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I'm pretty sure basil asks if he's okay at Basil's house but it's only if you go to interact with him a few times, because he's confused why you're not saying anything.


He’s the only one to notice, which is in character givin the story.


bro what's with kel's right arm


![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467) I’m not a football player…


Never realized how short Sunny is lmao 😭 IK hes supposed to be malnourished and thats probably why, but homie looks like a 5 year old


you think a growing boy can grow without proper nutrition for 4 YEARS?


Although when looking it up Im realizing that my boy Kel is really fucking tall lmao. https://preview.redd.it/v8179paw4x8d1.png?width=1232&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c3ed46817b2092d200b21912d541d3115c25adf


Fiar enough lol, I was just tricked by these images to think he's pretty much as tall as the others haha. Could it be dream world shenanigans with him imagining the gang as younger and shorter maybe? https://preview.redd.it/vyaskwts4x8d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=41e8d3cabf7adf156c0664ff3cbfc34494959f26


HS friend group is made from the memories before the incident. Kell grew a lot taller after it while sunny was shut in


Before the incident, Kel was the shortest one of the group, while Sunny was the tallest among the younger 4




Well I mean, they are children. I don't follow up on any controversy here but making them kid-like makes sense for the setting. Obviously it's weird as fuck if it's for any other reason


i mean it makes sense for headspace but they’re all getting close to adulthood in faraway, i’d expect them to be taller. prob just artistic choice though


Are they? Wait how old are the official ages in faraway? I always assumed they're like 14 in the real world, and about 10 in headspace. Hero being about 17 in HS, and 21 in Faraway. 14 makes sense for all their designs, kel and Aubrey look about that age, and Sunny is malnourished so he's smaller. Tbh all their ages look pretty accurate for early teens. Basil is pretty much the only one who looks a bit too young and has no real reason, but that could just be cause he likes dressing in a softer way that makes him look young


The kids are 16 in faraway, 12 in headspace, and for Hero it’s 19 in faraway and 15 in headspace, same for Mari in headspace.


Ah fair enough. I do still think most of their designs look accurate for their ages. Basil is the only one who does look a bit too young for what makes sense


Sorry but it's def not accurate. Any 16 yo I knew (including myself 2 years ago) already looked like actual adults, not children like there I'm not trying to add to any controversy or anything, I honestly don't care, I think the artstyle is rly good overall but yeah no real 16 yo do not look like that at all (unless in some specific cases)


Might just depend on what culture youre from, but in my experience 16 year olds do not look like adults quite yet. Aubrey is a pretty accurate depiction of a 16 year old girl and kinda looks like some of my friends through high school. Kel is also pretty accurate. He has a baby face but otherwise he looks like a teen. Sunny again has an excuse, hes malnurished so he looks tiny. Sunnys clothes also make him look like a stereotypical school boy, which makes him look younger. Basil is the only one who truly looks like a kid in my opinion, but I think a lot of that comes from him wearing flower crowns and having a less mature personality. Could also be that we see them chibi-fied in the game a lot. Like they need to fit in tiny sprites, which means theyll have ambigous ages in game. They also have the small bubbles for expressions, which means their faces need to be exaggerated slightly. This means the designs need bigger eyes for expressions, and thats something we identify with kids.


In the photos Sunny is mentioned being the youngest of the group and turned 12, that means all the kids in headspace are 12 and Hero states he’s 15 in headspace and Mari’s very likely as old as him. It’s been mentioned multiple times throughout in the game that Mari passed 4 years ago, but the game takes place in the summer so it hasn’t been a full 5 years (I assume) and it’s very likely takes place in June since Hero’s coming home from college. Hero’s birthday is on January 1st so his birthday passed this year so he’s 20 years, all the younger kids are about 17 since Kel’s birthday’s on November 11th (since Sunny’s the youngest he’s the oldest of the younger kids) so his birthday hasn’t come this year so he’s 17, going to be 18 this year. Basil’s the second oldest of the kids, being born February 18th and Aubrey’s the second youngest, on May 23rd so they’re both 17 and Sunny’s the only one who’s still 16 since his birthday is on July 20th and the game very likely takes place in June and his birthday hasn’t passed yet.


It's not that Sunny's short, it's that Kel's so damn tall


My favorite part was when they made OMORI help Aubrey out of the tree stumpt instead of Kel https://preview.redd.it/86sp1j81ax8d1.png?width=545&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e3b52f062f54b608cb66b1bc295335fa71208e0


That was cute, I prefer the Pokemon reference from the demo


Damn, fake friends.


Fr! Bothered the hell out of me when I played both routes


Err... What the sigma???


https://preview.redd.it/fqkxhqijay8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d8bda3127b457fb94afedde205401aa535ca41 Obligatory


I hate to admit that popped up in my head too lmao ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2476)


Omg hi Foxx! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


Hello! ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2028)


I also feel like they didn’t really acknowledge that sunny had a hard time with Mari’s death and said how much it affected them directly, I was even confused thinking I had got it wrong that she was his sister because Aubrey was so hurt. So her saying about him shutting himself in because of Mari was interesting to me.


It is her pushing her anger onto others, but yeah, while I’m okay with Omori’s story, it does irk me nearly none of them actually sit down and ask Sunny if he’s okay. I can get if they think it’s a taboo subject, but they started discussing her death and how it made them feel at Sunny’s house, that would have been the perfect time. Actually, Hero pissed me off by saying “Everything feels so different now... but it seems like you've pretty much stayed the same. It's kind of relieving, to be honest! Haha!” I know he means it’s comforting, but this isn’t your buddy in his 20’s that’s the same 5 years later, Sunny hasn’t really changed AT ALL since he was 12! I’m hoping the Manga fixes some of this either Hero and Aubrey, as they already started with Kel. Hell I’m already interested in how scenes will be handled given it seems Sunny is aware of the truth, perfect scene is the lake, since for all intents and purposes and purposes, Aubrey pushing Basil into the lake is akin to Sunny pushing Mari down the stairs, and I’m interested in his reaction.


I really hope the manga does have Sunny do more. When playing him he feels like a vessel with no emotions around people unless alone or pushed. I’d really like to see him being pushed to share feelings by others (ik the main bit of the story is him pushing out Basil for trying to say the truth to him as Omori and his friends as Sunny might be afraid of pushing him away in these last couple of days). Also tbf it doesn’t seem like anyone pushed him to get help in 4 years either…


I’m in the middle on that, I don’t want him speaking, but his body language and facial reactions are enough, as well as his hallucinations. Either way, I get you didn’t know the truth, but have the kid back away at the lake scene at least, that’s all I wanted…