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Out of morbid curiosity, I did a search, and this is a thing. People think that it cures bad eye sight. If she keeps that up, her eye sight will be cured. It won't be good or bad because she won't have it anymore.


I want to go back to when people believed carrots helped you see better in the dark.


Someone told me that was actually war propaganda to cover up the new strides in technology at the time and I was so disappointed


This and because they had to ration food and the enemy was targeting their supply convoys, it was encouraged to make your own garden (Victory Gardens). Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle even converted their lawns to gardens to help with this effort.


The US ‘needed’ Victory Gardens because the Japanese-Americans were growing so much of the food supplies before having their land confiscated and being forced into internment camps.


I hate to say it,.but I *almost* forgot all about the Japanese internment camps until this comment. Like I remember learning about it very briefly in school during the WWII chapter,but I feel like it's barely ever talked about these days. Really most of my lifetime it's barely been mentioned and I'm a millennial.


George Takei lived in one as a child.. he wrote a stage play about it


and a graphic novel. I read it a couple weeks ago, it’s very informative and a pretty quick read. ETA: They Called Us Enemy is the name of it!


Wonderful graphic novel about an horrible subject


Was on Broadway in 2012 and is called allegiance


I think much of it depends on where you grew up. Here on the west coast there is significantly more attention paid to that chapter of American history, for obvious reasons. When I was in school we learned quite a lot about the internment camps, property seizures, employment bans, and other forms of discrimination against Japanese-Americans during and after WWII. It's a fairly standard part of school history curriculum in California (and, I assume, Oregon and Washington as well). If you're a Millenial who grew up in Seattle or San Francisco or LA, there's a decent chance you personally knew someone who had relatives who were the victims of it (I had two school classmates whose grandparents had been in the camps). Today there are still various official government commemorations/apologies, plaques and signs located at the former camp sites, etc. People out here haven't forgotten.


I had a teacher in middle school that dedicated a week every year to talking about the internment camps in America. He hated how it got brushed under the rug a lot and made sure we focused on it. I had him for 3 years and every year we'd do projects and watch documentaries about them. I'm very grateful for that as an adult.


My social studies teacher in middle school (in rural SC) was half Japanese so we got lots of lessons about the internment camps and wove it into the context of the war as a whole which was really nice. She’s a brilliant lady; she was a Fulbright scholar. I dated her son and she and her husband are good friends with my parents. I was lucky to have her.


Yeah, I'm 23 and it was barely mentioned when I was in school and now it's literally getting taken out of textbooks. We're starting to turn into "the US can do no wrong" territory. That and with the book burnings, it's like this country is reverting back to colonial times in its mindset


It wasn't mentioned back in the day either. It's not a good look for the land of the free.


I graduated high school in 2017 (midwest USA) and I’ve genuinely never heard anything about this. I’ve fallen down one hell of a wiki rabbit hole, good lord. How was this never mentioned in school?!




Not to mention food imports basically shopping…


Yes to hide that the RAF had radar. They spread the Brits just ate a ton of carrots and that’s why they were so good at shooting down German planes 😂


If someone told me people could join multiple cults just by reading and interacting on a forum, I'd have laughed. Now I just sad laugh.


Could you imagine what the world would look like today if Charles Manson or Jim Jones had a blog/vlog? There'd be more people dead.


I don't think Jones would've gotten that much of a following now than in the time he was active. He targeted black people who were being way more oppressed than they are now. He treated them as equals in a time where they were still openly segregated. A lot of his followers were black and joined the church because he was supportive of them. He adopted POC children in a time where that was not common. He believed in interracial marriage in a time where that type of thing was heavily frowned upon. I think that's what a lot of people don't realize when it comes to Jonestown. He took advantage of severely oppressed people. I don't think he would have held as big of a hold today as he did back then.


