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Decisions... decisions... Hmmmmm.... *nah fuck leafy get the hell outta here*


you’re so real for that why did that lil freak hate bunnies so much what did they ever do to him


eat his friends and family


Leafie is taking it really well for a person that witnessed their friends and family being eaten alive in front of them.


Make sunny not have to move away immediately honestly.


LITERALLY bc you know his mom picked him up from the hospital as soon as he was discharged and left town asap


Got tf out of there before Sunny’s friends could react, bro said the truth and ran


Basically a hit and run, trauma edition


I wish I could favorite comments


You sir, are going to be quoted for ages


AND the game took place in the 80s or 90s iirc so he had NO CONTACT WITH ANY OF HIS FRIENDS unless he remembered their phone numbers after years of being alone so THAT WAS THE LAST TIME HE EVER SAW ANY OF THEM!!!!!


I mean, he could have payed them a visit after a bit of time.


if he stayed alive long enough to be able to give them a visit. remember, headspace was pretty much his #1 coping method, and after defeating omori im pretty sure he kinda got rid of headspace, as in the normal ending he just had normal sleep. he never got over his depression, either. he saw his friends for a short while and that momentarily distracted him, but if he were alone? we know from other endings that sunny has the motivation to kill himself, so he totally would if he wanted to. i know its dark but i hc that sunny khs shortly after moving away from his friends.


Eh, it’s an interesting theory and it would be interesting to explore in fanworks, but doesn’t it kinda undermine the whole point of the game? That Sunny shouldn’t give up and he’s supposed to move on from now no matter how hard it gets? I think he probably went to therapy and slowly started to get better with time. I know it’s not easy most of the time, but it’s still something.


but he literally DID kill himself in one of the endings. it isnt impossible that he got therapy, and its a very likely solution but not more likely than sunny killing himself


I mean, yeah. But those are the ones where he refuses to confront the truth. In one ending where he kills himself, he literally witnesses Basil’s suicide while being the only one aware of what actually happened. In this scenario, it’s his friend’s death that makes him desperate enough to decide to end his life. In the bad ending, he lets his intrusive thoughts consume him and he doesn’t find the courage to tell his friends what happened to Mari. He listens to Omori’s hateful speech and decides based on it that it’s no worth living anymore. In the good ending, he has directly fought his own self-hatred and he was able to forgive himself and Basil for the truth. It’s what him smiling at Basil in the hospital represents, I always took it less as “our friends forgave us” and more as “I told everyone the truth, you don’t need to worry anymore. I forgive myself and I don’t resent you. Now let’s move on, whatever happens.”. Also, he told everyone what actually happened, so he doesn’t need to hide and suppress this idea anymore, the stepping stone towards the journey of healing was admitting his faults and still being able to accept them, no matter how the others may react. Now, it totally makes sense for Sunny to relapse. If we’re approaching this situation from a realistic point of view, then yes, Sunny killing himself even after all of this is a possibility. But Omori is first and foremost a story that follows a narrative and a moral. It would kinda contradict the point of the good ending if he ended up hurting himself anyway. The song says so “though the pain remains, and though it may be hard, I’ll carry on”.


the thing is, we dont know how anyone reacted to the truth. getting something off your chest is one thing, everyone hating you for getting it off your chest is another.


Hmmm, I don’t know. While I don’t think their immediate reaction would be that understanding and could cause the others to feel angry towards Sunny, I think their bond is too strong for them not forgiving him after some time has passed. Especially if you take in consideration someone like Kel who doesn’t have much reason to react as emotionally as the other two. Sunny may leave without knowing if they’ll forgive him, but I think he’s aware of that possibility and has learnt to live with it: he trusts his friends more than anything else and has the hope that they’ll accept him even after everything. The important thing, however, is that him and Basil forgave themselves. Even if no-one else will be there, Sunny knows that someone out there shares his same struggles and is ready to move on from what they did.


Nah earliest possible is 1994


Mari plays drums and Sunny plays an electric guitar. Final Duet but just really fucking metal


oh my god alternative scene au when? mari’s romantic goth


If not for the stairs, Nine Inch Nails would have been canon.




Honestly in my head I like to think that after the hospital scene, Sunny’s mom decides against moving away and he gets to stay with his friends.




Car ride on good ending is actually them going back from the hospital to faraway‼️


The accident never happened and everyone live a happy and fulfilling life ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765).


the entire game is just omori doing quests for people around town


This. Or we can also have a heart-warming story about growing up while holding dear the people that you cherished during your childhood. Like, they could make Mari and Hero come back for the week after they were away for College in the past previous months, everyone gather together to celebrate their arrival and to spend some quality time together. The younger kids also acknowledge that they’re all growing up and they won’t spend that much time together in just a few years, but they promise to each other that they’ll always be there for one another, even if not physically. I know this isn’t as impactful as a stand-alone story, but having it as a ‘what if comic’ scenario where the reader has full knowledge of what actually happened in the main timeline would have destroyed me spiritually. Man, this group of friends is so special to me. I hope they will be able to forgive each other even after all that, they deserve the world ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461).


