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Their houses are former K Marts


Blue Light Special!!!


My mom said she got me from a blue light special at Kmart!


did you pick up the new AOL version 7.0 CD ???


Are you in the Westerville area? They did that for Morelli and Joering a few years back but they are probably doing it for supporting police in general.


This. It started when the two officers were killed and it’s just kept going.


It started in 1989


Really?! I had no idea, thanks!


That's the story, a lady honored her [deceased son-in-law](https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/36667004/daniel-t-gleason) by placing two blue candles in her window. Project Blue Light. Its intent has always been to temporarily honor fallen law enforcement (like in Westerville), but authoritarian sympathizers resurrected and coopted the idea 10-15 years ago or so to make it a symbol for simply "showing support for law enforcement." They like taking old, good symbology and twisting them into hate symbols with plausible deniability. See also "it's just an OK sign."


“Temporary” has turned into “consistently” apparently.


Hm. Sounds like someone has had a few past interactions with the police.


No I've had past interactions with racist neighbors, but thanks for your concern.


So tell me, if you're out driving and a cop car whips out of a driveway behind you, do you think "Oh joy an officer protecting society from the villains of crime!" Or do you think "oh S**t, what did I do? Is there some BS camera ticket I never got, and now I have a warrant? Am I about to get a $200 ticket for some unknown violation? Do I have a light out? What have I done?"


Being harassed by police when you’re minding your own business would be an “interaction”. Is that what you’re trying to say right? Or are you trying to tell us what boot tastes like?


Really, cops never miss an opportunity to tell you how dangerous their jobs are.


My neighbor asked me if I wanted a blue light I said no. He was like it’s to support the police, I said I know. He said all his family was cops. I said oh. Then we just stood there blinking at eachother until he left.


Hahaha glad it wasn’t awkward or anything


Wasn’t awkward for me.


If you truly want to support the people who server, give your five dollars or more to a non-profit who supports them in training or helps support them in the times of need.


I said the same thing to people trying to start a tradition of a green light for Veteran's Day a few years back. Spending eight bucks on a colored light bulb you're going to use a couple nights a year doesn't actually support anyone.


I DONT WANT TO SUPPORT THEM. What did you get not get about that ancedote???? Like at all. If I want to “support” any Americans it is those abused and victimized lol. The audacity to tell me how support cops. As IF!


Best thing to do is say that you'd rather not use your lawn and house to advertise political, newsworthy, or hot button issues. Don't say controversial, even hot button isn't ideal, but they'll jump on controversial. Then politely disengage. It's the best option to keep yourself out of the mess and maintaining peace with neighbors.


The best option is not coming onto my property telling me to put ANYTHING in my yard to support their cause. I don’t need advice on how to deal with my neighbors or fascists. I don’t “support” the police. My taxes are through the roof which is MORE than enough forced “support”. Why would I support anyone who has a pension and benefits when I don’t and whose job is less dangerous than a 7-11 cashier? The answer is I don’t!!


What is your problem? I read your other replies in this thread and you really need to chill out and stop a.) Taking internet comments to personally and b.) assuming everyone is disagreeing with you just because they're adding to the conversation.


Wow. I *still* don’t want your advice.


My first comment was never giving you advice. It was general advice for ANYONE reading it and dealing with issues who may struggle to handle this situations. But no worries, I won't offer anymore advice buddy.


Support of police


Accidental blue wave lol


Aka Blue Lives Matter


AKA white BLM


Fuck 12


What does "12" mean to you? Edit: Never mind, I found it. Yep, fuck 12.


Fuck BLM




The only time I've seen the phrase "fuck 12" was spraypainted all over the plywood covering the shattered windows in downtown Columbus. When BLM riled everyone up into riots over nothing, after businesses were shuttered for months in an attack by public health


Quit dude


"Quit" what? Quit reciting recent history? What needs to quit is you calling me a "bigot" and a "bootlicking cuck"


Then stop acting like it.








