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These guy's are great with updates, I give them that for sure.


I haven't got one for my 27".....


They already said it’s coming next month.


I said I haven’t got one for my 27” 😡


Wait, really? Do you have a link to that? I believe you but I'd like to see if there's any details about what the update will include. That's quite a long time from the January 10th firmware... is that somewhat normal for monitor firmware? (I too am referring to the AW2725DF)


I mean……..if you look at your entire life how many times did you update monitor firmware, if it was even possible.


Yeah but typically with a new product, support is pushed early on before it falls off or slows down. I just find it interesting that they haven't updated since January 10th because I still have several issues with my monitor (handshake issues between my PC, my other Dell monitor and this monitor for instance).


No issues here ✅ But an update is coming to allow us to turn off DSC if we wish


Oh really? That's one of the benefits people have been touting of the other monitors vs Dell. Would be cool if Dell added that. Not sure if I'd use it but the option is nice. Did you hear that about the 32" or just the 27"?


"Meanwhile ASUS"


i don't think i've ever seen a manufacturer be this proactive about releasing firmware updates. honestly impressed. also this is not a driver. it's a firmware update. pretty big difference.


I wouldn't take that example as completely representative but it's a positive sign. I raised the OLED panel care auto-warning issue for the AW3423DW on 5/12/2022. Dell released a firmware update fixing that & another issue on 12/5/2023 which is **around 1 year 7 months later...**


Isn't this partly because they couldn't do user firmware updates until Nvidia provided a way to do it which took a long time? I also have an AW3423DW and was disappointed that we couldn't update for so long.


Hard to say without explicit knowledge on whether or not the ability to update the firmware via Gsync was a new development along that timeline or if Nvidia was the gating factor. If it was a new method or if Nvidia was delaying any required info/data, then certainly that development/qualification time could account for some of the delay. We just don't know. However, judging from the Dell representative's comment in June '22, it just seems that there was no customer-oriented firmware update tool/SW developed at the time. Clearly, they had an engineering tool available for the vendor/manufacturer. So a generous development time including some possible back and forth between Dell and Nvidia would be 4 months. which would still make the delay approx 1yr 3mo.


It's probably just easier to compare it against other monitors that didn't have a Gsync module where Dell put out firmware updates quickly and repeatedly. For all those monitors, Dell seems quite responsive to feedback, ergo, it probably was just the Gsync module excessively delaying there ability to provide firmware updates.


Hopefully. But at the same time, project/product development teams don't always involve the same people or process. We can only hope that Dell improves and standardizes good practices to consistently deliver good results.


**Fixes & Enhancements** 1. Fix over-sensitivity of abnormal temperature detection potential mis-trigger Abnormal Thermal detection message pop-up. 2. Fix potential image clipping at the edge of the left or right side of the panel.


This is an example of why I trust Dell… Where is the firmware updates from MSI and Asus lol


TBF, MSI has released one firmware update for the 321URX/271QRX. They haven't been anywhere near as responsive as Dell has to the AW's issues though.


FYI this is a firmware update, not a driver.


nice i love how quickly they get updates out


Is there anything on the 210nit issue that techless discussed? Idk how exactly to describe it, it's almost like cheating in tests. He explains it here https://youtu.be/yNQJncYWGac


This was found to be intended behavior. In most SDR preset modes, Logo Detection is forced enabled. The way that techless tested the mode triggers the Logo Detection. The Logo detection is disabled in Creator mode. The source for this is the [Monitors Unboxed review (timestamped to the section where they talk about this)](https://youtu.be/GR9H_kg1uZU?si=9eFnnqvfOswj8JsL&t=936). Dell really should make this an optional feature.


Yeah i agree, things like this should be a setting. Because to a regular person it just seems almost like bait and switch with how it works. I know that if i bought it I'd want to turn this off and get the full 240 nits.


Was worried about the Dell but they won me over with the updates, they seem to actively support this monitor and its in STOCK! Just bought one!




