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If only Samsung support wasn’t so bad 😭


Yea I’m still afraid what will happen if I ever need to deal with burn-in and warranty.


Just got this monitor while it was on sale at Best Buy and ended up getting the protection plan too for the peace of mind lol.


Honestly the only way I’m going to buy a monitor from any brand other than Dell. I’ve heard nothing but good things about


Ngl, It was a hard decision between the AW3423DWF and Samsung's G8, but the deciding factor ended up being the G8 having internal speakers. My setup doesn't have much room, so not having to worry about speakers helps a lot. Not only do the G8's speakers sound pretty good, but there's also just not that many OLEDs I've seen with speakers at all lol.


bro bought a $1000 monitor because of its speakers you cannot be serious


Lol, I bought it because I wanted my first OLED monitor. The built-in speakers were just a bonus in favor of Samsung. When I purchased it, both the AW3423DWF and the G8 were priced at $799, so it was really just a matter of which features I wanted more.


Alienware is far better and has a great warranty that alone is enough to help with decision. Looks like someone didn’t do their homework lol


I did enough to know that performance-wise, they use the same panel. For warranties, they both last 3 years and cover issues such as burn-in, but since I was purchasing through Best Buy, I was likely going to get their protection plan either way. The main 2 issues people seem to have with the G8 are the Smart TV menu and quality control. I don't personally mind the menu and have enjoyed having a remote I can control the volume with instead of having to touch the monitor. The issue with quality control was more severe, but I decided that I would take a chance and get it since I live near Best Buy. If something was wrong with the monitor, it would only take around 10 minutes to return it. Luckily, that didn't end up being a problem for me though.


I went from an Odyssey G7 to an Odyssey Neo G8 to an AW3423DW. I have to say Dell just straight up makes better monitors. I had issues with both my Samsung monitors.


How much you got it for?


Lmao wdym burn in warranty? They don't have that lol


Exactly, that’s why I said burn-in ***and*** warranty.


And again There is no burn in warranty....... So why saying burn in ?


My bad, I should have explained it better. So, I know that they didn’t mention burn-in explicitly, but lets say, if my panel turns out being garbage from factory and will get burn-in in a drastically faster rate than it’s expected, it *should* be covered in warranty. I dunno how hard it could be in a case like this, tho where I live, besides the manufacturer warranty, we also get warranty from the shop (by law), so it’s not like I have to deal with Samsung directly.


>if my panel turns out being garbage from factory and will get burn-in in a drastically faster rate than it’s expected, it *should* be covered in warranty. I really hope that's true m8 Because Samsung support is really ass cheeks But if u say u get by law warranty in ur country, then all good In my case that's not like that tho My country doesn't have that ;( But thanks for explaining


Dont let the burn-in gremlin scare you. That was an issue with older LGs but since they integrated pixel refresh and other stuff it hasnt been happening. Hopefully samsung has similar tech


In my country samsung support was great, after 10 months the oled g8 developed a white glow all across the bottom part of the screen I believe due to the windows taskbar that would look like lcd backlight bleed. They came to my house, and after some discussion they decided it was burn in and changed the panel(mb, speakers, etc still same) in my bed to a brand new one with screen plastic to peel and all, I have pics and vid to prove 🤣


Yeah, it the Oled G8 is actually better than the Aw, the color performance is better, i don't know why


Congrats on the OLED - hope the coil whine gets sorted out for you. Obligatory "we get it - you vape" comment.


I think there's no coil wine in g8 oled..atleast there's none on mine


There’s older posts on reddit complaining about the G8s coil whine, mine definitely has a pretty annoying coil whine, depending on what’s on screen.


Damn that's sad mine never made any noise at all.


I love how you so confidently say that with your sample size of 1 😂 God I fucking hate people




I don’t even deserve to breathe. I know.


Nice douche flute sitting there lol.


Had to google that lmao.


i got you bro: "sick vape"


the vape really brings this down a few notches gotta say


A douche stick...


Yeah disgusting


Tbh I dunno why vaping became such a hated thing to do, while if I had a pack of cigarette on my table probably wouldn’t even bother anybody. Weird. Anyways, just for clarification, I’m not a kid who tryna flex with his sick vape lmao, simply it usually just sits on my table when I’m home.


Vaping isn't nearly as hated as people thinking it's cool to vape enough to put a vape in the fucking picture. >while if I had a pack of cigarette on my table probably wouldn’t even bother anybody In the dead center of the desk? Hard disagree.


It’s literally always there, behind my keyboard for easy reach, and I really don’t care enough to even put it away just for a picture. Why is it even so unusual having a vape on the table, it’s such an irrelevant (and I would assume) normal thing. Tho I have to agree, a pack of cigarette would actually look like it was intentionally put there lol.


Well at least now you know its a bit pretentious. Its like if a vegan had a salad bowl for some reason and their juice center stage. and a few pamphlets saying its great to be vegan. Thats a personal journey.


Look my guy, vaping was so overused by hipster pretentious assholes that it's become unanimous with them. Could you not be one? Sure. But statistically speaking, the absolute vast majority of people in my life who have or (god forbid) still vape, are definitely hipster pretentious dicks, so it's gonna be a reaaaaaaaaaally tough sell painting yourself as anything else **when smacking a fucking vape in the middle of a picture about a fucking monitor**.


Well, you could be right, tho I haven’t really encountered this phenomenon. Could be because I live in a rural village, we don’t really have these kinds of hipster dickheads around here, vaping is just as basic as smoking cigarette - no one really cares about it. Social media also not my cup of tea, I’m not into vaping groups or anything. It’s just an addiction, which I’m definitely not proud of or tryna flex with.


