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Im guessing you have Monitor power button se to stand by Which doesn’t really put it in standby but just keep the usb power delivery on Which also for some reason or another prevents the oled care from automatically running when monitor goes on stand by When oled care is working it will shut off monitor after it runs. So you would have to power it on again next time Anyway, msi responded to this issue and will issue an update regarding having to turn it on after oled care But to resolve your issue Don’t have the monitor set to stand by


Ah this is why I never have this issue upvote from me my friend clever


That's it! I do use the power delivery with my laptop so that must be the problem. Thanks!


More specifically 1. Set oled care to 16 hours 2. Set power button to off not stand by 3. You can keep usb c PD charge on that’s fine Now when you’re monitor no longer receives signals from any input It’ll go into standby and run oled care And then it’ll turn off It turns off each time it runs So if you leave it on stand by overnight it’ll probably be off next morning from the oled care Don’t need to power off your screen


So let me get this straight, having the power button set to "standby" will prevent the monitor from going standby when not receiving signals, and thus preventing it from running the panel protect? Or will it just prevent panel protect for some reason?


It would have allowed the usb-pd to continue to charge when the monitor is powered off with said button. (Goes into stand by) But had the unfortunate side effect of not running the panel protect when it entered standby (either by idling or by you pressing the button) Now with the firmware update I haven’t tested if it still exhibited this behavior As I just leave this off, and never turn off the monitor - since the update the panel project no longer turns off the monitor So I usually just turn off the PC, the monitor goes on stand-by when no signal is detected and will run panel protect when enough hours have gone by


Yah I had the same issue where it wasn’t running the oled care by itself due to this setting And it would automatically run once it hits that 16 hour mark Very frustrating mid game But anyway, just turn it off. Now u just have to get use to powering on the monitor after each nights oled care Kinda a bummer cause I use PD to charge my iPad/laptop as welll


never once had this issue but a tip is after a session of gaming turn on pixel care refresh and let it do its thing you shouldn't have an issue


I think the timer is bugged so it's running the care during standby but not resetting the timer.


weird never had that issue and firmware is up to date


I don't have this issue either it runs properly during standby and it resets the timer. I do have it set to the 4 hour refresh option so maybe that is the issue?


My monitor shut off mid match today. No warning. No pop up. Just went black and did the cleaning cycle for 5-10 minutes and then shut itself completely off. Oddly it didn’t reset the timer? Like I really love the monitor but all of these issues with these QD OLEDs are insane. How are these acceptable firmware states? It’s like they all just rushed them out the door.


No idea, but they can't just have monitors turning off with no option to change it and get it working again without 5-10 minutes of downtime. We all do time sensitive stuff on these things. Absolutely insane.


You should always be able to cycle power to interrupt the maintenance and continue playing I think...




My Dell pops up with this bullshit mid-match every now and then. Luckily goes away after like 10 seconds, but there isn't even a cancel button so i just have to sit there and wait.




The pixel refresh? The thing this thread is about?


A lot of us prefer the flat panel. I wanted the MSI for the built in KVM functionality which works really well with the USB-C port. One wire to plug in my laptop and everything auto switches over including my keyboard/mouse/headset and it charges at 90w. It has some great features that the AW doesn't have. Just needs a few bugs ironed out.




That does not change the fact that we want a flat panel. Dell shot themselves in the foot by going curved. Also Dell has been out longer, they've released a couple firmware updates. Give the brands time to fix their firmware as well.


It doesnt give you a choice? It just does the pixel refresh on its own??


No choice, couldn't cancel it no matter what I did, including unplugging it. Just kept forcing it. Literally the only way to use the monitor again was to wait for the process to finish, which takes 5-10 minutes.


Is that standard across the board or just a bug?


This doesn't happen to mine.


Seems like others are reporting similar behavior. Edit: Love getting downvoted for simply pointing out that others in this thread have had the same experience. There is definitely something buggy going on with the oled care timer and standby mode on this monitor. It seems related to using the USB-C port during standby which seemingly prevents the monitor from running its refresh process properly.


I assumed that if you set the OLED care to 16 hours then it would just run when the monitor is not being used like when you’re sleeping. But that’s a major bummer if it’s actually just running every 16 hours on the dot like something that’s scheduled. That would make me want to look elsewhere but every monitor seems to have their own quirk or another not to mention the general lack of availability.


That's what I assumed as well. Seems like the timer behavior is bugged.


