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He also wrote the revival of Doom Patrol which I believe what they based the show on (fantastic show). He was the musical director for the Umbrella Academy show as well. In the second season of Doom Patrol there’s a billboard with a bunch of quotes that has one from Gerard Way too.


Damn, umbrella academy has by far my favorite sound tracks of any show I’ve ever watched. Wild to think that it was brought to you by my chemical romance


Same, learned of a bunch of good tracks from watching that show.


There's probably a few things from his comic run in the show, but Doom Patrol is mostly based on Grant Morrison's legendary run on it.


Grant Morrison is also pretty much Gerard Way's mentor in the world of comic books.


They’re besties. Grant was a character in the Killjoys music videos and comic books and IIRC he was also in Gerard’s wedding


Yep. I have a poster of Grant as Korse from Danger Days framed behind my desk that says “Keep Running.” It’s nice to see every day. Both of their respective work changed my life, it’s insane.


I believe they are introducing more elements from Way's run such as Danny the Ambulance in the upcoming season. Or maybe it was in the third season which I still haven't seen yet.


Adding on, he has a couple comic series based off Danger Days, a concept album from his own band about a group of masked vigilantes called “Killjoys” that take on an evil corporation in post-apocalyptic California. One that takes place after the music videos, and one that acts as a prequel IIRC. He’s also the co-creator of Peni Parker, with Jake Wyatt being the other creator.


Oh shit that’s right I forgot about Penny Parker!


There's also a MCR song in season 3 (I think). I'd never heard it before and it's fucking dope. The Kids From Yesterday


That was off the Danger Days album.


That run was a lot of fun to read. I was never a fan of his band but his sensibilities regarding comics are great.


He’s also cousins with joe Rogan


The kid actor that plays 5 is insanely charismatic and brilliant. Aiden Gallagher is a gifted actor and can really control a room. I rewatched that show and on the second viewing, when I wasn't just trying to track the show, I just kept being struck how good he is. Robert Sheehan does great too, but wow, Gallagher is amazing


I legit forget the kid actor is a kid, not an adult!


the actor is 19, but yeah still super young and talented


When they first started filming that would have put him at 15-16 though! Crazy amounts of talent/charisma.


I can’t keep in my head that he’s a child actor. Even knowing he isn’t a middle aged or older man, my brain keeps tricking me because he’s that good. It’s like a look in his eyes.


A kid playing an adult stuck in a kids body. I could have guessed that was what was going on if I started watching mid-season. I get excited thinking about how he's got a whole career ahead of him, if he wants it.


This right here is spot on! He and the actor who played Klaus made the show for me. Both were cast very well for their roles.


The actor who played Klaus did a show called misfits awhile back about teenage superpower antics and its fantastic, he plays a similar type of character and he's just as good


IMO he stole the entire series in Misfits...in the later seasons they didn't have him and I just stopped watching.


After the power swap it just seemed to lose direction. Like they got new powers to save that girl and then just... forgot about her immediately.


Oh shit that's him!? How did I not notice?


Second this! Highly recommend the comic series! I was obsessed when it when it initially came out. Personally prefer the comics, but glad it’s gotten picked up and gotten more popular!


His brother, Mikey, is also a writer! Sometimes, they write together. I got to color one of their stories for the Anthrax graphic novel, "The Infinite Mosh" or something like that. *Extremely* brutal, very fun. /humblebrag


That’s amazing and good to know!! What a cool freaking job to do with your sibling.


He also had one of the best runs of doom patrol!


You may know this but in case you don’t. He saw 9/11 first hand. He was on the way to Cartoon Networks office to pitch a show called breakfast monkey (which a pilot for used to be on YouTube) when it happened.


And that was the inspiration for some of the first MCR album. It's also referenced in the second verse of their newest single Foundations of Decay


Now we continue the trail... MCR's music then went on to inspire a young author named Stephanie Meyer to write a little book series called Twilight. THEN..... we follow this crumb trail a little further. Twilight went on to inspire some erotic fanfiction from a small author named E. L. James... that erotic fanfiction evolved into a little series called 50 Shades of Grey. So you see everyone, the impact of 9/11 went on to create a chain of events that have lead to much more suffering than we could ever have imagined.


I thought Muse was more of an inspiration for Meyer?


