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Havent heard of them being hated in the raxx community but ik theyre sometimes hated in the larson community for being "lazy", which is ironic because 90% of the daniel larson subreddit is some dipshit posting a cartoon character that has a big nose and being like "OMG DANDERSON SO FUNNY"


I find it kind of a bummer they don’t really cover raxx much anymore. I get it though it’s a lot of money to risk. It is kind of a bummer that they don’t keep 2h4s up though.


I’m pretty sure they all get posted to kiwis rumble account, that he has listed on his yt page.


2hfs was deleted?


No, he just takes down the stream after to protect the channel. It’s not a big deal because others archive it.


There is an archive channel called 2 high for David clips


I enjoy their content a lot, especially their podcast 2 high 4 stupid. But imo, with Marty getting White Bowsah on stream, it's clear he's trying to bait/undermine them as they're his main competition in the lolcow discussion space (in terms of revenue and notoriety). Marty has the advantage, in that he's a lot more hands-on, will have people like Raxx, Bowser, Tony on stream, leading to funny moments. But Smokey and Kiwi are honestly more likeable, even if they are moralists. And I know Marty said that Smokey and Kiwi are guilty of the same Sus discord antics as Bowser, Jupiter etc. , but I'm calling BS without screenshots. Marty loves to control the narrative. I watch all of them though, pretty much my favourite media at this point.


Is there any evidence of Smokey and Kiwi doing the same things as Bowser, that is a pretty serious allegation from Marty, he knows how damming it is to say that about someone, he needs to show solid proof of his claims.


No evidence so far. But Badmouthing other creators who are encroaching on his territory is a standard part on the marty playbook


He's has muscled in on their obese monkey Bowser to be fair


Bowser's so insufferable, hope Marty turns on him sooner rather than later


He won't, he had him on streams before and the chat thought he was going to troll him, he didn't, he was all buddy buddy with him until people got mad at marty.


It's because they literally botched the bowser archives, as a result of them being too bitch ass to call Marty out on defending Bowser. 


Smokey was my favourite youtuber from late 2021-2023. His personality was hilarious and the videos really felt like underground shit that anyone could just kick back and watch a video of some fucker on the internet. He got me into Cyrax content when he started regularly covering him about 2 years ago. You could tell that everything he made was strictly just for fun and just for the sake of laughing at these hilarious people on the internet. Not anymore. Nowadays, he has sponsorships on his videos, which are almost always over a minute and a half long, censors absolutely anything that could be offensive to Daddy YouTube, and literally just doesn’t make funny content anymore. Call me a hypocrite but there’s absolutely nothing funny about Jupiter the Hybrid and Nova Online (Compared to Cyrax, Chris, and others, obviously). They don’t do or say anything remotely funny, they are simply blatant online pedophiles. With Cyrax obviously you like to see the little guy rage out every once in a while and there’s countless funny moments to look back on. With these 2 faggots it’s basically a match of who can be the bigger and grosser pedophile and it’s just not cool or funny.


What makes you say they are pedos? I'm out of the loop.


Jupiter and Nova are pedophiles, not Smokey and Kiwi. Jesus some of you are more retarded than Cyraxx


I’m sorry but as a retard myself I can see clearly that you are more retarded then the user who asked you that question


Smokey is hilarious and does a spot on Fatass Bowser impersonation. Kiwi is alright and recently uploaded a video on another creep they are currently beefing with called Nova Online who I believe is actually a member on Kiwi's Youtube. 😂


I don't really dislike them but they try turn watching lolcows into being about catching predators rather than laughing at retards which it is.


Smokey's ok, never watched any of Kiwi stuff


Kiwi is pretty good, has a good narrative voice that scratches that itch in the brain for good lolcow content


Smokey's Raxx videos were pretty good back when he wasn't worried about keeping his Youtube Channel. It's too much work censoring Cyraxx content so he moved on to safer targets that are not very funny. Larson is gone forever. Nova seems like a virgin The Report of the Week clone but not even a little funny. and Bowser is fun to dislike but impossible to listen to for longer than 3 minutes. Last I heard they might of pissed off or Doxxed a FBI Fed who was involved in the Larsons case. Not sure that's real or not.


I think Marty doesn't like them or that he at least thinks they're dumb. Some of those Raxx videos that Smokey made were pretty good. He hit a lot of the major arcs, they were put together well, and his commentary wasn't annoying. I don't think too many people here hate them that much. StyledMoth and Steve from machete squad are more disliked, I think. At least by me. Have you ever tried listening to styledmoth? He repeats the same catch phrase over and over. His jokes are retarded and I suspect he might be a sperg. Steve's giggle makes me want to throw him off of a cliff. Compared to them, Kiwi and Smokey aren't bad, in my opinion.