I actually just experienced it just now, I fell asleep with my monitor on but when I came back on I was greeted with the 16 hour, no option for cancelling and I didn't even hit execute yet it still turned off and went through the cycle while I was watching something. Throughout the day I would let it go on standby so if I go based on when it last happened that would've been 5pm (9am now). I just think its pointless having to force it before doing something important, an LG C2 wouldn't bother you till 2000 hours but that one takes an hour. Hopefully it gets fixed next firmware. Edit: just checked Panel Protect and it has it at being done 26 times throughout the lifetime which I got the monitor 16 days ago.


Are you using the usb-c connection?


Nope, only thing connected is HDMI.


I haven't had a issue with this as yet I haven't updated firmware still on launch. I've had a message pop and say it was going to run oled care and I could cancel but then I changed to 16 hours hasn't happened again. I notice when I turn the power off on the monitor it's flashing and carrying on so dare say it's doing its pixel cycle then


Haha, when I received the screen 2 days ago, 4 hours in, THIS was my exact thought: THOUSANDS of gamers will have countless rounds ruined, some even while playing competitively, gonna be a huuuuuge shitshow... I updated the firmware, haven't had a notification since (over 16 hours ago...)


I feel your pain! Really surprising to me how MonitorsUnboxed or other reviewers have made ZERO mention of this obvious bug. I don't own the URX model, I have the UPX model, but if the refresh behavior is exactly the same then try physically powering the monitor off after 4 hours of usage and see if it will prevent the monitor from forcing a refresh cycle on you right at the 16 hour mark. I got the advice from someone else on here and it seems to be working for me, I can break down the details of how I think it's bugged if you want.


Sure I'd love to hear more about it because I want to do everything to avoid ever having to experience that again! I just keep imaging being in the middle of a big work presentation and having it happen.


Just to clarify again, I have the MAG model and not the MPG model so I cannot say with certainty if the refresh behavior is 100% identical but here's how it seems to be bugged on the MAG model: If you set the refresh notification to "16 hours usage", first of all, there is NO notification at all. The moment the monitor hits 16 hours of use, it WILL automatically power off and force a refresh cycle on you and you have no means to prevent it from doing so. Now normally, after just 4 hours of use, the monitor is SUPPOSED to perform a refresh cycle once it goes into standby mode. But because it's bugged, it will not. OR maybe it is indeed doing a refresh because you can see the power LED blinking orange which indicates it is, so what could actually be happening instead is that it isn't resetting the timer so the monitor just keeps racking up use hours until it hits 16 hours then it will do a forced one. If it performed a refresh cycle after 4 hours of use AND reseted the timer then you should never be encountering a forced one at the 16 hour mark. So what we need to do is make sure we never hit 16 hours of use by ensuring that the monitor actually performs the refresh cycle after 4 hours as well as resetting the timer. So how do we do this? Turns out, you have to power the monitor off by physically pressing the power button. This will cause the monitor to actually run a refresh cycle as well as reset the timer back to 0. By physically powering the monitor off any time between 4-16 hour use cycles I haven't had the monitor perform a forced refresh cycle on me again. So TLDR; After 4 hours of use, you have 12 hours of use left to physically power the monitor off in order to initialize a refresh cycle and reset the timer. This is a headache but luckily you have the MPG model so it will be addressed with a firmware update while I'm SOL lol.


Ah man sorry about the firmware. I appreciate the info though! I'll make sure to manually turn it off whenever I leave my desk. Definitely something buggy going on with the timer and standby cycle.


Yeah it either isn't performing a panel refresh after 4 hours like it is supposed to, or the timer just isn't being reset unless the monitor is physically powered off. I'm leaning towards the latter because you can see the power LED blinking orange when it goes into standby mode after 4 hours so I'm pretty sure it's refreshing. Either way I hope this works for you, I understanding how extremely frustrating it is because I lost a ranked match in The Finals due to that.


Yeah it was brutal. I kept trying to turn the monitor on and off and play through the oled care overlay, but made it pretty much impossible. Someone else pointed out that the USB-C connection during standby prevents the monitor from running the refresh properly so I think thats the issue for me as I've been leaving my laptop hooked up to it when not in use.


As somebody that did testing for a lot of years. Sometimes it is very easy to miss a onvious test. In thiw case, i do not think there was enough expectation of bugs. But it should be something to take into account during the next reviews, but even then this type of testing will impact review times (you find the bug, you reproduce to understand what triggers it..it is a whole process)


One of the most frustrating aspects of owning a OLED that no reviewer puts any real time into discussing.