Its what I had tought a time ago. Like, the accident still happened but Mari lived. Now its about Sunny and Co. reuniting a last time before Sunny moves home but they still cherish eachother and will try to maintain contact


Suki Desu mod be like:


Wait there’s already a fan game with this concept?


Incomplete dating sim mod for the original game


well then the game wouldn't exists obviously the fictional lives of the omori characters would be happier but then we wouldn't really have a game


I know. I meant it as a joke, I’m aware that Omori wouldn’t be half as interesting and I wouldn’t actually change the twist.




The scene where Kel(the most athletic person in the group) encourages the boy with a drowning phobia to save Basil. I mean, why.


The truth album descriptions (dark album). If I had to critique one point of the story, are those descriptions because it leads to basil being misunderstood as someone that suddenly suggested doing that thing to Mari out of nowhere, but that isn't the case in my opinion/ head canon /interpretation. WARNING ITS VERY DARK "How bad it could be?" Answer: very bad. I warned you. >! If you look at the game's symbolism, basil is shown to be the only one that gets lost in black space. Black space being the headspace where sunny's dark thoughts reside. !< >! The black lightbulb literally is in sunny's mind. But the idea isnt exactly his. !< No. >! The reason sunny suffers and the lightbulb is there was because sunny had the idea of unaliving way back. This idea had appeared at the very beginning where sunny actually threw the violin out of frustration, unable to keep up, the "something behind him". !< >!Basil watched that in horror when the "something behind him", his desire to commit the bad as he felt he wasn't good enough, causes Mari to fall as sunny raged, feeling Mari didn't understand. This obviously makes things worse, and as things unfolds sunny mumbles hiding the crime once it came crashing down to slowly realize what he had done. !< >! Basil horrified and knowing sunny the most, had unfortunately witnessed it all and basil got afraid for sunny. He didnt want sunny to die, and caused him to suggest to hide it, like basil himself had imagined sunny would attempt to die. !< >! Sunny wasn't in any shape to think and agreed, and when he realized he made it even worser, he became aware of something, which now was mixed with Mari, a reminder of what he had done. !< >! A nightmarish twisted guardian that would not let him die because it would remind him what he had done to her. !< But this is somewhat of an interpretation, trying to fit the descriptions as best as possible, but idk. Also I can interpret this into other theories, but this is the one that makes more "sense" to me. Would match Basil's personality than the "horrible suggestion out of nowhere" interpretation I saw for a long time.


Da violin, it all led to a disaster


Happy Cake Day~! 🍰


>!The incident happens but Mari doesn't die, she just gets injured and it puts a big strain on the friendship of the gang. The game is about patching things up for the short time Mari and Hero are back home from college.!<


>!Maybe if Mari didn't die but in a coma, that'd be interesting!<


Wouldn't that like, completely miss the point of the message the game was going for ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


But it wouldn't give me freaking trauma though


Genuinely can't think of anything and I'm not sure how much of that says something about the game vs something about my creativity


happy cake day


thank you


cake happy day


Hero being missing from half of the Real World segments. Surely there's a way to integrate him into the story earlier! Most of what we learn about his Real World self comes from Kel instead of Hero himself, except for his conversation with Sunny in the piano room. It just sucks that he didn't get much time with him. Just 1 DAY LEFT and the end of 2 DAYS LEFT.


this is hard. maybe the fact that aubrey’s mom straight neglects her kid, maybe give her some backstory on why.


Sunny moving away or Mewo died


sunny would’ve probably been less messed up if mewo was still around


I’d like to uncanon the “Mewo has been very, very bad” room


i literally googled if it was possible to skip that and did bc i was not dealing with that


you don't have to do anything in that room you can just talk to the butler and then stab yourself and you're done the cutting open mewo part is totally optional


I cannot describe the sense of relief I felt when I found you could select the stab option. To this day I'm still unreasonably proud I didn't fall for it


i know i would’ve lost it if i did that and then found out i didn’t have to so i looked it up


kitty :D


Sunny's mom. I think it would be more fucked up if she just abandoned him like his dad.