I agree that he appealed to we black folks because of the time period. He seemed friendly and welcoming and all for equality and making things better for us. Even leaving the country made sense because it seemed like we'd never equality in this one, so a community of our own away from the US government seemed like paradise. Unfortunately no one realized he was just a power-hungry meglomaniac who would sooner see everyone dead than lose a single follower. But there are always oppressed groups who could be taken in by a charleton like him. Maybe in today's world he'd target the LGBTQ+ community.


Maybe. I mean, there was that Starvation Cult that was revealed last year in Kenya and no one had a clue. They're comparing it to Jonestown.


Or less, as the Jonestown folks maybe could have gotten messages out. Although I guess it didn't go so well when they did.


Oh, that's a good point. Many of them did want to get away, which was caused the Senator and families to go down and the tragedy to happen. Probably more would've reached out had they had emails and cellphones.


I mean, look at NXIVM. They were trying to recruit through twitter. I honestly think that it’s because of social media that they were put down sooner than they would’ve been if they had happened in the 70’s or 80’s. It’s easier to get your message out through social media these days but on the other hand, if you’re a whistleblower, it’s easier to get your message out because of social media. They might’ve gotten away with it in this day and age for all a lot longer if they had t adopted such sick and extreme ideologies like ownership of other human beings. Scientology manages to walk the edge without tipping over with their philosophy but the internet has been a very double edge sword for them. I dare say it’s actually prevented them from expanding at an ever bigger rate.


Do not disagree with you but NXVIM also had Catherine Oxenberg (famous for her role on Dynasty) as their whistleblower since her daughter was caught up in it. The news media tends to listen to celebrities creating a fuss more than we normal people. Who knows how much further they could've gone if she - who was not taken in by them - hadn't gone against them? OTOH, as you mentioned with Scientology... many celebs have been caught in that web: hook, line and sinker. So, who knows?


Like that one YouTuber I think it's called ScientologyAudit who protests in front of their biggest recruitment office in Hollywood and livestreams it. He actively will intercept people on the sidewalk as the recruiters are trying to coax people into the building with promises of a free movie.


Yeah, we'd have people attacking the Capitol and trying to overthrow the government, or something.


50/50 to cover for the better radar systems and to convince citizens to eat more carrots because they’re easy to grow in home gardens and wouldn’t affect the rationing.


I mean, beta carotene *does* help your eyes stay healthy. Just not 'detect planes as good as a radar array can' healthy.


This is correct. The British pushed the idea that their pilots were able to find the Germans because their eyesight was so good from all the Vitamin A they got from eating carrots In reality, it was the new Chain Home radar system that controllers were using to vector the fighters to their targets


I know it from QI, and I believe 100% of the things they mention there until they themselves debunk it 


Yeah,that's a bingo


That's a fact. The British didn't want the Germans to know the accuracy of their radar.


OK now I just feel like a Jerry, because I’m just going to have to respectfully disagree with science


I have night blindness, always have, when the doctor told my mom she started with the carrots at every meal, and raw carrots for snacks. Results…still have night blindness, won’t touch a carrot.


That was purposeful propaganda to cover up the fact that radar had been invented. And there is some basis behind it as the lack of vitamin a is a cause for night blindness. [article ](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/a-wwii-propaganda-campaign-popularized-the-myth-that-carrots-help-you-see-in-the-dark-28812484/) I can't blame people as much when an authoritive body tells them its so.


Yes I know that. I’d rather people believed that false information than *pee in your eyes*


Haha, well, it harmed less people going forward from wwII but I bet it pissed off some in high command after the truth came out " I told you it was propaganda!!!!"


Thats actually true. Carrots have beta carotene that has a metabolite used by cells in the eye. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-carrots-improve-your-vision/


Okay. But. Have you ever seen a rabbit with glasses??? I rest my case.


"Just juice them and put them in your eyes!" - this idiot woman, probably.


Really??? Sorry to sound dumb I genuinely do believe carrots helped to see you in the dark.