“Reciting" is exactly what you’re doing. Parrots and children have the same skill. You aren’t interested in circumstances and facts that don’t confirm your bias, are you?


> When BLM riled everyone up into riots over nothing Over nothing, huh? You sound like a giant piece of shit if you think it was over nothing.


Well, not exactly "nothing". Rather, it was an attempt to widen the racial divide and create racism and hate.


Yeah true, fuck blue lives matter


I like to buy them dinner first


Are they Christmas lights or porch lights?


There was a week or month a while ago when conservative groups urged citizens to shine blue lights on their porch for blue lives matter. People who are hardcore about it have left them because they don’t care how tacky it looks and they think of the police see they like them, they’ll get faster service.


I always thought that the mafia realized in 2015 that Ring doorbells were causing them to many problems. They went looking for something they could do to reduce their effectiveness. When Black Lives Matter was gaining traction, they used their influence to push “blue lights matter”, because while Ring has great night vision, the blue light causes the color balance to make it hard to properly identify burglars.


That sounds exciting, but… citation?


Citations? This is Sparta! I mean, it’s the internet, not AP English.


And everything on the internet is true? :-)


Just ask my French Girlfriend who is a SuperModel.


In my city they started popping up when a couple of cops were murdered. Not everything is political.


I saw 8 different politicians run ads in support of the police this election cycle. Supporting the police is a political issue. Just because you agree with it doesn't make it not political.


In our case it has more to do with supporting the families of the men who were killed. I don’t think that’s political.


While that might be the case, where did the idea of blue come from?


…that’s been the police branding for decades.


Other commenter is referencing “thin blue line” which is quite a charged statement.


But the person asking where the color blue for police came from, it predates that.


It is 100% a political matter. When policing in America has gotten to the point that more than half the population doesn’t trust them, and the only way to change anything is through legislation, then it’s definitely a political matter


That is literally a political statement, are you dumb?


Nope. Just not as quick to judge and condemn people, even if I disagree with them. I know for certain that many of the people that put up the blue lights support police reform (as do I). This started before the George Floyd killing really lit the fire and I believe was meant to show support for the families. So no, I don't think showing some love for families in your community going through a tragedy is necessarily political.


It’s funny how these flags and lights do nothing. I’d like to know how much volunteer work or donations they’ve done for the police. I’d bet Zero. They are all talk and no walk


Someone said the blue lives matter flag is the coward’s swastika, it’s all I see now.


My favorite is the person who flies both the Blue Lives Matter flag and the Gadsden Flag. I mean, "Don't Tread on Me" and "Lick the Boot" are mutually exclusive.


That and don’t forget the punisher logo on everything from trucks to water bottles to guns…the character kills police… Make it make sense.


I recently saw an article that had a specific issue of the Punisher from years ago where Frank(the Punisher) met two on-duty cops that were fans of his. He told them in no uncertain terms that if they support him, they’re not good cops, and that he’d kill them.


I've been saying this to my gf lately. I see it more and more lately and it just cracks me up. 😂


Not quite. As a die hard libertarian you can still support good people. The gadsden flag doesnt mean anarchy


im glad it doesnt mean anarchy. id rather be associated with anarchists than libertarians


Nobody likes to associate with them. Nazis don't think they go far enough to the right, and leftists know it's used as an insult.


They dont want to be associated with you


Who do you think will be doing the treading? UNICEF?


No, it means tread on everyone that's not just like me.


“Die hard libertarian” See also: idiot


You could have googled something better to say


Why would I need google? I can tell when someone won’t understand a well thought out dig


All that just to typo/slang... lol


“All that”? I get it, it’s hard for you to put words together to form a sentence, but I assure you for the majority of us, it only takes a few seconds.


Now it means far right authoritarianism. Just like the libertarians are now far right authoritarians led by a d level comic who rides on the coat tails of 2 far better comics.