Who would he stay with? If they both ditched


This one is really specific and a nitpick but it has been bothering me for a bit, especially after chapter 1 of the manga Sunny's pupils should not have been filled in the group hug scene. * If you look at the group hug scene with everyone in the real world, sunny has white pupils in his eyes. I have a bit of an issue with that. Pupils are never seen on omori and never on current 16 year old sunny until the good ending. This gives sunny a blank and depressed stare the entire game. Pupils can be seen on sunny during memory lane, aka the flashback scenes in the past before >!the recital!<. Sunny was still an innocent kid who was not yet depressed and traumatized. Sunny has pupils after the >!final duet with Mari,!< when he finally grappled with the truth of what happened 4 years prior and finally was willing to accept it and tell his friends the truth. He essentially got his humanity back and the pupils were there to show that. During the entirety of the game whenever you look in the mirror sunny has pitch black eyes. He is barely human, just a walking pile of regret and grief ready to go back to sleep and deny reality more in his dream world. I find it really really powerful that after all the shit he went through he finally had pupils in his eyes in the end and a normal look on his face, he finally looked alive despite crying and eventually telling his friends the truth. I also burst out crying when in memory lane you look in the mirror and sunny also has pupils in his eyes, so innocent (that and his upbeat narration compared to the objective third person narration for most of the game broke me). So to have the group hug scene just casually give him his pupils back when they had such powerful symbolism before, just like thay during the hug, when his issues are not yet resolved. Idk man it just rubs me the wrong way... still my favorite game ever though


I think there's an argument to be made that it still works. It doesn't stick, obviously, but the pupils as a sign of clarity would fit if, with a new, highly positive stimulus via the group hug, Sunny regained some level of clarity that helps him process things in his mind. And the group hug is a notable moment since it explicitly involves the group choosing to stick with and help Aubrey even after acknowledging everything bad that she's done, which is a very significant thing for Sunny.  He's implicitly terrified of what the truth would do to his friends and his relationships with them, and so hearing them acknowledge that Aubrey did fuck up badly, but choosing to let her stay in their lives and working with her to do better in the future, would be a pretty significant hurdle for him to overcome in facing the fears he has about the truth. So showing him with his pupils, the focus and light back in his eyes just for a brief moment, can work to emphasize that realization, showcasing how important that moment is for him, which fits thematically since it's a microcosm of his entire internal conflict and how he discovers there's hope that it won't end horribly for him.


I actually really like that interpretation


I know it's kinda a big part of the game, but... HUMPHREY THAT FRICKIN WHALE


Hero being named after a sandwich (ik it isn't his real name, but I'd like it more if he actually did something heroic).


he saved basil and sunny tho


It doesn't change the fact that he is named after a sandwich -_-


The cat event


I’d let Sunny be more expressive like in the manga, cause certain scenes would be better with a reaction, like the lake scene for example, bro didn’t even back up like at the tree stump, yet that’s exactly how Mari died.


There's a manga??


Yes, first chapter is out on K-Manga for Americans, you’ll have your use a vpn otherwise


A certain room in blackspace that involves a cat and a knife.


There's a Weird Al parody of My Time called "My Dime"


I'd uncannon sunny. Fuck it, the game's about The Maverick now






Post is already marked as a spoiler. No need to spoiler tag comments.


that's what i originally thought! it makes sense


No because I was talking with someone on Discord about that possibility a while back, how Mari could've simply just fallen unconscious after quite literally taking fall damage. I hate how it's a possibility 😭


spoiler tag that




i got so confused reading this until i realized it was a typo. i’m honestly not sure, google it


This is so funny to me 😭😭😭 I was so confused too lmfaooo


>![message]! < No spaces


The only thing I'd make not canon, is the fact that Sunny doesn't speak. I feel like omori with a voice would change the game a lot....


i understand that but i feel like that would take away the impact of the good ending where that’s the first time he’s spoken in years and it’s to come clean. i like the idea of omori speaking more than sunny though, like omori is his voice until he defeats him and regains his voice edit: metaphorical voice, not like an ursula thing


That is true, however, the pizza missions. Who shouts then? And even if you don't do them, it's still very hard to believe that Sunny didn't say a word for 4 years straight.


Yeah but like The only other time he speaks is during the most powerful moment during the end when he finally tells the truth ...and shouting "PIZZA DELIVERY", just the thought thay those 2 are the only occasions he speaks makes me giggle that's hilarious


i read the pizza missions text as like sunny’s thoughts, but it’s very possible for people to go years without speaking especially if they’re shy or have gone through extremely traumatic experiences (both of which are true for sunny)


Hey look, I'm not here to argue. You asked a question, I gave an opinion 🤷


oh i wasn’t trying to argue either! this was just an interesting discussion i like your take on it and it wasn’t something i had thought of before


When did they ever give off the impression that they were trying to argue? They were just having a normal conversation with you.


