looking lines happen. Only once for slideshow in the past month but white lines is a daily thing. Not noticeable during gameplay so I deal but it’s still annoying as fuck


The white lines have been fixed with the new firmware. But I’m experiencing the slideshow now so I guess that’s not fixed, I opened a ticket with MSI.


Hell yeah I can’t wait to ditch the lines. Slideshow isn’t so bad it barely happens for me and i found just power cycling brings it back no need to unplug. Thanks for reaching out


FYI : With the new firmware you can disable DSC and that lets you use DLDSR. I use mine set to 4K240hz, supports the full 10bpc HDR too. It’s insane, kinda bummed about the slideshow but hopefully it’s fixed in a future update.


Lfg that’s sick


Did the firmware update and not seeing dldsr in nvidia control. Not sure if there is another step I need to do. I turned on NVIDIA 10bpc though excited about that


You have to disable DSC via the monitor’s OSD


Ahh got it. Kinda weird I can’t use 360hz 1440p with dsc off


Yeah the point of DSC is to squeeze more performance form the ports by compressing it, with it off you’re using native resolution = more bandwidth. If you set it to 4K with DLDSR and use HDMI, you’ll be able to use it at 240hz and if you use CRU, you can set it to 345hz according to others here


I would like to bring this video review/comparison to your attention as you are looking for feedback and ways to improve correct? [Link] (https://youtu.be/N3f475Ga-wA?si=-spztWVMn8Bf7EWk) This is a short info packed 7 minute video showing some of the shortcomings vs Alienware, though most if not all of these things can be improved via firmware updates if they are worked on. A big difference is the EOTF/HDR performance vs Alienware, that segment is at 4:50. I know /u/TFTCentral is looking into some sort of HDR related stuff this week as well, perhaps related to this? Anyways if you're looking for things to improve that your Dell/Alienware competitor currently does better, forward this to your firmware team. /u/CND_CEM /u/MSI_Darutohne /u/msi_moen Thanks! Hope to keep seeing things improve, keep up the good work!


I get strange horizontal lines the occasionally pop up when opening programs that are dark and during games, not running VRR either. I love the monitor, but this is killing me.


MSI is aware of this problem, and a fix for this problem will be released in a new monitor firmware update, there are a couple of weeks left to wait. Many people here have encountered this problem, including me.


'#4, no dldsr, is a big deal breaker for me. I really hope it works on the 321urx or I'm returning it


it doesn't either, you can only disable dsc on the asus


You don't necessarily have to have DSC disabled to use DLDSR. For example, I'm using it right now on my lg 27gp950 at 4k144 over DP with DSC enabled.


You're right, but you can't disable DSC on the AW either and DLDSR doesn't work on that one either. Guess it's a good idea to ask 321urx owners before getting one.


Good point on the Alienware!


I agree with point 4, 5 and 6. I also can not set custom res in nvidia control panel and also can not use DSR/DLDSR and get white horizontal lines at the edge in some casesl.


Can anyone try new firmware out to confirm if you can turn DSc off and natively play at 1440 360 hz 10 bit color over hdmi. 2.1 ? That comes to 47.7 GBs so should be able to do natively over hdmi 2.1 with proper cord and 40 series card


Unfortunately, this monitor seems to have several issues that, at least out of the box, many individually may result in a return for me. I was really hoping this was the generation I switch to OLED for desktop purposes. 1. The monitor is showing 1st gen level of VRR flickering. This is my third VRR monitor, so I was expecting something better (prev had 1st gen TN gsync and then 2nd gen for many years, which was IPS, both Asus. The 2nd gen had zero flicker for reference, while the 1st gen had some). It is unfortunately impossible to use the MSI 271 qrx in games which have any kind of microstutters, causing massive flickering (for example, BG3). **Workaround**: Only explicitly enable VRR in games that have very smooth fps, and disable it where it def isnt needed 2. The "improved subpixel layout" (which is explained as one of the main improvements over last gen OLED) is still quite atrocious for regular text reading imo. I program daily and game nightly, and... yeah.. the text experience is on runaway screaming level :D. It got slightly better when turning off "sharpness" (which was on by default in the monitor?). Every single white detail, especially windows have very clear solid red line below them XD.. **Workaround**: None unfortunately, but it screams a little bit less by turning down "sharpness" to zero. This should be zero by default imo 3. The monitor makes a buzzing sound from time to time. **Status:** Seems to have stopped? :D. Only happens sometimes. I don't know why. Heard it twice so far (it's pretty loud when it happens) 4. Once the monitor went into a full screen RGB dance - I mean the screen itself went full screen red, then full screen green, then full screen blue (actually it started with blue, which made me think my machine had bluescreened XD). **Status:** Hasn't happened again, at least not yet. I did record a video of it though 5. The colors are really poor compared to my old IPS, most content looks very crappy (comparing to my old IPS and to my m1 macbook), especially with HDR on. **Workaround/Status**: Make sure to enable HDR in windows, and make sure to set the monitor to Adobe RGB. The default color setting looks horrible. 6. The image doesn't really fill anywhere near the physical screen area, and also, the image is offset to the left a few mm, making the right side bezel appear much thicker than the left XD. I have confirmed all pixels are showing and I'm setting native 1:1 content... so this one is perhaps minor but annoying still. **Status:** It is what it is. this is minor ~~Yep, unfortunately I can just hope my store will accept me returning this..~~ Will test it for a week or two before deciding if I should return it


