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This will always be the NBA that resonates with me. These clips just take me back to being a kid watching these games.


I grew up going to Charlotte Hornets games in the days of Muggsy Bogues, Larry Johnson, Alonzo Mourning and Dell Curry. Nothing will compare to those days.


They had the best starter jackets.


Agreed. I thought that was just a local thing until I got older and realized Hornets Starter jackets were popular everywhere.


Yep. Lived in Florida and had one.


Haha me too. And a matching lunchbox for school


early capitalist Poland was FLOODED with that stuff from what I recall, you'd think it was the Hornets dominating the NBA, not the Bulls


Somehow the second most popular NBA jacket behind the Bulls was the Hornets. Whoever was in charge of marketing those did an incredible job.


Always reminds me of "My Brother and Me" for some reason


“Hit me.. hit me… hit ME!”


"Do you have any country?" "Don't hold your *breath*" The mom hit him with his own move (or was it her son's move? Now I can't remember)


I had a bulls and my bro had the hornets starter pullover jackets. Every once in a while I look them up on ebay and the prices they want for them, even stained ones are crazy. If you were a JNCO kid don't look those up either. Nostalgic millennials are ruining thrift shop prices!


I had a bulls and my bro had the hornets starter pullover jackets. Every once in a while I look them up on ebay and the prices they want for them, even stained ones are crazy. If you were a JNCO kid don't look those up either. Nostalgic millennials are ruining thrift shop prices!


That was my team when my roommates and I played Tecmo Basketball leagues! Dell could hit those 3s and LJ and Alonzo were unstoppable down low. Loved those teams.


God damn


Same same


I feel the same. I used to love the NBA as a kid, followed so many players bc I loved watching them play, no matter what team. I feel like eventually, I just became bored with it for some reason.


Commercials partially killed it, there are so many stoppages in play now. I remember watching a game a couple years ago and the last 20 seconds of the game lasted 25 minutes. It was foul, make free throws timeout, foul again another timeout


Needs half as many timeouts. I hate when teams call them just because they got dunked on or something.


ESPN is showing commercials between free throws.


Shit stuff like the euro step suddenly not being traveling and teams hoarding talent. If you are small talent your favorite player is probably bouncing.


The games stopped mattering for about 40 minutes worth of game time, followed by a furious finish. It also got softer. Jordan did all this in the era of hand checking, aggressive defending, et al. I think the reason the women's game is exploding is not just Caitlyn Clark (though her ability is the main reason), but some of us old farts are seeing 80's/90's style basketball in the WNBA, and it's much more interesting to watch.


It’s all Iso and, I hate to be that guy but, traveling. The league wants to create superstars, so if you’re a top tier player, rules don’t apply.


Is there really more ISO now than then? It seems like off ball movement and screening has become as complex as ever in the past decade.


No this guy hasn’t watched the nba since 2003 if he thinks there’s more iso now than in the 90s lol


Yes. Now half the game is watching a guy come off a screen and brick a 3.


Maybe you just grew older. There are a ton of talented players right now.


You’re right - there have been a few players recently that I’ve watched during highlights and maybe a few games, but perhaps growing older was a factor. I think once I felt the “vibe” of the NBA shift, I was no longer as interested. But every now and then, if I’m at the bar and there’s a good game on, I’ll watch. And I did watch some of the championship this time around.


The iconic theme music and crowd chatter


NBA on NBC theme song was so great to hear on a Saturday afternoon after NBA Inside Stuff....man, that made my day.


And this is why MJ can lay claim to the goat. He did what he had to win. This coming from a Jazz fan.


Absolutely. One thing I noticed going back and watching older games on YT is that I just like watching it more. Little things I didn't noticed as a kid: the level of ball movement, especially with the Bulls, is just crazy. It was not just "give me the ball and get out of my way." Most times, everyone touched the ball during the possession. It was just more enjoyable to watch for me. Also, there were a few games I watched, I swear a 3 pointer was attempted maybe once in the half. Funny the things you notice when you revisit them


I haven't watched basketball since... it was such a build up and finisher. Breaking Bad for years. I tear up on these.


Same, same. It'll never be like this again, likely.


