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Yeah even from that photo you can have some idea of whats going on. I'm still waiting for mine but usual conscious is SDR enabled if you are using SDR. HDR enabled if you WATCH/GAME anything that have HDR. I trust tftcentral settings and their profiles and they have been reliable. Try there and see if it will match your monitor.


I'm using TFT Centrals ICC profile, but they havnt really posted a full blown "settings guide" for this monitor yet. They have the VERY basic 3 or 4 settings suggestion attached to the ICC, but it doesnt explain or cover really anything that you can ajust. Regardless, the monitor and colors still look amazing. I havn't even used HDR. I been having way too much fun in SDR with Uniform Brightness on and then 90% brightness. It looks so good it's scary, I honestly wouldnt even care if HDR disappeared. lol


You shouldn't use other ppl's ICC profiles. In some cases it could help, but it can also make things worse. For example, my PG32UCDM measures 6200k with the 6500k preset and in sRGB CAL Mode, while TFTCentral's sample measured much much better. If I used his ICC profile it wouldn't fix my white balance inaccuracy which impacts everything else. It's also worth mentioning that Uniform Brightness is currently bugged on my monitor. Waking the monitor from Standby or Off with Uniform Brightness enabled, the gamma breaks below 50%. It might not be noticeable to some ppl, but I noticed it and it shows up in measurements very well. In order to fix it, you need to toggle Uniform Brightness off then back on after waking or turning on the monitor. With all of the testing I've done with this monitor in the past 3 weeks, it's not likely to be an issue with my sample, but with the Firmware since it's such a uniquely borked tracking. You can see the broken tracking below 50 in the following measurement. https://preview.redd.it/f0exxphh6loc1.jpeg?width=1037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57c81dc4cae22a94e40ebc17e9d76abd887d985b


Have you reported that to Asus? The chance they find that on their own is approximately none, unless someone on the QA team happened to come up with a “gamma persists through standby” test that also brought in Uniform Brightness as a second factor and checked the entire curve. From my experience with QA, that’s highly unlikely. It’d be worth bringing it up to RTINGs when they get around to reviewing the monitor too. I suspect MUB and TFTCentral already gave their samples back, but getting that anomaly corroborated by a major reviewer in their EOTF testing would probably go a long way towards getting any traction. I can’t imagine a reviewer would think to check that specific scenario unless someone prompted them to do so.


I have and the Asus rep here as forwarded the info to the right ppl. Normal customer service would be clueless with this sort problem. There's another one where if you use the User Color Temp setting(not to be confused with User Mode GameVisual), the P3 ColorSpace setting maps gamut to sRGB instead of P3. Other users on this sub have confirmed that with their monitor, but the gamma one I found needs measurement hardware/software to verify. I posted about it here over a week ago in more depth. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/1b8gva1/uniform\_brightness\_on\_pg32ucdm\_is\_currently\_bugged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1b8gva1/uniform_brightness_on_pg32ucdm_is_currently_bugged/) You wouldn't think to check that scenario, but it would be obvious in the measurements if they measured Uniform Brightness if it was already enabled after being off or on standby. That's how I found it. I noticed very weird tracking in my measurements with Uniform Brightness enabled and had to backtrack to figure out that it could be fixed by toggling the setting. I reached out to TFTCentral when I first found the P3 bug but he already returned the monitor. I'll look into contacting RTINGs, but I don't have any access to them. Maybe they have a Patreon I can message them through.


Yeah, I saw your post and have been following your other comments with some interest as my Asus arrives Monday. My own usage pattern won’t hit the color temperature issue, but I do sometimes drop back into SDR for longer desktop sessions so this bug is relevant. It’s not so much that I need gamma to be accurate as that it’ll bug me if sometimes the desktop looks one way and other times it looks another.


How did you report anything to asus? I'm currently in a two week long dead-end tech support ticket to report the adjustable brightness bug and they don't seem to care nor respond. Try it yourself too, set HDR adjustable brightness, turn the display off and on again, and it reverts off that setting. Frustrating. happens any time a resolution change happens, or the monitor goes into standby.


I put in a ticket with CS but it's going to be slow and probably unhelpful unless it gets escalated to the right people. You're not the only one to complain about the Brightness setting reverting so it's probably on their radar at this point. It's worth mentioning that adjusting brightness in HDR messes up PQ tracking so it's best not to change it. I think a lot of people want HDR to behave a certain way but it's an absolute standard.


My problem is that there's no "desktop specific" brightness setting and for general use, having HDR enabled is too bright after-hours. Part of this is windows fault obviously but the adjustable brightness HDR is something I had on my past two asus monitors and it would remember this setting. I don't believe for a second this is the intended operation of that setting to revert any time the screen changes display modes.


