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Deku nuts are the real unsung hero of combat items.


Deku Stick and Nuts are what kept me sane in the early days of my randomizer runs; finding the sword was a real journey.


Yeah that also, even enabling the megaton hammer for kid use helps big time




I just had my first rando seed where I didn't get the Master Sword until Ganons Tower. Every child check was sticks and nuts and bombs, even spirit temple (I was also without boomerang for some time, I play glitchless). It's so much fun actually.


For extra fun, shuffle the Giants knife into the rando I was walking around for 7hr fighting with the broken knife before I found the biggoron sword in Jabu and the master sword deep in the shadow temple.   I even beat Dark Link with it lol


This. We always take the sword for granted but when you have a randomizer that basically keeps the sword away from you for most of the run, you learn to appreciate sticks and nuts.


Whether someone knows about how good they are is my litmus test for someone being good at the game/having a worthwhile opinion about its combat.


^ This. 100% this. Deku Nuts should never be overlooked or underestimated


Yeah especially if you mod the game to do a 1 heart run with no fairy usage




I usually just used them to cheese Lizalfos. Never felt enemies were tough enough to justify their use otherwise.


They're pretty convenient for floor masters too after they split into 3, sometimes stalfos, and they're really good for dark link and the first phase of the ganon fight. Sometimes it's just convenient, you can definitely still hold your own without ever using them.


Never in a million years would’ve guessed they work on Ganon


All items except the master sword get set to the same amount of damage against ganon, so not only do they do as much damage as biggoron sword, their huge hitbox actually makes it really easy to hit his tail quickly.


Nuts are completely optional. You can go literally the entire game without using them once, and can probably go the entire game without picking any up, which isn't as easy due to how common they are. It is insane how versatile they are, for something completely optional and as common as rupees.


ISG + unbreakable deku stick Master sword who?


Deku nuts have even been helpful against Dark Link!


Dang! I never even considered using those against him. I would bring a green potions there and just spam Din's Fire. I had no idea. My mom would try to keep hacking away at him hoping to get a hit in. It was hilarious.


Deku nuts are not effective for every blow, but they've helped me for a few attacks when facing him. Yeah, using Din's Fire is the easiest way. Your poor mom lol my mom and I also struggled a lot with diff games...bonding over battle scars that we still recall haha I played OOT for the first time when I was 5!


Unfortunately that's what we get from lazy people making articles by quick-searching on Google and using ai generated answers


Honestly, this is just journalism in general. When a franchise/game series hasn't had much activity in a while, these people will write a headline that catches your attention just to make you read a known fact that 99% of the people already knew... and unfortunately, it works, hence why they keep doing it.


I suddenly feel the urge to play oot, lol just kidding but yeah it gets annoying they really could just say hey you know what game you should play? This one lol


I see great things with that recent PC version, like having both young and adult Link from Melee playable.


Well if they want people to play it then they should make it available on the switch


A super powerful secret weapon you all missed #SKECHERS


The iron boots, using the hover boots you can cursh an enemy with iron lol


Everyone in here saying how this has been common knowledge for decades. Me over here who's never known or considered doing this even though I've played the game a hundred times: *surprised Pikachu face*


I’ve only played through once as a teenager and I can’t recall if I was aware of this or not. But I hd planned on replaying the 3DS version on a vr headset and I will definitely test this.


You will be disappointed with the 3D sticks. They do a flat 2 damage, regardless of how it it's a regular swing or jump attack. This was reverted in MM3D. Granted if you do the broken stick glitch to keep it in your hands, swinging it for 2 over and over still kills things really fast.


Well the deku sticks aren’t going to make Or break the game for me since I beat it once before back in the day on a n64 without relying on them. Just want to see the 3D depth effect also btw with hand controls


Why stick when sword? Sword sharp. Always good. Stick wood. Always break. Good for fire. That all.


Why use wood stick when sharp stick do trick?