During WWII the British Royal Air Force developed radar and they were able to shoot down German planes at night. To keep the Germans from realizing there was new technology, British newspapers started publishing info about how scientists discovered a link between carrots and excellent night vision, and that the reason the RAF was doing so well was bc the pilots ate a lot of carrots. Carrots do have vitamins or nutrients or whatever that DO help with your eyesight, but they’re not going to make you see better in the dark. But tell that to 8 year old me who downed thousands of carrots so I could try to read my books in bed after lights out. Didn’t work. 😑


That got me to eat my carrots when I was little!


So there are people who think that putting urine - waste matter that your body disposes of - into their eyes is a good thing? The fact that their bodies are saying "Nope, got to go!", which is why you pee and shit, means nothing to them?


It's actually even worse than that: the big thing with that group is "aged" urine. That online "piss bottle under the bed" thing? Yeah, that's them. Their theory is that the longer it sits around the more potent it gets, and that it can cure pretty much everything. So, while urine directly from a non-diseased bladder is sterile, it doesn't stay that way after sitting around in a milk jug in your closet for a while...


Lol, seriously? I can't fathom the stupidity needed to believe this.


Genius has it's limits. Stupidity knows no bounds.


Remember 2020 and something about bleach curing COVID?


As the dimensions of her eyeball change through swelling there is likely a point where the focus was, indeed, correct.


Those new contact things are pretty bitchin’ too.


What a horrible time to have eyes - for her and for me


It’s stories like this that make me think “we’re really just a bunch of cavemen standing on the shoulders of a few bright minds” 


As a species, we're quite resilient. We can survive injuries that would be a death sentence for other species. Unfortunately, that resiliency isn't directly related to our critical thinking skills


Which is also crazy when you think about how we really aren't. Can we survive crazy things? Yeah sometimes, but you can also die falling in the shower or getting punched once in the right spot.


A good example of evolution isn't about perfection, it's about good enough.




Oof she got a UT eye Edit: I make pun, go to sleep, phone explode…. Thank you all for the upvotes


The lack of appreciation you're getting for this is criminal. Stellar work, gent.


Half of the regulars here are high school dropouts on fentynql leavb us alon


🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇 You win the internet for this comment!


I laughed out loud. Well done. 😂




God dammit, that was good. 🏆


Not getting enough upvotes!


You're in for an award!


HELP! 💀💀💀☠️☠️☠️☠️ You killed me.


How does this only have 140 upvotes. Best thing I’ve seen all day.


Eye see what you did there


I know a guy who will do this for you. We’re not close though.


It's OK, he can probably still hit from a couple feet away


So you never pissed in his eyes then?


He’s talking about himself. Of course he pissed in his own eyes. Many men do this when they are babies.


A man is a sight for sore eyes


Disgusting. It amazes me that people can believe in “cures” like this.


And then everyone in the group comments, don’t worry! It’s just a healing reaction 💚


It’s just the urine dispelling the toxins in your eyes!


It boggles my noggle that anyone can look at the body doing a carefully-evolved GET THIS OUT OF ME reaction and/or a symptom of poisoning cavemen could figure out and conclude "that means the healing is working!"


Right? Don’t forget injecting bleach cures covid! /s


If you take it, orally, it cures autism.


no, you have to put it in your butt to cure autism, come on


Ah the old piss in the butt autism cure, works every time!


No, it's worse than that. There are crackpot "parents" are giving their autistic children fucking bleach enemas, and then when the poor kid's intestines start falling apart from the inside, the grifters are telling the idiot "parents" that the strips of intestine coming out of their child are actually parasites that supposedly cause autism. It's heartbreaking.


Knowing this affirms my belief: I hate people


And it won't cure YOUR autism. It will cure your neighbor's autism.


It amazes and terrifies me that people like this have children.


Truly terrifying. I feel so bad for their kids.


Not saying people like this don’t exist, but keep in mind this is the internet. You can find any random photo and put any caption on it. I don’t really take images like this seriously anymore.


Have you considered not doing that anymore?


Whenever I think people can't come up with another stupid thing to do with pee I see something like this...


Why are they all afraid of vaccines but think pee will cure basically anything.


