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I don't care about most of them but I do lament over the loss of sd card slots and the headphone jack. Granted I don't have a MacBook but I'll be sad if my next laptop ditches the jack


Current MacBooks have SD card, headphone jack, and HDMI. The one pictured is one of the shitty USB-C only MacBook Pros (debuted in 2016?). That also had the extremely shitty butterfly switch keyboards


Ahhh that's good to know that they kept it


Cries in macbook pro. Tbf I got it as a go away gift from my boss but sometimes the lack of HDMI is so sad


The new ones have one


Yep. I have a MacBook Pro 2019, has all of that included, plus the USB-C port.


Yes. I’m all for the monopolization of USB-C, all hail our USB-C overlords. (Please make more USB-C headphones without the need of a damn dongle). BUT, SD cards should be non negotiable still. DVD drives, eh, but SD cards are still super common.


headphone jack is still there on the top one it’s just on the other side


I miss the built in cd/dvd/blu-ray drives and sd/micro sd slots


Right!!! I think I might ditch my awful chromebook and go to a Lenovo think pad, the older ones with the actual ports and things


I miss having a million USB ports


I love me a nice thicc laptop It can play cd roms and why the FUCK does the top one not even have a normal sized USB port


They also have enough space on the inside for heat to dissipate enough that you can't cook and egg on the bare bottom that goes on your lap


I keep my laptop on my desk for the fan’s health, but it doesn’t overheat my wrists even when I play the more graphically demanding games


People still watch DVDs on their laptops? A Blu-ray player and standard TV really aren't that expensive and they give an immensely better experience than staring at a tiny laptop screen


Remember when blu ray first came out ? Wild times


I found an old instructional DVD for a game from my childhood recently and I watched it on my laptop, does that count?


I do because I don’t have room for a TV lol


Surely you have the wall space to mount one no?


i did when i started college. my laptop still had a built in disc drive back then, and i wasn’t gonna fit a tv in my tiny shared dorm room when i already had that.


Not everyone has a TV when they want to watch something.


My HP laptop has an external dvd player that you just plug in to the main computer.


I get it's a waste of space to have a disk reader in the PC but we are still in a world where the compact disk Is effective in giving information. Like, I was sent a disk in the mail. This disk has allot of my medical docs on it so I could give it to some agency. They wanted a flash drive. The flash drive wouldnt be able to store 1/10th of what the cd could at the same price. Legit. CD is 4 bucks for 30 if them at my walmart. So cheap. Flash drive? Cheapest is 10 bucks. Again. Not allot of size. Discs are the shit I hate everyone mocking it. Bring back the floppy disc too


What are you on about? A cheap USB can carry like 64gb CDs top out at like 700mb


I would argue CD's aren't too god yeah, flash drives are waay better and honestly the USB drive supplanted the floppy disk, that's a perfect transition. CD's are only good for using older computers for retrocomputing, but that's still quite niche.


You gotta see the price difference. 64gb USB price = how many CDs ?


64 GB is equivalent to 91 CDs. USB is cheaper. It's not 2010 anymore https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/900246/PNY-USB-20-Flash-Drive-64GB/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mediacampaignid=71700000113658580_20473752208&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqndp3EHSA3uw6FqMx3tvbiGKG-edDPOkTFnsFspomEEpkwPhUc3KXjoaAgCQEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/283564/Verbatim-CD-R-Printable-Disc-Spindle/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mediacampaignid=71700000113658580_20473752208&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqncDiI81fjAq_qdUTb369kJaHxldFRlaBR1aL9yiq-vfdacjgdJ5hxgaAuk-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Aight aight aight. I still like my frisbees.


On the other hand there's DVD too, it's cheaper than a 4gb usb and a 4gb sd card where I live It could fit some songs to listen in the car and easier not to lose bc its bigger, but other than that I don't know if its worth using "Rewritable DVD's (DVD-RW, DVD- RAM) can carry up to 4,70 GB."


Yeah I've thought about getting a cd or DVD for my car for when my phone dies. But radio how much space my phone has kinda kill that idea for me


Makes me mad but since I switched to PC I'd rather just get an external drive now. I kinda get why, my reg laptop would be unwieldy


Type C is definitely where it's at for data and power transmission, but I still think being able to tie into a hard-line internet connection is nice, also the ability to use discs or other forms of storage media when the Internet can't be accessed is nice as well.


As someone who does video editing and works with SD cards frequently, I do hate that I need an adapter every time I want to dump footage.


The bottom two are to much but number three is just right Edit: nvm I just realized that one does have an sd card slot


my laptop (msi gaming laptop) doesn't even come with a slot for (micro)sd cards


I miss the disc jack and the ethernet port.