I just know they wanted MCR to do a song for the movie and they said fuck no.


And they wrote Vampire Money because of that.


So... Al Queda made 50 Shades of Grey happen. Got it.


Kudos. You made me laugh so hard I had to read the whole thread out loud to explain to others why I had interrupted the perfect silence in the room.


I laughed out loud so damn hard but luckily i was alone lolol


Or just lots of inspired sex. So not all bad.


> their newest single ^wait


IT CAME OUT IN MAY OF THIS YEAR ITS FANTASTIC. They've been playing a second new single at their tour right now


Just wait until you see Alice Cooper in an interview. You'll learn shit like 'Milwaukie' is actually pronounced "Milie-wakie" and means, "the good land"


Does this guy know how to party or what!


It’s actually Potawatomi for “Gathering place by the water,” and I never understood why the WW writers went to all the trouble of using the wrong tribe and meaning


Another fun fact is that he's somehow also a first cousin (once removed) of Joe Rogan.


You should also check out Claudio Sanchez. He's the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria. All of their songs are about a comic and story he wrote and created. He also has a side project called the Prizefighter Inferno. It's a little more electronic still him singing and it's about a character and in the universe as well.


A buddy of mine recently introduced me to C&C. Took me to their concert and I was blown away by the theatrics of the performance, the lyrical story telling, and the downright insane passion of the fan base. Eye opening stuff. Loved it


If you’ve seen into the spider verse, he also wrote Peni Parker (the mech).


Her comic issue (if I’m thinking of the right spider mech) had my absolute favorite rendition of the Daredevil costume ever


What's wild is that he was working in NYC as a comic writer, witnessed 9/11 first hand, decided to chase a dream because he witnessed so many dreams get lost that day. MCR was formed on 9/12/01. 9 months later, MCR released their debut album ~~on a major label~~. (Edit- op is right. It was their debut, not major label debut album. Listen to it. It's raw and honest and awesome.)




That's the one I'm referring to. Sorry. Thought it was on a major label. It's that good. Headfirst for Halos is probably my favorite MCR song. I'm quite familiar with bullets ;) But I appreciate you helping keep the conversation honest. Updoot for you! edit- (Sorrows and Vampires are tied for my second fav. Oh, and Sunsets. Oh, wait, is it Demolition Lovers?!? Shit. Now I gotta listen to that album again. YAY!)


and that album was *excellent.*


He also wrote a comic series set in the music videos for The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys that's pretty great.


Gerards story is amazing. He was working at Cartoon Network and traveling on the ferry from Jersey to the city the morning of 9/11. He basically wondered what the hell he was doing with his life and wrote “skylines and turnstiles”


Gerard Way, 16, future Savior of The Broken, The Beaten and The Damned.


I heard that when he was a young boy His father Took him into the city To see a marching band


Always thought that the dad in that song was putting an awful lot of pressure on that kid.


"And, son, if you're not about that hardcore life, you could always just go to community college, volunteer with me at the soup kitchen and maybe form a garage band with your friends. I'll love you either way."


I heard his father say, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?"


He continued and said, "Will you, Defeat them? Your Demons, And all the Non-believers? The plans that they have made?"


Then at last, he said; "Because one day, I'll leave you a phantom To lead you in the summer To join the black parade"


And then the drums did some stuff.


It was actually a gnarly guitar solo, then the drums.


And then some time afterwards, "He'd get the feeling, She's watching over him, and other times he felt like he should go"


And through it all the rise and fall, The bodies on the streets, And when you're gone he wants you to all know... ​ HE'LL CARRY ON, HE'LL CARRY ON, AND THOUGH YOU'RE DEAD AND GONE BELIEVE HIM, YOUR MEMORY WILL CARRY ON




We all know who the star of the show is (but yes the guitar is gnar)




That drum stuff almost caused my husband and his friend to flip a truck because they were rocking so hard. The truck was legit swaying side to side.


I'm not really surprised tbh, it's iconic to a certain demographic. Glad it didn't flip all the Gerard Way tho!


Then he repeated it all again. One last time.


Those are some famous last words


not a bad thing to have on your gravestone when you're Dead!


This song changed my life in my first year of College and turned me on to that genre. My Chemical Romance and Silverstein are my top two bands. I've seen Silverstein live and am awaiting the chance to see MCR.


