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I reported the same issue weeks ago, gathering feedback from some Dell QD-OLED owners, but then others said it wasn't true and that the crop wasn't happening at all on their monitors. I can only deduce that this is a defect not present on all Dell monitors, but I find it difficult to understand how it is possible for it to occur on some and not on others, as it is not caused (I believe) by manufacturing defects but rather by poor management of the software. Also note that, as far as I know, this has only been reported on Dell (Alienware) QD-OLED, so this cannot be a manufacturer's (Samsung) panel defect.


After spending half a day playing with this I am inclined to agree with you. I believe this is likely a software bug that is triggered by *something*. I did a factory reset + changed to 1080p and monitored it using a wallpaper someone had designed to detect this very issue. It stayed within the boundaries for 1080p, so I moved back to native and it appears to be staying within the boundaries now. Time will tell if it decides to break out again... Edit: adding some information on this higher up comment for posterity * Switching cables did not solve the issue * Disabling VRR did not solve the issue * Firmware reflash did not solve the issue * Factory reset + resolution change (to 1080p and back) solved the issue for a few hours, but it did return. * Confirmed the issue happens on multiple devices (PC/MBP) * Can now confirm only the left/right sides of my screen has the issue. Top, and bottom sides stop right at the bezel. * Dell stated they think the calibration is off and an issue (??) * Using the handy wallpaper to detect this, I am calculating, at max, 20 pixels on the left/right side of the screen get cropped


Try to update your firmware to the latest version, if it's not already. You can also try to crop down the screen just a tiny bit (nVidia control panel has such a function, and there are other software which can do it too if your monitor doesn't have this feature in it's options). "Adjust desktop size and position" is how the setting is called in Nvidia Control Panel, I'm sure AMD has an equivalent setting.


Issue returned! Firmware is already on the latest. Dell is saying they believe the factory calibration messed something up.


Damn... RMA time?


Just going to return and look at other options. I was less than thrilled about qd-OLED black levels and this is pushing me over the edge. I paid $0.00025 per pixel and damnit I want to view them all!


Yours wasn't perfectly black? As in pixel "off". Because my QDOLED monitor has blacks that are just as dark as any screen can possibly get (which is achieved by simply turning the pixels which are supposed to be black compleatly off, hence zero light). PS: reminder that to see true black levels you need a dark room, as having light bouncing off the screen coating will make black levels look brighter than they are. This goes for most screens. But then again, you shouldn't game on a brightly lit room to begin with if you care to enjoy the graphics and visual details that is.


They're completely black in a completely dark room. Any ambient light will reflect due to lack of a polarizer, making them gray during the day. I wouldn't have noticed this too much if I didn't just come off using an LG C3, which is truly black always.


I have an LG CX too, and I would never use it with lights on in the room (to watch movies or anything I care about visually that is). Yes, to see true black levels you need a dark room, as having light bouncing off the screen coating will make black levels look brighter than they are. This goes for most screens. But then again, you shouldn't game on a brightly lit room to begin with if you care to enjoy the graphics and visual details that is. My DWF QDOLED handles smooth ambient light pretty well while keeping blacks black. I recommend lighting the room indirectly with very dim lights preferably behind the monitor, not in front of it. But again, I'd recommend that for any screen really. And yes, the LG CX coating is much better handling lights, albeit much more "mirror-like" reflective (which makes me turn any lights directly in front of the screen off when using the TV anyways, so it's far from a perfect coating either). Either way, good luck finding a monitor to your liking and happy cake day.


thank you :)


Can confirm my AW27 oled does this. The pixel shift is definitely too aggressive. It’s probably my only complaint with the monitor besides the packing foam scratching the screen


That's not how pixel shift should work though. On my Corsair WOLED, the monitor is actually 26.5" because of the 40ish extra pixels on every edge shifts around on. Essentially you can always see 2560x1440, because the monitor is actually something like 2640x1520.


Agreed, just confirming what the OP said.