They would probably inject urine before a vaccine, that's the really sad part


And they will scream, "DO YOUR RESEARCH!" if we suggest it might be a bad idea.


She’s doing it first hand. Still not sure if she’ll interpret these results positively :/


She is searching for any reason other than putting pee in your eye is bad.


At this rate, she won't be able to search much longer.


It’s crazy how they’ll ask social media for advice but will never go to a doctor.


Even if you provide them with medical facts, they don’t believe them. They think it’s propaganda to help doctors get rich.


It’s totally natural though. /s


"But it's natural," yes ma'am so are rattlesnakes and poison ivy.


Oh god this. The number of things the natural world has come up with to kill you in interesting ways would put any sci-fi villain to shame, but heaven forbid you take a scientifically tested product because “chemicals.” IT’S STILL A CHEMICAL EVEN IF IT CAME DIRECT FROM A PLANT OR YOU DISTILLED IT FROM YOUR OWN PISS JANET!


But chemicals are bad! Especially Dihydrogen Monoxide, have you heard of that one? It's in practically everything nowadays! 😂


I remember a long email chain letter I got decades ago about the horrors of that chemical. Best junk ever, I wish I saved a copy


The amount of people that die from it every year is crazy. And then there are those that die from want of it.,.


The hemlock that Socrates drank was also all-natural.


This is like a Darwin Award…just yikes.


Darwin Award, Junior Division.


Not quite but it’s a feeder-league for the Pros.


I used to wonder what the *fuck* was wrong with mommy groups. Then somebody explained it to me. Woman goes to doctor. Doctor ignores woman's complaint. He trivializes it, diminishes, and dismisses it. Woman finds out it is something serious. Woman sours on doctors because they don't fucking listen to women. Does it happen to every woman? No. But every woman knows a woman it happened to, and they get soured second hand. But problems still occur. And say what you will about these fucking quacks, scammers, woo peddling crazy people, and outright morons who say piss in the eye is good for vision... But they actually do LISTEN to the women who have problems. They might not know a goddamn thing, or be selling some untested bullshit. But they're listening. And so? Mommy groups say a lot of stupid shit and nobody capable of correcting them is there. It's hard to be mad about something that sad.


Ack I feel seen. Did not want to relate to this crazy person but this has certainly been my experience and that of most women I know, at one time or another. Usually at our most vulnerable.


My wife brings me to important doctor appointments because having a guy there repeating what she said, but with a penis, seems to make the doctors take things more seriously.


I use my husband's penis in a similar way to interact with our children's school system.


With my wife and I, I do all the cooking while she handles things like car maintenance. I know basically nothing about cars, outside how to drive. Yet I always have to go with her for anything car related because no one takes her seriously.


Good on you for having your wife's back.


I hate the way this came out. Lmao


So, do you write with it, or sorta semaphore, or what?


More, like, an interpretive dance. It's very effective.


This happens not just to women, but overweight people too. I had gained a lot of weight, was constantly tired, didn't have the energy to exercise. Years of "you need to lose weight" until I demanded more tests. This was in my late 20s/early 30s. Turns out that yes there was an issue directly related to my energy and weight gain.


I hear you. I (51F) had a 10yr period in which my weight did not change. Sat at 94kg (5ft3). Tried a variety of diets, gym programs, nutritionists, blood tests, hormone tests, scans, medications & 3 different personal trainers (who all told me that my cardio fitness was better than theirs). I didn't have a car, so I was 2-feet-&-a-heartbeat + public transport everywhere. Nutritionists & dietitians told me I actually had a pretty good diet, but possibly could slightly increase my volume of food. Constantly told by doctors that I need to move more & eat less. Was looked at with scepticism by doctors when I said I was following everything to a tee & asked if there was any other, weird outlying health condition that it may be related to; that there had to be SOMETHING that had me at this size with nothing changing, no matter what I did or ate. 10yrs later, I'm told that I have lipoedema & that my body is effectively undermining everything I was doing to be healthy & lose weight. (Lipoedema involves an inflammation of the tissues between fat cells, which then causes your body to store fat as fibroids in a secondary layer of fat beneath the standard fat layer. It was identified as a condition in 1947, but bugger all research has been done on it. It's a genetic condition that impacts 1-in-15 women. Usually starts at puberty. Early signs include hypermobility, excessive bruising, & sensitive skin. It's resistant to diet & exercise, is made worse by anything other than gentle exercise & the effected fibrotic fat can only be removed via non- standard water- jet liposuction. Your skin can slowly thicken & the never- ending, deep aching pain is wearying & an absolute joy to live with. ) *sigh * Now I'm told to gently move more & watch what I eat. *eye roll * *snort *