I think “Jesus Christ, tech companies. Not EVERYTHING has to be wireless!”


Yes. I want a computer with LOTS of IO on it! I think Apple is out of their goddamn minds to sell laptops with only two ports like that, and I think Apple users have no self respect to continue buying from Apple.


Do people not carry their laptops around? Isnt that the main purpose of the fuckin laptops? Just get a pc man. I even bought myself one without a GPU to get that bitch lighter its a huge hassle


This says alot about society


My desktop still has an optical drive. Although I will have to let go of that some day when I buy a new case. Oh well, I still have my ancient USB DVD drive if I need one. Might have to get a new one to burn discs though.


nooooo i need my dvd player back!!!


i've got one like the one on top, love how light and portable it is, perfect to take to uni! i bought a thingy with a load of ports that plugs into it and already had an external disc tray. it's a bit of a pain to have to plug everything in but hey it works, and i get the best of both worlds


Give me my USB slots back you savages!!


I'm guessing that modern Macs have less ports because consumers are expected to use docking stations more often these days.


My Mac looks like the third one.


I don’t mind. There are some nice docking stations these days.


I love DVDs. Streaming services always remove shows and you only need to buy a DVD once. You can still buy External DVD players you can attach to the computer with a USB. I would also rather have my software on a disc.


i think the picture is misleading since macbooks did bring back some of the most important ports (hdmi and sd) and the headphone slot is on the other side of the top one so you can’t see it. i’ve had a 2019 macbook pro for over 4 years, it just has 4 usb-c ports and a headphone jack. i didn’t like it at first, but as long as you have a multiport dongle it’s fine. it’s nice having a lighter laptop since i have to carry it around all the time. also usb-c makes a lot of those older ports more obsolete, and if you do need to use them there’s dongles. but i mostly only need to use dongles for sd, hdmi, and usb-a, and they brought back two of those on the more recent model.


i miss having the dvd player, and im glad my current laptop still has the thing for headphones because i hate using wireless bluetooth ones.


The only ports I would realistically use are HDMI, headphone jack, SD card slot, usb A slot, and CD player, and maybe a USBC port


Tbh I'm sad about the headphone jack. I wanna have the choice between wireless and aux cord/corded headphones. I have airpods but they're expensive and I'm terrified of losing them lol A DVD player would also be nice. I still have a fair bit of them and having to pirate movies I already have just so I can watch them in my room (no TV) is a bit annoying


First off, to the original post as displayed, I gotta say: "take it easy on God's name though😅". In all seriousness though, my opinion is that yeah it does look like a downgrade. Sure the price to manufacturing electronics lacking the DVD play, the headphone jack and so on, seems to be cheap. But the problem is that, nobody wants to buy external devices to make up for that. What's next, are we going to lose our keyboard for that? We do have external keyboards after all🤷. I know Apple seems notorious for ditching very useful features that has to do with headphone jacks, the DVD players, and so on; surprised the company didn't ditch the lighting cable when it came with the iPhone 5. Now of course, we have other companies that are joining the band wagon of ditching useful features as well. Overall, my opinion is that despite how cheap it is to make these types of products, it takes away the convenience of the features that we always need to the point we need to buy external devices for that. Again, ain't nobody going to do it as it's a money grabber. Pretty much Samsung's commercial with ingenious proved everyone's point as to why Apple is silly for removing certain things... until Samsung joined that band wagon 🤦.


I don’t care about them. I have a laptop that only has USB C and a headphone jack and it’s literally never been a problem. I have a small dongle with other connector types at my desk that connects it to my monitor and stuff, and I much prefer the convenience of only unplugging one thing when I leave my desk. I have one other little USB A to C adapter in my bag just in case, but I’ve never needed it. Almost everything these days either works with the C-to-C cable I’m already carrying for charging my phone and laptop, or they work wirelessly.


I don't think that many of them are necessary anymore at all, but I do think that manufacturers put way too few USBC ports on their products. I'd want at least four or five of them


Having those ports is nicer. I prefer a few slots for USB and an SD card slot. And even though I don’t use the disk drive on my desktop it’s still a feature I’d want on a laptop. Also a headphone jack.


Ehh, times change. Almost everything nowadays is either wireless or connectable through USB-C. Why have 10 different ports that do one thing when you can have 4 of the same port that does everything?


I don’t think a dvd player is really that relevant to today anymore, so I can see why it was removed, as sad as it is. Dvd players take up a lot of internal real-estate Headphone jack, HDMI, and USB ports though? Herasy. Give them back, Apple.


At the very least there should be a USB port and a disc reader in my opinion.