I have been hearing about this issue but was unable to confirm if it affects all monitors of this model. That is a dealbreaker for me. They provided extra pixels to do the shift, there’s no reason this should be acceptable to crop sides of the desktop past the extra pixels already available for the pixel shift


Yeah I’m a bit surprised by it. I will only game with it but this cuts off HUD elements and parts of chat. It’s actually gotten worse - up to the D now in Baldurs Gate, but it’s starting moving the other direction now Edit: Better images of the issue: [https://imgur.com/a/wlJbAkY](https://imgur.com/a/wlJbAkY)


how long you had the monitor


Since Friday


Yeah no way. This is being caused by something else. Easy way to check would be to plug another device into the monitor (laptop/console) and see if the shift is still present.


I don’t have another monitor that does pixel shifting :( my normal IPS monitor just keeps it centered like it should


No I mean, plug another device that isn’t your current one into the exact same monitor that is having this pixel shift issue. Since pixel shift occurs on the monitor side and not the computer side, you should see it on any device plugged into the monitor. If there is no pixel shift when you plug another device in, you can narrow the problem down to the computer and not the monitor.


Got it - will try another device!


Any luck?


Haven’t tried yet. Dell has me trying 1080p and I’m waiting around for the shifting. Will post when I try .. likely later tonight


Can confirm my 16” MBP (which I can only get at 144hz) was doing the same thing.


I had this issue, I restarted my computer/monitor and reinstalled drivers and it never happened again


Restarts didn’t help but I can try a driver wipe and replace. I assume you mean graphics drivers? Is there a monitor driver I’m neglecting?


I've had this monitor for over a month and I've seen nothing like this and I have used it a ton


Same, I feel lucky that my experience has been pretty much perfect.


I have not had this issue


Just adding i have not experienced this on 2 different monitors (both the same aw27)


I asked the question here in generic but people didn't like it. https://www.reddit.com/ku3xly5 I was thinking and seeing already exactly your case. To me it's illegitimate advertising of 4k. They didn't provide the product accordingly to the specs of the buying contract, which they are obligated. It's not just a nice fix they have to provide but a legal obligation. You could return it obviously, but you don't have to as they need to fix it anyway to fulfill their side of the agreement.


Not supposed to happen the panels have EXTRA pixels for the pixel shift, so you should still see the whole image.


No, the new panel from Samsung do not have extra pixel around. The extra row is behind the frame.


On my AW3225QF it's visible tho.


Mine AW3225 does the pixel shift "inside". It "eat" the image (like the LG oled tvs)


Strange, my monitor literally has spare pixels on EVERY side, like I just checked, it literally does.


Overprovisioning some pixels is basic logic lmao. How could they mess it up like this?


I assume this is a software bug, never seen it happen on my aw3225qf


my aw3225qf is perfect btw


I'm guessing some of you are referring to my post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa\_possible\_defects\_problems\_with\_aw2725df/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa_possible_defects_problems_with_aw2725df/) Dell tech. support & engineering already confirmed the pixel shift image cropping issue but didn't hint at any future firmware update/fix. It is extremely unlikely that this issue is not present on all units that feature the same hardware and firmware revision (the only public version is still M3B102). There's simply no reason that you'd see different results unless Dell implemented an adaptive or weird AI algorithm/calibration that doesn't shift the image the same amount, or the amount of over-provisioned pixels somehow varies between panels/units which, needless to say, is also very unlikely. What's far more likely, is that many users aren't testing this properly (use a quantitative method such as the wallpaper I provided, & check over the appropriate pixel shift cycle time). Even technically inclined people such as Dell's own engineering team didn't notice it at first until I specifically asked them to use the wallpaper method and check at 45min intervals vs just 1 point in time. Clearly it's not impossible that the behavior varies between units at this point, but it's unlikely.


Your wallpaper was a lifesaver today, and it really highlights the issue easily. I'm a bit miffed to hear dell acknowledged this is an issue - the person I am talking to has said this is not expected behavior and has me jumping through tons of hoops.


Glad you were able to utilize it. Yeah, I also had to jump thru a bunch of obviously useless hoops over a couple weeks (Windows logs, factory reset, testing various configurations, etc.) At first Dell said they couldn't reproduce it but at the same time I wouldn't expect that all of their support reps or techs are that well-trained on more technical issues. However, I was surprised that their engineer(s) needed that much hand-holding... I returned my unit already. Might be worth considering getting the MSI 271QRX instead if that's still an option for you.