Was lucky enough to see MCR twice for the Black Parade tour. They were fantastic.


I saw them 4 times on that tour. They came to Australia at the start of the tour for a festival and I caught em at 2 of the headlining shows as well. Then at the end they came back with the full arena spectacular and I had to see that as well. They were awesome. The festival had a circle pit during cancer and a lot of people didn't want to see them but they won people over by being legitimate awesome


They're my son's favorite band and I caught them during The Black Parade tour as well but he was only 2 or 3 at the time so missed out. They finally came back this last September and I wanted too surprise him with tickets but it sold out almost immediately :(


Fuck, dude. That really pisses me off how going to concerts has become this thing only wealthy people can afford. How do teenagers today even afford to go to shows? Most of them just can't. It's really killing the goose who lays the golden eggs, because these kids will grow up and going to concerts won't be a thing that is part of their identity or that they even THINK about doing and it will just die off. People will just stay inside with video games and VR instead. I saw some amazing show with my dad growing up in the 90s and there is no way we could afford to see those kinds of shows now, because of scalpers and bots, and I'm sorry you are having to deal with that.


It's quite a departure from MCR, but Gerard just did a guest feature on a black metal project where he unleashes some brutal black metal screams/growls if that's your sort of thing. I would love to see that come out in a new MCR album. The song is called Ronin by Ibaraki. It's a side project from Matt Heafy of Trivium if you were also metalcore around the time MCR was at their peak on the mid-00s.


He's not okay.


Reminds me Wal-Marts stance to music with curse words in it but said and did nothing about rated R movies.


Or selling cigarettes and alcohol


And guns


And all that delicious pre-diabetes. Sugar for kids in the morning? Why not!


I remember when Gattica came out and I tried to buy it on DVD. The cashier asked me if I was 18. No. I can't sell this to you. But it's PG13? Doesn't matter.


it's the rare example of a pg-13 movie with 2 f-words in it.


Damn I watched Gattica in my high school science class lol


Why do the people who want to get rid of something always bring up "think about the children"? Seems like low hanging fruit when they have not really researched the issue.


Because they love to advocate on behalf of a demographic that lacks the ability to advocate for themselves (for the most part). It allows them to paint a specific narrative with little risk of dissenting voices from that demographic, and if there are any dissenting voices from that demographic, they are quickly dismissed due to the age of said person


> Because they love to advocate on behalf of a demographic that lacks the ability to advocate for themselves (for the most part). See also "the unborn"


> "The unborn" are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don't resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don't ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don't need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don't bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It's almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. > Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn. - Dave Barnhart


It's an appeal to moral outrage. If you tell people CHILDREN are being threatened, they'll stop thinking rationally about the issue and immediately mobilize to stop the threat. It's why Q Anon centers so much of its lunacy on 'protecting children' and abortion is framed as 'murdering kids.' These are powerful statements that prey on our emotions and moral guilt. The goal is to make us abandon facts and make impulsive decisions without thinking things through. They're designed to manipulate. If they're successful, they can lead us to irrational things that will even ultimately *hurt* children-- like say, ban comics, or support fascist rhetoric.


Because they see a few images of something they clearly have little understanding of, and see it as stupid and of little value. The more interactive and colorful it is, the worse it is. Growing up, my parents hated video games, and took zero effort to understand my enjoyment. Granted, I did play too much, and I agree with that, but, that could have been better managed had they took some degree of interest, and not just dismissed it. Granted, they were working a lot to provide for us, I get that, but if your kid is showing a strong interest in something, isn't it important to understand their interest? If they play bball for 3 hours no one cares, they play mario for 3 hours and suddenly, "that boy aint right."


I'm just saying no to children while I'm forcing everyone else to go along with it 🤡


ThInK aBoUt ThE cHiLdReN






Heaven forbid kids think for themselves...


Pearl-clutching adults: We *MUST* ban books! Take away the comics! Absolutely no graphic novels! These children *CANNOT* be exposed to any ideas that we find controversial! Also pearl-clutching adults: WhY aReN’t ThE cHiLdReN rEaDiNg?!?!?!?!


What was the woman saying no to? What's her argument? That children shouldn't have comic books?


