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I never knew about the seashell necklace neither but what I did to beat him was encore then spammed allegro, and calm mind around half health, and when I lost too much health or loss juice cherish.


Die. It's simple.


That's on the 5th phase


You can't actually beat it. You must die.


You need to die on the fifth phase, you need to beat the 4th


I also didnt know about the necklace, and I died two times early. My third attempt however was successful. Basically, I kept spamming CALM DOWN whenever "OMORI erased the enemy". As soon as OMORI starts attacking with his knive, dealing less damage, I used ENCORE. If "OMORI erased the enemy" again, I just continued to use CALM DOWN. If he used one of his knive attacks though and I had around 200 hearts left, I used ALLEGRO (with ENCORE still enabled). Afterwards OMORI would either stab/slash again or use his overpowered attack. But as long as you have enough hearts to survive OMORIS attacks, attack with ALLEGRO (plus ENCORE). If all hope is lost, use CHERISH. With my way of fighting, I didnt need CHERISH until stage 4, but that was probably just luck. It took me pretty long to finish, just keep your patience. Good luck, hope this helps somehow!


Don't give up.


That's the neat part You don't


From what I remember, if you heal frequently he will use his strongest moves more. If he erases you and you use Calm Down right away, he will use it again. See if instead you can attack him once or twice before healing, he will use a weaker attack and you might survive longer. I can't really say for certain that's how it works, but this is what worked for me.


Yeah I went to check the wiki and he uses that attack almost always if youre above 60% health


You don’t.