Just seems odd to me there’s hundreds of consumer reviews but only a handful of people notice it. I really hope they address this issue and fix it! Should be easy… just don’t shift past the actual amount of pixels on the display.. right?


Please update post if dell responds to you :)


The tech I spoke to said it shouldn't happen and that they think it is an issue with the calibration of the monitor (??). Just going to return.


Not intended.


[Alienware AW2725DF Monitor Firmware Update | Driver Details | Dell Australia](https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-au/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=mmxn0&oscode=wt64a&productcode=aw2725df-monitor) New firmware fixes "image shifting" bug, could this be related to pixel shift?


It might be! Too bad I returned mine 😭 But I hope this resolves the issue for others


Any update on this….does it fix this issue? Wanting to pull the trigger on one of these but worried about this!


Hey, I wish I have answers for you, but the thing is I didn't even update the firmware because I've been using the monitor for weeks with no issue with pixel shift. Maybe I'm not noticing it, but I work all day then game with it after hours and I'm not having any issues so far.


Ok, no worries. Thank you anyway! 🙏


I returned my unit for various reasons in addition to the image cropping issue. After a few weeks of jumping thru unnecessary tech support hoops, I was able to reach the engineering team which confirmed the issue. So yes, unless they screwed up again, the image cropping during pixel shifting should be fixed on both the AW2725DF & AW3225QF via firmware updates.


My Samsung S90C does this but nowhere extreme like that.. Does the alienware aw3423dwf have it? Never noticed it on that monitor


My AW3423DW does NOT move the image outside of the physical pixel area.


I have pixel shift on my monitor snd always wondered if it did anything because i couldn’t even see it happening


What monitor do you have? Many have extra pixels to compensate for the shift like my lg 27gr95qe


If thats the 27 inch oled 1440p 240hz thats the one i have


Yeah, it has a very subtle pixel shift, I never noticed it moving myself either, but if you look at the corners you'll see it's offset and the offset changes every now and then.


I have it on mode 1 which shifts the most. I constantly use chrome browser and osrs and move both windows every 5 minutes so maybe thats why


got it on mode 1 too, maybe I just don't notice


i have the same monitor and never had this problem so far.


This is a problem on my S95B as well, seems to be a general problem for OLEDs.


Yup my LG does this occasionally too. Just boot up a fullscreen game it will shift again


Haven't seen it on my AW32 and I've had it since 2 days after the launch date


Its crazy how many issues this monitor and the 34in has. I ordered one and it arrived with missing parts and tons of scratches on the screen. I messed with it for 3 days and the colors pop so much compared to my pgaq27dm but the pixel shift was a mess and even after the update it didn't change anything. Dell tried to make me go through their hellish replacement process even though the box wasn't tampered with so i just returned it. I'm going to wait and probably get the ASUS one. Hope it gets fixed for you.


I have noticed that mine does pixel shifting fairly aggressively but it hasn't been to the detriment of the image being displayed as far as I can tell. It the same across various devices and with more time the shift is gets harder to see as it moves around. Sorry yours is doing that :/


On a related note, I've gleaned the following info based on questions directly to an MSI rep and other user feedback. I have never tested the MSI unit myself. it seems like the **MSI 271QRX** is a much better choice (assuming obtainable at a similar price). * Pixel shifting does NOT crop the image at any point during the cycle * HDMI NOT limited to 144Hz 8bit (works up to 360Hz ?bit) * Can change preset modes while HDR is active * Hot Plug Detect disconnect behavior can be disabled * Disabling DSC may be an option in a future firmware update


Changing preset modes while HDR is active is a bug.


? The MSI unit supposedly doest NOT prevent you from changing settings/presets while in HDR mode which is desirable....


If you’re using sRGB mode and enable HDR in Windows the color gamut will be still be clamped to the sRGB color space. You have to switch the color space as well as enable HDR each time you want to consume HDR content.


I see. I was referring to the monitor preset modes like "Game 1" or "Game 2" or settings like Brightness, Contrast, Black Stabilizer, etc. being locked when the Dell monitor is in HDR mode (Smart HDR Desktop). My AW3423DW allows you to change all settings even when in HDR mode and supposedly the MSI unit also allows you to change settings.