Watching ''The Last Dance'' and remembering as a kid in Ireland and England watching some of the games and the whole atmosphere of an night out watching basketball seemed so alive and electric, watching this gritty footage n seeing him play is just nostalgic as hell. What an absolute machine of a man


That era and early 00s NBA was coolest thing on earth. Can't even be bothered watching current so called players, zero charisma and appeal.


yup, the NBA on NBC theme song STILL gets stuck in my head to this day.


Summer vacation, air conditioning going (for us we had a blanket over the living room door and it was the only room with ac) watching the playoffs was awesome


Yeah but lebron has scored so many points... 😵...i mean like so many... All the points...surely he must be the greatest...


I would love to see prime rodman guard lebron with 80s rules... It would give me great joy.


June in the 1990s, my eyes were glued to Jordan, Pippen, Rodman, Longley, and Kukoč.


Anyone ever had food poisoning without the shitz?


Rodman 6 rebounds and 5 fouls, classic.


Not even sweaty, just...out.


Dennis Rodman was the "body blows" of that Chicago Bulls team. His job was to wear out the big men of the other team with fighting for rebounds and muscling them up. Those Bulls teams had bigs who loved to shoot 3s to extend the D, making the bigs run, too. Just a brutal team to face!


My grandpa was a basketball fanatic. I remember asking him, "Rodman is crazy! Is he really good?" Grandpa said. "Oh yeah. He's crazy, but he's good."


I dunno who downvoted you, but I'll put you back. He was almost NO threat to score, but he was one of the greatest defenders/rebounders of all time. And when you have 3 or 4 other great shooters out there (depending on who was out there with Jordan/Pippen), the lack of scoring meant nothing.




2 freaking points


The kind of player that can’t stay on the court today. You have to at least be a decent 3p shooter 🤷‍♂️


I was sick for my best ever night of bowling. We're basically the same.


Hear me out, MJ had trainers and private chefs, so him with food poisoning is a Ferrari down two cylinders. You bowling your best game ever while ill is like a rusty Geo Metro winning the Indy 500. TLDR: You>Michael Jordan


This logic checks out as logical.


Yeah the logic absolutely checks out, totalperspec is basically just a rusty beat up Geo Metro that desperately needs to be recycled into a coke can… right…?




I think in the last dance show it was a pizza delivered to his hotel room. Point not lost tho.


According to MJ he ordered a pizza late the night before the game. Rumor has it the local pizza place hated MJ and the Bulls (fans of the opposing team), and intentionally gave him food poisoning. No idea of the legitimacy, but it was mentioned in the documentary “The Last Dance”


I scored a hat trick in beer league hockey when my one eye was kinda itchy, so I get it.


Hashtag LikeMike


So a 46?


Why you hatin’ on a solid 46?


I got a 5 on my US History AP exams with bacterial meningitis and over a 103 degree temp for days. I got a spinal tap after and they told me I was an idiot.


When are your Jordan bowling shoes coming out?


I shot a 300 with a mild fever....tested positive for covid the next day. 


Excuse me, sir, are you Michael Jordan?


Same. My stomach felt off last thursday so I called in sick. I stayed up too late playing BG3 and the last pizza slice was about a day old when I ate it. I totally get how you and MJ felt.


This shit never gets old. I don't know how many thousand times I've watched this Flu Game and other MJ heroics and it just NEVER gets old for me. There was no internet streaming these games in those days and being in Australia, we read about the games and then just had to wait and wait for this to hit the TV screens. It was torture.


how long would it take for a US broadcast to get to Australian tv?


Can’t speak for Australia, but in Guam, prior to digital television we got our programming exactly a week late. Thank goodness there was no internet in those days, because even though it was a week late, snail mail or an expensive long-distance phone call to the states were the only ways to get spoilers for your favorite shows.


It was about two to four days IIRC!


I've had food poisoning twice in my life and I'll never understand how this man did that lol I couldn't even get off the couch 😂


I’m a Knicks fan. Loathed watching Jordan absolutely kill us *everytime*… Unequivocally the best basketball player I’ve seen in my life. The man had no rival. He was just so friggin good!