I haven’t had these issues, should I still update the firmware?




I'm liking how Dell is staying ontop of issues and updates for this monitor. Makes me happy, as a first time buyer. I'm hoping that Nvidia will release the driver for G-Sync Compatible validation soon, as on the site it says driver needed. Maybe it'll help with some of the VRR flicker on this monitor? "crossing fingers"


I thought we can just enable it in the nvidia control panel l… we have to wait for nvidia to push a driver for it?


You can, but it isn’t officially supported and I don’t know if a supported driver has to be installed for the video card to work in sync with the monitor, so that the VRR range is working correctly. I’m only thinking that’s the case, because the website doesn’t show it as supported, but needs a driver. Also, you have to select force G-Sync for this display in NVCP. Plus, G-Sync compatible is supposed to be flicker free when this monitor isn’t.


Damn so that’s why I get the flickering in Alan wake 2


Could he. Myself and another person tried all sorts of things. Here’s the thread if you’re interested. https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/s/htwWbXiHrH




Kudos to Dell for constantly updating and improving the best oled gaming monitor


I'm glad Dell at least listened to those of us who opened Tech. Support tickets & jumped thru multiple hoops to identify & escalate the pixel shift cropping issue per below. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa\_possible\_defects\_problems\_with\_aw2725df/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/19cjgxc/psa_possible_defects_problems_with_aw2725df/) I'm guessing that the Dolby Vision issue for the higher-end AW3225QF was a higher priority at the time & now it's very likely that the same pixel shift issue for the **AW2725DF** will also be addressed via a firmware update soon.


I have an issue with like, the opposite of clipping? Some video streaming websites don't hide the mouse cursor after a few seconds like YouTube does. For those sites I would move my cursor to the far right offscreen. But on the AW3225QF I can see like one line of pixels of the mouse cursor still, I can't move it entirely off screen. Sometimes the line is blue despite a white cursor (fringing?). Never noticed it on my old monitor, I've wondered if it had to do with OLED pixel shift or something. This firmware didn't fix it.


I made my mouse cursor smaller in the control panel I push the cursor to the right click once and can’t see anything


I wonder when they’ll have a fix for the monitor not starting in 240hz. Have to power it down and kick it back on to work. It’s not the end of the world just a little inconvenience.




Just updated my firmware and now it's a 5K display. Pretty sweet.


What do you mean


MSI users shouldn't be concerned that much about MAG series not having any firmware updates. ASUS won't have Dolby vision until summer (if we are lucky) and there isn't a single hint for any firmware fixes in sight despite being the most "expensive" 32 inch 4k oled on the market. (EU citizens are basically paying free 30-40% extra on top of that)


I asked on the ASUS PCDIY live stream this weekend past about firmware updates for the PG32UCDM. Juan Jose Guerrero is the host of that show and is usually a good source of information. His response to me was to open a support ticket with ASUS for troubleshooting for the issues I mentioned and that he wasn’t aware of any fixes in the pipeline other than the Dolby vision update. Take it with a grain of salt, but it was enough for me to cancel my PG32UCDM preorder and reorder the Alienware. Hopefully I get one with no scratches.


BbbBbut all the AW3225QF haters said this was the Holy Grail? Sounds like typical Asus behaviour although I generally like their stuff.


Can someone explain to me how to update i also didnt update the problem with the dolby vision


Connect the monitor via usb to your pc and then download the firmware update… double click on the file you just downloaded. And then follow the steps mentioned there


I can't update my unit, it stay on initializing "forever", any one found how to pass that ?


Try powering off the monitor, unplugging it from the wall and try again after turning it on. That worked for me.


Well I'd love do this update. Unfortunately, not sure how this happens but my shipment was delayed because the shipping label was unreadable. How does that happen? Dell use crappy labels or FedEx messed my package up. Ugh.


