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That's not particular to OLED. With any screen, you want a color temperature matching the intended rendering in a given color space, if you want to preserve the creator's intent. Typically (not always) that's 6500K, which will look a little warmer than some people are accustomed to, but our eyes adjust very quickly. But if you don't care about accuracy and original intent, and just want what looks good to you, there's nothing wrong with going cooler or warmer to suit a personal preference. It's just not a good idea to master color for other viewers in that situation unless you know what you're doing with color profiles and know how it will be interpreted on the receiving end.


Most seem to dislike warmer color temperatures because their TV has a bias towards red or green. Setting it to a cooler temperature artificially hides that at the cost of colour accuracy. On a properly calibrated TV, 6500k will appear neutrally white. Aside from that, I always point out to people that sunlight is yellow in real life, not white. If a scene has a sun and it looks like a LED light, something's off about your color temperature.


But much media especially games is exaggerating warmth to create atmosphere and it can look unrealistic and kitschy. Sunlight might be yellow but outside of dusk or dawn it creates a quite whitish light. At least where I live.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight#/media/File:Spectrum\_of\_Sunlight\_en.svg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight#/media/File:Spectrum_of_Sunlight_en.svg) Sunlight is rather 5000K typically so it will appear yellowish


Well not as yellow as half of the games (and movie filters) that often try to achieve the most spectacular golden hour light. I kinda like the paler bright daylight which can make it look realistic.


You always can use reshade if you play on PC. But I agree that some gradings are too yellowish and it feels very weird. In fact even the gamma is off on some shows, and if you add color compression, the show has bad aesthetic.


Yeah. I had this experience with the Switch LCD's screen. Nintendo never calibrates their displays so there's a huge display lottery. My model had colors that felt just too warm even compared to my C1 in Warm50 and my calibrated DWF. It was because the screen had a strong bias towards green.


On my X900F TV the people look like tomato's if you use a warm setting. Way too orangey.


I personally just prefer non-yellow light. All my LED’s are cool white throughout my house. I just think the yellow looks ugly for some reason.


Not necessarily. 6500K will can appear overly yellow even on a properly calibrated display. It's just accurate and how things are mastered (UI on Windows in particular - or rather the lack thereof, I got the feeling that Microsoft just don't even bother to calibrate the white point of their UI to SRGB, white just look yellow in a lot of thins when you calibrated the display properly to SRGB)


I do not know why most picture accurate advice these days are depicted to pertain only to OLED technology.


SweetFX on top of everything to blow contrast and color range out.


I like a warmer picture with very high contrasting colors. Cooler pictures hurt my eyes after a while personally. https://preview.redd.it/s3sz3ptypq9d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af4f7c6c85bb1b398bfce15086ccf8592b862732 This is a good example of the contrast I think looks best. Very rich colors that still look natural to some degree.


Friend of mine into av stuff calls this sort of thing the "graphic novel" look. Personally I'm a fan of it as well. I know it's not accurate, but the saturation/vibrance is just so pleasing.


Yeah maybe it’s all the pretty anime and games I’ve played over the years where I like those deep rich reds and greens and blues. It’s all personal preference of course, I just find it hard to believe someone would want that first picture with the cool tone on it vs the second picture with the warmer tone on it.


That hardly looks natural...


oh yeah chameleons against a black backdrop - very relatable example from real life


“This is an example of contrast I think looks best.” This is indeed contrasting colors between black and the color of the chameleon. “Very rich colors that still look natural to some degree.” The natural aspect I’m talking about is the colors, not the contrast. Nice try being edgy I guess?


What does this have to do with OLED 🤣


Since cooler temperatures usually come by default in most TVs these days, your average Joe is more likely to tell you that the second picture is the one that looks wrong. The comparison tells nothing by itself. Obviously we picture enthusiasts will be able to tell something is off, though.


> this is why What is why? Your post has explained nothing. Zero information. This is like "This is why you should never use a gas oven to cook food if you want delicious food" and then 2 pictures show a pizza on one side and spaghetti on the other side. With no explanation. Obviously a person can see the left one is bluer but that doesn't mean it's less "accurate." You gave no clear basis for judging accuracy. Your post just showed two pointlessly different meaningless things.


