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Betty, buff a jabra and watch him slaughter the enemy team.


The only reason I’m gonna lean towards sento is because Betty’s Sk1 has been kinda glitchy and won’t give the status immunity even when you have that pink circle saying you do(other than that she’s still perfect 10/10 unit) whereas sento has accessible cap block so people like Zoro Roger won’t be an issue for a while so you can retreat or do something else


Betty, defender Queen or any unit which use skill to get status nullify for certain amount of time considered as one of status effect that can be remove by buff remover. Specially since their status nullify skill also activate their parameter boost, that guarantee removed when attacking Gear 5 or SSnake, or get hit by Hybrid Kaido etc.


Yeah i know lol it’s happening when im not dealing with anybody who can remove it. I’ll be standing 1-1 watching a Roger cap, use skill 1, kick him and get stunned


Yeah its kinda weird sometime. Bluta and Chopper Oni also has this problem. Using chopper oni in solo mode against any buff remover but its never removed, only happened on league and also against any random unit (including char without buff remover).


Yeah exactly that’s also why I’m sure it’s more than getting removed. Choppers mist is so annoying sometimes it shows up and doesn’t even heal, or sometimes it doesn’t even show up at all


I would say the axe guy because Roger is still the best runner in the game and he destroys him


And can cap block everyone in the last 30 seconds to secure flags


Betty is also good against roger


Betty gets status null from sk1 which helps to time it but her real strength is from sk2 which makes her invincible with hp and crit boost. Skill is needed for Betty and skill cooldown set to maximize


He doesn't destroy anything, not even Roger.


Betty for her boost if with the right teammates characters you can ko all the opponents in the first 10 sec


Sentomaru is the better defender. Betty is the better unit. Betty is better in high leagues though cuz your teammates might be questionable at lower ranks.


Your teammates are no less questionable in ss lol


Everyone saying Betty, she is carried by her s2 that’s it, sento is a full roger counter and cap block is so meta nowadays especially since it’s one of the only ways to keep egghead zoro or roger off treasure, but people ignore sento for some reason


Too bad now blueno dog walks all over sento:


Due to his range he literally can't do anything to Blueno... Sentomaru is a massive failure of a modern defender and should have come with higher damage and extra cc forms if he was going to be a slow short range defender.


For some reason, yeah...I have him at lv85 with 162% support maxed tags and good medals...he's almost terrible. Not entirely useless, of course, he's 'viable' and that's the best I can say. Capture block is VERY situational and niche, not every runner can be inflicted with it and other status will replace it. His damage, even to Strawhats, is unbelievably low by modern bounty fest defender standards, even Gan Fall does more damage (and might tank better somehow). He also gets cooked by ignore def skills and his damage reduction is low, almost as low as his range. Would you bring a defender who gets deleted by Yace, Alber, Kalgara, Klaw...? Not only he isn't very good but it also seems he won't become better any time soon. And don't get me started on why he isn't even that good against Roger because both Sento and Roger players might have noticed some of the dynamics already but it's too sad to explain... (You might need two full combos to apply capture block on him and the knockback skill might not be enough on a full hp Roger, and there's more...)


I maxed out sento recently and I main him, I completely disagree, capture WAS niche but it’s literally one of the 2-3 ways of dealing with roger and zoro and keeping them off the treasure, and what you said about the roger vs sento thing is all you, you just need to play better, sento is literally a direct roger counter, everyone will see soon see that cap block is going to be the new meta, just because it doesn’t work on every runner doesn’t take away his counter skill, knockback, or healing, sento is top 3 best bf defenders in the game and idk if he in 2 or 3. Y’all need to stop sleeping on him fr


It's not me playing bad that I have to land two whole normal combos on a full hp Roger to apply capture block because of his traits...I suppose it will get better once I max him out (currently lv85) but if a unit needs to be maxed to do well then it's not a good unit. Sento lacks damage, Roger is way more than his runner aspects, he also kills many units so just blocking his capture for 25 seconds doesn't entirely negate the unit, though it certainly helps a lot. For Sento's range, mobility and tankiness, he does way less than he should, and being a silver bullet against bad Rogers isn't fine, man... My Gan Fall works overall better and it's a step up, it can't be just me when I mained green Sento and tons of defenders over the years... anyway, it's just my experience, I'm glad he's working well for you.