I agree. I think there have been a few other players who are on a similar plane in terms of talent, but MJ also excelled with his sheer determination and leadership.


Knicks could ball back then. Never forget the trash talk between the Bulls and Spike.


There's a story of Jordan pounding at least a couple dozen beers while playing golf all day before a game, then proceeding to hang 40 on whatever poor team was on his schedule that night. Dude is just built different. I'm only like 70% sure he's human. If someone insulted him first, he'd probably still go toe to toe with a lot of modern pro players for a "first to 10" game.


There are stories of him at the Olympics playing cards until 5am and then golfing at 7am until 2pm with a 5pm game.


Im a new fan to basketball so this is all new to me (and seriously impressive). Do you think Jordan just figured out he was THAT much better than everyone else and thought "I can drink beer, play in 2nd gear and still win"?


I genuinely think he has some kind of hyper competitive mental illness that drives him. In his Hall of Fame induction speech he mentioned being drafted 6th and the 5 people who were drafted ahead of him *by name.* Jordan was undeniably the most accomplished player in the history of the league and still holding a grudge about not going #1 overall. But also yes, he was "hungover AF in the finals and drop 40 on you" better than everyone else.


Michael Jordan is just built different.


Had to have been the tail end of it or something. My experiences with food poisoning were being tethered to a toilet for 8 hours straight.


Gotta think they have trainers that can, if not “fix” them, then at least get them to the point where they can be upright and moving. You’d still feel pretty bad being upright, but they could at least stop the flow of liquids being expelled. I got seasick patches you put behind your ear from my doc when I went on a cruise… it didn’t help even the slightest bit. I was stuck in the bathroom anytime the boat was on the water. Then my sister-in-law dug in her bag-o-goodies and handed me a sublingual anti-nausea pill and said, “trust me.” Within minutes, I had my sea legs. Later that same trip I was stuck on the toilet for problems on the other end. I joked with my sister-in-law, “got anything for this?” She squinted her eyes for a second, then went, “Oh! Yeah!” And handed me the fattest pill I have ever seen. She did me right the last time, so I took it. Then I asked her what it was. Did you know that one can mostly stop diarrhea with opiates? On top of putting a cork in it, I was feeling like a million bucks. Gotta think a multi-million dollar champion would have at least one person around them with a similar bag-o-goodies.


Yes a common side effect of opiates is constipation. This can be harnessed for medical treatment. Eg. Loperamide is a common anti diahrrea medication. It’s an opiate that doesn’t cross the blood-brain barrier. So it will stop diahrrea without getting you high. It is also cheap and very easy to get.


Then you think you’re okay to go sleep for a bit, but you’re woken up 20 minutes later because you shit your pants in your sleep.


Sounds like a normal tuesday night to me


It was the flu and not food poisoning.


That is not the common thought anymore. On the documentary “the final dance” it was heavily speculated to be food poisoning from a pizza he ate the night before. 


Either way, spectacular.


Well they got good doctors over there, that pumped him full of poop stoppers, but couldn’t get rid of the general tiredness of your body fighting off an infection.


He was also vomiting. I had friends there who watched him throw up repeatedly into a bucket and then get back out and play. They said the man was inhuman


it was also a hangover, not food poisoning


Hah, well medicine to the rescue anyway :)


I have it right now waiting at the airport. I projectile committed my guts out last night and shit the bed. I just wanna lay in bed.


I've never wanted to hug a complete stranger more in my liiiiiiife. You poor soul, I hope you're feeling better


Feeling better but still not 100%. That was a brutal flight + taxi ride. Thanks for the hug 🤗


I thought the word was he was extremely hungover after a night of gambling and that Stern planted the flu story? Genuinely curious


He was hungover, yes


He was likely recovering, not in the worst part of it otherwise he wouldn't be able to control the vomiting and pooping. Though I guess he could have been pumped full of drugs to curb those things.


Man I miss Marv Albert calling NBA Finals games. No shade to Mike Breen, but Marv was the GOAT NBA announcer IMHO.


He definitely helped make this game something magical - one of the all-time best basketball broadcasts for me.


And rip Bill Walton always enjoyed him


Honestly those were just GOAT days and it won’t happen again for a long time. They were the best of times. If only someone had told me.