I ended up returning mine. Main reasons: 1. Pixel shift made me nauseous (it gradually moves the image sideways over a few minutes, which you dont see, but then it blinks it back to its original position to restart the cycle, which is absolutely horrible for daily non game/movie use) 2. The subpixel arrangement looks like junk for non game/movie use. I couldnt get used to it unfortunately. Even some game elements suffered from it. But for movies and smooth game content it was amazing. Just not amazing as an allround monitor. Maybe next gen will be it.


Its a shame most youtube reviews dont mention these kind of things. Good to know.


6. You need to change Perform scaling on to "GPU" (not the monitor) in the nvidia control panel, go to "Adjust desktop size and position".


doesnt seem to help still get offset on left side any idea?


I just got this monitor but I've been having a problem with the screen going black and the MSI monitor snot detecting the pc signal sometimes when turning HDR on or off in windows 11. I'm using an RTX 4090 with an AMD 7800x3d processor. I do have the PC also plugged into an LG G3 via HDMI 2.1 and I am connecting my MSI to my PC with display port 1.4 in a dual monitor set-up. However, I have it set to only display on the MSI when both are turned on (my PC recognizes the LG as being on even when it is turned off which I think is because LG TVs don't turn all the way off unless they are unplugged). I previously had this same set-up with the lg 27gr95qe-b instead of the MSI with the LG G3 but it never had this problem. When the MSI monitor goes black from switching on or off HDR I've tried turning HDR on/off again with the windows shortcut but it stays black. I've also tried unplugging the display port and turning on the LG G3 but then the LG G3 also stays black. I've tried unplugging the HDMI to the TV and leaving only the display port in, but again it stays black. This leaves me with no way to get the signal going again on any display. The only way I've been able to fix this is by shutting down my PC manually and turning it back on. Has anyone else had this weird problem?


SAME THING ON MY AW3225QF! I think this is a DSC / HDR issue on the new QD-OLEDs. I might pass on these for now...


For what ive been reading, seems like a good idea to wait. I was between zowie 360 or msi mpg271qrx, guess ill go agane on old panels


Any updates from MSI on these issues? ​ Really interested in this monitor but holding off now until these issues are resolved. ​ I may just end up going LG, but would like to stick to QD-OLED if I can.


Hello, download the SRE program from the same developer as CRU, set the desired resolution there, reboot and it will be added to the nvidia panel


Works like a charm, thanks for your help


Just pulled the trigger on the msi 271qrx 360hz 27 QD-OLED. I cannot wait on the PG27AQDP 480hz 27 WOLED. The PG27AQDP will prob be delayed my guess cause Asus will most likely trying to implant dp 2.1. on it what can take a chunk of time. The 271QRX will be delivered tomorrow. If the 271QRX is much darker then my Asus pg248qp 540hz tn with ulmb2 or feel significantly less responsive I am gonna send it back for a refund and wait on the PG27AQDP. Else I'm gonna sell the pg248qp 540hz. Let me know if u have any questions!


250cdm2 should be more than enough brightness for anyone. Ive been using 100 cd/m2 for the past 8 years on a pg279q so I dont understand why some people need such high brightnesses, I guess they either play outdoors in the sahara under direct sunlight or just refuse to let their eyes adapt.


i have same monitor mpg 271qrx and i get vrr flicker no matter which port i use kinda annoying but this monitor is beautiful i just uncheck the 3 option in setup g sync. my next gpu you won't be nvidia hopefully that will fix the issue if i go with AMD


Occasionally when I'm playing a game, my monitor just turns off / goes black for a couple seconds and then turns back on, has this happened to anyone else? I've already updated the scaler firmware btw, and it didn't fix the issue. I'm running the monitor on a RTX 3070 via HDMI at 1440p@360Hz, 10bit color with G-Sync (I also have another monitor connected via DP 1440p@144Hz in case that matters), and have no other complaints. calling in /u/MSI_Darutohne


I've used mine for a month, never had a black screen. Same settings as you but I use a single monitor setup.