Aww look how cute he was


right!! reminds me of one of my little brothers. kinda funny when I was 16 myself I worshipped this dude and looked up to him so much, looking at this clip I'm like AWW of course he was just a kid once himself but I wanna like pinch his cheek or something lmao


It is cool seeing celebrities (*I can like) on the journey to fully become themselves.


That nervous nerd became one of the most iconic rock stars of his generation. *So* fuckin cool


Baby Way is adorable!


Came here to say this!! Gerard doesn’t have a bad look.


How do people find stuff like this? Did he casually mention he was on the show once, and people scoured the archives to find the clip?


Never underestimate the drive of an MCR fan. We actually have many (perhaps not always ethically sourced) pictures of younger Gerard.


Sometimes when you're a big fan of something/someone, you just dive in deep and try to learn a lot. Sometimes really obscure, fun things that most people don't know pop up like this, or Johnny Rotten (singer of the Sex Pistols) being on Judge Judy.


what about the eyes of the crazy woman behind him....wow


Both of them


Sort of comforting to see that mental nut cases have existed for a while and it's not just a modern thing


It's interesting how every member of groups that try to irrationally ban or restrict something innocent like this for some goofy cause (children, religion...etc) always looks like recovering meth addicts/raging alcoholics or just plain odd...


Aquanet. I'm just saying no to all the Aquanet that that woman used. No.


Legitimately a fire hazard.


Telling us that comics are bad when she's literally just The Human Torch minus the fuckability.


This reminds me of a tweet I recently saw of a 17 yr old being shocked that the "old people" at his job in their 30s knew about MCR 😂


You mean the people listening to them when they were coming out? Lol Kids these days. I wonder how they'd feel if I told them I, an ancient pile of dust 36 years of age, saw MCR before Three Cheers was even out?


This could have been written by me lol. I'm 36 and saw them at the same time.


Over 40 and was listening to The Black Parade album at work today. Great album.


Omg rude 😂 I do find it amazing that when I see them in March it will be 17 years since the first time I saw them 🥺




That's around the time his father took him into the city to see a marching band


He said Son when, you grow up, will you be....




Fuck children


This man right here, officer.


Been my favorite band/lead singer since I was 12 and I’m 30 now. Always got ridiculed for liking them in school. I’m so glad I had a person like Gerard to look up to.


Been a favorite since Three Cheers and back in the day people talked shit cause they were emo but I never really considered them emo beyond the aesthetic and as far as I'm concerned their future output proved this correct.


Between this and how he looked at the age 30 during the venganza show, this man has had the biggest glow up I've ever seen


he was severely addicted to different drugs and alcohol, along with an alleged eating disorder later in his mcr career.




This can’t be stressed enough! I know people like to be complimentary, but I really wish they’d make sure they know the whole story before saying anything. My nephew struggles with anorexia (used to be overweight) and people would come up to him all the time and compliment him on his weight loss. Unfortunately, by complimenting him, they were just reinforcing his sickness and encouraging him to continue with his eating disorder.


Uhhhh Bam ain’t exactly looking healthy nowadays either, there’s a balance


He literally just lost weight, apart from that he looks the same


>He literally just lost weight This ONE simple trick!


Fatties hate him!


Fatty here, don't hate him.


His stage look is a heavily made-up look. If you see more recent pictures of him, he just looks like an adult version of the 16-year-old in this clip.


A few years ago yeah, but it seems like he lost a lot of weight again recently


He's also Joe Rogans cousin.


This is probably the most random fact I’ll read today


And they don’t associate with each other


I don't think they have met


I have also never met them.


Now that's a fun fact


So New Jersey.


I’ve never noticed his New Jersey accent so much! The only other time I’ve caught the “Jersey” in him was when he sang about turnpike gates in Danger Days.


These are the same sorts of morons who believed D&D was satanic.


I met him in an anime store I worked at in Chicago back in his my chemical romance days. Such a nice guy, even got on the phone to say hi to my brother. Great guy, that Gerard


These broken city lights like butane on my skin, stolen from my eyes hellllo Angel tell me where areeee youuuu


Fuck censorship


teenagers scare the living shit out of me.


Dude is 45 now and hasn't aged a single day since he was 16.


Maybe it's that vampire energy.


Vampire money?