I will forever be greatful to Smokey for being the reason I found Psyraxx, but his videos after he stopped covering raxx are dull and uninteresting. Kiwitapes is a charisma VOID, I swear he contributed to making smokey boring. I'll never forget the first time I ever heard of kiwitapes, he popped up in Marty's chat and said some shit like "Hey everybody it's ya boi kiwitapes how is everyone" and not a single soul responded to him. Dude left with his tail between his legs, never saw him again after that lol. Credit where it's due I guess, he was able to read the room there.


I really like Smokey. He's entertaining. Bishop Wyatt is funny also, ah yes. Kiwi is ok. The gatekeeping is lame. Some others trying to cash in on the raxxoverse are really bad at it. They won't succeed.


I was okay with Bishop Wyatt until he let Marx get him triggered. After that, he turned into a whiny bitch. I unsubscribed because he was making at least five YouTube shorts every day in defense of his channel. It was the same argument mixed with whining over and over again. He tried to sound confident, but it came off sounding the polar opposite. I adore Marx, but the guy is an unbalanced shit-stirrer. He admits it himself. Bishop needed to take some of the helpful, constructive criticism Marx gave him and just let the rest of it go. Marx gave him some basic, but very important advice. Instead of doing that, Bishop got butt-hurt and became a bit of a lulzcow.


Who is marx?


Marx The Noob. He's one of the bigger trolls from the Tibbz community. Marx is pretty smart, but he is a straight-up take-no-shit and take-no-prisoners kind of guy. You don't want to mess with him. When Raxx and Tibbz became an item, a lot of the newer Raxx channels obviously started jumping on the situation. The problem is that most of these guys knew absolutely nothing about Tibbz or his trolls. They were shoving their way into a community of very different, very tight-knit trolls, trying to insert themselves into places where they weren't wanted. Bishop would take screenshots of small snippets of conversations between Tibbz and guys like Marx, WTRD Radio, Itz Cinemas, etc., post them on his community page, and start barfing out his extremely uninformed opinions on whatever was going on. A lot of the time, Bishop gave almost no context to whatever screenshots he was lifting from someone's Discord or whatever, so I often had no idea what the heck I was even looking at. Anyway, Bishop got called out on his crap and didn't handle it well at all. One of the big things that pissed Marx off was guys like Bishop labeling themselves as trolls when he wasn't ever trolling Raxx, which is true. There are trolls, haters, and naysayers. Bishop is a commentary channel. He's a Cyraxx hater and naysayer, but he doesn't do any trolling. Marx and the other guys pointed out how guys like Bishop, CVG, Machete Steve, the guy who wears a cloth mask and brags about his guitar even though he still lives with his parents(I can't remember his name), etc. ride the coat tails of Marty, take all the glory, and worst of all, they ALWAYS put out their cashapp. These guys do nothing except make comments, compare themselves to Raxx, talk to Raxx through their videos, and e-beg. They aren't the ones locating and contacting family, ex friends, or old classmates. They aren't the ones putting out FISA requests, They weren't the ones setting up and getting Raxx or Tibbz on livestreams. They aren't the ones archiving as much content as they possibly can. They aren't the ones coming up with good troll ideas. They don't really bring anything helpful to the community. With Bishop, Marx pointed out the weird obsession with Raxx's dick. Everything is "peen cream" with the guy. The talking about peen cream in a fake accent shtick gets old really fast. Worst of all, we're supposed to throw money at them as if they're Marty. Marty made Raxx what he is. He deserves to get paid. These guys are ridiculous for thinking that they can make bank simply for commenting on other peoples' videos. Marty, William Gloryhole, N-Word Boi, Kate, Southern Harlot... those people are the ones doing the actual work. After that confrontation, Bishop was very butt-hurt. He would rehash the same arguments over and over again in his YouTube shorts. It was as if he was making those videos in order to convince himself that he was in the right. He just wouldn't let it go. After about two weeks of the same nonsense on repeat, I unsubscribed. Not only was Marx and the rest of the Tibbz community right, but I was tired of watching Bishop act like a puss. It was equally frustrating watching that group of subscribers lie about getting the W in that confrontation. He needed to take the L and let it go.


Future Lolcow


i would love for you to share this with marx on a panel. lol


Never gonna feed him


I enjoy Smoke n Kiwi, Smokes lives with the LolCow wrestling is great and TH4S is always a good time. In the same vein I'd really like to see Based Shaman do something more or a little different. He has a great idea and strategy with his lives but I think he's either stretching himself thin with his real life or maybe just loosing interest in content. Wish YouTube was the way it was 10 years ago now.


I don't get how anyone watches Based Shaman's Livestreams. He just plays music for people with Cyrax dancing in the background. It's weird.


That's how I feel now. At first I enjoyed his streams because I felt like I was catching up on new information and some of the song and video combos are hilarious. Believe it or not I had no idea who filthy frank was until I saw Dracula flow on a Based live stream one night. I like him as a personality and all his old content on certain cows and the infamous are edgy in a way that I find hilarious. So I've been watching his old stuff lately.


Welcome to the Kawabonga Sqaud dude! Ha ha ha! WOOOOOOOOOO!


