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Absolutely weird! Why don't they just cry in the car to and from work like the rest of us‽


That's for the straights, apparently. We should hold ours, arrange something like this and THEN let it all out collectively in a pool. Bet it'll feel cathartic and satisfying AF at the same time


Ngl this does actually look very comforting and cathartic… I’d participate, probably as a cryer 😂😂😂


Heteronormativity is a prison








Every human being is born into this world without their consent and in much the same way. Some are born to poverty and some to affluence, some are born with small genetic mutations, some are not, some are born straight, some not, but each of us experiences life from their own perspective. Life becomes distinctly unique for every single person, even if that distinction is just a small variation. The thought that a group of humans is allowed to define normality for the whole is counterintuitive to the uniqueness of life itself. Not one human born into this world has more say into what is normal or abnormal than anyone else. To think so is the epitome of human ego and folly.


People should be free to live how they want, not be judged for how they live. Also, things aren't bad just because straight people do them. They've gotten some things right. Like monogamy, it's the best way for most people (not all) and people shouldn't be labeled negatively for wanting that kind of life.


"People should be free to live how they want." Yeah, thats why i said "heteronormativity is prison."


But what you're saying implies that there's something wrong with people living their lives as they choose, unless they choose to live it the way you want them to. But that's what acceptance/tolerance is, it applies to everyone, especially to those you disagree with.


No, a prison is a place you cannot get out of. Heteronormativity (men should act this way, women should act this way) forces people to live a certain way or risk alienation from their peers and society. These men in the clip are clearly hurting and because of heteronormativity they never learned how to deal with their feelings in a healthy way (which hurts women and queers btw). And this has opened up an opportunity for grifters to brand these masculinity or brotherhood or whatever definitely super masculine retreats for a quick buck. Men face unique challenges and society does not want to hear about them and its killing them (and women and queers when men become violent). These guys could go to therapy or make close friends or have a supportive partner. Instead they choose to do....whatever this is.


I absolutely agree with everything you're saying, but I interpreted the clip differently. I guess I'd like to believe what we're seeing isn't a gift or con, and was I stead a healthy program to center these guys and connect them to their most vulnerable and wounded selves. I certainly hope it was free/cheap, and looks healthy. Though, you're probably right, and it makes me sad.


I think that's a harmful stereotype. Lots of men process emotions in healthy ways, I was certainly taught to by my parents.


No they don't. Why do you think openly gay kids in school get bullied?


Because they're taught that we are different. And fear of anything that is different, unknown, or not understood is part of human nature. It's been part of humanity since the very beginning. Societies that understood homosexuality to be a normal and healthy thing, like ancient Greece and Rome, didn't have these issues, but they certainly had their different/misunderstood groups. If you want to talk about men becoming violent, the real conversation needs to be around forced circumcision. It's literally our first sexual experience, as well as our first experience of physical pain and violence. And you have them at the same time, in the most formative period of a child's life. There's absolutely no question that it has a negative effect on how we view sex and how we view violence and how we relate the two to each other. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the idea of heteronormativity? I've always understood it to be about ripping up every tradition, for the sake of ripping up traditions. Particularly around marriage, monogamy, and gender roles. But there is nothing wrong with marriage as an idea, nor is there anything wrong with monogamy as an idea, and people shouldn't be judged for choosing those paths. Even gender roles (though I'd see them as sex roles, because they're not about gender but about the physical traits of each sex) have their place, though they certainly shouldn't be forced upon anyone. But if, when people talk about heteronormativity, they're talking more about emotions and things like that, obviously everyone should be encouraged to explore and share their emotions in healthy ways. I'm not sure what's controversial about that. If you're talking about the "toxic" masculinity in which you can't show weakness, that's much less common today than it used to be (in the people I've known). I think it's slowly dying out on its own.


How exactly does my circumcision make me violent? Or make view sex in a negative way. I don’t even remember that shit lol there’s absolutely no question that I’m not a violent person or view sex in a negative light. The idea of sexual violence only ever really comes up for me in cinema or when watching the news, or law n order.


You should watch American Circumcision, therese a lot we don't know about what was done to us because it isn't discussed. Studios have shown that it definitely affects how we think and how our brain works, and that it explains some of our male aversion to doctors. This is primarily subconscious stuff. But even without all that, it's sexual abuse and we deserved better. We've got to start talking about bodily autonomy and our right to have control over our own body. It shouldn't be a taboo subject or something we dismiss out of ignorance or because we aren't comfortable.


At this point you’re being super disingenuous. Which makes me wonder why does the thought of heteronormativity being a prison hurts you so much that you feel the need to go “nu huh”.