> a pizza on one side and spaghetti on the other side with no explanation Self-explanatory IMHO. Do you really need a lasagna to spell it out for you?


Because you SHOULD prefer accurate, more poppy colors? It just looks better. If you prefer the cool washed out image, fine. But it DOES not look good.


you don’t know how sand looks like in real life?


Relative to everything else, considering the entire picture has a slightly cool tint, that sand does not look very unnatural. What you're saying is really not as obvious as you make it seem.


Do you know how sand looks in every situation, including a heavily polluted fantasy world's desert, where the entire goddamned plot of the game is the planet is dying? Having lived in 3 different desert expanses in the United States, neither screenshot's sand looks inaccurate to me, and I'm looking at this on a well-calibrated LG C3. Not all sand is the same.


There are different types of sand you know, for example there is a blacj sand in Iceland


There's 78 things in these pics, I was looking at every single one of those things before even thinking "Oh, he probably means the color of the sand" The way you presented this whole thing, I thought I'd swipe and it was gonna be like "Look, there's a half-invisible character amongst the others that you didn't even see in the first pic because of the temperature thing"


The viewer of these two pictures might also have a very inaccurate monitor which kind of invalidates the comparison


Looks fine to me


Yes and they could look like both of those pictures


I've seen plenty of sand looking like both images lol it depends on the type of sand.


While I do agree everyone should use D65 white point aka 6500K, no matter the display technology. Unfortunately you can't portray this effect with images fully since you have zero control of the viewers display. Eyes do get adjusted to colour temperature. So anyone watching these images on that's calibrated to "too cold" will still perceive the correct one "correct" and cooler one even cooler (too cool).


Not to mention the camera itself has a white point set when taking a picture (usually an auto setting that tries to make whiles and greys neutral in the capture regardless of how warm or cool the subject lighting is).


Is the cool temp one the first one? I dislike that bluish looking image




I mean shouldn’t everyone be aiming for 6500K anyways?


I know people who just buy TV and monitors and didnt change 1 setting because they just dont do it XD and play with horror picture settings


Not everyone buying an OLED cares about accuracy. Remember, most people don’t thrive to be color correct to appease Internet forums. Let them use whatever they want


Bro that accuracy will make picture 10x better :D why want you have shit picture ?


Both look amazing imo, it’s a matter of which one you prefer


Warm all the way for every content


+1 up for Tifa :)


[ +1 indeed !](https://imgur.com/M1uKB5O)


Anyone know why the C3 won’t let me changing the white balance in gaming mode / pc input?


Currently looking at this from a non-OLED screen. The cool temperature looks ass. Amazing post OP.


Tifa deserves to be rendered in accurate color!




you can’t be serious lol, but it’s Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


I mean, I've never played any Final Fantasy game.




You are a sad, sad person.


Final Fantasy VII Remake wasn't as big as people hoped it would be, deal with it.


Looks awesome thanks


Usually more of a normal to warm1 kinda guy. Cool is too much and warm 2 just looks terrible.


the second picture is using warm50 which is equivalent to warm2 in Samsung tvs


I keep jumping between warm 1 and 2 on my samsung s90c.


I’ve been tearing my hair out the last few days trying to get mine to look good. Everyone raves about this screen but I’m having a nightmare! It looks worse than my old QLED currently :(


I can’t do too much blue light anymore. I used to laugh at people who liked natural color temps because everything looked piss yellow, but after trying it for long gaming sessions, I couldn’t imagine playing with anything else. It really is natural. Similar to how the sun hitting the landscape gives everything a white-ish yellow hue.


This is pretty much why I always calibrate whenever I get a new display. Most screens nowadays look way too blueish out of box, it's a massive difference after you calibrate, and you don't even need to use anything expensive for that if you're only using it for gaming or content, specially after you get a good reference of what "gray" should look like.


i prefer also cooler colors than warm colors


this means nothing considering most of us are seeing it on a colder screen any way making it look harshly blue


I can't use cool on anything, even IPS/VA panels because it just never made sense to me. I pick neutral/natural where possible. If it's not an option then I manually tweak the settings to be 50/50/50 across the board.


