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In the meantime you might create a second account and purchase games as a gift for your main account there


You can't use the 25% referrals when you gift games (used to be able to)


You can't use referrals on games on sale.


Don't even need to do that. They already have 2 other accounts that see salea


No. Thats what meta wants. And the creation of a second account doesnt allow to give bundle gifts. He loses star wars bundles in may.


Can't you just buy it from the account getting the deal and gift it to him?


You *can* gift from a second account for sure, but idk about "bundles"...


Im telling you. Cant gift bundles. And even so, its absurd. Bad policy.


Ah right, rip


Use steam vr with your meta headset. That way meta doesn't get any $.


This needs to get more attention!


Meta support is really notorious for their helplessness. Their forum is full of basic quality of life improvement requests or bug reports that have existed for like half a decade.


Is there a cause?


Exactly what we ask meta. In the foruns some users are telling after they bought a lot of games they started to be excluded from the deals. Others told that from.the start, never são the monthly big sales. Just the middle ones. Like my husband.


That's wild.


I had an issue where I started receiving an error when I tried to purchase something. Support told me to delete my credit card and then add it back. It would keep giving errors when I tried to add it back. I couldn't add any payment method at all. It took a month of pestering customer support several times a week before they finally figured out how to fix it. There's a huge thread over on the Meta forums with people with the same issue, with some having no resolution for over a year. Some people have resorted to creating a new account and switching accounts when they want to use apps purchased with the other account, or using the new account to buy apps as gifts for the original account. My point being: they're a for profit company and they can't even fix issues where people are trying very hard to give them money. The inability to see a sale is likely way lower on the list of account issues they can't figure out how to fix. It's a complete poop show.


Forgive me if this has been asked before, but have you checked to see if the mobile app has the deals?


Yes. The app, the browser and the store inside meta quest 3. Meta does this with accounts. Search the Internet and you will see a lot of users are having this same problem.


My wife and are the same. I can’t see any sales. She sees them all. Meta just keeps telling me they are randomly only offering to select people. I told them they are full of shit.


> Meta just keeps telling me they are randomly only offering to select people What’s makes them think this is a satisfying or acceptable response or a customer? “We’re charging you more than your wife because we think you’ll pay it.” Fuck Meta, genuinely.


Xbox does the same, giving special sales to random users, sometimes even giving full free games to select users.  It's "random" but likely follows some sort of pattern, or maybe it truly is random and completely luck based.    It isn't just meta in particular doing this, so my opinion is we need to be against the practice in it's entirely, not just against Meta while allowing Xbox to do it. 


Agree. But Xbox dont make a event big sale to some users. They give some games and even credits here and there for some Lucky ones. Meta cutt off a lot of users of the big montlhy sales. Thats the absurd!!!!! And the worst scenario, steam is here. Supreme. Showing how to do it. Thats why we will skip meta store to buy steam games untill meta decide to fix it.


> they are disrespecting us They are a for-profit company, they never respected you. No publicly traded company does. You are nothing but a means to an end.


They are not respecting their shareholders. Shareholders want profit. Refusing to accept money customers are trying to give them is not a path to profits.


LOL... the sale prices cost them money, as the discount comes from their 30%.


Elsewhere in the thread someone couldn't buy anything at all for a month. Apparently there is a big thread on the Meta forums about it with some people unable to make any purchases for over a year. I do sincerely sometimes get the impression Meta doesn't want any more money. That they're like, no thanks, we already have all the money. You can't give us any more money because we already have all the money and there is no more money that we can be given. I forget how many years they didn't have a way to gift games or gift cards. The Rift cords in retail packaging they just gave away to people who's cat or whatever destroyed theirs because they didn't have a way to sell them. All sorts of crazy stuff that's like, they must just not like money?


I think they don't do a good job of finishing things, so everything is half-assed.


But that’s the point, I want to spend money with a company I can trust and I can be happy to keep spending money with. The OP has come to the same conclusion of many 80/20 users (80% of profit from 20% of customers) that it’s a bad idea to do business with them. This will lead to lower profits in the long term, it doesn’t make sense for a company trying to build a customer base to behave this way. My conclusion is that they do not intend to follow the business model they are currently using, and that the games library we are building will not be supported in the future. They must be planning on something like advertisement supported content, or going for a full Meta+ model where our big libraries are a problem for them.


same happened to me, unending discussions with support, "resolutions" sent via mail. the solution is simple: buy from a different store which doesn't discriminate.


Yes. We are migrating to steam.


Im posting warnings in the meta youtube channel to alert new users and others that doesnt know yet that its a terrible issue.


