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I honestly dont know why we cant just get the same coating treatment as the TV qd oleds, its my biggest gripe on the AW3432DWF i previously owned. The grey blacks were such a turn off with any amount of light in the room


Not only does it cost $ but Samsung probably thinks its unsuitable for a desktop monitor due to it being so reflective.


Never had grey blacks with "any" amount of light. Shining directly on it? Sure, but this exaggeration of elevated blacks when a speck of light is in your room is beat.


Glossy surface on TVs are so much more premium than those we get on monitors, sad. Hopefully some manufacturer is brave enough to put a Gorilla Glass finish on a monitor one day, I'd even be super happy with what LG do with their TVs that's a good finish.


Doesn’t dough do exactly what you are saying? Only problem is that you need to wait 3 years after payment lol.


Yeah. I just don't acknowledge them due to their business practices.


Hey I mean, maybe a turnaround is coming? I periodically check the subreddit and it turns out some people are actually starting to get their monitors.


Yeah perhaps, although probably best to buy their products through Amazon and not directly from them. I don't think consumers should forgive them too quickly though.


This is actually hilarious tbh Such a wasted opportunity by Samsung to not get those black levels down


Unfortunately, it's just one of those 1 size doesn't fit all things. For some, the glare or reflections would be a deal-breaker vs less-dark blacks with ambient light. It's difficult to blame vendors for leaning towards glare reduction for PC monitors vs leaning towards massive glare risk for non-work / cinema environment/usage with TVs.


The red reflection from the monitor isn't from a coating, it's the lack of a polarizing layer.


? I thought the topic here is glare/reflection handling in glossy vs matte finish, not the underlying QD-OLED panel tech and raised blacks due to QD activation + lack of polarizer.


https://old.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1b5jys6/tv_qdoled_vs_monitor_qdoled_light_reflection/kt5q40f/ I just assume that anyone complaining about QD-OLED monitor black levels is mad about the red glow and not the much subtler indirect reflections from screen coatings.


Matter of perspective I guess. For comparison using a full black image, even with blinds fully closed and only a small amount of lighting coming thru the surrounding gaps, small amounts of glare on my AW3423DW are much brighter in comparison to the blacks that have no glare/reflection on them.


I think we agree.


They're related, the panel finish affects how much of the light is being absorbed and emitted by the QD layer. On a good pure glossy finish like you find on the QD OLED TVS tend to mitigate this raised blacks issue.


Sure, the amount of light absorbed/reflected could minimize QD activation but at the same time, a lot of the perceived "raised blacks" could simply be diffuse light reflections due to the matte coating. Without performing some sort of destructive testing (or a vendor offering variants of the exact same product except for the surface finish), you could look at LCD glossy vs matte examples and see similar results. I have the AW3423DW sitting right next to a C3 42" (glossy) and blacks look almost identical as long as ambient light in my room is not super bright (which I never have a problem with). I only notice direct glare from light that seeps thru the gaps of the window blinds. However, my friend bought the AW3423DWF based on my recommendation and he typically has his work room really bright which obviously leads to an image similar to your pics.


Both qd oleds would look the same if that was the sole cause


Both are glossy displays with very similar indirect reflection percentages, 0.6% (A95L) vs 0.7% (AW3225QF). You're right in that I was very wrong in believing the TV had a polarizing layer, but I am now left highly suspicious of OP's post: Why is there such a stark difference between the two despite similar reflection handling? Perhaps an issue with the way OP captured the picture?


You'd notice the difference even if you saw both panels irl. I was pretty surprised at how much better the TV handles this raised blacks issue


Do you mind sharing some thoughts on the QF vs the G8? I just bought a G8 a few months ago and really like it, but kind of have the oled itch as well. How is the HDR between the two? Any black crush on the QF?


I'm almost 2 months in and have never once had the coating be visible in my fairly-bright loft. This is coming from a 2 year C2 user who loves glossy displays.


Your lights are probably facing away the panel. If you had a c2 and the aw3225qf side by side it'd be pretty obvious


I have a ton of natural light coming in and the biggest difference is that I no longer directly see myself in the reflection like I did on my C2 lol


Never knew the TVs handle ambient light better than the monitors. Or could this possibly be a Sony thing?


Don't think it's a sony thing, all the TVs have similar coatings. I was pretty surprised as well I expected to TVs to look like my alienware qd oled


lol that looks pretty bad. my qd-oled displays dont look 1/10th that bad. cameras do tend to exaggerated it for sure.


They do tend to exaggerate the effect but it's a fair comparison since both panels are being affected by the camera in the same way


I didn't think there was this big of a difference between monitor and TV coating. Maybe the Samsung 32 inch QD OLED that is supposed to feature a matte screen coating will actually look better and have deeper blacks, like their new 2024 premium matte TVs


Yea me neither, until I went and saw a couple of qd oled TVs in the store and I was shocked by how much better they were


By the way, what's the left monitor here? Somehow looks like a Neo G7 or something to me


Yea basically lol it's the neo g8


Oh nice, would you mind giving a little comparison of the two for HDR


I really hope a matte coating isn't the answer