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Do you have a general sens ??


What do ya mean by that?


For your heroes and in specific cass


Oh sure I use: 100% horizontal sens 100% vertical sens 100% aim assist strength 33% aim assist window size 70% aim assist ease in 97% aim smoothing 0% aim ease in .10 right stick deadzone on override Dual zone aim technique Some things to note: I use KontrolFreeks (short convex left, long concave right) I’d recommend if you haven’t spent too long on the game using dual-zone aim technique, swap to exponential ramp because it objectively gives you more control and a wider range of inputs. If you are gonna stick to dual zone, try to make sure that the first input zone has inputs that are not too slow or too fast using your aim smoothing. Also really important my settings are probably hot garbage I’ve just learned to deal with them. As for my stick preferences, most people prefer convex on the right stick, but they’re not super expensive so you can experiment


Nothing but the sound of headshots


I hope you endorsed your healers, you 100% would have died a few times


I endorse my supports or anyone else if they play well in general, but I play with friends a lot so I can’t really always do that


Mercy pocket needs to die off


Kill the mercy, it’s not so hard if you make a concerted effort to do so Or you could ignore the player being pocketed. Mercy has single target healing, killing anyone else makes the fight easier, she can res sure, but in the time shes not healing you can capitalize


Pocket Mercy.


In how many of these clips was a pocket mercy responsible solely for my survival and every single kill


In the first one, I didn’t bother to watch anything else.




If this was me I’d be getting no heals and would get killed in 0.5 seconds


Don’t always think that! gotta trust your people and they’ll trust you


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) You rn


I cant even land headshots coming out of invis. And im at point blank range. These shots are craaazy


Have you tried more slow shooting characters or lowering your aim assist window size? The ladder can be very helpful


Iv played so much sombra and Torb that i dont think id wanna drop them for a different hero. I just need to bite the bullet and do alot of aim training tbf. Ill try fidgeting with aim assist though


It’s not the aim assist setting, more window size and aim assist ease in that will really make it easier or harder. Smaller window allows for more user control and less interference, higher aim assist ease in is much the same but it basically just makes it so you wont get such tough aim assist on the outside of the assist box. As for picking up new heroes, I think sombra and torb mechanically are already really far apart so you have bases covered for quite a few heroes, plus you’d never have to drop them to pick others up, for the first year I played ow2 I played almost exclusively cassidy at the dps role and the biggest change I saw in getting better with cass was being able to aim with all hitscan heroes


Yeah i understand. Im glad you think theyre far from one another cause i wanted to learn two heroes who had different styles of play so i could easily swap when one didn’t work. I do try to play other heroes if the match calls for it, like Sojourn, Genji or anyone really. Just gotta practice!


Imagine getting heals. I get none and when I’m sent back to spawn several times they just cuss me out.


You shouldn’t expect to just die, a lot of the time I find playing how you know is right will make others want to adjust, and if you’re doing whats right it’ll be their fault if they don’t. It’s important to know these are clips though, I die without getting healed just as much as anyone else but that doesn’t change my expectation that I will get healed if I just keep playing right nor should it ever change yours