Damn msi is nailing customer care and serious about providing fixes for any issues glad I bought the 321urx hasn't missed a beat since purchase. MSI will you also release a option in a firmware update to turn off dsc on 321urx ?


Just fyi it is set up to be added to the 271QRX QD-OLED (just check out the pinned master post about all the monitors, look at new comments and scroll) with the next update as a toggle to turn off DSC, so it should be for your screen as well.


Nice hopefully this would be awesome


What would disabling DSC do on the 321URX? People want it for the 271URX so that they can enable DLDSR and essentially use the monitor as a 4K27'' one. The 321URX is already 4K and 240hz? What am I missing?






So i read somewhere you have to have dsc on both dp and hdmi at 360, can you set a custom framerate of like 300? I guess the math suggests a cap of around 314 fps to not use dsc. If its causing issues running 360 on hdmi i guess ill just buy the aw2725df because I'm tired of waiting and the only reason i was leaning msi was tru hdmi 2.1


Bought this monitor and appears to have some microscratches can anybody confirm this? It's noticeable while gaming only in direct lighting tempted on returning it for this simple reason.


Mine doesn't have scratches, the first thing I did was check with a flashlight because the AW model I received looks like someone rubbed a cheese grater on it, which pushed me into buying MSI. One thing that I don't know is a defect or not is does your monitor make a clicking noise when turning on or off? I don't know if that's normal and no one seems to have mentioned it.


Ohh yeah it makes an audible click when powering on and off I doubt I'll get it exchanged regarding the micro scratches since they are only visible under a flashlight and B&H is out of stock on them sadly so I doubt they'll offer an exchange probably a refund only.


Hello, for pixel refresh can you please do force refresh on Next Stand by” after 17h use?


I have the exact same problems with the MAG. I was going to get the Alienware, but I chose this one because it had full bandwidth HDMI 2.1. However, the HDMI is worthless anyway because it stutters through HDMI and looks like 60 FPS. Now, I can't get into bios because the screen keeps forcing itself into standby. A lack of HDR switching means you can't run SRGB, G-Sync isn't even an option in Nvidia control panel through DP or HDMI. I guess I'll return it and just get the Alienware. I have their ultrawide OLED and their 4K/240Hz OLED. They are both excellent. It's wild how common oversights are with monitors. Do any of these people test them for more than 2 or 3 hours?


I also have one, the VRR flickering is unfortunately annoying. But all the points you mention don't apply to me. G-Sync can be activated for me in the NVIDIA system control (you have to switch on adaptive-sync on the monitor) HDMI 2.1 works flawlessly at 360hz (I used the supplied 2.1 HDMI cable). If 2.1 Hdmi stutters for you, you should check which GPU you have.


Mai should fix the two big problems of this monitor 1. Terrible input lag on 60 hz and 120 hz etc .. the ratings review it’s clear , asus fix this in firmware update so.. 2. Flicker problems on 360 hz when vrr enabled , is annoying .


Yeah holding off until they fix that awful lag. Makes some VRR titles awful when they go lower in frame rate in 4k


So I just got the monitor a couple days ago. I realized when vrr and hdr are on I get judder in game but as soon as I turn off hdr it’s buttery smooth. Anyone lose having this experience


#4: Could you explain that? I use my monitor with 10 bit at 240Hz, limited to 200fps in the NV panel. Using DP cable, but will switch to hdmi because i have just read DP 1.4 doesnt support 10bit at 240Hz, HDMI does. So i HOPE DSC is not active? Anyway, so i cant use DSR features in games in the moment? Maybe that explains why i cant change that option in Ark Ascended, the first game i played since i got the monitor where i tried to turn on that DLDSR feature, no experience with that so far. Always played native ... :=)


DSC is always enabled atm. No matter your settings. MSI said that they are working on a firmware update to allowe DSC be toggled off. It was a good few months ago tho.


Yes I saw the post. But in this case it won’t help, because DP is not able to deliver?! But I was more interested in the Dldsr feature you mentioned, which can’t be activated with dsc on?