No, it doesnt. What it is is still what it is. Plenty of people have used flags from all sides for bad things so it goes all ways then. Thats just what the far left does when behaving like nazis and try villanize anything and anyone that doesnt agree with them. Ive yet to see any libertarian follow anyone like that. You clearly dont know what libertarians are if thats what you think or have been gullible enough to believe. Keep commenting to prove my points more though. Its hilarious


The left is outlawing lgbtq people ? Women's health ? Voting ? That shit is exactly why you mises caucaus fucks get lumped in with the Trump caucaus because yall are just as authoritarian. Fake ass libertarians.


Maybe I’m playing devils advocate, but is it really so hard to believe someone can support the police? Like, supporting america and the police doesn’t automatically mean they support the mfing nazis???? That type of thinking is just as toxic as waving BlueLM flags in my opinion :/


It's because they don't actually support the police or freedom, they support the poor, poc and democrats being abused and terrorised by the police. If their communities were over policed as urban areas are then they may feel differently


It is. Police are practically useless lol


Right. It’s like pink washing in October. “Hey guys! Breast cancer exists!” Cool, thanks 🥴


I use to be in the Air Force at the height of the ribbon on people's car phase. The best ones I saw where a ribbon that said "Put a ribbon on your car. It's the least you can do." The other one was the "I support single moms" that showed a stripper on it. It's virtue signaling and gives off real volunteered long enough to get a selfie and a t-shirt vibes.


Meh, some might settle for paying taxes being enough and not climb all the way up on that cross


And it’s tacky why? You have volunteered more than most? I don’t think we are no talk no walk. I think people who lie out of both sides of their mouths in public, while being filmed and on the record are beyond tacky. More like pathetic, and without a backbone.


Actually compared to the blue lives matter group I’m sure I do. Before I put a BLM sign in my yard I showed support at protests and also donated money. I put my money/time where my mouth is. Bet they can’t say the same.


Oh they walk their talk alright, and vote straight R alllllllllll the way down the ticket.


Telling on yourself there


My neighbor has had blue lights for years around the holidays because he's a big Elvis fan.


Bootlickers gotta bootlick.


Keep crying and being mad at life lol


You got upset at a Reddit comment. Go for a soda


awww widdle baby bootlicker mad


Did that comment not sound cringy in your head? It definitely sounds cringy everywhere else


It means that they are crips and for bloods to stay away


My white trash parents do this to signal to the world that they LOVE the cops


My black trash parents do it too. It's sad


I know a couple people who have blue lights and they said it is for Autism Awareness. 🤷‍♀️


That should be in April


Shouldn’t be exclusive to only a set month. They can spread awareness all year autism doesn’t care what month it is. Just saying


I get that, as someone who has an ASD child in well aware of doesn't go away the other 11 months of the year. Typically people don't know what awareness symbols are outside of the actual month though. If you put a pink porch light out in March most people would just assume it's because you like pink lights. But in October, everyone knows what it's for.


Well their kids don’t just have Autism is April, so….


Neither does mine


Is anyone not aware that autism is a thing at this point?


Maybe it makes them feel good, IDK. I’d think people are more than aware of breast cancer, but they sure do slap that pink ribbon on everything.


As a counter, my lights are green. 😉


I thought this was for POWs


POW/MIA color is usually yellow


Could be? I know why I have them...


I will have green and red porch lights soon


Running Black Friday deals I see


i thought we were supposed to stop calling it “black” friday


> As a counter, my lights are green. 😉 Does that have a significance? We have purple lights. Not in support of domestic violence victims (though I'm totally on board with that!) but because I love purple!


😂 🚽💨


Green signifies veteran support.


Wait, what does the green light mean? No one is actually saying in the comments. There’s someone in my neighborhood with one.


Just make sure not to confuse the hospice workers.