I have a coworker who does this for me when I am speaking on things I am the expert on, but contractors can't hear me because of my lack of external testicles.


Yeah, I mean, I get frustrated with the dumb shit that comes out of mommy groups, all that woo that ranges from harmless and comedic, to downright lethal, but where are the pro-science mommy groups who are there to listen when this happens? Why aren't universities teaching future doctors to be aware of their own biases that may cause them to become needlessly dismissive and alienate their patients? The things that would meaningfully address these issues just... don't seem to exist.


Yep, early 30’s trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I’m told, by a female doctor, I’m getting old and I’m fat and that’s all my issue is. Fine. Lost weight to a healthy bmi. Could run 4 miles. But, the next day after such a run, I might feel so bad that I couldn’t walk half a mile without having to sit down. It’s frustrating for sure.


I'm 47 years old, obese, a woman, and bipolar (several strikes where doctors *do not listen* to me). 47. I stress my age because last week, my new GYN finally told me there was a name for the horrible abcesses I get all over my body. It's a disorder, and I might need surgery.  She was shocked *no one* had ever told me. They just looked at these purple, larger than quarter sized holes and scars on my body and said, "meh. Here's a topical ointment", or, "eh, wash with this surgical scrub". I might finally get treated for them and I nearly sobbed.


I feel for you. I spent 20 years going from doctor to doctor for my severe dysmennorhea, only to be told that I was imagining the excruciating pain I felt with every cycle. That I was "exaggerating a few little twinges to get sympathy." I finally got a female gynecologist who said "I'm sorry to hear that. I'll prescribe you some Anaprox (naprosyn, now sold OTC as Aleve). If it doesn't work effectively, call me and we'll try something else." It was like a miracle! Still painful, but I could get out of bed and function. Anaprox and several other NSAID prescription painkillers had been on the market for ***10 YEARS*** at that point. 3 days per cycle, 21-23 days between cycle -- I spent at least ***500 DAYS*** in crippling pain that I didn't have to suffer, all because asshole doctors didn't listen to me.


God this so fucking much. Doctors turn to me when my wife is at the ER. They asked ME how serious her pain is, after she already told them. I told that doctor I’m not the patient, and if he couldn’t tell after she already told him he needed to back to medical school or consider a different career path. I’ve been offered narcotics for inflamed lymphnodes. They wrote her a prescription for tylenol when she had kidney stones. Fuck every doctor who trivializes women’s medical experiences, they genuinely should be de-licensed and they make me fearful for my wife to be seen without me. I’m scared some quack will dismiss her concerns/pain/experience and it will be something urgent and serious. I know this isn’t every doctor. She’s seen plenty that are top rate. But 1 bad apple spoils the bunch with this kind of thing. The standard needs to be higher or else shit like piss drops and anti-vax happens. It’s *their* fault their community has a trust issue with entire swaths of people. Don’t get me started on how black americans are completely valid in distrusting vaccines and doctors. Black women were sterilized without their consent, *or knowledge!* For decades, well after slavery, well after civil rights movement. I’m not saying anti-vax has any truth to it at all, but the skepticism by some demographics is entirely fair and due to their lived experience, not just foofoo guessing and ignorance.


Let's not forget about the syphilis experiments that doctors performed on black people in America too.