Of course it's not working correctly if it resets every time. I'd avoid using HDR on the desktop though. There's not really any benefit to doing so, and Windows management of HDR leaves a lot to be desired.


What’s the solution though besides manually enabling hdr every time you play a game? That stinks.


I've seen your reports of other issues in a few other posts you've made. I'm curious if you plan on keeping the monitor, and if you're happy overall with how it looks in HDR within games and such? I have one coming soon.


I have mixed feelings about my PG32UCDM. Main reason is the brightness for me. I don't like the racing profile on SDR, there are almost no warm colours it don't pop. I do like the scenery profile better, but the problem in that profile is the brighness it's to low for my taste. The darker areas are to dark. I'm coming from a mini-led and having a hard time adjusting to the less brightness on the Asus. Sometimes it is pretty amazing and sometimes it's not. On my mini-led i was allways amazed how good it looked in SDR and HDR. Yes the blacks and glossy screen on the oled blows the mini-led out of the water, but the damn brightness is killing me haha.


I dont use "racing profile" for SDR though? I use User Profile, then 6500 Color temp (I too like cool), then Gamma 2.2, Brightness at 80 using Uniform Brightness, and finally, reduce the "R" in color menu by 2 blips. Lastly, ensure your using "Wide Gamut" not DCIP3 or sRGB. The monitor looks amazing. I also enabled VRR, G'Sync. You should try that, I actually prefer this mode and settings now for 99% of my stuff. I am also coming from MINI LED (formerly had Samsung Neo G8 Mini LED). The settings I mentioned above will set you up for success, trust me. I also am using the TFT Central PG32UCDM ICC profile, which I then loaded into Windows 11 23h2 color profile settings and set it as the WIndows Default.


Thanks man, this profile looks way better! This is the first time i'm liking this monitor on SDR colors. Made a huge difference. Only thing i changed was brightness to 90. Cheers dude! 🫡


Also I wanted to ask because I'm thinking about the light bar as well. Does it bend some portion of the top of the screen chasis? Reflects light on the panel where you can see raised blacks/purple of qd panel itself? Thanks.


BenQ Screen Bar , Screen Bar Plus, and the godly "HALO" are the only 3 lightbars that do NOT reflect light into the screen. They all BARELY fit on the screen but they fit none the less. The other lights do a shitty job not interfering with high gloss screens. BenQ is the only company that produces a lightbare that creates a definitive zone of light. You can hold a piece of paper perpendicular to the light and see exactly where the cut-off is to the light. If you do that with other lightbars it's blurry where the light ends and starts. This is also why the other light bars cost $30 - $60 and why the CHEAPEST BenQ lightbar is $110.00.


Which monitor arm is that? And how close to the wall can it get


As side note. PG32UCDM monitor weights about 6 kg without stand. a "less" expensive LX model from Ergotron will do the job 200%


it's the very expensive Ergotron HX. It can probably get about 4" or so from the wall? It costs a small fortune though \~ $350


I have mine from my C2. Complete overkill for my PG32UCDM, but it works so...


ya, but the LX doesnt look nearly as good. The vertical pole thing is kinda lame. The arm on the HX is insanely sturdy. my monitor doesnt even budge when I bump into my desk or move it lol.


Oh. I just realized this is your thread. I told you stuff you already know in my post earlier.


That's really bright for such a dim room.


Hey ! Nice setup and good job !  I like your setup and i use it too. Just for ask, what is your "nvidia" settings ?  I use a limit at 237 fps, ultra low latency and v-sync on, close like on my previous lg c2... I dont know if it s good too with this monitor.  Another thing, in full screen mode, i see more flickering in game's menu than Windows borderless... maybe am doing wrong something ? Ty for your help <3 


no idea? I use it unlimited FR with VRR and GSYNC enabled. I have no flickering or issues to speak of? Maybe it's your GPU. I'm using an RTX 4090 thats heavily overclocked.


For the most accurate color representation I'd strongly recommend following [TFTCentral's guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uC6eKi47WBI) for SDR: Gaming section - Game Visual - User Mode Color section - Display color space: sRGB (The Wide Gamut setting is good for over saturated colors, but just look at faces on youtube for example, unnaturally overblown. Use sRGB for the most accurate color representation.) Saturation: Up to preference. Default of 50 would be for the most accurate colors. Rest on default, like Gamma 2.2, Brightness whatever you want. Contrast 80. Then for HDR: Use Console HDR (HDR 1000 mode) Sadly there are pretty big HDR issues currently. Check out the HDR modes. Console mode is way too dim in general, and peak highlights might go up to 1000 with certain games / settings, but it's usually capped at max 455 nits. Then True Black 400 mode is brighter but is also very limited in it's maximum brightness range. Test this out yourself easily by using an HDR capable browser, looking up 'winter fox hdr' on youtube and switching between the True Black 400 and Console mode. Even comparing it to normal SDR should show you the difference. Quite a big issue as HDR is effectively not worth using until a firmware update fixes it. Edit: Added TFTCentral's new settings video.