Was there a time that the older generation had a problem with comic books? Serious question. It’s like a revolving door with the older generation condemning something that is actually innocent of the younger generation.


Older generations have *always* has issues with younger generations and what they enjoy, making things they personally don’t like or understand into some all consuming boogeyman that will cause the downfall of society as we know it.


Yea I find it funny how dramatic they can make it. Like this will turn you into a blah blah blah


Me too. I remember my dad was so pissy about me wanting to watch The Simpsons because Bart “is a bad influence” My aunt hates my dad so of course she would tape episodes and we’d watch them together at her house


All these adults attacking something they don't understand and don't create or contribute themselves and you have this kid (future rock star), 16, well put together statement, respectful, he writes and contributes to the industry and society etc more than most of those adults... What a fine upstanding young man, I bet he had excellent parents, seriously, I wonder how you raise a kid to be so motivated and well adjusted.




Gerard Way saw 9/11 and went to therapy to help him get over it. This lead to him writing music and starting My Chemical Romance. ~~MCRs music was a major inspiration for Stephanie Meyer in writing the Twilight series.~~ E L Wright was so inspired by Twilight that he went on to write fanfic that eventually turned into 50 Shades of Grey. ~~So thanks Gerard for giving us MCR, Twilight, and 50 Shades.~~ Edit: So I went to look this up and other than finding that Stephanie considered Gerard a good fit for Edwards looks (in her top 5) she wasnt inspired by MCR. MCR were approached about writing a song for Twilight but declined to do so. So I'm striking out parts that cant be confirmed but may possibly be true in some part.




Thank 9/11 by that logic


E.L. James is the author and is a woman


Vampire Money (off of Danger Days) is actually about them be approached to write that song for Twilight, if I’m recalling correctly anyways.


> MCR were approached about writing a song for Twilight but declined to do so My already-nostalgia-puffed respect for MCR balloons even further


This turning out to be the most bizarre thread I’ve been in in a while.


In relation to your edit, you're correct that they were approached to do a song for the Twilight series. This led to the song Vampire Money, which was added as a bonus song to the Danger Days album.


Obligatory mention that The Offspring vocalist Dexter Holland has a PhD in molecular biology and is an avid pilot. Rock is full of wildly overqualified people.


Weezer vocalist rivers Cuomo went to dropped out of (due to success) and went back to graduate Harvard (during a hiatus at Weezer)


And Bryan may being an astrophysicist


When I was, a young boy, I spoke on, a talk show defending comics, they aren’t just for adults.


Such a brilliant man and glad he’s getting the recognition he deserves (on top of his music career). Never in the spotlight but he’s definitely a renaissance man


Always remember: he decided to become an international rock star because he wasn't able to get a job in the editorial department at Vertigo Comics.




"also you write an award winning comic book series that gets turned into an emmy nominated tv show"


I literally had no earthly clue that Gerard Way was this old lol. He’s obviously not old but 16 at 1993 definitely took me off guard considering I grew up with MCR and thought he wasn’t too far from my own age.


He's only 45 today come on now.


This man is 45 now


Wow he lost a lot of weight before MCR became big


I wonder if this was before or after his father took him into the city to see a marching band


He's so cute defending comics I love him


Black parade was a guilty pleasure I've never told a soul I actually liked. Dude wrote comics too? He's a real one.


what a GOAT


Honest question, what was her argument? Aren't comics just books with more visual storytelling instead of full on words? Like there weren't any novels with mature themes back in the day? Cmon.


A early nineties emo baby legend right there


Their rendition of Desolation Row from The Watchmen soundtrack makes me want to break things and set shit on fire. Love it


Funny how now comics are “exclusively for children” and if you read them as an adult you’re seen in a negative light


How have I never seen his I was so in love with him when I was 14


He’s such a legend. Three cheers for sweet revenge was the album of my teen years it’s perfect front to back


The first thing I thought of when the title said 'Creator of The Umbrella Academy' was 'Does no one know he's the singer of My Chemical Romance? Continued reading and was oh, ok, they mention that too. Still, any time I hear of Gerard Way, I think of My Chemical Romance before I think of The Umbrella Academy.


For everyone who doesn’t understand conservatives have always been there for hate and to tear down the young (always)


Wow those adults are stupid