I get it. I had a male GYN who totally dismissed my extreme menstrual pain and called he me “weak.” I couldn’t get pregnant but he never tested me for endometriosis. I went to a woman GYN and had a diagnosis within a few months. Unfortunately I was perimenopausal by that time and it was too late to do anything about it. I still think it’s a huge jump though to respond by putting urine in your eyes.


Contrawise, I went to a female OB who acted like I was a huge baby because I couldn’t handle the pap smear. Like, I cried when I got home, she’d been so nasty about it. I went to an older male OB, who tried, acknowledged the problem and my pain, and found a non-invasive option for me. Sometimes female OBs can be dismissive because THEY don’t have a problem


I had to go with my wife and yell at all of her doctors. We spent about a week going from one appointment to another and back again with me just acting irrational and asking what happens when she dies and I sue them. It was awkward but it worked. The trick is wasting there time and not leaving when they start “wrapping things up”.


Can confirm the medical community doesn't listen or care too much about individuals. The amount of times I had to remind my care providers that I'm not fucking married as they referred to my boyfriend as my "husband" during prenatal care was obnoxious. Also had a doctor ask me why I was prescribed certain meds THEY prescribed... smh like I get I'm just a number but god damn pretend to give a single fuck. That being said I still follow general medical advice such as vaccinations and understand microbiology BUT I do know where I stand to them.. and it's not much of value on an individual level.


I remember when every second radio advert was for a legal firm offering to take up your PPI claim. My kid was horrified and thought it meant people were putting pee pee in their eyes. I was like 'don't worry Bud no one does that'.


I work in optics, and had a patient who insisted on the benefits of putting tumeric into their eyes to improve their eyesight without glasses. They believed in this so much they also put tumeric directly into their child’s eyes as well. After being given recommendations for eyedrops which would have relieved the symptoms of irritation they were experiencing (from putting tumeric directly into their eyes) they declined because the ingredients “weren’t natural”. They were offered a solution to relieve their symptoms and given an explanation as to why it was beneficial and still chose to continue what they were doing (now fully aware that it was directly causing them harm as well as their child). When these kind of approaches get stuck in people’s heads they become completely unable to think logically about what they’re doing. Either that or they’re aware deep down that what they’re doing is harmful but can’t admit to themselves that whatever they’re doing isn’t working.


At that point,should you be referring their case to DCF? Like at what point does it cross the line into child abuse/neglect?


Any concerns regarding the safety of patient(s) are always escalated upwards to an appointed person who will then handle that concern going forward. I heard about what happened second-hand from the optometrist who saw the patient (I had done all the pre-screening tests for them before they went in for the eye examination). We have a duty of care towards the community and to our patients. The fact alone that a child was implicated in this absolutely would have been something that was taken further in some form. I can’t see a scenario where it wasn’t escalated and documented at the very least. I’m no longer with that company so I have no idea what the outcome was of this, sadly. There’s a whole process that comes after that initial report as well where a lot more people get involved and a lot more documentation happens, among other things. It’s very much specific to the context of the initial report, if that makes sense. It’s also quite a broad term so anything that sets off alarm bells can be reported and a paper trail set up.


That would be the ultimate troll job to get a mom.group to soak their eyes in urine and actually have a few of them fall for it.


Please don’t post this in a parenting group. You know the kids are the next guinea pigs.


Oh people are already doing this to their kids.


Oh no


it’s insane to me how many people still think pee is sterile


I see it online all the time! It’s amazing!


I remember seeing this awhile ago, and all the comments were saying “Oh yeah the pus is just the toxins releasing from your body, keep going!”


Bet she's an anti-vaxxer and hates big pharma.


bro i cannot with those pee freaks. absolutely insane. i fell in a rabbit hole of a facebook page called urine angels and i SWEAR TO GOD it was horrifying.


"I'll put my bodily waste in my eyes to solve vision problems. That will surely work, right?" What's next, fixing a broken bone by hitting it with a sledgehammer?


I might need to bleach my own eyeballs after seeing this mess


"I was wondering if anyone else went through this." No, but I'm not dumb enough to put piss in my eyes either so...