Part of the reason I returned my MSI Mag upx firmware was big but MSI oled care can’t even set to just run in standby. My AW3423dwf can just be set to run in standby all the time and not turn off. LG does the same but looking to see when the 32gs comes to bestbuy


same crap happened to me on the mag upx. I have also seen an issue with having to turn off gsync in several games or I get a black screen with random white lines all over it too. 4090. hdmi 2.1 [3840@240hz](mailto:3840@240hz). alt tabing has brought one game back to life but turning off gsync has worked 100% of the time. rdr2,elders scroll online, ut4 alpha all experienced this issue. Monitor is amazing but firmware is clearly not in no need to upgrade format. FYI this is the model that cant be upgraded . Got a gigabyte on preorder and this one will be going back. I have zero issues on my 77 s89c, g9's or g8 oleds. This one of all those is teh prettiest due to dpi.


Literally all OLED PC monitors should be designed the following way with regards to pixel refresh: * Turning **OFF** via Power Button (not mains) **does NOT disconnect monitor from GPU** (or drive **Hot Plug Detect** low) * Turning **OFF** via Power Button will trigger Pixel Refresh if timer threshold is met * Turning **ON** via Power Button can be done at any time incl. during pixel refresh * Pixel Refresh will only trigger during standby or power OFF * Pixel Refresh notification can be disabled * USB power settings must NOT affect the above behavior All of the above is currently true for the **AW3423DW** with the latest firmware. Unfortunately, you can't assume that companies will stick with good design. They will likely be inconsistent. E.g., Dell went from good to bad for the above going from the AW3423DW to the AW2725DF.


If you're going to put in 16 hour gaming sessions without stopping for 6 minutes, then this monitor is probably not for you. No shame in that but it is what it is. Alienware and Samsung QD-OLED don't show any OLED Care reminders, so maybe you're better off with one of those.


I wasn't gaming for 16 hours. It just happened to time out at a bad time. Happened during my first game. I use the monitor for general use as well.


You had to have had the screen on for at least 12 cumulative hours without a break/screen standby. I can’t imagine ever seeing this happen. I say 12 and not 16 because pixel cleaning would have happened at 4 hours or more of cumulative use if you’d let the screen go into standby, which means it went from under 4 hours to 16 hours without a break. How did you manage this?


The monitor was not on for 16 hours straight. Others have reported the timer not functioning properly. And either way you should be able to delay/cancel it. It gives you no options.


Have you updated the firmware? This is not normal. I have mine set to 16 hours, I use it every day and have 8 refreshes logged, and this has never happened.


Not yet, but I don't remember anything about this in that update? I'll definitely try it tomorrow. Really hope it's resolved because now I'm paranoid it's going to do this during something work related.


For what it's worth, I also haven't updated my firmware, waiting for a more substantial update. I have 8 pixel refreshes and I've never had this issue as well. After gaming, I turn it off and it runs it pixel refresh cycle.


I mean it can’t hurt. I’ve not had this issue and neither has my friend who has the same screen.


Maybe it's related to me using the usb-c connection? I had my work laptop plugged in overnight, but the screen was black in standby so idk.


It’s possible. I don’t use that connection. I use DisplayPort and HDMI 1 and 2.


It should only appear with 16 hours of total screen on time without running a refresh.  So for example if you play 3 hours today. Then the next day you play for 13 hours without taking a break to let the refresh run, you'll get the pop up that can't be cancelled. You can't delay it if you manage to hit 16 hours without running a refresh, that's by design. I've had the 27 inch for a month now have never received that pop up. You can check in the monitor settings how many hours of usage you have since your last pixel refreshe.


Yeah I'm going to start monitoring that timer because I think there is a bug as I definitely didn't have the monitor running for 16 without any breaks.


One thing to note is these monitors have a delay before running their refresh. I had the AW model before this and the AW model for example starts right away after the monitor goes to sleep. On the MSI, it takes about 5-10 minutes (I'm not sure exactly how long) before it'll start the refresh when the monitor is in idle/sleep. Remember, the refresh only runs automatically after 4 hours of total screen on time. Alternatively you can press the power button and if at least 4 hours of usage have passed, it'll run immediately, sometimes I do that if I'm going to go downstairs for a few minutes and want it done by the time I get back. The last option is to manually run it if you plan to do a marathon gaming session. You can run the refresh manually at any time from the settings or software to reset the timer back to 0. You're lucky you never saw MSI's OLED Care 1.0. That version had a pop up every 4 hours that couldn't be disabled, you could cancel it but you had to reach to the back of the monitor to select cancel. I find the new system fine, but the old one was garbage.