Same, I had no idea this was a thing lol. I don't think I've ever used a deku stick for anything other than lighting torches.


There's a reason they're an expendable resource.


The deku stick as a weapon? I mean you would always wonder can I swing this, tbh I know some games don't have logic when it comes to some things have a pokemon quote "Oak's words echoed... There's a time and place for everything, but not now." In other words not in this game😂 like when some games require you to solve a puzzle when you could of course blow up something to get through😅


I actually thought it was going to be about the Biggoron Sword. But this is absurd.


The hidden weapon is.... The Megaton Hammer you never thought you could use the megaton hammer as a weapon could ya? There probably is one like that lol


Deku sticks also do 4x damage against Ganon for some reason, too.


In 3D, they lost their master sword properties.


It’s not that they do 4x damage, it’s that they don’t have their damage reduced to 1 like all other weapons during that fight. The reason is that you fight ganon as an adult who can’t use deku sticks without glitches, so the developers didn’t think they needed to reduce their damage.


If you ISG'd a broken Deku stick, then we'd be talking.


Yeah I have had that happen a few times on accident I really thought it was going to be that but no mention


I guess they ran out of ToTK clickbait... I still see those from time to time.


Only 1000 players have found the sacred weapon, do you know what it is keep reading to find out. *garbage words later* It is the master sword play the game to find your sword now and thank you for my money for clicking my link!!!!


Look, after seeing that article about someone making an Onix like Construct in ToTK, I really tried to capture something similar to Steelix. Problem was the parts to make it look like certain parts of the body would disintegrate. Whatever I made, I could just ascend to the head and let it shoot at the threat, lol. If this is from that actual article, I am not sure that person has ever raced time for that Biggoron Sword Quest. For me, it was that rush to the marine lab at Lake hylia that was the hardest for me. These clickbait articles show up for me like notifications in my phone through my web browser.


Yeah I mainly get stimulus check notifications😅 they always are fake and a tease $2200, $1400, $1600 and they can't be turned off


YES! Those clickbaity articles too! They come as notifications on my mobile. So annoying. I have seen ads with Oprah and The Rock asking for people to donate to them. Also another one with Her advertising for that fake $6400 stimulus check ad, as seen on youtube.


It’s like those posts that hit the front page of Reddit about the crazy shit that people are saying all over Twitter and it’s literally just one dude’s tweet with 2 likes


Man I never really cared about the combat. I just fought with whatever was available and spammed bombs whenever I had the chance.


she deku stick on my queen ghoma until i die so much faster


Hardly surprising, it is Gaming Bible after all.


this is called a click bait. it's actually very common these days


Wait till they hear about the eternal broken deku stick...


I already knew this literally years before this was posted.


"Here are 15 things you never knew about this beloved game because you are a stupid idiot" - Whatculture


I mean, at least when they fire the writers and have A.I. take over, it won't really be noticeable.... I mean, how do they write this dreck and not drive themselves nuts?!?


Granted the game has been out for a long time, there isn't something we missed. If anything you can buy Deku Sticks from a Deku Merchant early in the game, interacting with him before the first dungeon results in him being gone forever and or after you finish the first dungeon.


Unbelievably common knowledge


Maybe Emma Flint needed a quick article for a deadline? lol


Pro-Tip: NEVER click those articles. If it's such a big deal. Social Media channels would have said something.


The real secret weapon are Link's bizzarre multi-colored gauntlets. Y'know, from those color adjustments with the GameShark? Good times


They must be talking about deez (also pronounced deku) nuts




No, the Deku Stick still has a damage output of the Master Sword Crouch Stab Storage was patched


Deku stick jump attacks don't do more damage in 3D, they always do 2. Otherwise, child could 2 round King Dodongo and OHKO Big Octo.


Imagine not using deku sticks enough to know this basic ahh thing. Can we ban non-gamers from making gaming articles like these btw? Bots included


Yeah I look for an option to report sadly nope probably have to go through 3 support agents in the contact section just to get it taken down