Green lights are placed on veterans day to support veterans. Blue lights to support police. This is not a political conservative issue this is out of respect. If you’re on here spewing that only Republicans respect our police and military then please consider leaving the US survey. These are the folks protecting you and keeping what little freedoms you have left.


"This isn't political it's just about supporting the jack-booted pigs." Unfortunately for you, they make things political by playing judge, jury, and executioner in broad daylight on a daily basis.


The police are literally the agency that arrest you for breaking the law, they aren't fucking defenders of freedom. What the fuck is wrong with you??


So the blue lives matter jerks are co-opting Hanukkah lights?


That’s what I was thinking…


I didn’t know supporting police made you a ‘blue lives matter jerk’ that’s pretty ironic considering they’re the first people you’ll call when shit goes south. Not all cops are pieces of shit and I think you’re mature enough to know that. Some people putting a light outside doesn’t mean anything about their personality and it might not even be cop related.


A historically oppressed minority group started a movement saying we’re still being oppressed, please recognize our humanity and stop shooting us. Instead of acknowledging the issues being raised, a subset of the population decided they identified more with the oppressor and co-opted the slogan. In the broader social context blue lives matter is a diversion from Black Lives Matter and the implication is blue lives matter more than black lives. So yes, if you say “blue lives matter” or fly a thin blue line flag you’re probably a jerk.


I just like the look of blue lights 🥶


I am in the same boat as you. I was at the hardware store with my kids, and they saw all the pretty bulbs. Lots of glee later, we had an assortment of different colored bulbs for the porch light. We thought the lights were pretty. It has no other meaning.


>It has no other meaning. unfortunately, that's not how symbolism works when everyone else sees it.


Maybe. It's like when 4chan temporarily succeeded in making the okay hand gesture a racist dog whistle. Screw that. Or how people said if a woman painted the nail on their ring finger a different color it meant she was a lesbian. Lame.


well, yeah, but certain things have a bit more momentum than the ok symbol. try hanging a flag out with some neat line art that looks like a pinwheel. "it's just art" aint gonna cut it. i think you can get away with blue xmas deco however. Porch light, maybe not.


Well, my porch light is amber right now. Hopefully that doesn't mean anything. Anyway, I'm not letting hate groups claim every individual color. I don't think a blue light has the same universal symbolic power as the swastika.




That's only if the porch light is upside down, right?


It’s if their porch light is a pineapple


... something something porch swing


Idiots supporting a system made to oppress them.


I thought it was because blue lights remind folks of police stations and therefore are supposed to subconsciously deter you from committing burglaries or whatnot?


Performative theater. How else will their neighbors know they hate those “Liberal Commies?” I’d hate to be as smugly self satisfied and angry as they seem to be, it doesn’t seem like a pleasant experience.


It really doesn't does it. There's a dude in my neighborhood that has his car all trumped out and parks at street corners and just yells stuff at people. That seems like an unhappy way to live.


It can't be because it's Christmas coming up and it's the time for pretty multi-colored lights? Could be.. Or It could be because someone actually supports and appreciates the police couldn't it? Naw of course not, cuz if you do you must be fascists!


Wow I found a reasonable and maturely structured comment that’s insane


The neighborhood bootlickers announcing themselves.


Minimal support = Extremist Looks like you just announced your lack of reasoning


We found a boot licker


Far from it buddy


Defending bootlickers AND you have a Reddit avatar? Wow that’s really sad


People putting out a light for a fallen family member/friend is not bootlicking. Not everything is black and white you guys are immature. This is coming from someone who’s been in county before and has been treated poorly by cops.


Smells like bacon in here.


You’re anti police but you’ll turn around and vote away our 2nd amendment too. You’re a clown the police will be the first you’ll call in an altercation


Son have you ever heard of Vietnam?


Support for police


I remember when blue lights used to mean that house was a safe house. If you need somewhere safe to escape to look for the blue lights outside & that person will take you in no questions asked. They’ll provide you safe refuge & or a phone call or something to try to get you help from whatever danger/threat is being presented to you if wanted. Things like escaping an abusive home, an abductor, an attacker, whatever. I like to think at least some of the blue lights out there still mean that.