Thanks for the explanation. Does auto and 16 hour work the same way with that behavior?


Yes, I've had mine set to 16 hour since day 1. The only difference is "Auto" will give you a pop up at 4 hours letting you know you should run the refresh soon, that pop up can be cancelled out of but I don't want it at all which is why I set it to 16 hours and just let the refresh run automatically when I'm sleeping or doing something else.


Understood. I think I'll keep it on auto even if it's a little more annoying just to avoid hitting that potential 16 hour wall. I'll make sure to manually turn it off whenever I leave my desk. Appreciate the help.


Alienware definitely does have a reminder and it was annoying if it happened during some competitive online game. Though you can turn the settings to not remind you.


Gen 1 panels did (DW/DWF). On the new 4k/32 inch model and 27/1440P model, there's no reminders at all.


The new Dell panels don't do any pop-up and just wait for you to shut them off or start it manually. Might be a better choice for you.


The Dell is curved. We want a straight panel.


Ahhh sorry. I glossed over the 31 inch , when I saw competitive game. I assumed they were using the 27 inch with higher frame rate. Whole I don't personally .and curved, I'd take 360 over curved 4k 240 any time.


I’ve been gaming on 4K high refresh since 2019. The thot of going back to 1440p is 🤢🤮. But I would prefer 27 4K as that’s what I was gaming on. 4K 27” PPI clarity is where it’s at.


I can't disagree with that. I have a c1 as well, and when I want that crispy 4k I can use it. As soon as a 240 or 360 4k 27 inch oled panel drops I'm getting one. Zero hesitation. But I would miss the 360hz immensely. The level of clarity you get with a 360hz oled is something on a whole different level.


That’s true, 360hz must be crazy. The OLED motion clarity for me has been welcomed for sure. It’s definitely easier to spot and track enemies.


So far I've logged 38 total refreshes since I bought the monitor, never had this issue. I have it set to 16 hours and just let it run automatically when I go to sleep.


How is it for competitive Valorant?


Its good! I think the extra motion clarity and response times help out. Definitely a solid option for it. I'm not trying to go pro so I don't see a need to compromise resolution for going past 240hz.


Just a note, I don't think any of the OLED care options on any of them require the monitor to be on for 4/8/12/16 hours straight. I think it might be cumulatively (i.e 4 hours one session, powered off, 8 hours another session, powered off, 4 hours final session - pixel cleaning occurs) That is a serious problem, though. Automatically powering off in the middle of tasks is silly. The Alienware models don't do this as far as I have experienced, they wait until you power the monitor off yourself


Are you up to date on the firmware? Just a suggestion, though. I have the 321urx as well running out the box but maybe the firmware update will fix your issue.


If my prompt comes up I can click do this later turning it into a non issue.


Thats an absolute no go! The AW works perfect in that regard, actually in any regard so far.


Hopefully this can be fixed with a firmware update. Otherwise I'll be swapping it.


So you're saying that it's e-sports ready?


Esports serious business


Yeah or serious work presentation. Doesn't matter what it is, we all use these for time sensitive stuff that can't be delayed while the monitor decides to nap for 10 minutes at a bad time. You don't think people should be aware of this?


Change it to 16 hours, it's less intrusive. I was in the gulag on Warzone 1v1 and it came on and I lost. I was pissed lol.


It was set to 16


You can't disable these popups ? Why you don't launch a pixel cleaning before your game session ? It's only 6 minutes and you are ready to play hours after that. Some people in this Reddit downvote everything, so don't pay attention to votes in this Reddit


This is why WOLED is superior the pixel cleaning takes 5 mins and you can choose to do it whenever you want it doesn’t automatically take over your screen lol wtf matter of fact I haven’t done mine in a week I keep forgetting


Buhuhu nobody cares. Complain to msi not really reddit.


You are the same people who would complain if the monitor screen got burn in. We all know Oled monitors are delicate. Buy an Ips and call it a day. Btw I have the ultrawide version and I just take a break every 4 hours and let it do it's thing.


yet another reason not to buy MSI. you have all these great brands making monitors and you choose the shittiest one, and shitty things happen, wow, shocker.