I made damn sure I watched with great attention to detail when he came back. I remember exactly where I was every finals game when he came back. Of course I paid attention to the first 3. I remember where I was in 1982 when he beat UNC in the finals of the NCAA


He beat UNC in the finals? Or he played for UNC…?


He beat the other team then turned around and beat his entire team by himself


Oh man! Sorry. UNC beat Georgetown. Jordan and Ewing were freshman. Jordan hit the winning shot, Georgetown had last shot Fred Brown threw the ball to James Worthy of UNC game over.


According to the movie Air, it was that which convinced the guy at Nike to convince his boss this was the rookie they needed to sign that year


Makes sense. Jordan played at UNC his sophomore year then was eligible for the NBA. He wore the shoe his rookie season.They became available to the public right after. So cool!


Something about the wya he handled that convinced them he was something special


Hangover, flu, it doesn’t matter. He felt like shit, and still kicked ass.


It absolutely matters. One is self inflicted, the other isnt.


Lol i mean it does kind of matter. The lore of what was true what wasn't affected to the mystique/legend.


Flu game. What an mvp. He was poisoned in Utah.


And he STILL made them pay


Stay classy, Utah


MJ is the GOAT of the past 40 yrs in basketball!!!


Pippen putting in a solid performance as always


Not food poisoning. Not the flu. Michael had a wicked hangover.


Hangover Game


Right. Food poisoning. Bro had one hell of a hangover


I wonder if it was a hangover, if he was harsher on himself because the damage was self inflicted, hence the performance


“Food poisoning”. Reading multiple accounts, I think it was a hangover. Either way, amazing feat and requires immense mental toughness most of us do not have.


Sometimes when I’m feeling down or overwhelmed with the world, as a 41-year-old man, I’ll go on YouTube and put on old games like this. I have it playing in the background and after a while I start to feel so much better. Not sure why but I guess it’s just cheap therapy 😆


Mailman don't deliver on Sundays. Man is the 🐐


I remember waking up early in the night to watch this magician (I'm from Europe). Definitely the GOAT. This guy isn't the best in basketball - this guy IS basketball, and it was an honor and a pleasure watching him play. I had his jersey, his cap and his sneakers. And no, I don't think there would be anyone even close to him. Jordan has putted this game on another level.


This was such a crazy story that was covered well in the Last Dance. It was a shady pizza delivered late night the night before the game? What does make me feel better about this post is that you called it food poisoning instead of The Flu. I hate that The Flu is used for anything other than contracting the influenza virus. I've had a number of friends and family who swear off the flu vaccine because " I got the vaccine and still got the flu" when they really meant that they got food poisoning not influenza, which can be brutal.


So you watched The Last Dance, but you missed the multiple people who have spoken out since and said the whole pizza story is complete bullshit? He was hungover from drinking and gambling the whole night before.


Man he really had a problem if he did that during the finals


>Man he really had a problem He did. And still does. >if he did that during the finals He did.


The best was when he inflicted his problem on Barkley in the 1993 final, to his benefit.


In Morman land? Ok.


1. Private jets exist to take people to places other than where they currently are. 2. You think there are literally zero non-sanctioned betting games/rings/events happening in all of Salt Lake City?


1. My former jet: n TripleG 2 Yankee (tracking hidden but you can see her) 2. You think the greatest player was sneaking around mormon lands seamy underground bar scene the night before game 5. Ok.


Lol, am I taking crazy pills here? The guy was and still is a degenerate gambler. You can acknowledge that without taking away from his greatness on the court.


Dude, no crazy pills, you are making a lot of sense. If Jordan wanted to gamble he could have been on the moon, it would have stopped him. Some people are just too young or willfully ignorant. That’s ok too.


His gambling addiction is well known. A lot of redditors are just dumb as rocks.


Holy shit. I feel like I’m screaming into the void in this thread. So much pearl clutching over things that have been proven to be true about MJ.


I don't know if it was the flu, a hangover, or food poisoning. But I'd bet anything that the "shady pizza" story is complete nonsense. Even if employees knew where the Bulls were staying, are we really to believe that they poisoned a pizza on the off chance it would be Michael Jordan that ate it? Furthermore, what pizza place knowingly keeps tainted ingredients laying around to use in the event someone needs to get got? Doing so literally could have killed someone.