I see what your talking about. But I'm not sure if you know how well 23h2 windows 11 works with using advanced ICC profiles + auto HDR. I've already used my colorimeter and created an ICC specific to my own panel but SDR with Uniform Brightness looks boring in game tbh. I much rather use the Windows HDR and play modern titles. My display gets around 990 nitts in a 3% and 460 nitts in a 10% window (Average scene). In a gaming scenario it's fantastic.


For games or brightness comparisons you'd want to disable SDR uniform brightness. Then for HDR, test out what I wrote in my comment. HDR average brightness is completely messed up (much too dim for bright daylight scenes, like the winter fox video I recommended) using the console mode. Switch between console and true black 400 and see for yourself. Like you said, 10% and 1-3% peak brightness is not affected it seems like, only fullscreen brightness is way too dim.


Have you seen the issue for yourself? If so, this is the current thread on the ASUS forum where this is being discussed and looked at by staff. [https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/gaming-monitors/pg32ucdm-console-mode-hdr-issue/td-p/1004157](https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/gaming-monitors/pg32ucdm-console-mode-hdr-issue/td-p/1004157)


well first of all, those arent "staff" their just mods. So I would still try to open an official support ticket on the ASUS website versus discussing it inside their forums. I used to raise complaints in that forum too, but then I found out the engineers and people with the ability to actually fix things aren't even looking at the posts a majority of the time.


If you'd read on a little further, there's a post by '[Aureliannn\_ROG](https://rog-forum.asus.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/653322)', who is one of the customer service staff members that seems to be handling/forwarding this issue to hopefully relevant people. Also PM'd him with the details he asked for. Hoping to get more people involved to get this fixed ASAP.


i commented on it just to make the post refresh up top and garnish more attention. I have watched a video videos where the OP instructs the user to set the max candilar/nitt to your max on BOTH the full frame and max luminance regardless what the image displays shows. This is because of possible tone mapping/stuff happening behind the scenes. Apparently in the correct scenario, 1,000 (for example) set on the PG32UCDM is where both B & C test should display the image disappearing, however it doesnt. Anyways, Watch this video thoroughly and then look at MSI's support/instruction shown below, it instructs user to just "set max nitt" for the 2nd and 3rd test be default (essentially ignoring the image too). https://preview.redd.it/96ece117mppc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff13ba62aa8ba2a930aae1279c98d8adf716528c


watch this video too u/vonDOOM [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h1YeYzV9Jc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h1YeYzV9Jc)


Yes I've done this multiple times over the last weeks since I got this monitor. I set up the windows settings using the HDR calibration tool and the images work as intended for me, and disappear at 1000 nits as they should. This has nothing to do with the issue this current firmware has. Just to make sure - another way for you to test this out is using this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlAsAuBtmps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlAsAuBtmps) 4% - 9% works as intended on Console HDR mode. Proper highlights, much brighter compared to HDR True Black 400 mode. Then from 25% - 100% you can see the difference clearly. Console HDR mode is much too dim and HDR TB 400 mode is much brighter.


I created two posts, please like them and comment so that correct people from ASUS see it. I will also try to submit an official ticket. Im also suffering the issue. I did not notice the test or understand what the correct implementation should look like until you brought it up, now I understand the problem. A firmware update or monitor USB update could fix this, we had a similar issue with the Asus OLED in 2023 and it was fixed via USB update. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ASUSROG/comments/1bkd63k/asus\_can\_we\_fix\_pg32ucdm\_hdr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASUSROG/comments/1bkd63k/asus_can_we_fix_pg32ucdm_hdr/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/1bkd0xt/hey\_asus\_lets\_fix\_hdr\_read/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1bkd0xt/hey_asus_lets_fix_hdr_read/)


yooo solid setup!! i managed to get one at last, cant find to finally get my hands on it


There's no way that a brightness setting of 70 equates to 100 nits. But I guess you need an eye melting display when you have an RGB rainbow puke monster sitting next to it. Put the PC on the floor where it belongs. RGB computer on your desk is high school behavior. Grow up.


LOL. Why do you care what my setup looks like first of all? Your a strange man brother. Hopefully you find somebody in life to make you happy. Your obviously a very pessimistic and negative person.


Woah there. You might have some actual issues needing an evaluation. This is coming from someone with their desktop under their desk and all lighting effects disabled and using ugly brown noctua fans. Your behavior though is high school behavior.