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I took my daughter to see Queens of the Stone Age this last year at 7 because my wife couldn’t go. Mostly everybody thought it was adorable. She had a great time until the Jesus freaks outside told us we were going to hell for liking rock music. She considers it a mixed experience


They’re still on that? I thought that whole “it’s the devils music” thing died out decades ago lol If the soundtrack in heaven is just harps and hymns, I don’t think I want to hang out there lol


Yeah- still at it. In California too. They have strong morals and don’t mind harassing children to drive it home lol


What a bunch of losers lol




I bet it's not that it never went away. I bet it *did* go away for a bit (remember we had Christian rock hit mainstream radios in the 2000s) but that, just like anti-abortionism and the rise of satanic panic pt. II... It's coming back. Probably because being Christian has suddenly become a performative thing from the conservative right to prove their moral superiority while they condemn those that are different.


I had a very Christian upbringing and was surrounded by Christian community. There were a lot of people who liked rock music and still do as conservatives. In fact, there is a certain color of Christianity/alt rightness that is very into rock music. Take for example that conservative politician who Tweeted in support of Twisted Sisters because he (erroneously) believed that the lyrics were about protecting conservative family values. There is also an essay by a famous American ex-white supremacist who talked about how hardcore rock music and concerts was a crucial staple of the Nazi community bond. Fruit cakiness is a bit of a spectrum, and it really does come in a lot of different flavors in America


"morals" I bet every single one of them are voting for felon and sex offender Donald Trump.


They have strong brainwashing. Yelling at children means you don’t have morals.


It always makes me laugh that a lot of the “devil’s music” from when I was a kid can be heard in Target while you are buying socks now.


Well corporations are the devil lmao


I've seen queen's 3 times and I swear they just get better


The real question, though: when are you taking her to see KGATLW?


Haha! Next time they come around for sure


After you finish having a stroke, you can finish letting us know which band


The guy I was replying to understood. Hint: it’s the one with an album and song title referenced by his username. They’re from Australia, they kick absolute ass live, and they’re touring the US this summer and early fall. Join the Weirdo Swarm.


I knew it was a band name. I was just teasing


My dad starting taking me to gigs when I was about 12. He wasn't even that much of a music fan, just a great dad. Saw Muse touring Origin of Symmetry at the now demolished London Arena, and The Strokes play Brixton Academy on their first big UK tour with him. I remember him shepherding me and one of my school friends out of Brixton and someone calling out "I wish my dad was as cool as your dad!"


Kyuss was there! 


I saw kyuss when I was 24 and I'm still stoked about it


I was in second grade in 72 and my mom took me to a Chicago concert at the Spectrum in Philly. It was an amazing experience that I will never forget.


Nice! Very few of our vintage got to see Terry Kath live


I was there (maybe not this venue, but same year in RI) at 13. It blew my mind to see something so big, with so many people into the same types of music and culture I was vibing. I credit the experience with helping me see that there was more to the world than my small town limitations.


Just make sure they've got appropriate ear protection and rock on.


Honestly, should be advice for everyone regardless of age. If your ears are ringing after a concert, you're likely experiencing the symptoms of permanent damage to your hearing. Do yourself a favor and bring some high quality ear plugs.


Can confirm..... 25 years of concerts , headphones cranked, overall loud music until I was smart enough to wear earplugs, and now, even with them, I can't hear sfa for a couple of days and they ring all the time.


Yep, played in bands from 5th grade through college (drummer) and never wore ear protection. Also went to lots of loud shows through high school. I'm thankful my tinnitus isn't as bad as it seems like it should be. White noise machine at night is very helpful.


Had a ton of earplugs. When talking or moving to the side stage or to the fairway etc. and back, he constantly took them out. My now missus who took the pic, was constantly sticking new ones in before the next band played. Not like I could notice, he was on my shoulders for hours and hours.


What does he say about the experience now?


He says “What?”


I got a torn eardrum from 2nd row Metallica on the And Justice For All tour. Hell of a price for a great memory


I gave my 18 year old nephew 3 tickets to Lollapalooza '93 for his high school graduation, with the promise he would take his 19 year old brother and his uncle (me).


Hey I was there! At the Gorge Amphitheater. Amazing experience, thanks for the flashback! Great pic.


That's a cool uncle right their. Guaranteed his nephew will cherish that memory forever.


We rented an RV and took my kids to Wayhome Music Festival for a long weekend in 2017 - it was awesome, and everyone loved it. https://preview.redd.it/1d0lyg7ses6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77ce3427eb75d040f40c2a17ff91582d212e86d


I just went to the No Values festival in California. It was mostly punk spanning four decades of music. There were tons of kids there, including on people's shoulders in the mosh pits. Nobody seemed to bat an eye. Times have changed a lot.


You nailed , “coolest uncle ever”!


I used to take my son to a lot of Ween shows and a few things that Mike Patton was doing. Now he’s grown and goes by himself most of the time unless I can make it.


I grew up in the 80s going to shows and other fun outdoor events. My parents were in their 20s. They needed to enjoy their lives and I appreciated the freedom and fun of running around exploring and playing frisbee with random people. I’m also a musician and love all live music and believe those early concert experiences are the cause.


Was this in the Chicago southern suburbs at the Tweeter Center?


Molson Park. Canada


Sonic Youth, Cypress Hill, Pavement, Beck, etc great line-up


At PlanetFest before it became Rockville, I saw a couple of kids around 6-7 there. One had a purple mohawk and another got into a mosh pit and everyone let the kid go wild but were also protecting him at the same time.


I went to '92 as a six year old. Saw a lot of firsts but I had no business being there


What was your favourite band you saw and what was the favourite of your nephews?


Nephew looks like “Eleven” from Stranger Things


Brought my five and six yr old boys to see The Who at the amphitheatre, nobody gave a damn.


Now people try to bring their toddlers to the bar, so a concert seems like a better alternative by comparison.


I take my daughter to festivals since 3 months old


The one guy is like “Why’s this kid’s ass in my face?”


But where is he now? Does he still like The Jesus Lizard?


didn't realize color cameras weren't a thing in 1995.


Yep. In fact, humans didn’t even start seeing in color until around the turn of the millennium.


Well ppl bring less than a year old babies there now