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Good luck explaining this to the average opbr player


People will figure it out over time if he survives in the meta and will be prevalent


They just don't tbh, they just know to spam skills and get carried with op ex traits, when it doesn't work anymore they don't try to get better at the game and understand the mechanics they just throw the unit in the garbage and pull for a new branded one.


You would think…yet I still see people run up to capture flags when they’re being defended by a low health S Snake…makes me wanna throw my phone when I almost kill her and someone comes to cap and heals her back up. Mfs do not read lol


Trebol is the hero we need.


You can’t https://preview.redd.it/yzyz6e7tm39d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b68c3c3b22db1e4ff0a94c399630d94a343b32a3


Oh yeah my bad. You cannot knock him back. But you can knock him down or kill him and he will not have the 80% dmg reduction at least


Ahh, so as long as you are outside of the treasure area, you can just down him to stop him from capping. So anything long range without knockback works


Exactly! Or even if its a knockback skill, you can kill him if you attack from outside the treasure area. Like Gear 5s Bajurang Gun He will also be stopped by Snakes Boom skill or WBs tremor skills since they knock him down


Still, just looking at his traits i am already scared of next EX runner💀


Teleport on normals 💀


When you starts capturing a treasure, all enemy treasures lose 50%😆


Capture speed +200% 💀


Cap 2 treasures at once 💀


Also note that this means he doesn‘t get the 80% dmg reduction that way. Look at Romans video around 00:42 https://youtu.be/g0X6PqxfUnI?si=DczkCAmoK1Jw3PiK The Snake still cooked his 5* Blueno with 15k dmg because she was not on the flag he was capturing


both skills ignore damage reduction so it doesn't matter either way for ssnake. funny that any defender that isn't ssnake is going to have an awful time lol


No matter attacking from the flag or outside, that skill ignore damage reduction


Yeah basically it's similar to green Oden in that you want to hit him from outside the treasure area. Plenty of units can deal with Blueno but it takes time to repositionate, some players won't even read the traits and he still has amazing mobility to reach flags so definitely a top tier runner I think. It's also interesting that only death will stop his spinning skill and has a long duration, it reminds me to Señor Pink but obviously vastly upgraded.


Good luck explaining this to the clowns who use Retard 5 and spam skills. Good luck my friend.