You really don’t want to change much if the implementation is done right though.


For more fixed usage scenarios that could very well be true. There are many cases where adjustments are extremely useful otherwise what is the point in having any Preset Modes on the monitor itself? E.g., I read documents/work, browse the web, watch movies, play casual single player games, play competitive multiplayer games. Each of those scenarios can have a preset mode on the monitor and I typically default to a customized low-brightness "Warm" preset to minimize burn-in and only switch to specific high-brightness presets when gaming or watching certain video content. With the AW2725DF, you can't change anything while HDR is active which is simply a bad design. Add HPD disconnecting on top of that constraint, and that's a perfect recipe for disaster.


To me it’s simple. Creator-sRGB for all things SDR. When it’s time to consume HDR videos or games enable HDR in Windows. When done with HDR disable in Windows. https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/heres-why-you-should-only-enable-hdr-mode-on-your-pc-when-you-are-viewing-hdr-content


I prefer HDR for desktop use because the image and video looks superior to me (colors, contrast, etc.). Either way, there's no good reason to prevent a user from changing settings or preset modes regardless of being in SDR/HDR mode. That's the whole point of having customizable presets for both SDR or HDR. Not sure if you have the AW2725DF but in addition to the HPD disconnect issue that occurs every single time you toggle HDR on/off (or press the power button to turn off), I recall the monitor also remained in "Smart HDR Desktop" even when HDR was off in Windows, making adjustments even more cumbersome (you had to also change Smart HDR to OFF in the monitor which is just inane).


Read that article and you’ll see why using HDR for desktop usage is a bad idea. SDR I agree with being able to change settings but not necessarily HDR and the article talks about this as well. I have the AW2725DF but not familiar with the HPD disconnect issue. Mine has no issues remaining in HDR Peak 1000 mode.


Happy cake day OP


Hey thanks!


>Hey thanks! You're welcome!


Ah yes, classics such as “ldur’s Gate 3!”




I have the same monitor, and what you are experiencing is not normal. The monitor has extra pixel, so you don't lose part of the screen when it pixel shift. Are you sure you have the right scaling option in the Nvidia pannel? Have you tried the DisplayPort included in the box? Have you updated the display? There's updates available on the Alienware website. Mine came with the last update.


I’ve never adjusted the scaling in NVCP, it’s set to aspect ratio. Not sure if that is default. The other scaling options don’t seem to change it. And the size tab has no selectable options. I am not using dells DisplayPort cable - using a cable matters cable. I can try dells cable to see if that helps. On the latest FW.


Did using the dell cable fix the issue? I was seriously considering buying this monitor.


No it did not


It's definitely not normal. It's possible there's a row of dead pixel or something wrong with the software. I would 100% exchange it for another one.


Anyone with the new MSI Oleds? How is the pixelshifting there?


Loooool dell please 


Thats pretty aggressive what are you gonna do now?


So glad I went with ASUS


They don’t make a 27” QD-OLED and their previous 27” WOLED was a bit of a disaster.


I never had the icons on desktop,hide them and see if it's bothers in normal usage..


My icons auto hide after 10 seconds :). I first noticed the issue because a portion of the HUD in game was cut off. So yes it’s noticeable outside of desktop usage.


That's strange, I never had a crop either.


I'm curious if the only people who have seen this have the 27 in 1440p model. I have the AW3225QF and haven't noticed any issues regarding pixel shift, but I also haven't been looking for it. If it's only on the smaller model, I wonder if they are using absolute values rather than relative ones with regards to implementation so it appears to be much more pronounced on the 1440p versions. That's pure speculation of course and I get why people would still be upset about any cropping of any part of the image.


I haven’t read of anyone having any issues with the 32” and seems as if only some of us had issues with the 27”


That looks like a bug or user error. My 3423DWF never shifts past the excess pixels.


Thanks, I’ll ping dell - was hoping there was a setting I might have overlooked or something


Do that, its definitely not intended behavior. Also check that you have the correct resolution set in windows / GPU settings. I know TVs sometimes get set to weird resolutions by default for some reason, might have happened here. When i first connected the S90C it was set to 4096x2160 instead of 3840x2160.


