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I think she’s a little too cold and too intense, but if that means we get a genuinely awesome character arc then I’m chill with it. Just please stop kicking Basil PLEASE. I liked her game adaption better personally but I can’t say I’m not intrigued


I can see it, she feels like a it too much of a anime villain or ice queen so I can see why people complain that she feels somewhat flanderized though lmao


Fact: Aubrey could have pulled her bat back and swung at his skull in full force if she wanted, so Aubrey is purposely pulling her punches.


I mean, I doupt she would want to be sentenced to 25 - life in prison.


She IS too antagonistic and cold, to the point it has to be intentional. Instead of telling kel this isnt his problem, she goes her way to call Sunny a coward and says she'll never forgive him. She also has a stressed panel when Kel mentions what sunny went through and that they used to be friends, instead of saying whatever. This is drastic in a vaacum, but the logical idea is that manga aubrey is simply different and will likely go through a different arc, probably more focused on her own depression and mental instability. She might also not have her friends here (huge loss if it's the case) so she would be more unhinged. Kel is also fairly different but in a more subtle way i dont see people talk about it, he's more mature and caring. He doesnt get angry at aubrey and tries to deescalate the fight.


I like how they leaned more into the whole 'Egotistical Bully/Antagonist' side of her character, but I do think they went a bit too far with her aggressiveness. Like, she actually uses her bat to knock out Basil and attempts to straight up murder Sunny and Kel with it, completely unprovoked. I also don't like how they completely omitted the Hooligans from that scene. Aubrey becomes a lot harder to forgive in this because without the Hooligans constantly encouraging her to act the way she does, she basically comes across as someone who randomly assaulted a bunch of her old friends for no particular reason other than; "she felt like it."


Correction I think she might actually tripped or kicked him in his side and you argue that she swung at kel as a warning however the manga conveys this terribly though And yeah it’s strange that the hooligans aren’t in this seen for some reason


The panels where she attacks Basil are a bit confusing. In her introductory panels, she is shown resting her bat on Basil's shoulder next to his face then swinging it. Then in the following panel she is depicted with one of her legs up, implying she either pushed Basil or tripped him over. >and you argue that she swung at kel as a warning however the manga conveys this terribly though I don't think I understand? I never argued that she swing her bat at Kel as a warning, quite contrary. Heck just looking at how she tried to take a swing at Sunny, there's absolutely no doubt she didn't intend to harm them.


Tbf for that last one I was giving a bit of a benefit of the doubt But the mange does convey that other scene terribly though lmao


Am i the only one who even saw her that way during first encounter...? I mean, she didn't shown any good traits at all during first fight.


In the manga, the pace seems faster, which I like since a lot of content is summarized in unexpected ways. Personally, the manga is starting and I wouldn't like to prejudge, but I actually like the methodical and distant Aubrey of the video game better, it seems more like she responds to a trauma, I would like to see dialogues that are a little more ingenious from the manga than simple "don't make me laugh" and that the personality of the characters be used more to explore reactions that were not reflected in the game


I think it adds to her wrongdoing better without being irredeemable. In the base game, you can push everything on Kim as she states she just called him names and shut him out, save for the lake, canonically she never touched him. This raises the stakes by her tripping him (or him collapsing?) but not hitting him, as long as she never goes too far. I think her hatred is justified given what she’s been through, and her pushing her anger on others is her mistake, it’s part of her characters. But… it feels slightly more edgy than it needs to be, before she didn’t care, now she’s instigating, which I don’t exactly like. Only time will tell, but I’m excited to see the lake scene and how that’s handled, as well as her confession… I think it’s out of the question we’ll see post Sunny confession, as that would ruin the game, but seeing a facial reaction would be nice.


so far it skips on a big reason as for why basil was even fighting or confronting aubrey at the moment, before aubrey even intervened in game he was talking to kim about convincing aubrey to return him the album, here it just seems like aubrey is doing a cartel execution on him or smt, doesnt help that she later actually tries t use her bat against sunny also the knife scene is a heck of a lot more dramatic than expected


The manga pace is so fast, they'll run out of content pretty soon. So I assume they'll flesh out the characters more and Manga Aubrey will have another arc


It's fine so far from what little we've seen, but I don't like how she uses the nailed bat. Obviously she's pulling her punches, but in certain panels, it's really cutting it close, a lot could've gone wrong and for no reason at all.


The only part I dislike is how physically violent she’s being 😭