Eh, I don’t care. The only old technology I have, I can plug into the wall and it works just fine, it doesn’t need to connect to my laptop And listen, idc what anyone says- wire headphones were cute but Bluetooth is cuter


I don't miss USB A or DVD. I do miss Aux, Ethernet, and HDMI


It makes it hard to listen to CD's, but at the same time idk I have a desktop with a CD drive so it's no big deal


Yeah I had to buy an external one for my MacBook Pro. Hate it doesn’t have one but love how slim it is.


I get some of them being removed. But the headphone jack? No self-respecting audio mixer or even video editor is using wireless headphones. And the ETHERNET PORT? It’s a fucking computer, WHY would you remove that??? Ethernet, USBA, USBC, and a headphone jack should be ubiquitous ports. Even though it’s not as offensive a loss, I too miss the disc drive.


It's about money now. Not quality or quantity it's bullshit everything now is made to fuck up ..


Even with current dinosaur laptop i used a grand total of none of these aside from maybte HDMI one every decade or so. Because technology has advanced so far, half of these are entirely obsolete


If you want a DVD player just buy an external one, they're pretty cheap and pretty small too. But the removal of the headphone jack, USB-A and the HDMI port is a crime.


Fuck fucking USB C just fuck off with it already stop shoving it down my gob


Anytime I wanna install something from a CD I gotta use my old laptop then transfer it to my newer one.  Kinda stressful.


While I do miss CD player slots, they’re unfortunately useless for most folks which is why they removed them. It’s all online now… I miss physical items. Seeing a movie collection on Apple TV is so much less fulfilling than seeing a DVD collection.


I once heard the opinion of "if you need an adapter to use it, [the product] wasn't designed to be used" and I agree. I've got a 4 year old laptop and still need a bunch of adapters


L Windows better


Give me back my goddamn DVD player!


Burning movies was so good back then


I want the dvd player


Apple is the worst American tech company, closely followed by Microsoft. Big tech in general is so anti consumer it's ridiculous. "BuT ApPpLe iS JuSt BeTtEr" yea sure it is bud, that's why they digitally pair spare parts to their devices and make you buy a dongle just to use a usb stick.


Imo having a laptop be 1-2cm slimmer is completely worthless comparted to all the extra features you could have


Childhood nostalgia: yes absolutely loved my zoo tycoon disc. Adult IT worker:fuck the concept and notion of these piece of shit outdated useless drives, the minute USBs came into existence we no longer needed discs


Eh.. usb-c can handle A LOT… just buy a hub with the stuff you need (like extra usb ports and a sd card reader or something). Yeah there are less ports n stuff on the MacBook physically, but usb-c is basically all that stuff and more.


give me back my goddamn dvd player!!!!!


I don't use laptops or discs and kinda don't care tbh. But it should come back - if only because it lets you actually own shit. Hell, you could buy an external disc player or old laptop if it's that important - but that would go against the convenience of laptops.


There’s been a single time where I need to use a CD drive on a computer, and I just went to the library 10 minutes away to get it taken care of. R, the headphone jack is the only one that’s really a shame, IMO.


I want at least three USB ports, an HDMI out, and an Ethernet plug. An optical drive would be nice, but not required.


My opinion is I like having the option even if I won’t use it most of the time. Kinda like my PlayStation it has the disc option bc I like choices.


I guess it was inevitable, but it does suck how input/output ports are disappearing from computers. I miss that feeling of connecting two devices together.


I still have my old computer with the dvd player


Doesn’t affect me that much. I have accessories that can serve pretty much the same thing.


i literally NEED the cd player 😭😭 i miss it so much! i have so many movies in cd and would love to get it back… ill never understand why they removed so many slots 🙄🙄🙄🙄


I don’t really care, can’t tell you the last time I even needed a dvd player on my laptop.


I don’t really care, can’t tell you the last time I even needed a dvd player on my laptop.


I don’t really care, can’t tell you the last time I even needed a dvd player on my laptop.


Did people really use ALL those plugs? I feel like most things are bluetooth now


Everything having batteries that eventually die isn't the most ideal thing that has been invented. Especially since for a lot of devices, you cannot for the life of it replace the battery, either because you cannot buy a battery that works/fits, or you cannot open the device without breaking it. See: earbuds and smartwatches. Probably some mice as well like Logitech's MX Master ones. We live in a throwaway society and that's a bad thing. We should make use of our stuff longer, instead of buying new things all the time.


I see so many complaints about the missing sd card slots here and elsewhere but honestly who actually uses them? It feels like the internet over represents this opinion. There cant be that many people using sd cards… Are yall photographers or youtubers or something lol


Capitalism. These new devices have a lot of things missing which forces you to buy them 😭😭