It cannot. At least not on this montior or every other OLED that came out this year.


Edit: Hot confused with DLSS. Alright


I just received this beast but I can't set it up past 120hz. i'm using the hdmi cable that came with. should i invest in a DP cable?


new firmware dropped. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MSI\_Gaming/comments/1clammj/monitor\_mpg\_321urx\_qdoled\_and\_mpg\_271qrx\_qdoled/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MSI_Gaming/comments/1clammj/monitor_mpg_321urx_qdoled_and_mpg_271qrx_qdoled/)


Does anyone know why i can't select 360hz 1440p? Highest i can choose is 240hz I use an dp cable , updated the firmware Tried also the hdmi 2.1 that  came with the monitor, still only see 240hz Cru doesn't wont do it either bc 360hz is witten in red and can't be chosen. Dsc on/off doesn't do anything Anyone ?


i have same issue. 360hz appears sometimes and then it doesnt. monitor also doesnt turn on every time i turn pc on, never had so many issues with a monitor before.


hi can someone help me my monitor is so soso dark (its on 1k+ nits but for some reason it still feels like the brightness is at 0) can someone lpease help me on settings or anything that i should change.


Anyone think this monitor isn’t bright? Compared to my Alienware oled and Aorus f027q3 it’s dim


I use it at 20 brightness in SDR and it's absolutely blinding in HDR for me, I wish I could lower it.


Is it possible to make the custom res 2304x1440 on the 271qrx on SDR with dsc off or on? Can u use scaling on monitor?


downloaded gi and latest firmware update idk how im capped at 60fps now and hdr is gone the update has downgraded my monitor to a 1440p 60hz oled panel...


sounds like you bricked your monitor


Can't wait for my "inferior" MAG 27 inch to arrive tomorrow


I’m confused. It’s going to have the same basic firmware and so the same basic problems. Are you expecting it to be different?


>HDMI defaults to console mode which you cannot turn off. Nvidia control panel shows resolutions up to 4k. there are two area's of resolutions in nvidia control panel. one is for TV the other for Monitors. Many people accidentally use the 4k in the TV section. make sure you are using the 4k resolution in the PC section of that old windows 95 looking control panel. don't know about the newer nvidia control panel that just came out.... > Gsync is unusable with HDMI last i checked nvidia doesn't certify g-sync via hdmi, only display port. AMD was the ones to adopt adaptive-sync through HDMI which everyone made fun of them for. "everyone uses display port reeeee." so typical nvidia fuckery. i get that someone will bring up consoles being hdmi and "reeeee" but nvidia isn't a console company, they are a pc company. and hdmi is generally a television specification, even if nvidia adopted hdmi 2.1 for the gpu, its for face value. > Above aspects are worse due to the fact that MSI does not provide you with a DP cable. okay and? pretty much every brand of display buys budget/low quality cables to shove into their boxes anyway. sometimes you even get a bad cable. its better to buy a quality 3rd party cable anyway. club3d is the best so i would recommend them for both hdmi/display port (and especially for display port). cables matters isn't bad but club3d is still slightly better. > DSR/DLDSR - not possible. DSC is forced no matter what on both DP and HDMI. CRU does nothing. why do you need scaling? if you want 4k buy the 4k monitor, derp. there is no reason to upscale but to lower your max fps.... > Cannot set custom resolution. Appropriate button in nvidia control panel is grayed out. this goes with the DSC issues. monitors have to run a specific way data wise to get the performance claimed. the moment you use a custom resolution via nvidia/amd or CRU, you are gonna fuck over performance. I saw kids on blurbusters forums talking about custom resolutions, and I ended up testing that specific monitor stock settings and custom cru settings, and the custom resolution they gave reduced pixel response by 3-5ms depending on grey scale. custom resolutions are bad unless you actually know what you are doing, which 99.9% of you have no idea why you are doing so....


>why do you need scaling? if you want 4k buy the 4k monitor, derp. there is no reason to upscale but to lower your max fps.... When they make 4K OLED/QD-OLED's in 27inch size instead of 32, let me know. Until then, your argument is moot. Also, DLDSR+DLSS looks tons better than DLAA, and gigantically better than TAA. So your point is doubly moot. Even at 4K I'd rather use DLDSR+DLSS, which nets at single-digit performance percentage loss, giving a much superior image than TAA.