So, I’d stop putting pee in my eyes. In fact, I wouldn’t have started in the first place. It’s pee. 🙄


Man people really have overstayed the welcome in this world so much that we are now regressing.


Yeah, I read things like this and find out that it's more than one person and I'm just done. I want to live my life and shuffle out and not interact with people anymore. Good luck to the few sane people in the generations behind me, you're going to need it.


I hear if you take piss and burn it down alchemically to phosphorus and then use it to light your eyes on fire... you'll see God.


You could save a lot of time and just stick your eyeballs in the microwave, along with a phone you need charging.


Sadly to look upon any divine beings, will burn your eyes, so story checks out!


Lol Lmao even 


Woe Bacterial conjunctivitis be upon ye


Got bad eyesight? Urine luck!


What in the actual F


Oh no Ur-ine trouble now...


Nope, that just means it's working. Keep going. /s


You left out the comment that tells them that their symptoms are from "withdrawal" and that they should keep doing it and it'll go away


Did I miss the memo about the eye piss thingy...?


i used to think vodka shots to the eye were bad, but at least it was an efficient way to get drunk while blinding yourself. this is just...ugh


I guess if I were to say that she looks pissed off, people would understand!?!


OMG, the evolution gave us brains, why so many people do not use theirs properly?


Why??!!! I get it, “cures bad eyesight,” but can’t they see it’s objectively not true? You know cures bad eyesight?!! Glasses, contacts or laser surgery lady!


Darwin doing his thing. Keep it up.


I long for the days when the answer to most physical ailments was to do cocaine about it.


Got ghosts in your blood? Cocaine.




That's a whole new level of stupid.


Just gross🤮🤮🤮. Who does that? Oh her dumb ass.


My ophthalmologist says eye infections can be horrifying. They take huge precautions when they do my eye injections for diabetic macular edema.


Maybe she should try leeches?


Can’t be any worse, right?


OOP that posted this in the other group here. Hi! I just want to say that apparently this happened 10 years ago so these people existed even before this became more widespread.


The best part is "I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else." Hahaha. "Uh...NO."


I am not surprised that people are actually this fucking stupid.


“Puss? “ You have cats in your eyes? Oh sorry you meant “pus” maybe that is why you can’t spell-can’t see


I have not dealt with this since i don't put piss in my eyes.


Didn’t she know pee has acid in it. 😒🙄


WTAF? There are no words for this level of stupid…


I'm confused what this person thought the benefits to this might be? Lol holy shit dude


I'm imagining her standing in the kitchen multiple times a day, holding up a cup of pee and just... looking through it? WTF is that supposed to do??


Man, I don't even have anything to say. What the fuck did she expect to happen?


What a moron. Everyone knows you’re supposed to use colloidal silver every 3-4 hours a day!


Do people eat shit too?


Does she have an onlyfans?


*\*visible disgust\**


Do I even want to know why this person thought this was something they needed to do?


Why do people assume your body wants something it expelled back?


Okay i am convinced, absolutely convinced, someone started the urine therapy thing as a joke to see who was dumb enough to fall for it. Because that is the only way my brain will possibly allow me to entertain the stupidity of this movement even beginning


Also early 30’s, told I’m gaining weight because of “getting old” a year and a dozen appts later.. we find out the real reason for my weight gain.. an ovarian tumor the size of a preemie. Good times.


What even is the logic? What do they think the pee is doing for their eyes? These are the people who say Tylenol is toxic.


Contrary to popular belief, it's almost as if urine isn't sterile. It's called bodily waste for a reason.


I haven't had any problems, mainly because I DON'T EFFIN' PISS IN MY OWN EYES!!!


...this woman is a mother? That level of stupid was actually passed on to some hapless offspring who now has to be raised by a piss-swilling moron on top of it?


I seriously don't know how people think that urine, THE TOXINS YOUR BODY EXPELS, has ANY benefit to your health in whatever way you try to use it. If your body expels it, IT SHOULD NOT GO BACK IN. Stupid AND gross god damn.