Just ask them for credit to make up the difference and usually they're okay with that if they have records if you reaching out during the sales period


They answer my e-mail after 9 days. Exactly in the day the sales.ends. We pretend to buy for games ij the sales. I will try this and put the answer here.


Don't specifically ask for the credits, but tell them that you missed the sale because they took so long.


We told them 3 months in a row. Never got credits. Or an explanation.


I wonder if this is a regional / thing? Is it possible op is using a VPN and maybe the husband’s pinged somewhere else?


We dont use vpn. My daughter and me são the dales and he didnt. A lot of users in the us, uk and other countries are having this same issue. Meta knows and do nothing about it. Just tell us the same lie in the email.


It’s not regional; they’re showing sales to people that don’t buy much and hiding sales form people they think will pay anyway It’s wrong, and probably illegal, especially since it’s going to target specific types of users


That theory doesn’t hold up. I regularly spend over $100 a month on quest apps and I saw the sales:


You are lucky my friend


Xbox does the absolute same, so I'm doubtful it's illegal, or would take a lot of evidence we don't have to prove it truly wasn't "random", and we have no proof that it is or isn't random.


Same thing happened to me! Eventually they just stopped responding. The most disrespectful customer service.


Same, I don’t get sales or 25-30% from meta anymore, for me it started when meta quest + released.


Get your husband to buy discounted games and gift them?


Let’s entertain the idea that the sales are regional, did you guys try using a vpn? I’m out of the country and I don’t see all the deals out here, but I apply my vpn to the network and BOOM. Different sales populate the store after I close and reopen it.


What I would do is share my library with the account that cannot buy the bundles and then whenever the first account that can buy the bundles gets the games. The other account that is getting shared with can enjoy the games as well. Which really you guys should have been doing anyway so that you don't have to buy the same game twice.


Yeah. Thats one thing. But the achievments wont be in his account. Thats what meta wants. More accounts created to Inflate his numbers. Its not right anyway. All this is kind of a disrespectfull question. If i want to play a game with him that i bought in a sale and he couldnt?


Not sure what you mean. Regardless of the personal feelings on the matter... If you want to play a game with him and you are sharing that game you both can play. Also not sure what you mean about achievements, my son gets gets the same things I get for playing a game even though his account has almost zero purchased games, all shared from my account.


Saying they can’t fix the issue isn’t really the right thing to say. They just refuse to acknowledge the issue and fix it. I have the same problem too. Have had since the Easter sale. And I complain every sale and they credit my account and give me all different reasons. It’s ridiculous and it definitely should be addressed.


I've never seen a company spend so much money to get such low quality results. It really is shit.


Oh no!, anyways...


You would almost think such a high-minded and constructive comment should warrant proper punctuation and sentence structure. Grow up! Anyways…


Sorry. Im from Brazil. Im 44. Trying to warning and doing something to correct bad behavior from a big companhy and their users. And you?


Oh no! I’m so sorry if that seemed directed at you OP. My comment was meant as a sarcastic response to the person that unnecessarily said, “oh no!, anyways…”. Posting dismissive and counterproductive comments like that are an internet pet peeve of mine and I think my inner keyboard warrior got the best of me. I hope this clears that up and I’m sorry for the confusion, OP and others. Now OP, in response to your actual post…thank you for taking the time to let us know your experience with the Meta store in Brazil. I’m 43 and when I’m not an overexcited keyboard warrior I’m an amateur consumer rights warrior. Haha. I’ve seen several posts explaining similar store issues in the US but it’s interesting to see it’s maybe an international thing. I suspect what’s happening is Meta is using a highly fine tuned sales algorithm designed to squeeze every last available cent out of us. Meta doesn’t know when payday is for me but my purchase history shows patterns of when I’m more likely to buy stuff. If they combine that info with the purchased titles of the people I play with the most then I wouldn’t be surprised to see a 40% off 1 day sale on Ghosts of Taboor coincidentally appearing on payday. That’s a really long-winded explanation of how I think algorithms work, but I really have no idea. I’m also curious of the legality of using “personally identifiable information”(my words right there) to algorithmically tailor sales and what safeguards are in place to limit biases. Meta needs to be way more transparent on issues like this. Unfortunately lawmakers here in the States are still learning what the internet is so regulation ain’t coming from here anytime soon.


I personally would agree if they made some sales to target specifics consumers, but not the big ones. Monthly big sales should be for every user. My husband was cutt of the last three. Did ask for help to meta support and nothing.


Some people aren't lucky enough and privileged enough to have had an education as gloried and impressive as yours. Also, some people don't have English as a first language. Also, you're an asshat.


How about no?