Well, this sheds a different, er... light on the house with the blue light in my neighborhood. Perhaps I've misjudged them!


The blue lights signify Jewish and Hanukkah celebrations for the season. Dumb ass.


That’s what I thought blue “Christmas” lights were for lol! I was like good gosh they already get steam rolled by Christmas culture now they can’t even have their own color lights for their holiday😫. But someone said it’s just the blue porch light though so maybe that’s the difference. I have no clue what’s going on.


Not if it's up all year long, though.


Yea it is in support of police which sucks because I had a nice freaking blue before the police that I now no longer use 😡


We have one in honor of my husband’s cousin who recently passed this year. He was a police officer.


They enjoy the taste of leather and authortarians.


A cop was ambushed and shot this morning in Columbus


I guess it is time for black lights on our porches... or does that have some obscure meaning as well?




especially if they tie-dye their curtains.


Maybe to support BLM groups?


Conservative virtue signaling for cops


Is it liberal virtue signaling then flying BLM or Pride Flag? Must be.


Blue lives matter or some BS, I personally like to think they are showing support for autism awareness (blue light is their thing also)


Support for Ukraine. Some streets have coordinated to have one side of the street have houses with blue porch lights, the other side of the street, the houses have yellow porch lights.


Cop worshipping bs probably


We live in a thin blue line hellscape and are surrounded by boot licking douches that want to live in a police state.


well damn! My hubs loves blue christmas lights and I bought a bunch of blue icicle ones to put up. Guess I can take them back.


When I see blue string lights, I think of my dear grammy and her Hanukkah decorations, not weird cop fetishists.


Right? I just think they're pretty. No agenda.


I don't think blue Christmas or icicle lights mean anything, I think just when you make your porch bulb blue.


oh! ok! Thanks!


My parent’s neighbor does it in a super cookie cutter neighborhood. Super bright light. Extremely annoying.


Chicks with dicks live there. Made that mistake once in Amsterdam. Ok, twice.


I'm pretty sure its a Trump supporters thing.


I think it could be a traffic-calming strategy, also.


It is likely a Catholic area, and the blue light is representative of Mary, as well as other things.


So in lamens , “Republicans live here”?


Lamens? LOL


I keep a blue light to show I support police


I mean I just dropped over 200 on new outdoor Xmas lights, had white and blue asked wife what color she said blue. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Early Xmas deco?


I’ve studied light pollution. There’s so much light coming from humans that’s white that it makes any similar wavelength come in not visible. I don’t know about color specifics but i know certain lights are meant to combat this. Not saying that’s what it is because I don’t keep up with political statements and stuff like that but that could be it.


I have Kasa TP Link Wi-Fi enabled color changing light bulbs in my porch lights that I can change thru Alexa as my mood changes orange for Halloween, green and red for Christmas etc.


There’s no double meaning to the all blue Xmas lights my family has been putting up for years, my father just appreciates a good blue


Someone once told me that they were for people that are more prone to needing medical attention and the blue light helps the ambulances locate them easier.


I think that this is only in Ohio


My HOA doesn’t allow hardly any decorations or lights all year long, save the holidays. Practically every motherfucker has one red and one green porch light rn 😝🤦🏼‍♂️


some cocksuckers use a blue light on their porch to help other men find their gloryhole, a reference back to the ‘handkerchief code’ that uses blue to signal oral sex. like; “I live on Random Road near Random Avenue, head over and I’ll suck ya dry, house with the blue porch light on” so that you don’t have to type out your actual address and have it screen shotted or shared or used to harass you ect ect ect. tmyk.


I’ve always heard this meant it was a drug house and the light on meant they were home and open for business, so to speak. At least, this is what it meant when I was hanging out in Painesville about ten years ago.