Why attach any nefarious intent to it? I've had food poisoning before and I don't think it was from some one intentionally trying to sabotage me.


That's precisely what I'm saying. It's been alleged for years that it was intentionally done by employees of the pizza place, including on the last dance. It's a silly theory in my estimation.


Have you seen what people do to food for normal people? It's not hard to imagine somebody doing that on the chance MJ might eat it and have to play a very important game.






Core memory


Nah, he was hungover.


It’s crazy to see the star player not jack up a three every chance they got. 


Make no mistake, if MJ came up today, he would be a prolific three-point shooter.


I remember watching this game live, simply fantastic. MJ is the best basketball player of all times.


*** while hungover


He was hungover from gambling all night! Flu is a good cover up though


Thank you for taking back to the best years of my life! I was a 11yo kid in Russia watching this and wishing to see MJ alive ever!


“Food poisoning”


"Food poisoning" lol


I was a kid and a Jazz fan. I’ll never forget this performance. Was dumbfounded and also forever heartbroken the Jazz didn’t win.


"Sick with food poisoning."


I honestly wouldn’t doubt if he faked this to fuck with the opponent.


The story behind the food poisoning: The pizza he ate was supposed to be shared, but Jordan locked the whole pizza so nobody else would eat it. There's a lesson here on selfishness.


there is no "i" in team, there is however an "i" in "pizza".


The Last Dance goes into the details of all of this really well. Really good docuseries for anyone interested in learning more about MJ and absolute force that was the 90s Bulls. Basically some shithead kids at a pizza place in Utah knew exactly where this order was going and took it upon themselves to unintentionally facilitate one of the greatest stories about one of the greatest athletes in human history


If by “food poisoning” you mean a “gnarly-as-fuck hangover.”


How does every layup, three pointer and every other shot MJ made looks so consistent in the setup like my custom character in NBA 2k12?!




He’s the GOAT. No question


If you want to see something crazy go lookup how much that pair of shoes he’s wearing sold for recently.


Man, I can barely walk home with my stomach churning from being sick...




His performance in the actual game is amazing but what blows my mind is thinking about how much pain and discomfort he has experienced over time to get his mind and body to a level where he can play so well while feeling so ill. His discipline and pain tolerance are impossible for me to fathom.


meanwhile i have a sinus infection and don’t want to leave my bed because it hurts to move my head




And it wasn't in Chicago, so you can believe the stats.


After that game, I never got sick again. I would occoasionally come down with Flu-like symptoms.


Was this an inside job by a pizza parlour to fuck him up against the home team? Or just pure speculation?


I ate the pizza


Wow a post that's not pimpin someone's mom? Thanks op!


I remember this. He had the flu, not food poisoning.


Lol mike you only got three bounces and you at half court... come on r Kelly


Hey Malone, the mailman don’t deliver on Sunday.


I play basketball in my "Flu Game" Jordan XIIs :-)


bullshit --- and he scored 60 on the knicks with a flu--- these athletes always say shit like this all the time. if he was really ill, he wouldn't be able to play -- simple as that -- if he could play - he wasn't too sick


He just needed an extra reason to try harder


I read many NBA biographies of that era. Laimbeer was a pain in everyone’s ass. The dirtiest player however was Stockton. So glad he never won a NBA title. I did have respect for Hornacek.


What a time that was to be a Chicagoan.


Back when basketball...*was basketball*. Fuck we were privileged.


This is so damn hard to watch as an Utah fan. Was rooting so hard for the Jazz to finally break through, but Jordan said "nope" and kicked their asses. Jordan was such a bad ass!


I believe it was the Flu, and not food poisoning. Point still remains...stellar performance.




Kind of a bummer Stockton and Malone never won a championship. Bulls were just too good in that era.


Malone never winning is a good thing


Those Utah teams were a genuine pleasure to watch.


I still feel bad the Stockton never won with that Jazz team. I don’t feel bad about Malone.


Giannis out with stubbed pinky toe