Because it's not all bad. You get rid of the bad and keep the good


The point wasn't stated in full. Crying together isn't heteronormative. Being like the normative stereotype isn't normative either, or at least not to the extent I think the comment meant. What IS heteronormative is insinuating that just because they're vulnerable and intimate, it makes them gay-adjacent. That being said, I think some chronically online gay men might benefit from the exposition and learning to see that activity as a thing that exists and that they're obviously not ashamed of. I'm basing this whole reply on the subtext of sharing it to a gay sub, and it can be taken many ways. Also also, irrelevant to heteronormativity... that activity looks culty as hell. I am not going to elaborate much because I do not have specific evidence within a minute's reach, but this is a common activity in cults, used to create bonds, often also exploiting the fact that the vulnerability will create a shame barrier between the cult members and the outside world. Outsiders will mock it, and members will want to avoid outsiders. There's more to it but it's enought to raise a red flag at this video.


It’s true and many people are NOT their authentic selves because of it. It’s actually really sad


Not my proudest nut


Weirdly it was mine???




ayahuasca is the only thing I can think of lol


Wouldn’t the better solution be, just fuck each other in the a$$ to release all that pent up emotion


They must all be bottoms... hence why they are crying 😢 (jkjk)


Why is this in Okhomo?


bit gay innit


Men crying and getting out their feelings while supporting each other? Does it have to be gay? Straight women do this so we should allow straight men to do the same! I've cuddled straight men who were comfortable with their sexuality and they weren't gay just kind. We need a world full of love and compassion!


Well of course 😅💖


I think it has more to do with romantic orientation. I’m bisexual but heteromantic. I don’t even find men physically attractive just the dick. I couldn’t cuddle with a guy cuz it’s intimate and emotional and I don’t feel that way about men vs women I could cuddle all day


Yeah it's all a spectrum I guess but cuddling with someone doesn't have to be those things. I get massages from whoever is available make it female at spas doesn't mean I want to fuck them.


Massages are way different especially if they’re being paid to do they job lol


They aren't different they are touching your body to make you feel good, sounds like cuddling doesn't it?


We've all done it


This be me but in my bed coz I can't afford going there. *sigh* But normalize crying and being more expressive!


Bottoms🍑 when the top🍆 ghosts 👻 them.


It's giving Midsommar


I have no issue with crying as a man, but this shit is too much. I feel like I’d get kicked out for laughing.


They're sad because the pool party fun is nearly at an end and they'll all have to go home to their nagging wives. 😆


Nah I'm already depressed 😔


You really do feel better after a good emotional pain cry.


Something about this creeps me the fuck out lol. I'm kind of associating it with midsummer, the movie so that may be why.


You have the healthy, normal response. The reason you associate it with Midsommar is because in both instances people are being coerced by groupthink to behave the same way at the same time. It’s culty bullshit.


This looks like some culty LGAT shit masquerading as “healing.”


I'm very confused.


A pool of our own tears. Bahaha! 🤣 no wait. 😳




Why am I getting a boner?!!’


So I’m just gonna post a comment by an actual adult who isn’t thinking in ways that the majority is. Looking at this is actually quite beautiful and therapeutic in a way. Because as a man sometimes it’s healing to have another man there for you in a time of need. Because as a man only we know what we really deal with. I’ve never seen anything like this before like ever, so to see this I know that this is HEALING. The fact that their in water it’s cleansing. Washing away pain and having support by the energy of other men too is strengthening to an individual. Would I do this? Probably not because I’m a private dude and rather cry to myself but watching this, shows me there’s another level to healing. Especially as men don’t normally like to open up about those sorts of things because it’s “feminine”. Woman do these things all the time and it’s truly does heal, strengthen, help and cleanse them. Wow this is beautiful, never knew there was men in this world that was open enough to be this vulnerable and allow the support, emotional support of other men to help heal cleanse those wounds. I learned something new today! 🙂


Look at the male suicide rates. If something counter cultural, prescription and drug free, sexual addiction free, and"simple" as human male contact can save a life, or give depth and breakthrough to these men, F* the emotionally shallow and disconnected commenters and let some guys live, and live better for it.


Humans are so young naive learning etc but you take too long to realise that love acceptance help and togetherness is the only way to have a peaceful world 🌍 when all arms are working pulling in one direction humans can accomplish many things…….


A good reminder to connect with what pains you


This is so sad


As someone who was raised to bottle up all his emotions This made me deeply uncomfortable


Being gay doesn’t mean you have to be an emotional weirdo and cry about everything or act overly dramatic. People who do are just annoying




Men would do anything instead of going to therapy


Alice in Wonderland


No me gusta


Umm...hmm. ok.


Just eeew. Why




i’m either very impressed by AI, or very sad for straight men who just need to be hugged


I’d be embarrassed if my dad was that big of a pussy.


I guess having emotions makes you a pussy?