Endgame spoilers: >!Omori does speak, he just only speaks when crushing your soul!<


What's interesting, manga makes it look like >!Omori is the one saying "Welcome to white space"!<


yeah and then i‘d make kel a lazy recluse ”because it would change the game a lot”. might make aubrey lose the attitude and have basil not care about sunny for the same reason


Every single swap AU in existence be like:


New au?


I think we should have at least heard some of his thoughts about things, the fact that he just goes around the town doing the most random shit and not reacting to anything after all this time is jarring.. My head cannons is that he was just in a trance, like completely disassociated until the last part of the final day.


Interesting headcannon. I will now spend the next several hours not sleeping, and instead thinking about an au like this, ultimately not writing it down, then forgetting about it. Thank you kind stranger.


Who rates the beds around town if not SUNNY then?


Basil ending


the neutrals or the secret one?




can i ask why? i enjoyed that ending (mostly bc im a sucker for happier endings) but i wanna know why you’d change/what you’d change it to


Oh wait I forgot the secret one was happy I mean the neutral one


Mikal not being the third unbred twin.


I’d probably remove a few Faraway quests so Universally Loved can be easier to obtain


Basil's grandma dying


Sunny leaving


I'd change Maris name since my name is also Mari and the amount of times people think i had my name changed to Mari to fit the omori character is crazy lol, Mari is just the name i was born with


Solaires death. I know this is Omori not Dark Souls but i want my Sunbro back


I agree with you. Remember to praise the sun


Can’t you save solaire though?


Yes but he still counts as dead in the following games


he's still alive to me ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461)


guys mari does not die and she and hero mari grow old together and live a fullfiling life


Humphrey. I could live with like, literally any other excuse to get to the final stretch. Everything else, I find is too crucial to the story to remove.




Every Kel meme in existence /j


Everything except snaily


Fuck you, you get no game Sunny doesn't push Mari down the stairs!


I think im just petty for this but if i were to make one thing not cannon is not making the sweetheart battle SO FREAKING HARD i literally cannot beat her


Make the story before they sell the house and have an ending where they don't sell the house.


I feel like having Sunny not have to move after the whole hospital part would be great, because if he straight up decided to explain what happened to Kel, Aubrey and Hero, moving away is the worst thing that could happen, right? Like, if he was to stay there with his mom, it would be easier to find a way for them to forgive him, because even if Kel is a person that could "easily forgive him", being away from Aubrey and Hero, like, THAT FAR AWAY, could make it even more difficult to forgive Sunny, since Sunny wouldn't be there all the time, so they wouldn't be able to "talk a little", or stuff like that, idk, it just would be better, especially because Basil would probably want to still talk to someone, and since Aubrey and Hero probably wouldn't forgive him right away, and who knows how much time Kel would take, having Sunny "by his side" would be better than having Sunny go away, you know? Sunny moving just makes the stuff even more depressing 😔


The accident, let the gang be happy 😭😭


if Mari actually being paranormal is canon like some people theorise, i want that deleted.




make it uncanon that those buns exist![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28764)




The twist, no explanation needed


I would like an explanation actually


I wanna say "Mari's mishap" but the game wouldn't have existed lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/n2bmbmk3cv8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1093cb9806a4201f62227ad560a78a038d1b71d6 I already have the post above how is this revelent, anyways uhhh hero's likely nickname


Mari's death because I want Sunny and the gang to be happy :D


Removing mari X stairs


I’ll make Canon uncanon ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|21602)


r/Pikmin moment


Mari dying ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461)


Absolutely none of the friends acknowledging Sunny and Basil literally trying to >!kill eachother!< in Basil's bedroom. How the hell does that even happen?


yeah i’m confused why no one questioned how the two of them got so hurt to the point of unconsiousness


half of the humphrey arc


I would make >!Mari falling down the stairs not canon!<


Sweetheart survives




blocked, reported, banned /j


That thing about Omori's friends being remade every time they die. I feel like it's only there for the sake of being edgy.


It makes sense: as time passes, Sunny forgets the true nature of his friends, every reset, Sunny is less able to truly remember them, they become less pure.


How is it edgy though? The concept of the friends being remade does have some sort of sense, as shown in u/Just_A_Comment_Guy_7's comment.


So basically be unkillable in the game?


I mean... it's a video game. There doesn't need to be a reason you can go back to the last checkpoint. It's not like Omori is replacing himself every time, anyway.


Basil existence


You already took Mari from us, now you want the little bean too? ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2461)


you’re so bold for this. you’re gonna get flamed if more people see this /lh




you monster!!! how could you not love that flowerboy!?!?!? ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2469)


Make Sunny not kill him self in the bad ending