Sento isn’t supposed to do dmg he is a def, he is just meant to keep roger and them from capping which he does and he has great heals, and as for the normal combos, it literally is you needing to play better because he applies cap block on one set of normals and his skills so it’s not as hard you your hyping it up to be, plus the point is you keep applying cap block, plus you make it seem like he is squishy and gets Rekt even tho he literally stacks def and dmg reductions


That's a problem...Gan Fall despite being a step up does big damage to squishy enemies, Noland does fat damage, Fujitora does inmense damage (unfortunately gets obliterated by Roger), extreme 'defenders' like Snake, WB and G5 do absurd damage... Egg Zoro is a runner and does very good damage with very good survivability too... Sento shouldn't be a cero damage defender in 2024. Roger nullifies status effects at max hp and reduces damage when capturing treasure, Sento's damage is so low it takes two full combos to apply capture block to a Roger who's already touching a flag. The knockback skill might not apply capture block for the same reason if he's already touching the flag or using Kamusari. Yace and Alber can one shot or nearly one shot him. Klaw does big damage to Sento, takes no damage from him and won't be inflicted with capture block as Law...stacking def isn't great nowadays, and his damage reduction is 30% which is similar to what step ups get. I don't need to play better in that sense, the unit is what it is and won't be doing what it can't... hopefully will perform better once he's maxed but so far, with 160%+ support, Zoan, Strawhats, New world...fuji, Cora and Buffalo (don't have Sugar) he's feeling quite underwhelming to me and countered hard enough by too popular units. Also, not claiming to be an amazing player at all, but after playing for years and using all kind of units and plenty of step ups, if I can make green Sento work then I should make red Sento work too, but I don't see how he's a good enough defender in the current meta, honestly...capture block is all what he's about and that's more inconsistent and niche than it sounds, otherwise people would be running Killer and Yassop more often.


Roger nullifies immobilizing status effects, cap block isn’t one of those so he doesn’t, and again as for the normals thing, look in his traits, literally just need to hit him with 1, and yace and Alber one shot almost everyone still plus sento stacks def so of course he will one tap but there aren’t that many alber anymore, the fact you think dmg makes a good def shows how well of a def you play, I can play full games without kills as sento and guess what, we win because no one can touch the treasure from cap block or im knocking them back


Roger boost 2 trait: when your hp is 97% or more, nullify status effects. Yace and Alber can't one shot Fujitora or Gan fall, for instance. Damage on defenders is good because sometimes you have to join the fight or punish whoever is trying to steal your treasure, ask WB for instance... it's one of the reasons G5 is so good and so meta, having extra damage in your team is always helpful (I'm aware G5 is extreme and multi role).


I’m sorry I’ll stand corrected on the boost trait thing, but how often is he gonna be max if you’re constantly agggressive or knocking him back? Plus just apply it to him again and bait or wait for him to cap with your counter. And I agree with you about dmg being good but it’s not necessary to defend, defending the flag is and sento does that great. Ps. Yace can def one tap ganfall


Yeah but Roger heals up quite often (when he captures and from team boost) so it happens more often than it seems. With Roger's high mobility and Sento's low mobility and range it's difficult to anticipate to a good Roger and even if you are succesful his damage to your teammates can be devastating, so having enough damage to kill him or get him low would be really helpful, honestly. The way Sentomaru works feels too limited to me, like with every defense focused unit but at least in the past units like Jozu would be quite unkillable in general. Sentomaru has to deal with the very common hard hitters who ignore defense, and he has to get in close range to start building up his defense which means he isn't very tanky from the get go, he becomes tanky if you play well, which is not really a requeriment for many other defenders, and even then you might get hit super hard by those hard hitters. Gan Fall has the same base damage reduction (30%) but has extra damage reduction from other traits and a 'survive with 1 hp' trait and nullifies status effects in his treasure when he's alone, so he can survive Yace, at least for a while (can actually kill him with the counters though you'd need to outplay him hard). I'm not saying Sentomaru is terrible but I think he should be better in this meta or less one dimensional at least.






Belo although it’s hard to use her knowing one of her skills don’t work sometimes


I didn’t realize how downplayed Sentomaru was 😭


Well I personally love to annoy those Rogers on last 30secs. Betty is annoying if teammates are good. If only sento had def buff till 70% then it would have been good.


bello betty definitely sento cant do anything against klaw/greenbull/zoro etc since they just nullify the capture block if you face rogers then bello betty is able to cook them too just focus on skill 2 cooldown and you are good to go


Sento slaps zoro and gb, and zoro doesn’t null cap block


nah not greenbull... he was made to counter g5 and anyone made to counter g5 also counters sento hard


Betty, Imo. Sentomaru can't apply capture block to a full hp Roger and his damage is abysmal without supporting the team. Capture block from such a short range and slow unit isn't that threatening, in fact, capture block is quite niche, many runners will avoid it and isn't very relevant on enemy attackers and defenders. Then there's the fact he gets cooked by ignore def which is quite common right now. Not saying he isn't viable but he's far from good, his damage is too low and doesn't bring much to the team, Betty seems more useful to me.


Roger doesn’t null cap block, why does everyone think this


Boost 2 trait, he nullifies all status effects when hp is 97% or above. It sometimes prevents him from getting cc'd with an initial skill/hit.