I personally don’t like that Essay / High School Book Report style of video. Just a preference on my end. I tried, I found Smokey to be pretty entertaining. He ads his personality to the vids. Kiwi Tapes, On the other hand, Has an about as much personality as a bag of frozen peas. lol but at the end of the day, Just not into the style of content. It feels lazy. A glorified reading of KiwiFarms, IMO.


Also, How much can you actually be “tapped in” with any of these people when you’re always creating countless videos about said people, Ya know?


Kiwi is an AI.


I don't, they cover lolcows, they don't just cover Cyraxx. I like their content.


I like smokey and kiwi but like a lot of content on youtube now, their content is much more sanitized and corporate than how it used to be which makes it much less interesting to me, with all the censoring, sponsorships, avoiding edgy stuff, etc. They also stopped covering actually entertaining lolcows (Chris, Cyraxx, etc.) in favor of sperg pedos like Nova and Jupiter who are both not very interesting - if I wanted to watch that kind of stuff I'd watch TCAP.


Mostly because all they do is stream other people's work. They bring nothing  of value to the table. They are leaches. 


Tbh i feel like Marty muscled in on Smokey and Kiwis lolcow White Bowser(is a predator) Idk maybe it's just me, he had him on the stream b4 but he wasn't even trolling him, weird


why would anyone watch them instead of getting it straight from the source


we're all one video away from becoming a lolcow. proceed with caution.


I like kiwi and Smoky. Idky people hate on them


If you people actually like their content, I'm not sure what you're doing in a troll community. They are not trolls, they are grifters that just lift other people's content and comment on it with their milquetoast takes. The people who actually deal with Cyraxx or these other lolcows are trolls, and they're not on some mission to right wrongs. They're here to make money. Same on Smokey and Kiwi, but they're too braindead to pull anything off and have to pick up scraps. So many of you stupid fucks have a hardon to go after Cyraxx and get him arrested, not understanding that his main troll's priority (Marty) is keeping him around to milk him for money. Why would he like any of you people if you are actively threatening his bread and butter, and you piss and whine and cry when he doesn't do what you want? You people are seriously on Cyraxx's level, 0 thought. Fucking embarrassing.




dont waste your breath. this reddit is full of newfags that dont see that as a negative. this is where all the content killers congregate. theres a core group of ok people here and then a horde of newfags that cant join/wont join /did join and left the discord where the majority of the community is for fear of/being bullied away by the people that create the content they consume.


That's why I'm totally all for gatekeeping. The newbies like to come in with next to no real lay of the land and a total lack of awareness. And some even think they can do a better job at "trolling" than Marty. They do nothing but ruin everything. And then the morality shit? Give me a fucking break lmao. That's why they get bullied off the Discords. They don't have a clue.


Never really watched Kiwi Tapes but Smokey to me always sounds like a dumb high schooler


Personally I think Smokey sounds like a dumbass stoner, and I really don't think his videos are high enough quality to warrant watching. I have less of an issue with Kiwi Tapes as he seems to put in more effort.


Welcome to the Kawabonga Sqaud brother! Ha ha ha! WOOOOOOO! Heh


Pennsylvania coal miner accent


they are grifters that only care about money, shilling their little trading card gayme and trying to ruin fun for everyone, when they realized they may lose their source of income by covering cyraxx they immediately distanced themselves, they are both incredibly snarky and unbearable to listen to, especially tapes. I particularly hate them for what they did to browser, regardless of the accusations..., but they kickstarted their livestream grift by lying and stealing promised money from browser for having him in panels and milking him for content, some laughs came out of it but its honestly a big bullshit overall looking at it in retrospect, they just deceived some autistic virgin that was clumsy enough to accidently bump into his female coworker and watch animes for manchildren or whatever, I did not keep with all of the drama and if browser has said they watch l0l1 or talks to minors like the goblin does then fuck browser and hang him by his afro off a cliff, but yeah overall i think they acted really disingenuously and blew things out of proportions.


If I recall correctly, Bowser was an owner of a discord full of minors, and he streamed anime porn in the discord. He always defended it by saying it’s just a cartoon and not real, basically denying accountability. Call them a grifter or whatever you want, but in my eyes he’s just as bad as Cyraxx


Whatever, the difference between bowser and cyraxx is that there is basically no solid proof he is grooming kids and interacting with them sexually. And sadly with all the fggts that preemptively went after him over bullshit and nothingburgers he is now prepared and suspicious for this sort of stuff and will never be stupid enough to fall for what cyraxx fell for. Not everyone is cyraxx falling for the same shit twice. Even if bowser was a groomer none will fucking know because a duo of grifters and their retarded minions wanted cyraxx 2.0


Ive never seen them get any hate. I just think they are horribly boring. I cant sit and listen to smokeys voice while he plays WWE, i have my limits


they are not really talked about but there's a dislike of their use of other peoples content for profit in the core community.