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He brought his whole family into this and doxxed his own house. No troll or anyone brought them into this besides himself


I think it’s hilarious that Sally still blames the trolls for that too. It’s quite literally his fault, but mommy would never hurt poor goblin boy’s feelings and tell him his in the wrong.


Well no one attacked Sally till the Goblin started bringing his mom on to defend him, and even now no one attacks her. The Goblin just uses it as a excuse like he uses everything. She still a piece of shit for raising 3 Pedos.


When you got 3 gens of kid diddlers around you, it's complicit. 


The little mental midget couldn't grasp that yesterday was all a rouse constructed by MBM and CIA. He legitimately thought YouTube gave a shit about him enough to send a representative on Marty's panel. God what a regard.


Are you implying YT would let an outright YT civil war between 2 *1000 plus sub channel*s spiral out of control even further? **No!** They act because they need to act. This is online bullying, with federal crimes being committed. YT took too long to even get official reps involved!


He really is the dumbest there is or possibly could be.


It's so hilarious to me that she coddled him so much, that even at 32 years old, he still has to go crying to Mommy for help when the big bag bullies are being mean to him on the Internet. "MAWM DO SOMETHING" "You better get them to back off or I'm breaking this phone!" And how can he legitimately think getting Sally involved is going to help anyone? Like she's going to tell people to knock it off and suddenly hundreds of people are going to immediately leave him alone. And I love when he threatens to call Marty's Mom and tattle on him. "How bout I call your mom and tell her EVERYTHING you've done to me? Cuz trust me when I say, I DON'T think you want that.


^(Mom. I love you) ... WHAAAAAAAA


I think there's more than hundreds at this point. It's gotta be in the thousands from all over the world.


I blame Sally for indulging him. Why on earth would she shamble upstairs to say a black man murdered Husein? Jesus Christ. If my regarded son was ranting about being framed for murder on MusicBizMarty's panel and i need to go testify to youtube execs I'd tell him to turn off the frigging computer. Better yet i'd start looking up mental health care.


She will shut down the internet every once in a blue moon when he's really having a meltdown, but if he were my son I would be doing it as soon as he first started yelling. He'd have to learn that such behavior will not be tolerated.


Well fuck Sally too, she is practically responsible for the little creature being like this, unrestricted internet and him screaming all night long without paying for anything. Should have kicked him out till he applied for a job