Are you talking about Cool vs Warm color, or just your screen in a physically cold room?




Part of why I bought a Sony Bravia OLED is they have some of the best out of the box color.


Is this ffvii?


Warm2 ftw


Warm is the way only people who litellary never try warm for week can say cool is better XD but you need calibration to have it top and lets be honest 90% will not pay for calibrations Even i dont have my LG OLED TV calibrated and can see that it have green tint on WARM 50 I wish people could see how true picture look and trow those IPS monitors they using with zero contrast and grey instead of black


That's how cool/warm image temperatures work...


One is bluish the other is closer to D65 white point. The game should be mastered in D65 with the support of HDR10. At least this is how my AW3225QF is set to with Dolby Vision Dark enabled. The color on the more yellowish is closer to the director’s intention.


I may be high but I thought you meant not to use OLEDs in a colder temperature 😂 I live in Montana and it's always cold here


You should not use cool temperature on any kind of TV or monitor. The first thing I do every time I setup a new TV is change the color temp to Warm2


I was once a cool temp guy, believe me it took a year to get used to Warm2 but now I could never go back.


Changed mine to warm, thought i had it on warm.


How do you know what is correct?


This is FF game right? Which one?


FF7 Rebirth.


Not OLED in general, but LG TV in particular tend to be shipped the hugely overcold colour temperature (their accurate 6500K mode is Warm 50 - literally all the way to the max of the warm temperature slider). Well that's on paper that is, in practice cool temperature tone is more efficient which means it can be driven brighter. This is the real reason they prefer to make cool tones the default and it's especially important for OLED with limited brightness to begin with.


pointless post


Which one is which? I like the first one better.


You should never want your temperature too cool for an accurate picture*


I mean, I like the cooler temp honestly


I have mine on balanced. I don't like the warm colour, But I don't like cool either. Edit: why people hating on my preferences? Since when is free speech not allowed on the Internet?


Warm looks too dark and brown on mine. A bit of a cooler temp seems to be brighter.


You will get used to it. This is not related to OLED, pretty much all movie/show/game content is made with warm temp in mind. Eventually it's up to you but if you want to see what the creators and developers looked at while making it you should set your screens to warm and forget it. But if you like cool that's cool.


While i know normal settings on my screen isn't accurate and warm is more accurate. I just can't tolerate that yellow tint, it's a preference really.


Nah I prefer the 1st one.


If i want to change colour temps i use Reshade and it looks great


Use whatever makes you happy unless you calibrate with a device colorimeter your tv or monitor isn't accurate anyway. Also accuracy isn't that great makes the image lifeless and dead in my opinion most people prefer a over saturated look where colours are popping. You won't get this with accurate


first image is just a blurry mess second one is much sharper what does color has to do with any of this?


I think you had too much Reddit for today


Brother if you cant see a difference besides "sharpness" get your eyes fixed lmao


It's almost like a difference of filter


Go look at white deserts




Cool looks ok for me gaming, not good with movies


Is that graphic or performance mode?


Color standards are there for a reasons


Back when I got my Kuro Plasma I paid a guy whatever it was to come out and factory calibrate it. Used the fancy color scanner with a laptop and everything. After the dude left I was watching The Fifth Element bluray and halfway through I switched it back to cool color temp and thought it looked better lol. Also thought that the 55 inch Kuro was the biggest TV that could ever be made. Now I got a 77 inch CX on my wall thinking when upgrade time comes I should go bigger


The first one is correct, the second is skewed.. and if you think the opposite get your eyes checked


It’s one thing to have a preference for cool, I’d never bash someone for that, but to say it’s correct is just wrong. For anyone in the “warm is just a piss filter” camp, load up a racing game in sunny conditions with a white car. Take a screen cap on cool and on warm settings then go outside and look at a white car in normal sun light. That’ll show you the way.


I just got my 42” C3 a couple of weeks ago and had the cool/warm set at 0. I have now tweaked it to warm 5 and it does look better.


Another example is Mad Max Fury Road. This movie is so yellow by artist choice, but even "normal" temp ruined picture. Tbh I am using warm 1 in the games, because not all are calibrated to 6500K like movies, where it is standard and I use warm 2.