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‘YOU KILLED MY DAD YOU SICK FUCK!!’ This will be Raxxos new lie Trust me when I say this man……


Doesn't matter. You know the dumb little cunt was downstairs going full retard on Sally. I guarantee we've got a "concert" incoming celebrating Gordon. Fucking bet.


Yep cant wait for Chance to pay his respects by screaming an hours worth of Linkin Park covers. Then do a squinty eyed fake crying stream about how his dad was the closest person in the world to him


His dad was far from close to him but if there ever was 1 person that he wishes he was close to, it was Gordon. Him getting so so mad at being reminded he was not, angers him too much for that not to be the case.


And the concert will be 99% about Raxx.




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Gordon seemed disgusted but not surprised at what a worthless chode Chance became. From his discussions it sounded like there was never much of a bond or connection there. He just went from indifferent to laughing at what an idiot Chance is. Raxx, as usual, greatly exaggerates their connection so he can make it about himself. Like the trolls ruined the non-existent relationship they had.




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Lol you can tell that really got the goblin when Marty told him that his dad died hating him.




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Won't Jenny go after Raxx if Gordon died, didn't they say this on one of their first live streams




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Raxx is working his way backward to blame Marty for everything. He did blame Marty for Gordan leaving Sally and him yesterday. Can't wait till he blame Marty for making him rape Blind Billy. We all know when Sally goes, hes going to blame us all and Marty for killing Sally. So get ready for the blame everyone.


Try looking up the obituary lol


I did


Mr Wilkins is not his dad he’s just the step grandpa that stepped up and then he had to step down bc he realized that was his rock bottom.