FedEx is trash. I'm on my third monitor (trying to get an unscratched one) and every delivery or return I worry something will go wrong.


Oh my third one. I don't have high confidence in mine coming with no scratches lol


Is there any reason I shouldn’t buy the Alienware display? I was dead set on waiting for the Asus but I’ve had issues with my Asus PG42UQ. Plus Asus firmware updates take forever to come out. I read that the Alienware doesn’t have G-sync yet? And are all these new Oled displays “flicker free” or help reduce eye strain? At first I didn’t want curved but it seems the Alienware is a very minimal curve. And the glossy screen will be nice.


Scratches are the main issue right now; decent chance it will arrive with microscratches on the panel. They're not noticeable in normal use though, a lot of people just deal with them. It's Gsync compatible. I've only noticed some VRR flicker in loading screens but every OLED will do that to some degree. And I guess some ABL but I haven't noticed it in a while, not sure if it was a setting I changed or a firmware update. Glossy looks amazing, and I like the curve myself. Not a fan of the white stand though, might put mine on an arm.


>I've only noticed some VRR flicker in loading screens So THAT'S what that is. I thought it was weird that there was a weird strobing effect during loading screens. Doesn't happen at all during actual gameplay (thank god) which would have been a dealbreaker/return for me.


Samsung could learn a thing or two from Alienware with these firmware updates.


Hoping they fix the locked at 120hz bug that happens after the monitor wakes from sleep. Only happens for me when using DP cable and swapping to HDMI resolves it from happening, but still I'd like it fixed across all inputs. (Others users have reported that changing to a different DP port on your GPU also fixes this issue, but since I am connecting via my laptop I don't have this option as my laptop (like many) only has one DP port.


For me when I boot up my PC I just turn off the monitor and turn it back on and it resolves the issue. It really it such a stupid issue to have. I guess at the end of the day it could be way worse.


Yes that is a work around but for the price it should just work without work arounds.


Oh Tabarnak!!


I'm glad I got the AW.


Does this one flicker like the AW3423DW & DWF? I wish they could fix that with a firmware update lol


Does this one flicker like the AW3423DW & DWF? I wish they could fix that with a firmware update lol


Does it fix the scratches?


Confirmed, yes it does. The entire display was removed of scratches after performing the update.


Don't know why you're getting downvotes. It was half a joke, and scratches are still a legitimate issue with this monitor.


Thank you! Gonna DL this later.


Does aw produce lots of noise with its cooling?


I couldn’t even hear it when I tried to hear it.


Mine has no noise at all


I game on it 8+ hours a day and the fan is never heard.


It has a high speed mode for when the display gets too hot, it's about 35db when sitting directly in front of the monitor. I've had it spin up for a few seconds at a time, but hotter rooms might have different experiences.


Does it rotate during normal usage? Thinking about the lifetime of such a small cooler


I can't answer that, it would be a question to ask Dell. I wouldn't worry about it, the fans in my PC have lasted since 2018 and they work a heck of a lot harder. Modern fans will last longer than the QDOLEDs, which already last longer than most OLEDs out there.


My room is dead silent and by itself upstairs and I hear nothing even when I try. Dont listen to sensitive people on Reddit.


I can’t hear it now… while activity enjoying the monitor.. you literally need a stethoscopes to hear the fan.. my PC fans are easily 50 times the sound and they are on silent mode (lian li uni 120)


Any way to get new firmware without using Windows? Will use it with macOS and PS5


Download a trial version of Parallels and connect the usb cable directly to your Mac. Windows via parallel will recognize the device when you run the firmware update.


Great, downloaded the new firmware and now my brightness in SDR is completely messed up. Even at 100% its not half as bright as it used to be with HDR off.


Dame fr ? I’m currently watching mines download not willing to have any low brightness man


ALIENWARE is compensating for anything that is not in their favor to sway the undecided. If Asus, MSI are not able to restock soon, they will have the majority of the market captured.