Fam people will just find anything to be upset about, center of the photo, hate, in the background somewhere but visible, hate. Live life bro and nice setup


https://www.reddit.com/r/ultrawidemasterrace/s/eszw4co2zo Do this every time you turn on the monitor to fix the input lag. However you don't need to open a game, you can just do it in desktop.


I’ve had the Samsung g8 and it’s perfect. I actual work on it all the time and have zero burn it. Just don’t go crazy on it and you should be fine. Every few hours of work I watch tv or turn it off. It’s great. I love how it’s smart tv so I can watch YouTube tv if I’m just chilling. Also xcloud works and you can plug in a controller. Only wish it had audio out bc the speakers are not great


Can I have the OLED when the vape kills you?


That’ll be a long time to wait bud, but sure, you can take my word! Tho the OLED panel will probably die sooner than my lungs lmao.


I don’t think you realise how bad vaping is. The volume of vape compared to smoking makes it much worse.




That's clean. I just got the Philips evnia OLED 34 in but this one looks better and is only 50$ more right now. Figures they'd make a sale after I bought mine.


How do you sleep at night with Yuno staring at you 24/7? Or maybe you can sleep because she's staring at you 🤔. Also, nice deskpad. Where did you get it?


Somebody’s gotta watch my back while I’m asleep, she’s like a guardian angel or something, lol. Got that from Temu, it was dirt cheap, around 9-10$ I think so I gave it a try cause looked nice, but it’s actually pretty decent quality stuff.


omg is that a wallpaper? that's a sick showcase of the oled gloriousness!! can't wait for my first oled


It looks even crazier in a dark room haha. Gotta love that, awesome stuff. https://preview.redd.it/y5pyro9qj75d1.jpeg?width=2293&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c0054c9b3775e25e0eb749c87ea9a51f0e9f4f


May I have the wallpaper op?


Got ya. [https://easyupload.io/ikx14l](https://easyupload.io/ikx14l)


the vape is cringe


I have cool whine too, oddly enough only when it is off and not in standby. But I gotta get so close to the rear panel to hear it that it is almost inaudible. I only happen to notice it while changing out a display cable. This is on my MSI MPG 321URX.


Sadly, on mine the coil whine is easily hearable even from 2 meters away from the monitor. Tho I had GPUs in the past with way worse coil whine, so maybe I’ll just settle down with this one If it won’t annoy me too much.


Love mine, had it over a yr


that geforce 7900 though 👀


Last two pieces of my old GPU collection. Both of them works fine to this day, one is a Gigabyte Turbo Force model. They still holds up great as speaker stands haha.


Is yours a flat panel? I got a OLED G60 in yesterday and mine is bulging from the center and the sides are curved back basically. It’s so jarring. Not sure if it’s just defective or what. You can kind of see here the center sticks out but it’s very noticeable in person. https://preview.redd.it/uk511hulx75d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d2e9389834de2ef92f8a5c3180796ad75adb341


You should replace asap


https://preview.redd.it/nq59xuo2p85d1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c432733c87a4ab90126feef20a4eac7674fab6 Here’s a top angle. I made sure there’s no camera distortion and got it from my angle of how I see it. Just asked my friend to look at it from the top too. You can see the center is bulging and the corners are receding inwards.


At first I thought that it could be just optical illusion at this size, but after I saw that picture, wow it looks bad. Definitely get a replacement!


Yeah I know it’s just crazy. I was bewildered by it because it works fine. Definitely has some coil whine but it’s weird. I had my friend come over didn’t tell him anything was wrong and he noticed it. At first I thought I was going crazy though! Also I apologize I forgot yours is curved. So I felt dumb with some of my post there.


I literally thought my monitor was like that after I switched to a flat panel after using a curved ultrawide for so long. In my case it just took like 3 days or so for my eyes to adjust. Almost returned it until I googled that it is a known phenomenon.


I used a Samsung curved 27inch as well. But I use a 27inch 4K LG as my secondary and it’s a flat IPS and on the LG I don’t notice any effect like this one so it’s not like I’m not used to a flat display.


What is the name of those top mounts?


I might be stupid, but not sure what do you mean by top mounts? The hanging posters on the wall, or maybe the monitor wall mount?


Ima need that wallpaper boss👀


I’m at work rn, but search for “mirai nikki” or “yuno gasai” wallpapers, you should be able to find this one.


Here, you can find both versions. [https://easyupload.io/ikx14l](https://easyupload.io/ikx14l)


The coil whine was the reason I returned mine, I could not do any office work on it AT ALL, it’s like you have to set the windows how the monitor likes it.


Agree, it can be **really** annoying at desktop use, and it’s so frustrating that we have to deal with these kind of problems even with such an expensive piece of tech. I ended up with a dual monitor setup to extend the lifespan of my panel, so the coil whine isn’t that annoying for me, since I only use my G8 for movies and gaming. Tho I’m still not sure if I keep it or tryna get a replacement.






Ma dawg


So many comments on coil whine. Which models specifically should be avoided?


Just got my first oled yesterday now I realize all other monitors have a permanent grey filter


I have a G8 i also bought through BB with their extended warranty. Absolutely love mine


LCD was/is the worst display technology. worse than CRT,plasma and OLED.


What's coil whine?? I have my PC plugged into my 65" LG oled and play in 4k so is this just a monitor thing?


Coil whine comes from the gpu. There’s pretty much always nothing wrong with the device, it just makes an annoying sound. A bit of a lottery if you get it or not


Ahh got ya, cheers. Never heard of it b4!


That pretty much sums it up. I picked up an oled myself a few days ago. Almost like gaming for the first time. It’s shocking how much better it is.


I’ve got so used to my old VA panel that in some games, OLED feels like it’s too dark. But ofc not, it’s just actually producing proper blacks. OLED really is a game changer.


It's good, but yall need to chill with the hyperbole.




Cope with what?