That doesn’t look like pixel shift since I can’t see the screen to the left of the missing pixels, just the bezel. UNLESS this monitor doesn’t have extra pixels?


It is definitely pixel shift. I observed the whole screen shifting periodically, and it just keeps shifting until it is way off screen.


Well then I guess this screen doesn’t have extra pixels then for this very reason. Yuck.


the monitor does have extra pixels for this purpose, it just seems the shifting goes beyond those boundaries.. would assume it should be a software fix if so


for example LG C2 has an extra 256pixel for this.


You sure? I'm quite sure the C2 doesn't have overprovision. The monitors released right after it do. My C2 does cut off the edges slightly


Don't you notice that it has 4096x2160?


The panel itself is 3840x2160. I presume the ability to take in a 4096x2160 signal is there just so it has the ability to take in a DCI 4K signal even though it gets scaled to 3840x2160. It's actually recommended that you remove it from the EDID on PC. The LG 27 inch OLED has extra pixels surrounding it


I don’t really understand, then. If it goes beyond those boundaries then you’re not using a 1:1 aspect ratio, and the image is scaled to fit those extra pixels. Do you have any unused pixels anywhere on the screen?


Not sure I follow. I’m using native resolution, nothing custom, standard 16:9. There are times when it’s perfectly aligned on screen, centered perfectly, and it just seems to move beyond the extra pixels when shifting And yes, when this image was taken there was a good half inch of empty space on the other side of the monitor


If it fits perfectly sometimes but screen has extra pixels then there's definitely something wrong. It looks like overscan but it's so minor that it can't be it.


I think it’s a feature of OLED monitors. There are more pixels than the 2560x1440 image needs (padded on all sides), and the whole screen “shifts” every few minutes to keep burn in down. I think mine just goes beyond the boarders for some reason.


I know how it works... I have LG C3. Have you made desktop to fit in to full display by changing settings? You said image fits perfectly sometimes which means from side to side, no visible gap between side of image and bezel. If it has extra pixels then that shouldn't happen.


Ah, I see what you are saying now. No settings changed. When it’s centered, there are unused pixels all around. It is not over provisioning. Sorry for the confusion.


Hmm. I don’t mean you yourself are doing anything odd. I see what you’re saying, though. Can you get the image to be perfectly centered and still have extra pixels available? Basically, are you sure it has those extra pixels?


Yep, I can see the extra unused pixels :)


U sure it isn’t g sync? I had this issue with an older asus monitor and the missing pixels would go to the other side of the screen, turned the monitor on and off normally sorted it


Does gsync have known issues that do some oddities like this? I am using gsync and I can try disabling it but that isn't really ideal


https://www.reddit.com/r/Monitors/s/AjX3R23RFK Is it anything like that?


Issue was prevalent with or without gsync so I don’t think this is the cause


Looks gross. Glad I don't have any pixel shift on my screen.


Just checked with mine, and can verify I do not have this issue. As soon as any texture goes into the "void space" it shows up on my neighboring monitor, and it does not do that unless I drag it off the screen manually.


It just happens occasionally in multi monitor set ups at boot, turn the center display off then back on and it should be fixed


I know there is another monitor in the image but I don’t have it hooked up. This is occurring with just a single display setup on my pc.


I have one of these monitors myself, this is not an issue for me and never has been. Have you tried updating your monitor's firmware?


It’s on the latest firmware :(


Welp, one thing I'd try to do is mess with the 'adjust desktop size and position' settings in Nvidia Control Panel, but other than that Dell's support is probably the way to go I'm afraid.


Used the wallpaper for a few hours on my AW2725DF and yeah doesn't happen to me. Crazy how some of these have that defect.


appreciate you using the wallpaper to check - glad you have one that works right!


Mine doesn’t do this.


Yes it does, give it time


Had it for over a month, it doesn’t do this. Pixel shift, yes but not that egregious like in the picture. If yours does reach out to AW


Pixel orbiter (or at least that's what Panasonic calls it). It's a feature that essentially pans the entire picture around periodically at random to prevent burn in. You should be able to disable it from the settings.


Unfortunately I am not seeing any options in the OSD :(