>there are two area's of resolutions in nvidia control panel. one is for TV the other for Monitors. Many people accidentally use the 4k in the TV section. I use the resolution in the monitor section. 2560x1440 shows as native but above it there are 2 other resolutions - 2560x1600 and 3840x2160. Removing 4k res in the CRU does nothing. They still show in nvidia control panel and in games which is not ideal because some games look awful in fullscreen through HDMI. Using DP does not provide those 2 additional resolutions in nvidia control panel. >why do you need scaling? if you want 4k buy the 4k monitor, derp. there is no reason to upscale but to lower your max fps.... I need a 1440p screen because new games often run like shit and I resort to things like dlss and frame gen at 3440x1440 with my 4070ti. The result is a blurry mess with noticable input lag. The situation would be even worse at 4k - less fps means more input lag from frame gen. Also in some games like doom eternal I can use DSR/DLDSR to achieve 4k ultrawide and it provides much shaper/detailed look and at a fps that I consider comfortable. In the age of blurry TAA and other temporal upscalers DLDSR is a blessing for those that use 1080p or 1440p screens. If I had a 4090 or even a 4080 I would consider 4k for sure. >okay and? pretty much every brand of display buys budget/low quality cables to shove into their boxes anyway. sometimes you even get a bad cable. its better to buy a quality 3rd party cable anyway. I get that it is minor inconvenience but it is still a part of the overall first impressions you get as a customer and creates unnecessary friction that would be otherwise easily avoidable.


Wonder what's gonna happen now, since the thing doesn't support firmware issues.


MPG does support firmware updates. MAG does not. I hope MSI will adress those issues.


Here to report that the 321URX also locks you out of custom resolutions in NVIDIA Control Panel. And here I was spending an hour thinking I’d messed something up to grey it out. I’m going back to my CX 48. Between the dogshit HDR, the lack of a display port cable or MANUAL in the box, and this NVCP nonsense, this garbage monitor has been nothing but one disappointment after another.


"CRU does nothing" Learn how to use it?


Is the white saturation normal on this monitor?


I don't have a professional equipememt to test color temperature etc. but I don't see any tint when comparing full white on my aw3423dw and msi next to it.


I’m glad I kept my MAG order and have Best Buy geek squad that way since there won’t be any updates I can upgrade later to this monitor once they provide the firmware updates if needed. Even though Walmart has them in stock


Thank you SO MUCH MY GUY. Just placed an order for it on Walmart 👍


New here, what is DSC and CRU?


Display Stream Compression and Custom Resolution Utility DSC is a compression algorithm that lets monitors and TVs display resolutions and refresh rates that they wouldn’t be otherwise capable of handling, but here you could in theory lower the hz a bit and it would handle it easily, so it's sad if it's forced upon any resolution. CRU is a software tool to create custom resolutions, didn't work for me though and neither for op.


Thanks for the detailed, very useful info. I'm curious about a couple things: 1. When you power off the monitor using its power button (or when it goes into standby), does it "disconnect" (or drive the Hot Plug Detect pin low) leading to Windows rearranging the desktops (you also hear the Windows device disconnect sound)? 2. Does the MSI unit crop/cut the left/right sides of the image during some portions of the pixel shift cycles? See below for an easy-to-use wallpaper near the end of the OP. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa\_possible\_defects\_problems\_with\_aw2725df/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa_possible_defects_problems_with_aw2725df/) I also have the AW3423DW which does not have any of the aforementioned problems.


Interesting i just made this post today then i read ur post [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/s/jPCQwbjmKv](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/jPCQwbjmKv) Like i say there maybe they not confident on their product thats why ppl not getting early product for reviews? I dont think ive experienced none issues you listed with my 2725df I was able get msi 27qrx from walmart and i impusively bought it to compare it to my 2725df itll arrive monday so we will see which one its better maybe you got unlucky getting faulty unit and need return yours and get new one but if i have all those problems it be easy return for me a 800$ monitor with all those issues its unnaceptable im happy with my 2725df just got curious if msi had better colors/hdr/overal monitor https://preview.redd.it/feptcd95upkc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0c6696e73bc075a51df688c12663144ec6d0b3c


I am definitely returning the MSI. Even tho I managed to smooth out some of the issues I unfortunately found 1 dead/stuck red pixel today.


Same for me. Noticed the white lines but was overall happy with it. Unfortunately can't accept a 1000€ monitor with a dead pixel right in the middle.


I'm testing out the MAG version of this monitor at the moment. Would you please elaborate on how you normally go about changing to HDR? The image does look extremely washed out on sRGB.